In oriier to get lha maximum enjoymcnl and prolecllon ram zlhin vncnlinn Thrn llminl plnnnrd and done Hm mcmnvy uranndumk hr um play hmlm In the llvr an rnnm wilhmll the nnmlnu Jrrlinx IM Ilmnhl lw in mum pmmflnu 1me AM nr mm hnnlmu worry nbmxl hulrky rnlrrl nhu any mnxl gunu hie llnllnn ml nml unnunslmnln Thats My 11 Important to make sure that children in the sun am given proper eyc pm lccllnn Unless you do so you may ï¬nd sun wind dust Iwim yminx pool chlorlnn water nr hillhwfly alum will lurn your wnmllm Inn headache ln and of pleasant and deserved tclnxnlion party Min down your gun MAI 1119 load to be 1er and mm llllflmenl planned Thrn rnjny ynurull The mle cnmrs lmm an or flmh Brent mum of Ihrre lumkx nn parllu and lyndlcnled rnlumn In an Inlrrvlrw hm 1h rm turybom Mrs flrrnl Inld Ah mph IN poar wewslram to seé But loo Imuch light can be equally pm dlltlile of ey fatigue and nor flvaus Icnsinn rnmzcr ms was The explanation Ho Jonsilivlly ol the rellna to light ll he nir were pcrleclly tlcar could see lhn light nl candle dislance nl mile Thurclarc when we look directly very bright lluhl ls llxmtllnz lnsllnclively we try to pmlccl he cyu mm glare by llnsing lhcm or by rnlsinx lmnd as shield young chlldrcn even lhnse Ioddling or Infant slagu who farc exposed lo the sun without any pruleclinn Hs an untair cnnlesl wixh Iha child gelling the beatinu Direct eomosure to bright light any kind had or the eyes vgry young ch ngi dir ect surilmhi ls cspccually harm lul In his floscs When light Mrl Brrnl lllyl mumy In nnl nquhrmml lnr nunrum rnlrvlnlninl II In nlunyn pm lihln la lnvilr livr nr nix lrlrmln an rnflro ml dmmhnull Ilrr pmlu um Ilwnyl ma My main mum lnr gnmlnlnlnz In lnr rnpll In hum Ixnnml mp IIIIIM mm lnr hrr Mm Evmlunlly aha all lama lllltlll lot muul nmu rnmn lhn lumh llm lnr lmy lnvllu lnr Ilvhlu IIan anlulul rar lllllu Mn Ilunl vnlrrlnln lvuulflully EYE SPECIALISTS warn Iha rcadlng under lhe rays ftp dazzling nun like Ms iChildren Exposed 7To Sun Need Proper Protection Whvn on vacation Ihis sum mer or even If youre only out the cnunlry for the day look around grid not hevnugnber TM wvi 01 hi Kamila Ihn nmounl nl mnnly lwm ll uhnl rnunu hva mm rnlnlnlninn hrrhml ADI ullwr ln Mn Unlml Mam Man Cowl mnvrd from MI umnulwmm rnn SEED PLANT FOOD POTS AND CONTAINERS Author Shares Party Secrets BEZZANT NURSERY FLORIST Juliarm IL VMFCPUVHR CmPlannan unumu TM an BEZZANIS 11th SUMMER COMPLAINT searéher recnmmended hat you allow these basic rules head covering is must and junior size sunglasses are recommended good sun tan lotion and available ahmic such as bench umbrella should al so be pgovid Dnnl children take books or funny papers an hoIiday and try to read them In the sun Eye specialists warn that reading In Ihe sun or even in the shade of beach umbrella can be very hard on childs eyes mnjnr ï¬fobl sum mer vacalinn can bc caused by Teach your chi rcn never la look dirzclly mo the sun and lo keep their back to it as much as possible mug girl with her ammo comics can be very hard oh the eyes Even dark glasses are no nulliclunt prolecllon RITIflfIIflVHlllHHIHI lll HIT NW AQUA LK For Mummllq nnlml Wq have variety of Allapfl 1n glamlum lem mugs 3m Mo all HHNI Mlh vmnn Ila mnlul wax lnr plenum ouhlmvr llvmq anmflan mad Ihrw Huh In rnvn nuhlnur Hui Al Hm rmlngn patin muv pltnlc No my prirnl from 100 IN Flllod with nonqllorgonlc loam 11m Ohon pIHowI In cool And buoyant Thuy tam In uvml Imm cavaringtPulllhad Cullen Snlm Sllklooh 17 25 Rig Valuo ONLY BATH SIZE TERRY IOWELS QUILTED LQUNGE PILLOWS Priced rom 75c lo 520 on NOW 257 ON PATIO lIGHTS rnum 72mm Follow lhesa simple precau linuary rules and mm ha giv lnx your childs nye the can hey deserve Dont let child rub his or her eye and never allcmpt In rcmuve speck that seems In be imbcddcd in lhe cnmea there Is any problem like that its best to consult an eye doc tor Immediainly Lack of early medical help wih foreign bodies in the cyu can cause cnmpllca lions dust ur blowing sand The best way to remove speck dust from Ihe eye is to bring the upper lid down over the lower and let tear sccrclion wash 11 away An npplicallon nl eye drop may give helplul assisl and relieve the irrllallnn that usually lallaws The experts say that three words should be applied to gages like Dont Do It An old an that seems popu again painting on velvet May Clarke of Caledwn had an pomafls attractive group most tth Same incles ng pen and mk skelthes by Marilyn Mug of Braeemldge were well done by his ynung mm or moth also had some work in oil in their Exhl Another group was shown by Ruth Rhan and her hudband from Burlington Rags were made of Ojibway twining They have nu scam and are very Most of the pictures were traditional In style All showed keen interest In he nonthem lanvhoape Portraits of children vasth were done on flu spot From Eagle Lake was Karl latter being outstanding Good wnwosium and charming color made an attractive group Each year has grown In size and interest Exhibitors pay modest fee of one dollar and hang heir pictures on fences ammd ï¬be park There is no admission lee Everything shown is sale By HAZEL HANKER 0n Jubhfl and 18 ï¬le Mus koka Am md Grafts Asmia Non held an exhibitiqn of Arts and Grail in Memorial Park Brnoebxidge Favored by ï¬ns cool mmegm show was PAINTED 0N SPOT THE BAEEIE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY JULY 20 lï¬ Muskoka Arts Crafts Group Holds Successful Exhibition Haward Sky die of the Cayuga was on hand to Show Indian crafts dnm made Imborn burialo hids created lot or comment along with hmcaded bells momasins and feathered headdress For Kawandag on Lake Rosseau he spends the summer leaching Lhc HIE and histngy of his people This effort by the Muskoka group brings hundreds ol our ï¬sts every summer and hid lobecome one the great Canzdxan summer allraclions ACTOR LOOKS HACK Vulcran English movie aclor Willrcd HydeWhite made his lnnrkm ï¬nge dm In 1915 and his first fllm in 1934 The Dcparamnl of Federal Penilcnllaries has av minimum security camp at Beaver Creek The men ram Ibis camp had an display work In leather craft Most inmesling were two mck tall tables with carved lealher opal Many other small arlcles were for sale no proceeds go help increase the Sitcom of the inmates well as to help lheir rehabilitation Braided wool yard material rem UrSA were of lovely designs strong and durable Hose with some large mien candlamcks made up the map shown byMr and ME Burt lelnzton strung Mr Rimmer wowed NC gulp ofpptlery phages BIRDS FIND HOME More Ith 350 species 11 bird can be faund In Yugnslavia Summer to many of us with small children means allday excursions to picnic grounds or trips to the beach lake or pool and what better way or young lass like this one to dress particularly when he outï¬t will kcep her looking neat and cool all through the warm day The comfortable poplin cobbler top appliqucd wiih tropical fish is color co ordinated wiih irim tailored clam diggers Both lap and diggers easyeare ma chinewashable 100 percent cotton are Stoneswenr designs and come in several ntiractive colors PICNIC PETS The best cm is lo cal lhrce regular meals day In elude highvalue prolein in nil three meals breaklasi have anegg and slice oi mast ar cereal with milk or lean meat plus mi and collee lunch have collage cheese half cup or two ounces lean meal or serving oi iish plus salad or vegetable and skim milk dlnncr include three to tnur ounces cooked weight lean mean fish or wélthfarTehn meï¬ roullry Its no really dial but food pauern that emphasizes the protective cod and flights nonessenllal foods On crash diet the pounds come on fast but they come right back one Such dials keep you mm lacing up tn the act that you need In make permanent change in your routine way of eating mgwrm PROTEINS 0n Falh de clded that loalng weight would be me has present could give my husband To make ll lur keeps resnlvcd ln change my food hahih welghed 194 pounds Now year later weigh 154 pounds My doclnr is happy we are all so happy am 51 and Ice so much belle nnw lexercised regularly lao Thank God at holler health and beller lllc Thank you or your encouragement In my loss offlifl pounds When pound accumulate with birthdays nbvinusly your load habit nncd changing So when the doclur advises you in re duce make up ynur mind to switch from fattening are in pattern at eating which up nishes food nutrition but curbs calorics By IDA JEAN RAIN you need In lose weight but dread going on diet see what change of load habits will do hr rgadgr wrllcs KEEP IN THE TRIM Change0f Food Habits Sure To Do The Trick The women were delegates to Ihe Inlemaunna congress of in Medical Womenl lntemntimal Assoc Lion than 400 medical warnen from 30 coun tries he said there are frequent suggeiions in Ontario that there is malefemale quota syslam lor admission to provin Cial medical school but msdonotnpponoheyiaw NIAGARA FALIS Ont CPI Dr Matthew Dymnnd Onlariol minisler of health Hid Friday the number cl woman entering he study medicine In Car ada Increased by morevlhan 50 per celn in the last gpyeayg 0n lhe above pallem you will he on the but die in the worldl You will look and Ice younger and youwill lose one to two pounds week When you change your and habit whlla you reduce you can hold the weightline Include daily green lady or yellow vegelable plus second vegetable and salad de sired When you choose slarchy vegclnble leave all the bread three hal More Women In Medical Field