Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 20 Jul 1966, p. 5

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malcly 100 bays and mm numd 1ing the Smyncr Cammily Park tamp hlch is stufch by he Simeon Coumy Recrnntlnn Unit Camp hours an ram 10 mm to pm wilh he children hav lng lunchnl ha camp unty arm area but Nic 01 Mill still serve large nection of the arming commun nUust as it did 109 years STAYNEE sum Annual parcnh night at Lhe Slnyncr lucrcallnn Commlllccs day camp will be hvld on Thursday author conditions are suil nhIc ALLISTON Staff Agrlcul jtural condlllnnsr have charged éomigaatgw 9n um lain gPaved Parking Area Pondered BRADFORD SIAM 5er In lmprmu wnklnx Condnuom 31 he Ilradmnl um Dizlrlcl Commuuily Tenlm and Curling 1an nm hclnk Iakun up hem Mnyor losrph Mnunnl bus xuu gum am parking nrcn nl rm cnuld used as plano la hnhl nrlnm nuullle nrllvillrx ROM CONTRACT LET Wnrk Lu Inc start hm mm In rmmnnum of mm uy rnnnrvling link brawn llmnr Slrwl NII Lmvrml 5L nu mutrm ma Involvnl mnmm Im IM In pH Smwn nnslrudiml Wm 11 Wnlrrlunl Tm um mmm nu hmml mm mm mum uh In An WNW HIM mix hath MN MW walla un WIII IIIIh mum mmdn v1 my rrall wmlm nu mrmlm nl Ihl Nmnl mum mm at ImmLHNI muan int vhuv lmmnl wrule mm mlunv wuknu In jlnucmz In durum unim 111 mnlrunm MN Ilwlw ai Iu Jnnn 1n MM run almVmu Imul land IIMUN Illmnl Irv Ir Jud Vivi leuw v1 mummrr Pnl HIIII 1m 4m Inluz min ym lmlm Ianl Inkr law Idrlhn may rallnl mm um Illn the mm Mn 19 nviru numam mat The waterpoured rm which Is located beside the Nimlston camp site by the Nouawasagn River nppnsflc Highway 89 to day Is dnicny occupied In chop his Dlane Amirmilt oI Tar onlo ho has been Sn charm of the camp program has been Mnxrnm nm In mm Fluh win by mm Irnilwny um mm mm um Iumun Am 71 Man flmmmnn um Tluwlny mm rBflil Strike Vote Known On Aug 22 Th mnlm nl nnnnrldg rrnlly lvrlng lmknl Inln with II MOI Mn MIL Ink liuhmm he lmxwvul lkmflinn lvr Ir Mum 110M nmvvl MUM AW FKANK NICOL apexalm cl centuryold feed mill near Al lisml 15 shown standing near CenturyOld Mill Has Busy Season Parents Night Arranged Rt Stayner Children Camp IIIZTIIJK LIIZIITING XIIIZIlIIIOIIF ISM 31cm haw 15319 DISTRICT BRIEFS bgcn Aappmxy ndillons on he arm have changed great deal slnca my gmndfalher slatted his said Frank Nicol present oper nlar as ho referred to John Nicol launching the mill in an other era Lalcr his tumor John Nicol the second operated the much commended as IIth Sheila Wka or her wakr snIaly instruclion and senior cmmscllm Drum Johnuun Marilyn Furyk and Lyn Gibb all nunin and junior caun sellers Sandra Camblin of Bar rie Ross Slark Palmwlc andflill Ulla nl Slaynu ping oan barley and corn for teed one time Its main ap eralion was grinding wheat Im flvur have been Healer Dull Allco Anlo Marlon Ilckbcck and Car nl Dickey all Stnyncr The Slayncr lmgion Auxillnry gives linnncin support through ILHAN Ul DUMP NEW LOWELL WMI Hm mwlnp man lwm And mo I21 IIM Nina damn null mrmmmu mmlu Lin Iunlnlnnnmo Hr mqrralhm MI in mndn by Sunnhlnlo cmnul llnl nmm III Mm ulwn la filmltd and III II Mrhu and mm nuulmle The Slayncr AgiénAuiillnry gives linnncin support through the Slayner Recreation Commib lee MYIMSIINH FLAME fiTMNIJl OKNHIHIIM um Mn vmk hm lnr mn Irswm nl mman Mm mln 1mm Hnym no IIHMM Ivy ll 81mm 701ml willum Naer lluw Itll Man July nnvl mulimn numb Immal 11 the proposal having been made Ihnl lhu Communlly Ctnlra and Curling Club wllh ptrhupl some nddlllmml help mm No scrvlcc clubs join wilh Illa luwn llrmllnnl and ownshlp Wrsl Gwllllmbury In pmvld lnulhu mnnry ilxurrn nrnilnw Mn IOUKM on the con ol thn prcpmd pm JrcL nl mm of the 0m N01me Kn mnymunkgy ujnifu up mnQlr wundL lanlm huh mml whim units will be illdnllrd in nil 1M mlm nl Nlitnwn Avmhl AM Dun lnm hunting will In lmkul all by grunt ram Slmwn lmmly Mk he mall mmt Axrkmmm TITAWA Mhlnx mm 14 thinly mm leh Hwy will uwlw nu mam lmvn rum Mm rwa nml mum nm Wm Tum mu ndhmfl hyfjm oat roller Slanted more chap 100 yearé qu0 by his ham father the mill was rebuilt 0L My mm lwhmm mm lmlwlml In raw nusw Ivy 0h knl umh tlw loyal Unwhm Housing Project Gels Govt Loan ouxiw voiiéncéis on 155 mu dd mirfarlrmn the Do parlmenl ol Land and Fol25L fish ladder dam few miles cast of Alumni on the Noun wuaga Rivet There not too much whcul grown in his area nnymom said Mr Nlcol he npoka of the change from lhu horn 7an tn lo modan farm ma nhlnery mlll He sold ll one time and men purchmd it back whlch make Funk the third gener km to opegalelhls lllslgic We null render scrvicc he said with appnrcnl pride ha explnimd the operations the on toilet nnd other machin cry mu duo grain Into iced Hurley and oak are around Intn ccd nnd com niso hammered lnln good livestock end Considerable barley and out are mind in the district and grinding at his inin iced con auxqu lhe main function of the mill today REBUILT IN 1900 an M91 we mm mm kwisinmied by lire gram 1900 and was lhen mind on tho lama me NUMEROUR INQUIRIES Mn Jenn Nicol look aim the npernllnn the mmmcr camp mu mth by their dnuzhlrr Ann wlm hopes mm to unnllnu ngh School Allulon nul Sqicmbrr 1m yaunxer bmlhtr anklln xlx will be Ilnrllnl In lrhml Some when ground but lha era of it to be processed lnla am It mill past Lame palm and lnbntca op are also grown In lhc area IL does not Involva lhe ill Mn Nicol snld But we am busy wilh our nlndlnx during the busy sen he and mum things wtrn min to Iluckcn or Ume Mr Nicol mld he had num mul Inunu Ibaut 0w mill and mddnalflo hum Ihnwn Mlny Vlsllnrl ha nmby clmp In Inlrlxuml will the powerhon And In walcr power lapelHon COIJJNGWOOU SlnlllFlul baby In In born in Colllnlwwl durlnl Cnnndnn rrnhnnlnl year wlll urelv Imlnl Noxnltlnn unrlrr pIn Mn mmle by lhn Colllnlwotll Ctnlrnnlnl Comm lowing in Kn 1W Ithaa been having busy man in Brain chmm lm lmn pmva Ihu hnhy In mm In lnnrrilml Illm mu ml 0le nvlnxl ll nla lnr edumlnnnl puma Amrflwr pnpmnl uhlrh II It trlvln Illrnllnn plum lot lhc ulrruun folllnlumlll rm rnnlnl qumu ln lrml Hum lnlnn my rum Innnfil lnr nul July lunnmvmuu wvolnlwl or flu purpom II hrmlnl by Mn IL nlhlmm MMhrr nulnummluu hm II by Donald Milan ul upwlnlwl lo look In drum on lm Mr cnlcnnlnl will ht Thu mhcnxmnlllu nlm MUM nil drlllll mu lrll Minx ruwhlrlul In hula llun lwl dulun Int rvnlrnnlul nam Ilnmlllll InflmL 11 mm lull ml luv mnh Mllli Imaml nur pm In All mm pmva mu Hum Th rnrlmnd rlabrlllnn In In Imllxh Al Illtl nn Iwrlnl rvvnl muulh ml um um on New Yuvl he wllh he llflfllnl the rmlvnnlnl flame To Honor First Centennial Baby Ht Collingwood THE BARBIE EXAMWER WEDNESDAY JULY no 1964 Roblnson pmldent the modaunn suggested to the Noluwuaga council that the whole bench area be zoned as ruldenual and the rest of the lawnsz an farm area CREEMORE 15131 re quest from SprinuhurslBraclu Beach Ratepayera Assncinuon or zoning the beach area Ls currently behlg mulled by Nol tawaxagn Township Council It wax pointed out this did not take In business man During discussion it was brought out that any zonan would not Iect established businesses as they now stand but might in terfere with expansinn Proposal or land use by law proposal slop to pre vent water pollutionand other mam are being looked at fur ther it was disclosed by Deputy Refva Edgar gigolo If an ofllclal zoning plan were adopted with the approval of the department any major devla Hon would require department approval as well as that of lhe local councill Than much support for mnlng but dmerences of opinion on dawns iieévé Arnold Vancisa repre Iunled Nottawasaga at meet ottawasagd Will Study Zoning DISTRICT NEWS EEKEREKNSi=饥lillfil Kai TEA BAGS WITH PORK TOMATO MUCI II WHO TIM HI EAVI IUHYHI PHOCIIIINO ll CU WILL CANIV AN ADDIVIONAL CNAHOI PORK HOPS SHOULDER ROAST 43 PORK ROASTS what does anadian Pacific Telegraph have to do with Jane Parker bread mode on Jone Paviar WHI laud Evoryvhing hem file lngudienh right Ihvougll lbs mix and flu baldng II dmked and rocbctkod But do ohm 23 quuiry hldu mlixly No maml Iy naval mom Ihove an 23 quahty zhodu We have 24 check Raauknly Canadian Vacific Telegraph represanlalivz vslm at random and pvvcbma at our new loan of Jam Pack Whih lined Thyn an our quality km lob for ihal Imporan 2th thank You too In vim way on loop lab on oumlveu In June Puvlwr Whine Bread good noun or ihopping ALP ll one oi many JAN PARKER ILICED or UNOLICID WHITE BREAD fllu PHICI LOAF Na IAVI 33165 IHANKLIII TIMMINS Two dul Imn sinking Into the slime dam husdw wen Nscued by teenager afifixufnh miles 3mm olllflfimmim mu he heard he Khanflay WM had My sunk shouldudcop in the slime created by mixture water and mine wages and Paxmypmmean 14 was in in of Rural Municipalities in Toronto rzcenlly and will he liv ing report to mumJ Terry 2mm 17 said he was passing lhefldnm at weftes Youth Rescues Two Children TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE mun FRESH $135 9c BUTT ROAST 49 3349 LIAN MEATV SHANTY BAY 15M Om xchunl air will be held In con uncuon with the rtgular mm annual regular fair of Ihe 0m Agricunuml Society nn Sept 13 and 14 at he tnwnshh lair gruunds Competition in this aeolian is limited lopupiis oi all and any Ora schools Includan union achnois All pupils who attended one oi these schools during the sprlng of 1966 am eligibl and all entries Ingram roots veg chilliesv innit and flower class Rm be the work of the exhilr or Placing of exhibit In like New between and 10 pm on the opening day of the fair school parade is planned as prelude to the 0mm opening at which the president Lloyd Fletcher will extend welcome to visitors Student ha have trained and mud for all are permitted by the rule to show the name at the fair In the livestock class thumb mm to be shown in this section are limited to thosa born In 1965 The Club calves are not ellgible tn be shown In this class since they parUclpnta In tha Oro 4H Club achievement day com petitions 1150 to held at tha ah as Ward golf for On residents also has been attracting interest it was stat ed by Norman Stoddart sec retary treasurer of the 0m Agricultural Society Ken Gii dhnst and Allan hum were in charge lust ycar whnn this was future which drew many players Oro School Fair Plan Advanced APPLESAUCE ALP PANEV QUALHY PENN PHIC WEWISIE 395 NEW JERSEY MSW ORANGES BLUEBERRIES NICTA E110 BAG blcmc SHOULDER IX CANN fiiéifiéLoaM m53 WINRIG DNAHD IKINLEUI ALL MIAT IONIIDIHI IQUAIII IUPIlMQNT IMOKID MACH INDLIM Ib£ BACON IWIFT NIIMIUM WIENERS CORNED BEEF Thu pony horse shnw has been another mum of 0m tans in recent years with trophy do nated by Bras and Glenn Barrie for annual cnmpeuuonn Tmunhamess ponles not needing 14 hands In be shown All PRICE IN III AD GUARANYEED HUNG IAVUHUAV JULY 11 lm PINT BOX SEEDLESS NAVEL No GRADE Every Dayto CalgaIy From Toronto Hamilton AIRCANADA FOR RESERVATIONS AND TICKETS CALL Travel Service 11 nuglup 1mm Ifoii nr twonwheeled ve 0K Johnson TH NEW DC9 unlup 1255525 Wan wm Au Cu nu ma Invzl Amnnmenu AP 963 takes off faster PRICE PKG I96 IAVI Ion nch muan FEATURE PRICE VAC PAC him are to compete special hunter horse das ls gn olher calm where showmark ship counts Early all drlllcrs collected the kerosene and threw away tho gasoline slnoe there was no use for it vlhere are also landcm har nos panic classes or under 44 Inches as wall as pair har ness ponles saddle panic and single harness ponies TlfllEW GAS AWAY pkg 990 CORN NO GRADE lARGE SIlE wmdg IV lblm 1I In mm 79c e59c 53 n79t VAC PAD 59 WWW

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