Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 23 Jul 1966, p. 6

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psycholo 51 were in give housewlves word Association test ed probably find most of us have yrefly good normalresponsesto common words nu WA mmmi Indpad nl respond preuy goon mummymuwrw except for the word summerlfl Insiead of respond lng with woxds like hot swimming or vacation many of us wguld any ylaundyy Hed probably wonder abort that one and nol doubt thnk we were suffering from some kind of phobln But nctuallylts nonnalresponse The psydrologlst may not have solution to our problem but there are practical ways to make the outer Lets talk about ways and means of cut down on the slze of the loads and the aftermath Ironlng Why not let the little ones romp argund ln lhorta only They really dont need shirt or jep Too sandals without such keep tee cool md om lnate the necessity ol washl socks As for drcwler cottons the addition of starch helps clothes to stay resher longer On at the added tortures ot summertime washing Is the presence of all sorts of stains on clothes We hope you havent been spending your time scrubbing needlessly and than finding the stains are still there Gm stains can be taken care of easily on white mt tons Ind linens by using bleach followed by washin In hot wnter and snag For other washable fabrics an colored cottons use ydrngen peroxide Then launder in warm water and soap One the delights of summer is availability of flesh fruit But it can create staining problem Fruit min must be removed before washing On white cotton and linens pour boiling water over the stnin It the stain remains work zcedne into the staln by rubbing lightly between Ingers Ibllow with hot water and soap Use cool water to lgonge the stain on colored cottons and other wash les followed by the glycerine treatment but wash tn warm onpy water Ivory chlld loves lce cream and the consumption of this delicacy doubles ln summer 50 do the stains lo soak out the protein let the clothing stand in cool soapy waler before washing in hot soapy water The nme rule follows for colored clothes except that they are laundered in warm soapy water Well that wlnds up the helpful hlnts on washing but what about ironlng Use drip dry clothing as much as possible or cotton jerseys that really dont requirefipfessing Prom dlflrlbuvlon of moisture through clolhln nukes nlng easier and helps to avoid crease Lha wont iron out As soon as you have dampened your clothes put them in large Elastic bag close the bag whh twisionlio and let hole thing stand for An hour or two you cant flnlsh the Ironlng job in one hession dont worry about mfldew Reclose the bag with the twistowe Ind put the whole thing In the fridge untll youn mdy for It The plastic bag keeps food odor out of tho clothing nnd prevents mildew too W0 hope youll try these washday hints Perhaps I10 next lime someone says summer to you your response will be easy psychologist may not un demand but the rest of the gals wilL Ill nu Inn to mm mm mm any hum lam mm In MluUm MM In pul unn woyi 0M Mmu um mum and lhll uuMmlnl um mm Mum mu Io dml all In mun will IM up rle mi ml IMO All In IN rm vimpl mi ml mm 111an bl um mm lnr the maulHon mun an nul dry wmid runny noleM um hoan In In luvHy rhrlu IMQ umun Nvlp Wmvl uh uh Prvvllrvl Mninl Irv mum wml PartTime Employment Fills Homemakers Need wcu nmnmn uy IOIIMTA HOTJCH mum EXAMINER smmnn Myra nu SKIRTING if THE BAY By EILEEN DIXON dam In owlmm nwy In mum mwuuan Mn Mm mm mm krhlnd mu Mun dun Hu meuh MMWI IL 51w um ml mm nu mum wa um m1ir In mtuunn In rm muml Momma pm Im worklnl MM lnml ALL 10me hmi m3 II Wur Infl rky drum hul MannyI by Ih nnl im in IIan My lhe hmmdla mow Ivy ulflnl Itnl all and Imnmlu mun whinHiIn Hml mu mm Mgm 3h fdmnikv in axiviwu Awmuu Ihflflll hiqu hula imMlnIyy mm mm in we bur Ann hndem ha mule who want In con man on um letter from Mom whose Ilmnwiilled dauzhlzr was dating hay mm the wrong 11d of the Inc as lhe put It When Mom asked on whit to do with ma unb hm knaw right than they yin hnpglen gas dont pmni miizu that lighting with their kids never Accnmpiixhed Anything it nniy make kidl morn deierminzd lo luvs their own my There must he love and respect on both nidexi parent want their chil dren to rupee them they must respect their children Yziiing hitting and namuniiing does not enema uch rupee irgm Inybody mu nonm KELL MI and Min Mamm Many name aw Ihow as year dllzd boy my talk didnt like very well They never told ml couldnt with hlm They wen polue Ind ylenunl and pretty loan un derstand why folk didnt em much or flu boy Ilop jug with him hop you will write iii thll Marja 1933111 be 2110th lo prlnl my lm perm to leanage to get our lld presumed Thank yamNurmnl Dear Notmll wouldnl change wnrd n1 ynur Idler It 11m just It you won 011 In an Nllfinl Fmflhh Muman Rn what In In mm um In HM nul Mm In Im lunm v1 1w Mm Aml lhm munI In 95 In wnykllmul in In ml rl 111 La new mmlnnm Hm mum Ity by In do mum Mr Ml Mhul mm wirlt In lKanM hm Mu ran lvlwl puma an mplnyu In ml on wlumo lw NM ml Illnl In ll FMIHI flawflmmt IN Mm Illa ml MM hu Alm ruin In IM nuhknll flu in mu munmu ml In In hm lot will ml ID EXTRA WORK Mmiumflilnh Ill mt llw Mum flu In tho MnI Vrully may on mu ANN LANDERS Iust Being Parent Doesnt Bring Respect It worth nottnz that chil dnn Ialk to their parents In ha Inme way their parean tnlk to themevcn the tune of voice the same Respect considera tion and ova ts nlvrayn tw way proposition When wa old odes say ll wunds squaresvillu but cumin mm teenwell than dil uen bucket of bum Toots Thank for writing OBS CHILDREN Delr Ann Wh wt Interest In the aunt de plcflng he Early Hlnory of the vanshaps of Shmoe Coun ty displayed at the nth no Am Why wauld the tamer mg Iami1ybeto lntcrultd luble cause hiswile and point when dunedf These man In ruruly hum because they are zolng to mul lnn almost every nlghl Salut dnyn and Sunday In men Ln uuulda acllvllles lhelr mm Inn are vlrlunlly lulherlus be usa hm dcrgoodura Ire nl dnlnx load or means children know several men who lll Into this category They are ud mlml by cvcrynnc lemon lhelr lnmllles or lhnlr mm dcdl ullon and service to humnnlly By naw ynu nurcly have guessed lhnt um marrlcd lo luch man Perhaps under Ilood why he ls lhlx way could el M1 or mm uqu no the laid nary WW wont Andor Iu 1mm And an uid um in lnml ovny nwnmt ha flI Hm wmk Wllh my mm 11qu lab AM Imam Mlla MI mm mm hmt lo hmll film ill Mr luluhm mil 1mm um mmh bond Ihlll l4 lM dull MIN ul lm qukm hm urunumwn hu wmlnl ml nr m4 run my my nut udzmml Huh II II mm unlullm lnr MIIMVII th Wffllml Iklllt Mm up Inrn hlen Innllnl ml mm mm IM llwirlunfly PLAN ITMION mmwA IONham plan In yw Ml lo lrndinl Ml In Noufinmllml luvs Inn ml at fur nvml run rM vmw Yrfihy lnlrml lldll Illrl lh my Mdflll Pram Inlmk lw mmme MHMNMI mm lllan plu uh MMWM clvlc and char fllat he neglzru children In ha they eel Iban nap mun may for myself Please helpExcu hum bur Exam Me and woman too who devnta All their extra Lima and energy to outsidn activities at the ex pansa faintly wally running Away tram those closest to them because they an more comfambh with strangers Its much casizr to ha hero lo nonrelattves you know Husband Ind wives lather Ind mm and mothers and daughter whg work together on community Ind church projects enrich not only me community but their lamilyl leu welL mummmmumw Confidential la Murine Gone Soun Would you use tear gas to rid the house of mice Well this makc about as much Iensa Leaving hushlnd 01 four months hecausa he forgot mmnwsayhewasntminx home to dinner ins plain chndlsh 11 too bad yam lulu told you the door always open Ga buck to yaur hmbnnd when you belong men werefinmon uppioximat ly 500 who atlen ed the event Way By anmA ran Ionionnow Sunday wlll be an excellent verlodhrmchlw uver un usual ldeu launc nnw ven lures Ind generally to ad vance nll Worthwhile goals Filmed on the persona Aide mm marrlagc travel outdoor Interest Ind mill luncllonl run lllE mmnnn birthday ynu have good reasons or or umlsmeven lhough your mania status may nu dmnaa lac anally More nut wan 11 Minute of lhls manlh Ihauld be nod on ma fiscal score but nolnhlo progrcsl along lhi line will not be evl dent until HII lint lhm month of 1961 with mother exccllenl lhrcymanlll cycle inan next June Far Ill Leo Ilu the hulancn 1966 Mll be parlod Inr plannlnuwilh ha Mum in mind It wl lha expo anuy lmmflml In mouse mummde durhx um int wuk at August lhrouzhout September November and he umber especlllly durlnz lha mu two week of lho mm month pm period negymun ml lnle Soplem her the lul lwn wetkl Octo hcn llle December next Pct nmry and May Crcalln wnrkv ahauld Ind Ihu lnllm mnnlh December Jnnunry March May lml Juno nul umhnt or Imnpmhmnl nnd recoxnlllon gum lmmu Ihonld mnu THE STARS SAY crull nhould pm unuIHy Illmullllnl In In Auflml lulu Homath Jnnuuy Frhrunry Am and June ml or Ibo mmh mlmwy mm In Irluul pul odn wlll orrur wufim In wn wuh Drcrmlvcr In Fchmnry May And Juno thlld burn on lhll my Ill ho ulnan mnxnnnlmoul In mum IM mhm ml wlll Incl njuxlco 01 my kind Im MONIMY MdMnh fiddly thunk urlh Illllmlo on Mundny 5am IIIVMM rllnplnly llprul Int ull 11¢ nyl Ind cllulenl mm In rulllnl um naw plan In It unuld lw lrul lo IIkk In MUM unrully ran my IIIIITIIIIM ll Mundny In lirlMAy yuur hnrmruvq lwllcmn III wnultl In well In Iml Imhlnl lbulll tum IIMI lumuhl In ylnnnln dmlnl llvo nul lhn manlhl OHM mumny all ymlr mm In 1m Fur lnr Iha hallnu nl Ilvl mum It In vvnmlu Huh In Ihq my llnnmlnl mn In In lml lmy Iln nil um Inn wu wnlnu uhlxh Ihnud tulmlnll willMy dmlnl Hun ll hm IIHIVIUII In lbw yur um hulhpr lxmu lrull mm In Annllm Munth tn hulnnhu wlIh lhn llul nul Jun IM perkY lnpnllnnnl ltlmmnnwnl T11 Inc lun um In MunI In ml In mummy mm hxll mannau when handful mum nl 51mm Ooumy became Interest ed in tha quilting and mu making numba yam little did they dawn how Mead heir 111W would became People from Ill walks Hie Mundln men and womenhave Vhiced 06 his week Inle the flsplxyx nl lhe 1m Quin Ru and 0131 Fair theme gm yap 1qu DadoA EARLY CRAFTS lhe fin Quill Ind Ru Fair was held In Midland k1 1m wufll flu wrpose of acquaint mm with be early mm gum and mg maklnz and to enactrage fine wwhnmhip and good design The inn fah created nudl wide Inmest him one was held each year Warm cenues Ihxwgmu the burly hr 10 yum For the 1011 when lhe theme wax Tm Provinces Com lo Simme Oomtyffi tho associativn had entries on 61 Vmy mm In vainm tho Yukm and Norm West Tenllor HOLIDAY AT MKE Mr and Mrs Juck Duvll hive relurncd In the city lul lawlnx holldny nl Chnrbnt lee mar Perlh Onllriu Prior In relurnlnx In Bum Mn And Mrl Duvl visited lair Inn and daughterlnIlw Mr And MIL rocks Durll of Pemt bmke rmwau Fm ac Wellinzion Si icii um cily lnl nlxhl by lruln mm In Winnipeg Mnniloim From Wlnnlpfll Mr Gnhle will irvel Iir lo Smkntnon Snail In Vuncuu vtr DC in vlsl lrirndl Ind relniim lie will nlurn in Barrie on Aug Baxrie Women Take Part In Quilt And Bug Fair VISIT CITY Summer null ll lhu homr Mr And Mn Juk Duvnl nl Clnppcxlon SI thrir IonIx law md 11mm Rev nnd Mn Harm Ind lhrro daughter HIM mm RETURN FROM NANA lurroundcd by mound cl quilts tbs focal point display 0n unium mm to Nnmu In lhr Huhum Ilngrr hunky fln lpfmlln dnyl It lhn home at hmlhrmm law And alum Mn and Mn Sunky Wrny of Grow 51 Mr Landry 1mm lhn my lhll urrkeml ln mum III mm when ha lIMllrr ll St Inltlrkl Illih Rrhml hrr xuull nl llm Wuy mldencn wrra Mr Md MIL Dunnld Chum nu nmlly nl lhullw Inn HOLHMI AT LODGE Infllrhnvrilyrln lmN nrqmin lama am Mr MI Mr lying Lhumm anIy nl THE flLanASIHONED drcsl MM Thom anIy nl mm um an llu Ihyllnh Inlw mmu lnlnL Vllll HOMELAND NIH mm and lull mh In Ilullml ml dummy Mr lull Mn 10 Bilrlllfln Mn mvmml Ilvtr 1Nan on Ilmllwcll mIM llw Hnnir lnwflm mom fmuw mrnla Mr and Mn Elmmu at numnm unl In Imva lb mm In MM nlwi was llw uw MM Nnrlvry IA Wrrl In Nymczrm Ilvflawl NM NM mm ml Hm hth nva Dumber nut nhmuy Ind lily xhlld mm on lhlu xlny ulll Imlmmlmt umh In anllnu Aw mlvmwl with mnlul qvulltlu n1 ludnlhlp PEOPLE AND PLACES Phant Elma Dixon at Since that time he lulu whksh luv grown ho xxdude ha work of mevnnd Stmm Comly craftsman Md ovay neme and have be oms 1mm Quin Ru and On air LEADING LIGHT 0m the laadlnx 1161 um earlier days is still one ma must Mghly mpeded men ban the Simon mum Am and emu AWN Ol zamedsM Gishmu of ma Fnir Bowdhu done much search on the an anang and has mitten several nudes fair macadan on Miss andz luywuamfltwnhlhenm Ten Decades ol Costume do aianed by Mrs Ema Mama Drilllaandqdlted by Mm mm Bladm and Mrs Janmn along Wilh the ass unm the Hm Gum Busy Bees Orillla Another Interde quill ex hibited was Med wih Rho quomw em during the openlnx exudses mad mi ivr 3195158 Andra Coulnon 7mm Lhn Rhine mm when he mum motored Heidelbcrl In mid wde Germany nwy raveL led vLI Candin 1ka Mr Drillia Community centre The model dcvlcu the part ol the air look uhmd nloohbuk Watch For Our Annunl STARTING AUGUST 2nd TREMENDOUS SAVINGS BIG SELECTION IMII Elrlul thr the Mlh Ind Ml Fun Only Dunlnp TIAM SUMMER llEflRflllEE SfllE SAVE 20 film will be cloud July 25 till Aug un In propanllon for this Innunl nla OSLACKS ISKDRYS ODRESSES Dunlap AUGUST FUR SALE WIGGINS FUBS 1w REMODELING AND REPAIRS NOW fipnhl Rummrr Irlcn mama 140 will wen ed 31M cl them were Mimi for sale Mot Eflniunilyfidanotwamw sell 12 my M55 Mawdslay Mod wrudégredhobal mmmys nu dam15mm on lemm oral be Quilt RM Ind can Fain Mu Ink mem ber ol the mam Soddy of mum Leather has wvrked leather time 1911 and has been leantrawl LEATHER CRAFT Durjnz ch Wanna explmned me different steps ha flukhed wodud 111a d9 sigm carved onto lha wnl leather with ma Although her own palm are made em limes an primarily med Ta give darkan died an un uque Mil applied on the flue product Bows cavers anemia books purse and key cases are law um many amda Maid can be made mm Banii women was XIdiary 01 opening day linket ales and odm sped were twisted by same ol the mills Falr ComJ mime members Among the Mia mm Bank Mn Palmer Mrs Pierre Mn Km mama Mu Ceczi Webb Mn Sad Wlmm Mn Stem BdtfiilMn1ilanar byshire Mu mm r9 oanuy man an mm Mn Helen mum Mm Hal en 00x Ind Min 10 Smith The lint two wen dam at new sales Mrs Cavmam Wu in charts damnMinn Miqulsk Bagfic OSHORT OBLOUSES OBMHINO SUIT Ronni 6m luonmmn um umhmm munu DIHKIHIM filmtau mumnu Mi 72 HI 7261i

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