lU KlKï¬VIHJI 0M 41VA Innm my invrdmnlinn Um Jun 6th vl Anzrln Paul mumum 11va mm mmmnrnrlnl Malay llw On lnno ummmm mm mm lixh pmnnnrul imnlmg Ivmvw fur rNAnlNl Huhhm WNWm dmmmml yd Arlw nlulnn annl Wn ner th flnlvllrnn Mum An 11 my ml In In unruly IulmirHIwd ha rmu ym Mum Inqwum pm rnlum Iner m4 Hum myle palva lnr mm GENERALLY cooler weather May shes are FgonmlLv ham Wireplwlo n15 circular mm Canada clear map arr Nmthem om 11v Jury yum Mn Mary lnml mum 04 llw hmnr hurl In wwk Imurl an II mml vl WWW malrr In Mm Innusz Iwmry lu rmlimn up Mr Inlnm Iwmu Fm mmlul Imu Ivy um um Irrllrfl Iv Iry ummm In mu wumu ulna mm IM rlvu lmvm ml lmnl vuwmenl mv Mn Al 11w ury nth4 lhn quhylinfllm MIN um dam II Inlnnu llnwn Nunlnn Innw ul lnknylm ml OIIInlu wilwnfnfl ml ll Iu lemmuiwl moi 1m inn wmulnl mmm win lumfllw manrnl 11w lmlrrnl dwanntM nrM pmgmm pmvklns lax wild or Indnlrm IntMl wnthm In speech rmd by Hugh aya Minister Charm Mac Naughmn the ptmm Hmhwny Ihu mmmunily 100 nHf MM Tlmmlx Mr ILme mid Onmnnn hzlnm Wm ha nnndmn Gmrml EIMnc planl was rxrrl Imt txrml Inr lhovmd lhal Cam nmnu Island in drug nalnl arm Mr Hrhms ï¬n has hNn hhmg Inhrwlm mu um am no niirnd hm hrnvy In rrnundv an mrrrnfl in the Ana Mum rlnflnll FRASERDALE Ont CPI Pmmin Robafla said Munday Ncrflmn 0mm I052 $6511 boo heavy watt pram pmkd In Nova 5mm horamo 11 nimimum under Moral lax rehrl rmmm for dmgnmod mas ml um um we Lakz Huron sowhorn Georgwan Baywestem Lake Ontario Hal ihumm Killaloe Niagara Toronto Sunny with mmble Carmaalum tnday Satuniay variafla dmfliness and litfla fmgo in mm Winds FOR RETARDED Synopsh Another very aver age summer day is in pmsped or most of Ontario Some shower activfly liker in the not lam today The cloud cover will cmiinue eastward sper am mmm Ontario Saturday Some widely scal ured skewers are likely in the null 1m Satmhy or eariy and He sums me oxcoast up in one sentence Amther Very Average summer Day Low re corded al Examiner Ofï¬ce last night was 52 degrees The lemperaure at 745 am was so degrees TORONTO GP breasts issued by the weather ice at 530 It appears by the my for His area that lhe weatherman is not Iaking anydxam in hi1 Mather forecas or the week Bobarts Claims Discrimination In Ontario Lost Water Plant Jury Recommends Boarding Homes DISTRICT WEATHER Average Summer Day Forecast For Sctturday Null Munr II Hmuil uml lm h1qu mun mm mm nllmhm 1m nml lnnhw and can Int runn vl Nuhlrm mam Dr Ynmn mm HIVIda Inr In wmr MN will un hu win lunfllnn nlilmuxfll umntmu lerr mun lll muyv minim qunliflnl Ounio Hank malniain both nmhom Mflnflflha mu Qunhrr Ill anv 51 hnva nn wmnmlc wlvnnlaga om maria unzlrr ho NINJI mam vamiul Hr IA mu mummy um nlvlmuxh lhll hm hmupM Imdlm mm the rm1 Kmrmmrn Ind ym Ilmignnhnn yxmn In 101 rrvirw mu lull On arm will urnn th rhnmzm bu mmlo Hwy mld QUIYHZS BRIEF Mr flobarls quwd 1mm an 0nL1rin bnd prosele In July ID mm uml vmvm rial cnnlcrtnce which say nnrflwn mm all pmvinm wm In mume aqua Mala nl develmvmrnt and 0m would nnl 3mm IN IN rxpmw nl mom1 areas when unemployment is high and the economic develnp mm rate Iow Mr lhompson old press eminence it is absurd tn havt dry max in thrmvinca uhm modern mads and cars mwn Ontario Liberal party leader said mum he amt rumfling be provin da liquorlawx make them White River Cochrane Mainly cloudy with scattered Unmderslmm today and early Sammay clearing and ime coder Saturday aflamodn Winds Hm somhuly hsmming weft 15 Saturday Ottawa miim Mainly sunny today and Saturday little warmer Wimk light Sault Ste Marie Timagaml Noflh Bay Sudinlry Sunny day Clwdy with cw munda shumrs Saturday Seasonahle emperalums wind iigm south ed Windsor St Thomas Thompson Favors Liquor Change OTTAWA or Andrew Mu mum m1 IrmM Illnl VON IIIVIIFI Mm hm mnwm np CONTRACTING DEPT Fnrecnst lempenlum DENIS SHEARD lTD PALMSWICK ONT HARRIS DIAL 7mm YITMVA lmllnm Mini hr an Ilun Wain rm HM hm My 2a It Alb VIM Nnm I10 Im MIVIMN 11w Ilnlnh llfll mm Mr Vnnm wfll my ldtfly Mn way MM Min anE lnfln MN WI llrlllmt Mwwm loam1 should be amount nhle In the puny erX Parlinmrnl and me party Humid have mnlml hu n1 macho to public polky he mid 011w nwmrlwn mmmmla rtmh would be until all nnlnnn mu mm nn rany grade 11h FIlmh 11w main Innmmt munmm In arms Me ma nl rubler hm hm mak ng Hu lnur the Maw1 VIII kvy mound him In many 131 flu nru ha hem mun by tho pmlm Property am an hrnvy more aid or ï¬llfniinn MINI um All mu mom 0mm ml Ior lmm an moruntmlim mm vammtd mica in Tmmn Mr 113mm mld the am xmmumla dmimnlnd nrmn pmmnm mm In ul rmi In aka nmn nl um um Im fl lthnvIl tn mivlnlhl mmnml no wdl ll 0mm xdmmont Mum In Mu Minml ANN Ilhmi um mln wan hm lllmI rumu um He said Mm and movlncizl chml panics nhmdd be given an mmlmty Io ppm or 1M hrlr londm evNy two warsnan lendrr 11st prime minimr Canada nr ha mnior pmnnee MUST HATISFY PARTY Ottawa Visit For Wilson ARCHITECTURAL MILLWORK Mr 11mm to sixdny ladvlmuink and organiwional lrifl 91mm cubism Ontario and lhc ouawn Valley said duangm in liquor law should be mun wimmwclnstmc lion in schmh on harmlul el red almhnl and grealm on by the pmvincml gorcm mm In cnmbnt nlmlwlism her was tendency for boollminz In gmw in dry 8533 make it easy to obtain liquor anlway London Kitchener Maunt Forest Vingham Hamilton SL Calh Toronto Peterbora Kingston Trenton Killalu Muskoka Nnrlh Bay Sndbury Earllon Saul Ste Mnne Kapuskasing While Rive Moosonee Tlmmins long mmu 1mm 15m um mllhmz of Re gmn rmminrs the bunk Mwnl lmm Ihu arm TM Domlnum Mrmu nl 9w room at SL Pauls will kept as cushlnn but nnlasz them is need or hem thty will he mu snrvire 111a ad dlllonal mom of the pmposed plan will likely be ready for me during next yearn In Illa meanjms he nkl Big Bay Point school will have he used and il nectsiary lhe basement room in he old Slmud sï¬lml This building is slated to be retired from use when hc new war along are nvnilaMLl Ditches and wnmr look lot of time at the regular mecdng of Cagney when delggalions ab mm One rim ten um the dmn naar his lot at Nantyr were filled the water wmlld not mom larger but an nixroom exmion fin lulu me plan and facilities mm in use Nar mwvrl duwn to the cost in the Taiwan and allowing im lha lrmd uf lnmansed mm by more people lhe debentuu will cost and ralcpayer aim one mill annually The svhovln Milli it is pro posed in close are the old origi nal building at Painwick and at Big Ba Mm 111 plan 0111 or six nevi mms Wamioa and six at Sunnybrae handing general mum room with men which Mil provlde place for minimal spud Ind drama By II Wednesday evenï¬nga reg ular Councfl mung the Pub hc School Board submitml plan for enemiom to WmicaPaizw wink and Sumï¬irae Sdhods Ind asked lot dï¬vinl backing for the $374000 fairy or Dm Addwu RESTART MY PAPER Addnm Dm STOP MY PAPER INNISFIL NOTES For Safetys Sake Tentative Approval For Schbol PlansT HAND THIS TO YOUR CARRIER IF YOU PLAN HOlIDAY ITS READING OUT min mam that PrIHa lnmml tha wanted rmd ammo mm wlwt in micipnllnn nl fammHu mall wns Ind mnrhl ominllm UP Ma imam in the amended the meeting headed by the Revwm JomJiunlley MT Travis of flu Bell Ewart mission and Harry mum of St Pauls Anglican hunt with sugng that and outdmr chapel be creded Centennial pmjed liawevcr they were not In agrwnent tn where this vhouid be located It was felt that on one hand the cross wmid be seen fur ther and by more peopie if placed near the waterside but Miss Huntley favored having the mm and the suggusled outdoor lapel located away mm the pimic areas Reeve Cndirane sugwicd that per ham the Immsz shouid hear the cost the project and let all the taxpayers cover share the was mild not be high The mince are to discuss he matter lurlhcr WATER TROUBLES Lan Sunday water system failed in the park as some thousand mm headed ma way Supcnnlmdcm mrscaddsn clos dvse 70119 old had Miran veered to 105 Vpiismilocalim to go arm the min at Hie DISCUSS CROSS Aponqni1tee mm number 11m committee opeaxing Sheppard Park who arerqarc sentalives of the ratepaym mum asked that an bridge on the Manda Mad erasing lnvera Greek be mwcd mm to ma um Concession daw WAV which unopened And om the ad mall Wm liedommmosidfllellme gheplaimflyemwrwfllnot dram into the lake mm ll sou den Anothlx man from Bell Ewan wnmd ditch or homing his property which so we he cannot bulid on RELOCATE ROAD pond being made In the Oenwminl Park well under way with bxflldowr and drag line hat in operation The ditch has been extended inn he heave pond where the In hahimnls house has been des lmyed and the old beavm hiled me black muck and stumps are being Pushed of MO he bulldmer and the Mom which sand or part day will men be piled and pushed away deepen the proposed pond which will cover about ï¬ve acre The Conicnnialtkmmit ice are to he dwwn Hie pm gm his week and Mr Alex is very hopeful that sufficinnt water will be avnflahe to ï¬ll the pond next spring The new inn is now carrying off lhe creek water and the drainage from Ibe some The mtk now in mm costing about 25 pe hour and much ya to be doM flle estimated mat of the park is about $12590 which the planner claims will not be reached POND PROGRESSING George Bunion armed md had the gala opened and We Marina were advised am only omioor means were amiable cud wotfld come tn at their own risk which many did The wmntm man which was being waned had not been pm Into operauan and leaky inulke which was of Gdhbheaymmmmwn ship now have hammock Wmmw My or baumflwiflmtbunllom He cm mmmwm Mmsrmyvflllwvcrme dhmdhawendnures mmwudmmlï¬mnd material basis wring to be mumLuann gagmgdmmmtom 99pm Imimldouan of we edï¬wgahmdheganumng hack I132 yaw Lrulï¬c they always come back to labuttl IPAits such good ole Allo available on drauuhl your favourite mlainIhmonI No wonderbecause its such good 010 No wonder lhm IPA has more loyal Frionds than any olhor Ontario alo Mon who know who good ole should be canl be fooled Ever notice that Labatts IPA is always drained to the lffldxeger grand MTG TORONTO OHThe annual convocation cl the Masuu Grand Lodge of Canada in On lario ended Thruway wim re flection at James Allan Onlario provincial treasurer lo two year Ierm provincial grand master Ravi Bidder Wei grand duplain Ewart Mao velocted at he an nf due Mlth meeling which tozoflvar more than 4000 Masons 5mm 600 lodgu was Donald Gunn man as dwuty grand mam 00m eleaed to twoyear ex outlive terms were Pyank Vqral 1mm grand my ind imam Wai Iageburg wand registrar nAmuz zxAmNEh mmnymvfg nu Masons Elect New Officers Daily to Tampa and Miami From Toronto Hamilton Travel Service 11 Dunlop 1156525 Ale Trunk FOR RESERVATIONS AND TICKETS CALL AIR CANADA 0K Johnson THE NEW DC9 great for short hogs Edward bangley Tommi Mann Niagam M31 Mnckenzie Walkman and Jack 5mm Sam Donald Flemmfmm Howard Polk Ottawa Emu Mdhll Embro om Davies Mount Forest MIL James Talmpn Inndon Nancekivdl Humilloq and mm Ham Tommy APPOINT SEVERAL TRY EXAMINFR WANT ADS PHONE M4414 were Jaded to Myearnnm minded Md flew mom who Warm Wm mm Arrnumnu ammo Wye