Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 21 Jul 1966, p. 4

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II Tim dcbrll which III the drlndup wa or hole on Grove SI Haul in an oyvsom In an otherwise nllracllve resldomlal sub mvldun liming llw nprlng Ihh hula llllul will Mnlrr MM male hmnl In llw many Mhlml rhihlrrn ulm lunvr In rm ll lu nllund Maple imvn School Financial Posli Though adullcry may wreck man flagc llichaelly writes ll is no tho only or even tho main cause of mar llal strife Countless marriages have aurvlvod sexual lnlldellly hui wedded hllu Impossible one purine habll ually gels drunk and bean the lamlly mns away and never comes back or I5 confined indefinitely in jail or mental haspilal llicfleaehy nnlcs that Canada long ago adopled the British divorce law They guarantee their work and they first place their work would not bear even superficial examination in the sec Theso unscrupulous people know that eldqriy persons often live alone and never having had much business exper ience are more inclined to 111151 strang EIS The victims are also afrald of the pew er of the law the lever most of these gently employ to extract exorbitant sum or comparatively small jobs us ually in places when elderly people can not go to check Pay up or go to court is their motto Thli is definitely thq last Ulinglhesc crooks wanL INSTANT COMMUNICATION Hamilton Spectator It is essential too that the pace of bureaucracy be not slowed down any more than it is almady The government is quite sluggish enough in IL giant tality without becoming bogged down in swamp of constant translation dupli 9310 files am general confusioni This Is an age of instant communication Government at all loveLs musi make ra pid and sound decisions Unless billn gualism Is Introduced sclcciivcly rather than colloctivdy it could seriously im pair this vital function Attention is drawn by The Chatham News to the return or the flybynlght operators of various getrich ulck schemes house repairs sidian and scaptng and other such notions who mostly prey on the elderly citizens of our community The number in relation to the nixmber of such vehicles on the road probably is quite 1n access of motor car acct dents The major hazanl is of course the little protection motorcycles after and the hazard which cyclists face of be ing crowded by motor cars in busy lanes of traffic It ls qulte apparent that much greater control over operation of these vehicles is necessary very convenient and cheap mode of travel particularly ap pealing to the young people irrexpon slble operation creates several nuisance and hazards Unfortunately those who man and woman lost their left legs when their motorcycle was involved in an accident with motor car It is interesting to note that the woman was in her late 205 the man in his 305 In the past many motorcyclists have suffer ed accidents some fatal others left with serious injury says The Owen Sound SunTimes PHOTO EDITORIALA Walls Publisher FlyByNight Operators Motorcycles Add Hazard To The TIdVéllifig Public 111 marrie Examinér NOT CONCERNED WITH SIN EYESORE 0N GROVE STREET EAST OTHER EDITORS VIEWS Published by Canudlnn Nawspapm lelted 16 Hayfield Street Barrie Ontario Mtharson Managing Editor mumsDAY JULY H106 qua 111 ml lmlnnxl lo the Church Ihn Namcne and In pnuiblr me fur Hu lnwmst hnuslng lowlnpnlrnl plannrxl Im the My In Hm mmanw Ihr rul IMHUII nl nhl llnnhrr Mill lvmk HM Hll ailing In smnmnn In lnke tho lmllallvu In clrar up oi 1870 or earlier making adultery the only ground for divorce and is still siuek with that law He expresses hope that Canada will follow the British example of 1937 adding cruelty desertlon and in curable insanity and possibly incurable drunkenness and longterm imprison ment to the list of causes Noting that the religious view of marriage is now held rigorously only by Roman Caiholics The Post writer says that no religious group minority or majority has right to impose its opinions on the whole com munity The law on marriage he says is not concerned Willi sin but only With the security at the state And above all The News stresses do not be afraid of the law Courts are there to protect you magis1rates are people just like you The main diner encc they have knowledge and exper lcnce of the law and of human na turc DONT TAX CHURCH PROPERTY Siralioni Beaconcrawl liluniclpnl governments need Increased revenues as tho 90 Increase In Simi Iords mill 1an illusimlm but should lhcy seek to levy more iaxcx on church 052 We dont think so Churches depend on their con rcgaiinns or revenue In mom cases It not an my Iask or lhcm In rnlsc enough money In nixcl lhcir obligations especially those payIng for hullrling projccin What is more on are not bound to entrust your wet to the first person who gives you price Any reputable firm will give you free of charge quo taiionl Should the first one seem too high gel anolhgrLiuslAgs check Justhow fanthe law should go to leg lslate safety measures is matter of question There is wideqnead demand that safety helmets be required of all motorcycllsls Others maintain that tak ing the rlsk of not belng so nipped ls apersonal matter Yet regula ons gov erning motor cars specify certain way re ulsements not only or the safety of 121 ow travellers but for those who use the vehlcle Itself It would seem only proper that such vehicles should be re quired to have equipment to amtect legs from accldents as that which an the two people crippled for life Manufacturers should see to both the safety and antinuisance uipmenl it they hope to have their vehic es continue popular Iheyquarantee their not an Vthey are always there and more than ready to liten Emil rgdrpss yogr cgmylainls Goodwill is theirfiostvaluable sfdck In trade and they cannot affogd even the sligllitcst vhispcr of suspicion and place adverse publicity would ex plgde lhcir rackc ogerate them frequently enjoy the mar the motor supposed to mean power and speed and their noise often becomes obnoxious INewer motorcycles are bet ter muffled But manufacturexs can not control those who drive them So if you require repairs or any kind of work done in or about your home go to 19m wellestablished tradesmen Wilson GeneralflMunnger 1111 Hunt £1ququ arrrrmrufxrm TM in run ll urlmlvt mullnl In Un llu nr Hpulfllrnunn Iv up qumlrlm In um myer mum In ur IM Auwlnlwl Iyru nr mm um aim Irv luzal 1m pulvHIhmI mm you GUM 0U lllRTlUUGHT Knowan my In pro serving Canndlnn lovtmunly ngnlnn Invasion nnd in dcveL nplnx Cnnnda or Cnnndlnns Andy McNauzhlnn nan ma cnpy that speech lngrlhrr with note wrluen rum My Ounwn home palmlnn aul lhu hllherln overlooked mm in both then anltlhM nhIth would Iltm 1mm lmnkrncnln mm vll annnm Thu Nnrlh Amuran Waltr and Iowur Alliance ha de Imbcd An cxmlu In Inphm mnro ch cnuinccrlnz Pro poumlul by mivmu tnxinrrr Ina firm In lha In drum up Inulnrx lnr lhllllsrllllll mud on Hm lnlm nuump llnn that we him large nntw nhla qunnmiu nl mrplm water In Cumin luv MM Mum ll pom mlmu fluent in our Invrrelinly died suddenly last melt at his summtr collage near Duawn in Ms Bath year he nus hurled wiLh lull military honors as be Iilted Cnnldas first lull gen era nho had also burn cnb lnet mlnlslcr prcsldcnl of our National Research Council and member or the Cnnadinn lec llon he lnlcrnnflmul Join Cummlsiun Thu boy mm Moosomln Sax kalchcwan had lrmnllcd tar and had consislenlly served his counlry la the best ul his very great nbilfly since ho begun hl militarycarccr 5n ycnr3ago But his grcalcsl unite to Canada may be yet to name And It ill came ponder and act upon hlx advice to In whlch was tnnlnImd In It spctch ha made last month the 110an Sucltly cl Camdn nn Iho nub jrcl al Canndnl wnlcr re BOIIICH Andy hlanughlun was great soldier mom Impnrlanl he was dcvolnd Canadian and an able scientist We should read mark and never met his last public word cn pngcus6 hiss njcr OTTAWA REPORT la9351°£ Mnuhrr Immllnn Ilnlly NNxmnrr mu rrI Aummlm lhu lnn uIIIavI INII nu Amll Huuml 0filrlllnlhvll Duly Sunday nml slnmlnry Ilnlldm ucrplrd Submipllnn ulu daly hy unlvr wrtkly nun yrmly Shula Ap Irv lav lly mull Hum 310 yum nllrm llfl yrar mnlnr mum In par MI oulnltln mu rln fill an mum MIL millsh 511ml mm ynar um um lnrvlln mm pain llnrol 41 MVIVIHY Arr annnln Mn alh Ml Rl Mnnlnol 11 um um lrrulrr nnrmnrr llt By PATRICK NICHOLSON Aulhovlml umml dun mull Im out Drpnrl mrM mum and or Nymrnl nl puma in In Gen McNaughton DevotedCanadian THE OLD RAT RACE tummwmwwcmmwm 12 If we were in agree to sell our water to Kim US it Wuid give huge corporation which American inicrnsu would con trol quasi snvcrcign power to administer the huge watershed in Canadian lcrrilory the up pensc Cinadian mighty Further General Manughlnn nnd Canadas previous cx paricnce Show us lhal ll vu nhuuld ugrcc lo ml water In lhe 115 we nanld never be able to cut all the supply even wa ncchd It lnr nur awn uscl Cun nda he hinlcd might even he Invadcd hy the 115 lo enforce the conllnunlion lhal wnlcr lupplyl He qunlul lha precedent our agreement In sell USA surplus hydra power belare he last war This wan on yearly agreement but htn th vnr slnrlcd and ma were lixhllng In tho war and needed All our hy dro power we announced IS we warn cnllllrd lo lhlt wa would nnl renew lhal agreement when expirc mwmlm Mk xivw um um mm Running lhn mmmmu NM Imwl hr the 1mm But he US stued curt nr der Ollawn not In end he supply hnvc alien lhnuxhl about that and unndmd uhnl nuH hapan In he mvorclxmy Canada Ike v5 would rudA mhydnmw mlnwl In mm mmrm myvtulu um ul mlll um nwm mm HmniM WI dwm ml by MM Ihm lwuly mm In In ImM NI wth m4 wt 54 mm Ln Um nunmw mum on mmy he mph In hem and Man kind r1 nmnnrm will Ivy MW ln wmm Lhrmxdma IMH In Iho Wilma nl Ii driven Mu31 THE LIGHT TOUCH MMhmm Mu Ihn II firm mnlnmr mm wumr film on mm mm qlrvv um In Int nm to mum 51me ml mm mu mm anng mm ymn mm 1mm mluay rr than hm mum ll rm vandal MW lmuy mu lwl 1mm mmhml nnnrh mm by IWAHHWIHI mrlwuh in Imma mde dartr lucky to mnku $5000 um mm mnldml Mme vuu mm ml MM dawn um mm 0L Win IAms Mal If an Alama mm film uul bunlw Mmrl ul mm In wot NICEIIIZD IMIIMAV Ml 11 mm In uan lvum was Muir kn wwunm law In My NBC 11 All In nhvn Mm 110 can lmk hack and mm 1mm Irmurly p11 him NEW YORK AWMy WI Memory Fireplace Of The Heart fly HAL BOYLE mlrvr Ilzw lrwrll nulmm uill nml mm Imdr II at our IMI Mr lnr me pmluclm 11H mrnnlm KM WA firm Imammm Ankh mu mnumm waMmlml In IW In mmlmnll Ihl nule 0w IMlIlllulhIl mHmn wt Mnmn wh mm lbfiiumi mm fill weal mly lb rkml 1mm WKHIHNGTON Sil 4Nn Mlnlllfil Induer Tun Mn hem MLw MM mmn alul lmlky Ummflnflnl ml ml at hm Mm wa uflwhlu um mum mrsl lunlM in mhl Manx 111 mm major Ivan I111 lvo mm mlnlm Wm uuubvw nunm rmmrmwl with Imlhmlnl marr on mm rmdmwin 2M lixnnr Allnln Miulrln pm mum One day will see Canada need lm all our water The north ward tmxrse our prnlrle tm nlre ls already being staked out by pruspetlnn nnd limlmr cruis he xnld lle was referring to he mat chaln cl ludustrlnl cilics which half unlury mm nmv will have lnkcn shape in Ihn nurlhcrn prairies Our first grnat socioindustrial tomplex reaching Irom Mom real to Amman 11 now satur nlcd our mm denlupin bcwccn Edmonton and lho Peace Rlvcr hich will um malcly he the home 100000 coo Cnnndlnns Our wnlcr In the was will all be required here wa must not diver It In ha US urged Gen unl McNaughton Industry nerd that wnlcr In It come here In use It ralhzr lhln dlA vol nur rlchts mulh Canndlans should new form he lnsl ml word hm urea Camp dian Andy Manuxhlun dcnly say You no longer have the right to deny the water even though yau need it in your own industrial and agriculmral develapment lhe general said ma lrnnt pnrdu am home mu lvmty Mo wnyfl bad dnyl MAL 16 Countries Study Aid Immtx mania ltu nboul dnuchmn mm in mm lhnn lbaul 19w qumny her ponmmdip The more ok KIM lookM they Wm plml qu WM man vrtw mrl Em31xny mnku mLinkuumtn may put ruhlxr mu linger cum Mom Ill you make Wu mm mynno undw my be LI likely In ka puma Ind Mk Mull mMrY new HA CAN Go rasvegww Yau 6AM 275 nu wen mm the same rm would enable uceanrgolna mum to lravel between Montreal Ind Ncw York bywan lbs Murilirnu The proposal being opposed vlzorousiy by thu park of Saint John mum which would lose zraal deal businms um the name llme In vur nut rovlnc Ill elrrllnn ll lth he the most lmmrlam om bus bun flnco 1943 uhlrh was to nnly In In IL history when you mu nrlunlly with ham convlcllnn um It louan chance at Mnulnk an cletllnn In coum lnnrd mlxernhly Thu Em runway in presentday Canada wen operating in iho coal mim oi Nomi Sydney an Pinon Nova Stalin mum In Canadas lirs passenger raiiway opened an this day in me It was the mmlain and Lawrence operating between LIIX prairie and St Jean Quebec distance 16 milez lilil ms an aid portage rm to Lila Richelieu iliver from where am couid in Lakavflhmlpiain and men lo the Harbor River Then is proma today wongly supported by the Provlnd Qudwc In build an additi he Mummyvséawjy Waugh The Gramplaln and St Lawremelwas the only passenger nili way In Canada mm 1338 In 1847 and was horsedrawn or the first year 01 its operatlm Even in 1350 there were only as nine of railway trad In What La now Canada compared with more than 2000 miles In In UEA was paflPy due on the availability water lawman In Canada In lira Lachlne and Welland nanak hadjmt baen built Momer was yowlng rapldly in ms and Immands of ll 23 zen cussed the rlver cheer the depannre the Kim Iralul lmm Lapralrle lo St Jean Manne51 also lnlmddocd in first gu lighling on fine same day lt was supplied by me Mowenl Gulf Light kmpmw of nhlcn John MoLson was mainnan HA qu building an lrudustrlal mire that would be envied eval lodayfi bank ahlming cnmpany and bronory He had so muzh money um Robert Nelsnn leader of um Lower Canada rebellion in 10374 planned lo capture and hold him or 00000 ransom lie did not Incczedl 0mm 2mm 0N JULY 21 lawTreaty Brnda restored Acadia la France waxwer Charlevolx began survey of Fund holdings In North palil a1 ulnr Today ha socialist party uhsah it L1 being called more nllcn these days and which is label It dncxnt mm to re antII mu optimist America noPopulation 01 Canada estimated to be 11ml lmSir Guy Canaan later Governor of Canada led an expedition 21 miles up tho SQ Lawrence during Wolfes snack on Quebec 1mmst of Quinn pnlurin cgded 31730 urn lawNew gmflonbridgi opened betweuifilémlon and lawlr tan Nhhrn IanImperial commute opened at Ottawa mas414091 AWadfingtan HC dumbed or hrs time It rise It has probably new In all It lilo In Ontarioexam be tween 1945 And ms when it had more Ihnn an membtrs cl Illa legislature been no buayant and full hope My ixxscsiirlenl olrlhe NDI nnlurally not hopeful own or null Thu pm npllmhm Is brlnz holslrml mhslnnllnl znlm In rccrnl Hutom 1n lhn rml why nml Ihu Mnnimlm poll lrdrrnlly In popular Inpme Iml moo feet lselPrimu Minister Dielmbaker opened KNEWmill Anti lawn of Imvik Rnlhcr than cloud lha cloud it riding could be 999 CANT WIN cant ice It wlnnlnx the ow emmenl an In mlnurlly Illuluan Ono Important pulnt ts Ihal II mum mum hupu than In tho past CANADAS STORY QUEENS PARK lawns 112 martin Exmuttwrl By DONALD OHEARN TORONTOThe NDP and ma BAVFIELD ST 112 iiiarrip Exnmiuvr COMMERCIAL PRINTING DIVISION Im roopnnnd following vaclion First Railway Was HorseDrawn Socialist Party Full Of Optimism noun NEWS COMMERCIAL PRINTING DIVISION FOR ALL Yflllll PRINTING NEEDS 7266537 By BOB BOWMAN Call Our wmderM Snvimlr at he mm hand the Fllher with Mievrrn on hll hurt ln make Inter So lhcn Ifler mu Lord hid qurn unla 1mm no In rrlnd up no Iu mpg 93 an Hm hind 606 Mull mu nu then it on hbor and lame nlhor nutslim and Ill lhlnlunz is undisciplined Ind ncklm And lean believn lhI xenuni pubiic wont Iccopi Ihis Tody it probably win Imnxlnniho want But it Ii Wliill rcsponsibiliiy Allhough ha pmcnt mun In the houm rclauvely xmall II pompclcny group it one keen Anlb ysi mq criticism And about no pcr cent ofth lime his criticism also my onahie But than from llma to time ll lakes In he highrboaxd look up lnslud ol dawn mi dlvu Imith or lhgmoon 0n many Iufijecu mm In muted nn he nqupd And the general lmpmslol Is that its xupport In Ontario 11 gr3 ulmnzly nut he party or Icasl ll reprcscnlalion in he legisla lure nnrl mu course in uflicinl image still uuflcrl lrom an old weakness TENDS T0 EXCESS THIS that land to cusivencss Manllahl In It presently lion BIBLE THOUGHT 7264557

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