Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 23 Jul 1966, p. 4

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ID This degree of iMegrauon has been proceeding reasonably smooth and today many of the dthcalad departments have heen success ully meshed and are the three fighting ser vices has gone less smoothly and the mist commonlyheml argument against the prindple is the fear that esprit de corps and morale of the individual ser viceman will suffer beyond repair and as consequence the armed services of this country will be less efficient than they were prior to integration and unl iication What is unification If it means wear ing uniform common to all services with identification flahes as to speci fic branch if it means new ailinclus ive title such as the suggested Royal Can adian Marines if it means more effi cient fighting or defence force then we are for it and more power to Mr Heli yer It Ls obvious that it is not the intention to suddenly transfer an infantry man to warship or highly trained pilot is not going to become tank driver Simple logic tell us that this is not in ihepl or unifieci fem miner July 19 1926 Lib erals met at Stayner anti decided to place candidate in field for federal election They will au rt the low tariff can didate Hon nest Drury of Crown Hill former premier oi Ontario It will he twoway battle against Boys KC MP for Simon North Barrio lawyer nu by boat Dalston It to win 0m Soccer aguo tttio and Ross Trophy Alt Bywater and Wes mdhopo scored goals Mel mdhope was unbeatable in Rugby net Mrs Joe Hewitt won Boys Trophy for singles championship Barrio Lawn Bowling Club Earl Rowe Newton Robinson farmer was ain choice of DulferinSimcoo Conserve vex to contest election Barrio Collegiate Cadet Band dimted by Bord Sylvester oi Citizens Band made bg hit play ing at Huntsville Old Home Week Bandmaster Sylvester is himself one the old boys of Huntsville having played trumpet in tho tamed AngloCan ndian Leather band Two members of this band considered host in Canada are tamer Barrieltes James and Duncan 13946 $uv9rttlenduw °93F° If Imamzumxmwxmwxumzmmrmxumnw The present flareup over integration oflcanadns armed forces triggered by Defence Minister Paul Hellyers iinng of navy senior admiral has Iocussed at tention of the public on running battle which has been quietly going on between the services and the defence minister Paul Hetlyer upon ialdng office em barked on drnmaLlc regram designed to overhaul the adnunlstratlen of the three service branches and to eliminate duplication where it existed Noncom batant services such as dental clerical supply etc lend themselves by the very natureof thelr function to integration for the common use of all three services 40 YEARS AGO IN TOWN ylck sign ban now hem mud 1hr not of lay It Grove nnu mg uhrh murasingly In usu Ivy pm at Maple vao School Howom inst week withKirk Ferry n5 engineer Walls Publisher Allandalodlvlslon CNn provided old llme train which carded many from Barrio to Huntsville for one day cele bration It wasJullui by original ntcam geomquq whl made Jim trip lnm anlo 1n Juno 1mm noy storé was cdnl lraln to Hun vlllo Mr Hellyer Should Explain His Plans For The Forces iho WhltEnggron Defenéé produced 3112 43min JExamim 103 RT LAY STREET ONLY HALF DONE Publishedby Canadian Nawspapers Limited 16 Hayfield Street BarrieflOntarlo DOWN MEMORY LANE McPherson Managing Editor sum iuw 1m PAGZI stdltch attempt to at least stall the unification program and embarrass Paul Heiiyer its architect Landymores con duct was all the more objectionable be cause of his public attack on the govern ments Fancy on integration while he was 511 on active duty as chief of sea operations If he had waited until his imminent retirement to voice his views then disciplinary action would have been avoided Some polllldnns have eomplalncd that merging of the various service Identities lnto single force will be delrlmental to the morale of the men presently serving and increase the already serious problem of enllsllng men in the armed services Who is really fighting the integration and unification policy Older officers who see way of life disappearing or is it the rank and file who in the long run will share in the financial benefits of savings made it the elimination oi waste and duplicaton number of up and coming senior officers have said the record that integration and uni fication of Canadas forces is the best thing that ever hagpened and these are the men who will the iuture military leaders of onr country Perhaps the time has come for Mr Heiiyer to explain to the country exactly what his plans are or the future of Can adas forces and with this clarification much of the confusion currently being encountered could be eliminated ship in 1858 held family reunion at In nlsfil Park and elected Charles Coutts of Toronto resident and Coqtts 133ng Vespra 5me ls lns eating plots Kiwanis Boys Po tato lub In county softball llnal Letro boat llllnesin 124 with Jack Relveu fltclllng decl lng factor Minc slng ha Alf Armstrong on mound 1th Ellsworth Crawford catchlng Lefroya blz hltters were Immbley and Whan Klwanls Club conducted successful ex periment for ldddtes at Queens Park londay nlght with sports races and slng song led Ernle Ryan with Edmund llardy at plnno Otto Williams oper ated lantern whlch flashed words of songs on screen Boya toot race was won by P0 Ryan Threeleg ed race was won by He Slransman an George Kennedy Ilarrlo won county group tltle tn Ontarla Baseball Assoclatlon and Mll move lnto playolla with pltchm Archlo Burton Dr Alfred lloll Dyer and Lclghlon It lla Emma good shape John Dobson been moved to shortstop and Ken llchenzlc to llrat base in player changes Archlo Thompson Wlll handle calchlng in 1964 clearly outlined what the govern ment meant to do and much progress has been made to date without us or fan fare The recent outburst of Admiral Landfimore andthe tacit sugpoit given hlrn xlgllree other senior mirals was The UnjtedStates Marine Corps is classic example of unified command the corps has its own air wing amphib ious group and infantry And there 15 nothingwrong ghelr monne Blll Bates fireman Roy Hutchinson and Bill Gllllcs tralnmen The Con plan descgpdapu of Duncan Cputggnd Margreiriiérdy from Aberdecfishlre 859 whosggtlgd ln Vespya Tgugrv lhn Jul nnly hall dnno pinto Hm Inn lmlaln vlcw mm Lav nnln lhnve bl mnml Ivy III um um nml I11 mung an Ian nrmu romlillml sllll emu beau ul 1l4 Police Chief Maniac sindrarefisgued last warning to dog owners to get tags pr face pgvsecqflpn gockbgm Wilson General Manager By WILLIAM CURRAN The Canadian Im In urluulvnly mumI to in nu or Innllnllrnum nu luputh In rawr vwlilwl In hr Mann luu er NHu an III Uw Irwnl WIMNIWI lhvmn maxim mum Although he wont be until January 1967 Jack Coleman County treasurer one the districts oldust emphyee in ear of service He succeeded 15 rather the late Cole man to this Important position ntaflhagunderklnlhemmty ultimo 35 years ago Three years later 113 was nppnmted deputy treasurer nr 330 today You hnd to live lhraugh It In appreclala Just what all meant he nld re calling um largo wcmro roll which Included many vhn were not only tibiabodies but willing and Anxious lo work any kind pay FROM 21 ll My father was intelecled to no Innlsfll Council on Jan uary 1513 and was barn Ihe next dny Dad ollun make about said Mr Coleman nativa Cookzlnwn who has lived most of his Me In Bunla Mr Coleman Samar was new of Innkfll from 1919 to 1923 when he resigned to accept EMMli as county treasur in June Ha canan as lea his father helma him Mr Coleman has pleasant personailty which he combine with efficiency and uperlmm In iqrying this key county pout OTTAWA vtry prlulo mldkr unit In knnpnck tillmflnhflll baton InId Nnmlmn Illullrnllnz up orlunny Inr pmmmlon Whnl Re ulnly Mr not IUKKUI wu lhnl evrry prlvnla also pMmHnl tnhlnnl mlnlmr vomn why In pflhlpl Ihmm by lhn lrauhlel whlrh ply lull lhg promolinn nl Izmir Er until 1952 and tubs quently was succeeded by his son Theru been great many changm in we adminis tration In the 35 year have been with lho county said Mr Coleman He mentioned the greatest was prnhnbly tha cx ME My buildin her ex ample be said he drew ai leminn In report on county linnnm of the prewar dpprey aian period of the an In 1932 lha entire budget was nnly $470 309 but economic condition wen such in that depressed geriogl um hey brad more dii There are um lax sales but even allowing for the growth In mly lax budgd ho $4456844 the money comes in much can lcr In this more prospcraun pcrlod Coleman nbsuvcd It would be dlfllcull or young people rcnlixc depression lime conditions when 315 per wok was Road wage Ind $5 would buy nwggfoogi Ithnn A325 imiuo Ilnflix b6 mum mman GIANGFJ money at tlmu than we dn now Int people just didnt have the money to pay their taxes as low as they were and we had it pretty grim at time trying to do right by amy body he said he menLlon ed the int cw tax sales he nltendcd We had our duty to do but It wasnt alwayl plun nnt and we always trttd to ba cnmldnrate FROM 21 Back in 1912 which Wu Mr Coicmnn int lull year with tho may the emufly paymli award 21 working from Bur ria and not more than ha dozen others Latest llgum shoucd 111 on ihn pcrmnnonl payroll which in cludrd xcncrni 47 with lho hulih dcpnrlmcni wllh Sim mu Manor at Mon II with Georgian Manor Pmolnn xuhhcne an wiih the roads de county Treasurer Recalls WY Changes In Administration TWO Princes Weré OTTAWA REPORT 0115 Hum Exumum PATRICK NICHOIMN pl dcknra Thu lrnuqur Item Aulhnnml mwul rlm mull Im 0m Dopnrl mmi mum and or paymenl mun In huh llnlly Sunday nml mummy llnlldl tutMn Mhmmunu um daily by unitr rm mily ymly ninxln up In mnlL min UM yur nluln put mm mm MI yum Mull MIAMI 0M lih HI yrar llxllhla lea Will1 unnuimil Ilm nnr 15A and lmulnm mun ur mp lmvmn Mn um um Mnnlwl my Irmlrr Vlvm Mum HIA unmllm Daily Humpar IuhlIh Anmmlm IN WIN mlinn Im ml Alum Thuran 1mlhllml Hellyer May Be Right But So Could Brass Au luh fly lbllw In In In mum hillnn umun Iv lhn mum um Mmunm Hull Ida ho wllry and nut Man Im My almuhl Hut Hwy uhnuhl Illlm In lhn nrlvm In mm umlqnml In mum mum lhm Hqu ulm Fallum In In In Am ullvrr Nd uu la In II Inmpll Ivy pmuh In MHIVH In Mmuwll Im an pull kl lmlnlnl on mun Whlsn Hellycr rnnllmml lo hullxlnm hln plum lhrmxh Cm mla mu Imldenly hlt by unnrnmlrnlfil lcvnll of ndmlnln Al mun uno Admlulnml mn wn enrrnln urrn rrrmllunly mnnlnned of leirr lhll mnnlh lmlr morn Mmlrnll mm Ihrlr my nut mind Admiral am pumi olnm ho hum ll ulUclAm Null wnl nuly vnll of III lwmlmlL In voHlklIIn mlihl lhnll ll Mil In an mu Hm Mum Ml Um Int In 1m Hm pinhlnx Ihlp llm In of vollumrnl 1mm nl lhvu errI In lhn Iml hm rm uwlnll nmnnl nlll tm IIDNNNLMN In prnrr llnul mll mm In vlunl th anl nnIy lwm uunlM In Ihu um pollwar drmnhll llMlnnI II pvnmplwl by Iluln In In link Iny lnr mlny n1 Ihnln uln Inl Mu ul um ml lm In In IOHHIIHI vlnI In luluIn Ihu Irrullmnl Iv Iv lmln nr In Iwnmm hrnu rmlutlhn llyl HELIX OSIMANHY Caunty urvlces have great ly lncreued dulnz the period Illan assesrment and welfare of whldl ndmlnistralim nl as sessment and wellnra Ll but the latest Counly admlnlslrnllon health nervch formerly rend cred locally um lnta ellrct mm 15 year or to age Juv enlle and lamlly court and pro ballnn xervltcs library and rec reallnn were among 0010 scr vlccs added during Mr Cflle manI lime The calmly mu num and IICMVLI was another relnllvely new Atqqlur Mn Katharina ParkuNam of amud and Mn Eric ery Penman nlchmand 11C Inn James IL who with he Degmment mm lnm Hellma method at In Kmlnl he lhrn Irmcd forcu mm ma lnknnuun will bu ruler lrnm mlnlnmrnl Ilnndpnlnl bu Itumo mom hm Isl lha nrcu nuns mu III damIn mm and Inn Melly hn not ahawn haw lhll can mlko mm better llxhler pmment 29 will tha Childrenx Ed Society and four with the TB 1111 docs not Include sum mer help or the recreation or casual help or county road work Mn Cole man explhlned Is he mud comparison with 1931 when here rem only 13 in the county ol ices Born at Innlsnl Mr Cole man has lived most or his Me In Barrlo nnd his present homo on Welllnglon SIYML ll ll lha urmcr Thrill Scull BanLo And they lnvoqudunxh of Highway duxlnl lhe mm mcr LI min to Wulllnmun Cui 1m Emphth lho new Mm 52315 n7 Scfilimbei JACK COLEMAN mnuln ml rlllrlmr nlllufl Unlil Ihl Nlmlr nuly rlrnumunllll rm mlmu rm In Ilmn nm In Inulmllnnl LInu hhlvll In durum Ill Hilly InuIl In um mm hm mu imn mr mm mm mun worn at mum hlmwll milmi AM mpmm lhln Imr mhlenl ul IllMn huh nm Tomnlo dml Ihop Mur yum Idded mm In layl and Mr an am My nnlulln llIItry IONH II In hm hm 111ch MUN lT An honnulvlo uni lml Mrytnl IM umim rl lhnln mnny mullmu mmr mnl nfllrm uhn mullvr wlmiplw hmn mllnwl rrn muluuly lholr nuly uy nl jvrtlmlnx unlnll MW uhlrll Hwy Ime film In In 1h nwuln WI lhl Inl lrlrmy mu Inrml Invrrl In IMJIMI mm III YHII uphnlllnn VI lh Ihnh IHIpuM mum Im mm mlmlull IM dnll UM Imnlhmnlly IHHII unlul AIM IIHIIII lhdr hm ml Ml Mr 01 In his ynulh Mr Colemln was soitbali pitcher and hook ey player with Bani9 teams and he also played DREU nig hyathmpBordmfimnsw son until he wqu an inlury which hospitalized him and kept him out of Iporu acuan or lines months Ha gained hls rcpuuuon grid player wilh Barrie Col lcglala and lhus earnld his chance lo mnvo into ORFU circles bal pllchEr he hurled or St Vincent and Capitol when hey won Barrie arm 1er3 hick In um 30 and he 5150 played hockey for than and other loam He also pimp ed softball or Victoria Public Sdml whm young teenager and was mm In luck and preclllcd the mm mm nnce n1 hlx ml and um dun credit to Mn Phyllll Gelhonl mum lreuurcr Mn Ellu bwl ulmu pyrnlll clerk and Mn Mary Jami lhe war and mu IMHM dim lmul mmnku III llellytr pllyln lhl llllrr ml In Thu World WM tour nnL Then should Ah Idvlu In eaccllme 01 lb ho wfl mm In control hh Inh mlod momlu in war Emy molle uhlne mlnhler llmm ln lhI mm hi uperlencod mmnan Idvlml Ihllyer uhnuhl do lha umL ADMHMJ VEMUI AIRMAN mlnlIlrr um um II In tannld wilh Ihn Idmlnll dkl not hlmull hm ulrmlu urv lu upmnu when llnl rnlmd Inrllamrnl de Thnnlufll nl mum my 1th Aml lltllyw may In 1va field While he Ill like work Ind allows the progress Barrie and nlher learns Mr Colemanl maln hubby Inday when nnl en gaged ln lhe numermn dullu and rcrponslblllllen of county work Ill arm In Innlslil where he raise lhorlhom uh ller ThBll my placs rec rcnlion now he remarked brlelly Mr Cnleman nld he would like give credit In Vuden George McCauuo n1 Alllslon and member of lhe present tounly council Ind Illa pm warden and colleagues Im lhrlr help and confident ln nldlng hlm and hll III in carrying put their duties Alan PM he wally lecrelnry Stranliey nn It was 50 Important It was Lha hrs time British prime minister had vlsllnd Dominlun during his um 01 office HI and the Prim Waks dld not get nlang wdl and thelr strained relations eventually had hearing an Edward lbdicltlon the throne In ms Among he memorahla royal Wm 01 Canada an that an on My 1m vmn the Prince of Wales Prince George Ind Prime Minute Sunlry Budwln ufled from Britain to mm 0am Idaqnlnmrnd Jubllea celebntlmu Edward Prince Waiu who now ihc Dub Windsor wn then gay bndulor So was Princa George whn Intu bump flu Dukn of Kent Ind wu kiilod whiie serving wifll the RAF dur ing World Wu Hurts were fluilezing lrorn was to was Apart ram oflicili iundim there wen mkny parliu or tin hm prince and ihn mull tumors romances The most exciting miter when Miss Vliuio Jones Brodwiiia was lnviiad to lend glance WWI DI miner oi the Prince Vaies Prime Minister Baldwin returned lo Britain on Aug 1a bu Hie Prince of Wales Ind Prince George vayed until Sept Dorng unn vlsi Edward dedicaled U19 Chamber Remembrance Ottawa ellfd statue lo Sir Willid Lauyic and opened Pam Erltgé betwein Fort Erie 011am andrlvimalohNew Iork Prime Minlster Mackenzie King represenlrd Ihe zovenmnt Clnjdl while Dawes represented the ISA The prince bowed Canada from to pp and mum at number of lundlom The Prince Wales was sup to make speech at Mean in Vancouver lumed the table on hi broflaer by mddenly Modan him 35 ha spunk er Prince George rose to In occasion In good style and in Van emmr audiemc enjoyed rpyal banter Inc had table Bowrd made but ofliclal visit In Canada while he was mince of Wales Durlnx Ms lint vixlb In 1919 he bought ranch in muthem Mberta that became knvwn the Ranch flu kept it for number yuan IanLord Bakmghmuxbt colonists lo Ferryland Newlnundland lmnglyn Alexmdzr granted pm of Acadia to Charles Lalour OTHER EVENTS 0N JULY 15 and his son 1W1 For Fronle Kingston to scarab for Henri Tontyl whom he had 15R In Illinois when theIr xhp Grim wa 05L l701Cadanc Irflvod lo mud Detroit WETLand in Prim Edward blind allocated by lottery in mmle IMOM Unkm unifinz Upper md Inwer Canada got 1ng assent ismAnnual voted for prohihifiun lmW Warren succeeded Sir Rlchmd Squires Premier Nwiomdland IWCanadlan Anny began operation In Normandy push tom under General Crew milInternational Md Cmu had cunlmme 1n Tomlin MW gm dam and this very mud to his mdil ll 31m putly brown about by th greater hmxdo Pmnlu mom has zivm in debate and the amid um 11 hm One mull m1 that data Md he candidaAble improvement in the medures Ind mm dvbu bud mm the home Expandml hu banish 1125 with some mm at time pmbably Inelfldcncy 0m Ihkh bodl pment II In comidmlh cl eulmuu ha period when 4h pmapmve Ipmdlnl ol uch Mammal mm ennan and ddxsud min RE mi period um mml mumtn reu vsixw lvely haymduuil imw whiny when NO Mutant tn bring up Iuomidndly unlmporunl mun barnu my I111 be mnomo In camara UVely than petiod cl yearn the work of thy zovgnmenl and lekifinujre hex have WWII ham or lnxlance now mom than five moulhs wm ymhably go mm six NEID DETAIL 0m moon In um mm 57mmer lnlo le QUEENS PARK Uhrfiarrié Exmntnri BAYFIILD Big Hit On Tour Work 0f Govemment Grows Tenuendously DONALD DHZARN III marrir Exmuiuvr COMMERCIAL PRINIING DIVISION hn roopcnod following Vlcnllon COMMERCIAL PRINTING DIVISION FOR All Yflllll PRINTING NEEDS 7266537 By BOB BOWMAN Call takmz up the time all momma the main hwu um ha plum 24 mm an firm on ch moths plan mend nu Wu tho whole openqu mum We did kmw But the evidence it mirth In one Mun the writer xuflcsflm nude have dme to firm can fine bu you mmd mum for onmtnh don ol Ipmdnl potty detail can be an eI locflvo whip to bring about good government mung larger mm And il dLnartmcm of gnvcrnmcnl knows it will undergo mmula examination It will and lo mien KL warmer right dawn the Mac 0w illustration various thing that came to My Minted the organizme OMSII chi you was flappy dhthcwaywlmdl Haw AM In wma Ilma win nnoduer dimflm Jmm car and 1mm T11ch Mm why petty arms flww is 13¢ qasmped my are my Envelopes were not mfided or the unification firm dogma its awkward size Only Altar lb iniuax mesamenu period Mum prim gn an nnd Engiiahf nwrh Lu one ru nyr and any hamnay Jam MM M11 In my Lh lruu nd the IIIx no mm mun In the hum by mv thn BIBLE THOUGHT 71M

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