IU Pioneer Relics Get Attention At Museum ML Davla aald thls was pro posed by the Slmcoc County Ed ucalional Consultative Commll tu following an earllu gather tug and he felt Essa should co mm It will be taken up at the next meeting Augun ln addition to the councll ha laid the Essa school board halrman Wlllard Cole and acc ratary Norman Coxworlh would be asked to attend alarm with ichool inspector Ila Lmtlclpated Allistun tauncil would have some of It achool raprescntatlvcs present MORE ROOM NEEDED Who problem arblng mm the school ooncams provid lot more accommodation Al llslnn had asked for dissolution omha Chm ahlrh also serve small part or Tatumarth and Tossnranllo well as Essa and Allislon Tecumsth and Tossor mtlo haw onlylaw atamlmg and were Wllllng to consent to dlsaplullon ButAlor Essa to do An In Mr ml 1h nM Hamlin 0M Id In haw Iwon III nr our 100 yum punM llWlHlnl in mm vhltm mmnm Jul whi qmmlnu In upon Iblll upltla ul ol anHImI hmmï¬slng mulpmtnl rrullwl tho Hm mm mm Imk mu wllh mm ham and um 1m Mm mm mnln minnl lflnpmllllnn hnnllu Inn Hum lilo wml human cll Hm my lmla alto Allurlul nmr Illmllnn llvau Mattl that Ilm hul brim uhllvlll of planar cuIv £1 llm In inrlhn Hymn rlpdu lrpmrnlnlhn min rummllo AIIJAIA and Tecum Mh lawnhim hm hmim hnmml dunM mwnnm mum nn yum Mm mum nflw Mull 3er ï¬rm lllnnllnn nwnr vllrulllly Hum Inlflnlwl plnrmr Armin Thu lnlrrlpllnn Md lhun hnnom wm mmlu In Mllllmrhy Mr Enllhhl nmllfllhcr WI lhe rrcnmlrucllnn ol Inn at dlxnnmul Mn on May HWL hm hren INNI Wllh vlirulnr inlrrrnl lnnzu Ian at lhr own lhtn mmuy trtmpmï¬l Modm lmlldlnu wn dulrnynl The plck 1thch mum hnlr min nl In mlmlnlulrnllvn board or munum uhlrh nllm In gm er lilun ALLISTON SHIN Samh Slmm munch hm having In Imslul uunn nlncn ll WM hunched 1059 tnnAIvlrr Ich Inlcml Ihown In lho plan or II Jlrml Ilka pick uhlrh he Hglpllnnl hwy we help it menu lnnze lion in the Elm Schoel ni mix it was involved 0n the other IInnd he unlon Ichoal rtmnlns more accommo druion will hnva lo be provided Aha Allision lthool ll nllln dance were llmiled lo Alllxlon pumlx mm would he Iuiiiclcnl lccammmlullun wilhoui new ad dlilons or he prcxtnl ll Miln inn or nhond Mill in propos any nmmlm Frnnklin Imnlaru Ilme mnu Ihlm I00 yum nhl MI In Mr lnlylgnlnn mum cnlllnl Allrnllnn In Hm penal uhrn mnll lull wro hum by wmd lmnllm Ilmu An 0M post nlllra Ihrll nulp ml Mm Ilolx um ham MI um In me At Mllllnn arnuml um um nnnlhlr rrllc culling nllrnlnn tn Mllxlnnl rnlqrtul pnxl Im nhl Inlhhlmul mm liv rrrlL mm mm In Mr llmul mm vlrwl by many In lrmled In lhn only dnyl HM lelgvhnn vnrlrliu and Info uhllky bnr NI uuch III mm In nlhtr mm mm Mmoxphrm Fixum Imm Ihe nsscumcnl dcpnrtmcnl cnrller Indicmrd 1151an hm bccn paying M7395 per cm or lhc mnlnlmnncu rust uhilo Essa was llncd nylmz mm on lhn bulk or Ins yenrn manly nreveDnvls wanted llslon nnncm the mm In which he duldrw are localul Ina What brought this matter to head wan ï¬gures produced by Iho lown assessor now with the county showing that Allision paid out 01 anion to Essn on this basis at pupilday costs new school that was estimat ed lo cast $3040 is necessary bccnuse pupils Irom Essa Tnvmship but thehurdcn falls upon Allixton taxpayers and Al Jislon must Assume the deben ture which nilects it borrowing pa inn Even nnncxallun gocs lhrauah and the present sulr division which produces must of the Elm chlldrnn were Included here nolhlng hinder new aubdlvlslnns belng developed north ol the presan ones out nlde the nnncxcd am but will In Ihu school arch whlch would put ll 11th back where am IlflW About 465 of the 630 ar so slu dents who hava been attending from Alllslon Mnym John Darling All ton has pointed In enllng 1n Mllstan lhnt lho lown was psy lng mare than its share or up keep or the union school In this connection he said Woman vlullm nppmml la MMOlB Mm AIR CONDITIONED HIMHIK mmunnmumusumnmmmnnm HINGEHUSHY WIN umvninn HTHUM IWTINIOIR UNI ll MNIM WWTIMIHH HID It EM Vatr Al 1m And Ill pm Mlan flllly II pm NOW SHOWING nrllï¬ufl or dm m1 hnnd wnnmnu mm mm ulncluml nlmul mo prnml of Iwrlnl Inlrml In nnn xmup of unmtn Mm Impedrd It timely ll wn dunnlnl to lho mmum lry anflln nl IMP Irnn pou lnnnlrd hy Mu Ctburn Newtm Illuhinwn wmlrn man plnn lnlo manh rrl and Hal Imnl wulcly uhkh lull be healed nu Ahm um nmnml nlhrr inlrllutnl hnuuhnhl nlldm Iul Iran hula nn nM lym mm lrlmlrr nM ml lmn vI lho Inner Wmtnl by um mu Am Inn um no other umhm uhlrh pram pullmlnr In lrml lu lb mum Ihnw mare humn 1n haunhnld Under rcvlslnns the act passed last June the county consultative commlllco In tho rhnnncl thrnugh Mulch change In Ichool um must be rm ommcndcd to county council uhlrh then has powm In make he dectalun lubject lo nppmvnl at tho Department Educnuon ncm Cainn of Port Mchcoll In chnlrmnn the con Iullnlhe cnmmillte secxelary the £55 school board palnlnd out new ma xlruclure was an at the January arbllrnuon and It wu suggested that lhls should ba taken Into accnunt rnlher than last years figure whlch cm lhu basis of lhe clalm lha Allismn n5 paying nu per cent of Ihe cost against 10 per cent by Em with Ihe latter having nearly per can of the pupils Move Davis put forward the suguwon that the ma might be dissolved with the new boun dary to be Iha line suggested annexation with puplh outside It paying thcr way at cost We cal we should mm Hstnn and try lawork oul 01 ulion or at least some Illne ml in primple unkh could carry back to the next mccflng of lho Consultative commillco snld nccvo Dnvis town will still have to build thc Achonl At recent meeting Inc said Dr Hudgin chairman raised the ucsuon What there could agreement that the MW boundary of the school area In tha sum as the one ruggcsted or annexatinn and Mayor Darllng commented that seemed reasonable NEW RATIO SET Mu Canmd mkl the July llxuru havrnt been 1nnllM ycl Ilnro the month It nnl uvrr hul 11m ma Iho nuxnbrr vlsilnrn murh nhrnd ol lhu mm per o1 Inf yenr HM mlmy 0m mlxlonu who Art mlmlllrd wilhnul clmm Mum they mnlrlluue lo Hm pnrkn nplwp In In lhrro Ownmum mm will be old at Wk 51 lhmnas Anglitan munch on Gunch 5mm in this 011 MM community on Aug wiln the regular sexvim In 1219 meantime Li obsva at am with the morning prayer service at 1115 am The church Much 54 mm than 115 ycam old stand memorial to 0m pionecxs Built mamdamnlolland dvm he drurdx by IA Col 11 OBrien Ihc ohumh mnMns pn ha same hillsde 5H0 ovmh llol Mather lhmugh much nl July has mndn the volume lralflc much hmvlcr than Ins Mr Mrs Conrad WM Thu an on mntnrryrlcs Mch must he park nukMr lhc pnrk un dot new rcxulnllnns has In way dtrmmd lhc pnpulnrlly lhgpnvk THE BAR EXAMINER FRIDAY JULY 21 ms am Just trying to show hat there Is no easy solution In all assessment problems and genuine equality he said marking The new system may be put dnwn try gm pm my subscqueuuy was handed mu to the mum Sodely 0R0 STATION Slam warm August tould make no on season or Oml Hayview Park which mlght cxrccd 3000 can or Um ï¬rst time In lhrco 2an Thu record since Ma Ma been hm has been 2310 can lnld Mu Lloyd Conrnd who mld lhc usual mvrnua live In In car In meant H030 mule Mlordu DI Bandit flaidcm And Hm Bliuand Who Led Them To TIiumphl SHANTY BAY Stall Those who look to the new county as sessment system as the solution of all equalization and assess ment prqblen are notutaking new manual with up to dale cost based on sale isnt gain to end ldlssulisfactlong In said dating the same house in large urban centre mayjoxt the same price to build as in wrote rural municipality but the sale value wlll vary lmmensely Same places onen lell flor mudl more Ian hey Ian worth and nlhm sell or ass Mn rn estimated It would take four or five year We wew awarding Alex Graham 82 retired pro messnr Itma bring about Improve ment an harema bu ham it but anyone whn think It is going to aolve all assessment Emblem lust Isnt practical said Speaklng ram 28 years of messing Mr Graham Iemd to talk about 32 different assesan not always agreeing on their esllmaces DlVfllul ReCord Looms For Oro Park 01d Shanty Bay Church Draws Many Cottagers 0f District RETIRED 0R0 BSSESSOR Vsmvwrlv BAYISlaIfI No Eï¬asv Wav To Solve All Assessment Problems DISTRICT NEWS STARIING TOMORROW THE GUNS 0F NAVARONE lull Ilmol Today MIIII MIA17M MW IMMl ADULT mummy mum min nd inmH Emurum fly Tinre also mil he dam or lhlldm lo and mm ml 11 and and you urll 15 and 1M lor I1 and own my Il have been numerous vhllou from own Barrie Ind oum nearby plum well Mher nenrby cammunillu and Inurisu from soulhcm Onlulo Ind un Unlltd sum or mmpoï¬tim will Imimh lh crawl In Elychhrml mm and ballet um ilk wwwm Mn part 7d the My mm ad by the dam reserves law the time lam or chlldrm and um In planned in in open IWimmbll be the YM YWCA And Joni pooh Me an Sulmhy July JO mm Do to get It Into operation and It the intenllan to ulna Ill assessment within tbs cnunty to sale value than will be need to keep ha public Inlormcd an avcry step pro grass to avoid muunderamnd 1338 It original Won muimd slx or men years with amiderable day used Various impmnmam luvs hem made 11mm Lhe yearn mi stucco uhmh Norma ms to lugs vbut mér work for the Diocese cl Tenant la la Many summer vidlarn Md um have Joined the reï¬ll1r mcmhcra In Mending the lum mer scmces Plan Swim Meet At Base Borden MSf imam 9mm nav am pm ALEX GRAHAM out of mush now being engaged in ha an Inn cant help Today and Tomorrow SflflNTY BAY Matinee Sat at RM but be Interested Good assu ninu to important In Mr lax nllon and load government he Id mum to mallon general ly Mr Graham remarked on Hrs great change during Ill me lime He recalled years ago lumen Who dld not have cash to pay taxes could work It out ln contrlbnunz an many days of road work under the provision of what wax known Smut Labor Act name of On and litehm resident Mr Graham spoke at the tremendous cottage rawlh in the township The yearround population nnw about 3700 Mr Graham said away back In 1379 when one mum of 0m was haven for escaped Nexm slave from the United States ha population was 5000 That was helm was born but remember reading the Italia Ha ha remarked Tulflnn In ham and buggy Ind horn plow are naturally was much dlmranl from mo lar agoof good thhwayl ah gravel Ind modern home com Yau cant Have all the pen lions and service without pay Xugjnr them he suld Educa tonal opportunities wars vastly Improvzd and he urnmarked Who wnuld really want to go back to tho old days of low taxation and few commfls camps IN mums Another great change remar ked upon by Mr Graham was the decrease In money valum Money had In be mad cheap or we could never pay our 1313 from the wars he them In 1915 Mr Graham was mar ried lo the lormnr Annie Bea lon Ind June 15 last year they marked their Both wedding In nivemry The couple have two daugh lerl Mrs George lFlora Dow nard of Drilua and Mrs chk Cnlhrrlne Melton at Guthrie Ind Iwo sons Alex of Carrie Ind Norman of Ancmcr flifleï¬ mum JM waitmeme llllhlly ll II Oulhlll 16 Mum1 um mm Vlhmlylnll Lam run4 MM Mn lAUb MM hi WIS HILL mm MuIKIMuIhumwmhfllfllsmmlmfl mamMoKEmHLLTRAVERS mcuu MumrAULRADIWQIiMmflï¬E WWWW Tho mull mudun OrinIn nuvlh al hum Box olllu op pm Show mm dunk Inspectinn al polalamelrch plots and panldplum of com mercial people supplyinl the In dusky is upecled tobcbl ml ur mega la palo growers ANGUSWSAN mm MIA hm are very disappoint ed mid mam well lawn 1mm mammu in erence no gnmungemmt hav IIS bales mag caner build nz pm mm mm Ind Mall brevéuy outlet mm than um mom mu smash vote Insotar 33pnyone hava pokm to has heard In hu been an wotdï¬celvedlnd we are mod duppoinud he said ILthey werent min In give due facilities why did mey sawgun AWg ALLISTON potato field day is being arranged beta or August with Salada PM operallnx with th Department of Agriculture Ind um Unlvumy Guelph at encounz ng Amen to im prove their lmn mmwlyl Club membm will work togeth er In plnnunl flowers Ihnlbl painting mail haul and lance and marina Hump Ind dud trees It arm antrancu The was hdd way back early last Deumber md are will waiting for woni abut ncllon Ihinkdiacy should be we 09 loll Insomminx by Mr Bean mid businessmen h4 digwgaijaldngfly 3gb Mm commitment m1 blossom queen And ll hoped most of the potlo xmwlnl Irel will send candidlea Entries for he Southshame Ml laxm ldcnullcnuon compelL llon whch la upm In all Hi Agrlcullunl Ind Homemklng dub member will clue an July MannSim and see me JolnLly sponsored by lhusim coo County Centennial comm ee Ind lncnl agricultural cgeues the qompgï¬lion llnpd Potato Growers Plan Field Day Angus Still Maiï¬ng Word 0nLiqu9tancilities Ruling Compllh Pomlly inIullnmml DRIVEJN THEATRE Earner it was 53 Mher plar es had priorities sinm they have made previous applications and hat Angus mid get its lacil idea when these other were dealt with lzemgde by the hiqunr Control 1hure are many maxer Flat eslhanAngu with Lhese ml in and dont seeï¬nly Egod Mr Beans cmnmcnl was typi cal of remarks number bluinusm and nthem spaken in Most appeared concenng will Lhe lack any recent an nouncement about plans for cs tahliï¬ning mail Hun admins In Anzu as Approved in last Decvmbers voting EARTH SEEMS HOLLOW room in New Mexicos Carlsbad Caverns is 22 stories high and has the area of oolball fields ucllon CLASSIFIED EXAMINER 7282414 dont cos they pay Eds