Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 20 Jul 1966, p. 4

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Walls Publisher University students in Ontario have complained to the education minister Hon William Davis that the inclusion of loans in the provindal student aid pro am mortgages the future of the stu enti Those who are most in need of finan cial aid incur the greatest debt and they argue that this is contrary to the express ed intention oi aid programs or equal opportunity or all Who wish to enter uni versity They say that heavy depend ence upon loans will force some students away from long courses or postgraduate study and away from poorlypaid but respected oempations such as social work and the ministry But thu present program at least gives more studenu the means to enter uni vnrsity even Ihough some may not hn prepared to go Into debt to take de gree Students Complain Loa Mortgage Their Futures llarflo Examiner July 16 1036 On tnrin llydm authortlcd cut in rates for commeran nnd dumchc saving local cmlsumcrs $0030 Feature oakcr nt Simcoo Count Ohmic rally nar rlo July 12 was ton Earl lmwc 0n arlo bmorvativo leader He mowed tho necesdly at greater ndhcrmcc to constitutional rights and em lmlzcd the fact that tho vuy fabrlc lho llrlllsh implro WM held more or less lnlnct hy muted or prlndplca rather llmn by nhl Um more Or 1cm lmpuldvcly to chnnxlug sentiment from tinny to time It was vary hot in tlds d5trlct Mth lcm pomluru of two days 98 and 07 all week Allnndnlc Ind N0 432 was hunt or Oraan mlchmuun hm when no lodgm lrom Sunroo County took part ln hugn parade Mlmm was chair man or nmmgln vvnnl minted h¥ Griffin rndrlck lAlmlrd lar kcr llllln leon lml llsnu lnddlmn Crawford lllalr lltlord llcclhnm Imghml um Chapman Jphn Mac kny llama nnnnncnarlnn oldest lranizmmn In arnlln which was judged lly undijngmau nud 7171 30 YEARS AGO IN TOWN Gimme Ilnlkm of Gray 51mm Ftvr mom Judgng hand were Handmai or mum Sum 01 Hanln nlrem and mu Handmnnm Howl Booth Allan qu and John mick Km CIVIL SERVICI ACT IMPROVEMENTS Ollnwa Hlmnl Tho rnsultn ol lhn We Sponcnr ram Inqulry rouplml with how nl lllu rommlglon 5H In hr olnlul whlrh will slmly fanallu mm amlrlly prucrdum ran hr un lul In dechllnf whether cxldlnz loglxla llun umrlrmy rmmdlcs tho rlghlx of Hw Imllvldual and HM Alatv llw luur nul my to 050th unison may Social work has always allractcd dcdl Th1 13am Examiner Pubilnhad byVCnnndlan Vquspnpera lelted 16 Bayfleld Street Barrlo Omarlo OTHER EDITORS VIEWS DOWN MEMORY LANE MoPherIonMnnnglng Editor mm mm mo 4mm SEASIGKJ cated people and tha loan system Is not llkely to change this The rate of re ayment of loans however should be ad Justed to it the earnings of students in their first years at work The student who enter long courseS of study such as medicine may reflect that even If he incurs large debt durlng hls university term hls eventual carnlngs will denden the palm The students also complain that their parents have to declare the value at their assets on application forms for student aid But parents have always supported or helped their children through college and if they in turn need help doing it they must expect to show why The pm Vince cannot be expected to dole out money blindly to parents some at whom would rather buy new car on time than their childrens education Surely there is something properly traditional in the proposition that person seekln help should be wilting to answer quest ons Imlgo No 230 Barrie WM elected no uty Grand Master Georgian Masonic isLiict William Salter secretary of llarrio Water Light and Gas Commis sion announced that water for hoso pur 503 mid continue to be restricted to mlMiour daily With no rain for practically one month north of Barrio Simmo County laced had cm niluatlon Stowan Page mported Iarly loos were failure and oats were no illi lng nllhmmh whcat wan more pmmin ing ilnlnhlll Womens lnstilulc with Mm Allan at prmhlLnt dill niml play wound equipment to lnnlsfll lnik Eingrdo smokySmlth llnr rles Mar mmhpnw fanned 12 lmllrrn nnd 10ml he Penman 50 in Nnflh Slmcnn Baseball lmmlc Mam McKen zie Norbert Mnrklo nml George Smlt lml Harrie hfllcm Imxy Acts hm up Hunch Simlallml 170 and MI nlccd Io 11min nualnst Mlamlnln Im wrlah In mqu mnlor mftlmll Stove um mar lhlnllmscmnn mmlnml Ms hailing Lvyn with two doubles and hom rr 0n marking mmlenn 11 ornanln and cholrmasm lnr Amlrcwu numb anml ml was hnnoml by mcmlmn of rhoir mrlulm wty nml pmcniaflml by Pm ltlrnt Anyun Him Mr an Ind just rnulrnnl hmn mth In Makarchewau rnflmr qr lnmntn mmrvnlory at smxrfly rhk vllhmlt bring lnvnlml In an arl nt pspiona hu Imrd only hr nllly Jul In hlnrkmal Again flanllhnh smlrlly ran change or muflly nmls slrm In define mm Hm Inlvrnnllnnnl mlillml rlhualn whirl nllm mm mm hue lorhnp1hmugh ho Sprncrr ln qulry and lhn one In he cnmlutlrll later mum llnxlhln nml sallilarlnry way nf minim lhe Ivil 5me Act may ha found Wilson General Manager Loans Camps For ChildIen nmq Great For Parents In his lpeech Inst wuk the first malnr statement on policy toward 01mmme 111113 John lnn laid down verylarga new 1ab LP WASHINGTON Speclan In an attempt to give snma lusting meaning to lhe VictNam war presidenlJohnsun has made new approach to Asia The United States ho ntri is Pacilic oowor and thus just as committed tn mointaining atahlilty in Asia as itwn in Europa during two world wars WASHINGTON CALLING Ha demanded an elfort com parabla to tha Marshall plan to nve Ania ha way Eurapa wan saved after World War Two through massive inlecuon of American effort and American He called for eventual peaco ful coexistent with Red China which was Invited to throw of IL mlsgulded policy of angry lsulullnn mm everyona else He described Asia as the crucial Irena mans striving far in dependents and order and or flu itself NEW swam He claimed Asia as an Amer lcan when of inmesl sprayed forth happy new about to way that big and backward pm of the work was haullng use up ward and forward no LBJ statement on or elun policy can ever be snpar sled ram LBJ domestic pnllcy the speech has In be read In context he was Congressm nl elections and the growing American disillusionment with the course of event tn Vlct Nam heywatched Johnson do all the things he promised not to do in tha 1964 campnlgn will no apparent objecllva other man to demomlrale that newstyle cummunls war of llbmllon wont work the public here grew more confused mnnlh by month Johnson and his neuclary of THE LIGHT TOUCH By GORDON DONALDSQN Its mod 01 the chudren but even bener Im thn pir en that parents deserve mill or ho financial uanllioo they make lend Ihclr dlildren to mmch mm or two weeks or month um um In rd nut lhn rumpfly Hum lhll pnbllfiltd ll Mull The mum Men mm an under in In Him what God 1m nnd1ry wmdflnll NEW YORK AP God bless Hummer camp not nth unto its void One of the major no crimnlwrllmebm an had In bornow the need Lha lmh exr AM An nhino don wander nr The truth of the matter 11 that most modern parmfis wwld glndly hold up bank it necessary In Him the mull lo semi their dfldren Into pummr exile Anymlng them out um hennnl for while cm ho Hm nlght hwyra away It in b1 turd mm The home la slIentM0imn lb thunder of 111ro hbgmh ml in bahlu walls Johnson Offers New Asia Plans BIBLE THOUGHT 0hr Hunt Examlun uh me too 1ch F14 Inmwrlml Amml dull mull Im Ollico Drpnrh mvnl mme And mum at poem In rnh Dally swim Ian Hialulnry anidlyl 1me Suhmlpuon rule dully Ivy Irvinr weekly um nuly filnxlu tar In lfvr Hy mull Hana mu yurly Onlnrln no ym mam lhrnwdl ymr Mull wulda OMI rlo Ill yrnr mum CA naxmlmuah Irulmm mm mm Uh pm lnulln 00 ran Inc Unlvnllly Aw Tmmm M0 alh rm Fl Mnnlrul m1 HM vul Irnllvr Vancouver MM mnun Duly Hmpnm luhlilh Alwl mm llm will Auvlll llmml In muInllMH 11w lnnmllnn IVru ll lullwly mullwl In UH III or mvuhllullm all nm dlqmldm 1n um luper rudilrd In II or In Aumlnlwl lmQ or MiltII NU 0hr lhp lnrnl Emu puhHle lhvnn By HAL BOYLE Stats Dean Ru repealed over and again hit the Unlted States dld not wan permanent base In loulheasl Asia Once North Vial Nam was persuaded to end in Iggmslonf lbs us would 1ch out bombs ham and all PRESENT manon Allhungh Johnson reputed last week that he had no dam or ham this humavu named laglcaL If tha us Is not In Asia In stay why Is lpcndlnx 11 bllllon dnflnrl year and Ir vcsLlng nearly hall million men ihe senior American column ist Wniwr Lippmnnn who ox cused the muchmnilgned us Intervention In the Domlnican Republic on be ground mat this was an American sphere of In fluence say this us is viol ating Ginas when oi inflame ln Viet Nam and cannot win in lhnrendi Tha new Asia policy makes much more sense alllwuxh It gamble whether it will sue cc Johnson in at last produced reason or the Viet Nam Advanlure more acceptable than Ws twittering about the need for North Viet Nam to ienvu its neighbor alarm or tha Mimi flagwaving at his re cent patriotic pronouncements which amount in demand that Americans stay and be killed in Viet Nam because other limer icnns huve already been than and been killed alloan which for century and huli kept ihu United Stale out of Europe Europa was nav cd ram communism by ihc Mar shall Plan and the Wiley Can mininx Russin by organizing NAT0 and brandishing nuclear NOT WORTH SAVING He haw lays AslaE or Chl ncse communism can be con tained in the nmo way Um dmrfully mixing them wound manml But by mu thlrd day they openly admit they are hgvlng the mu their lives Fem itl wonderful No hldcmlx rack roll mule Nam mm fins 7th min Cobweb begin In mm on Iha unused lcle phone Malhrr no Innzrr hnl lo plck scaumd clothing ram lhe floor Dnd can listen In my Idcvislon program he want or even tum the dined thing an entirely 11w can to he movlu without hwing pay cen ago baby sitter lhu dmm paymrnl on bu college edu cullnn Thm udlsllc parental plenum on rudlnz Illa mlll mm Cm Walmee pooIndian fur land of my walen TORONTO cm Cunndlnn IIIXInM my him mm ob nclrl In orwmmn In rllml In It llqunr lo yinunm on mlhu our Imam 0110773 121113 HUM of mno vacelvtd ml leher rocently mm hll mm Daddy tom mt II ammun ml Mink It We darn do mumHy 11m Ibo uyl Ibo Mm mmwunm Air Canada nxul lunlxllnn In Mlle Alyllnu Mn unnlly lhm Innml Ilnn In um Irlnlu In runemu nn unl xIIumu mam uhnn Merulu um Annvll An you any he pllcd Im loin to and Im counlrllor llvooound box of candy mm um and mur word my Illa mlmowmlomlnm Mr Cumin nnnmmrrd Tun thy um plunnul In Mm Imlnt Ilrlnh In Mrly Mllull Flullnu pa rum Inuhl he vlllnkl mummy xlm mm my mm mm Liquor Obstacles Facing Airlines 0mm 1mm Im mun Mlnw rmI nullrln In In may dnnh arrmdlnx In lhq qumvr mm mm And lha Inmnullonnl mm Duranm ml llulmlu Unlnn lImH Invullfinllnl whUwr Ipunnlruu unulll lw Inmm lha jmlulltllml In munbm Thu with Nh mum mum mm Ibo rum Wm um may Iboxii Arent than my wlnlrr mm lnr thlldnnv And how About Ivrlnl ml mumn CW1 311mm mm Georg Keelms the architect of Europun containment disagrees Re any the 115 has Lew na tional tnlemu there and most of the mall countries lndudlllK Vlet Nam arent worth uth quvgny It dilllcul lo tell at mount how much of hu new Johnsan Ash policy is real and how much at grandma altamp to atlnch some lusflnu purpnu to Iho Viet Nam mess it is lmd can bring none to the Music illlempered inndos n1 Asia when it has aroused so much resent ment by bombing deicnscles orienuis and yet failed to com quu lhonggieuggla guerrih lag of thg Vie Cnng Must ol Johnsons foreign pul lcy critics warn against war oxpnnalon of aims in areas when the US has no real power base or Influenceand milclulmynalm 15nd war Now um Johnson commit led to land war In Asia ha ha fled to justify It In Iweep ins Texasdzod emu he said peace all In Asia no where else will our achievements be ucureflfl F011 LAND WAR This may be true But It has yet to be teen whether any wast ern nnllon no matter haw pow erful can Impose II own kind peace on the huge emergan countries of Iho Far East Miracle Whip snnnn nnnssmt Lu HI SALHMlSlices 29¢ lemaompu WIENERS SPECIALLY SELECTED VALUE CHECKD BRANDED BEST BUYI 3201 JAR JHM 49 BEST BUY 2402 JAR WITH PECTIN STRAWBERRY YORK MIX 0R MATCH 1501 FANCY GREEN PEAS 1501 BEANS WITH PORK 2002 CUT GREEN BEANS BED WHITE 49 SALE 3m 49 ROUND STEAKS ID ROASTS RUMP ROASTS ELEEIICAMS RED WHIIE ESSA RD DAKRIE WAGSTAFFE JELLY PUWDEBS 49° KETCHUP Boneless Rolled RED WHITE BANANAS HEINZ TOMATO MELLOW AND SWEET CHIOUIYA By colmdm My an aim became lhu dale when British Col umbia Maud Canada In Hm Animal In federal government had pmnlsed to build raliway to the Pacific Conledumlon wu mt welcomed by rumba of Brhlsh Colunblans One official and We are conquered mmry andflw Canucka Lake msseuinn lm Moro Brlush 001mb and Vanmwu Island were unlled In one colony in ma Naw Westmlnfiu wan the capital of the malp land The nrlghlal dnlee had been Fort Langley ht Governor Douglas docldad tht It was too close la the us harder Many people had bought mopcxw mm the old Hudsonl Bay Coming lorL on he understmdlng that the capital would be there rammed Dang having fooled them In order to name Ilia vnhleo he campaw PITDem finally Urey were allowed to ex uhanxe their holdlngs at Fort Langley or land at Queansbolwgb New Weémlaipr WI called 1e myal prodam an hanging the name QueexdnmflA to New Wmluster and making it the upilal was on July 20 1359 Secretary the Colonies Slr Ward Bulwulmwn did or flu tho name Queenslan afld said was anly 1715am but 111 THIS WEEKS WINNER MANDERVILLE 91 CUMHERLAND CANADAS STORY Inmarmw Nevedheless We were ulnbraliom throtme me new pr Vince beginning 12 when July 19 In Vldorla Canadianwp mum gaihemd on the meet and cheered whilu bells rang gun Ixed and Rommiqamflm ware lightgd Jame was appoln first HemaruMxavemr He had taken part In me nozouafiom 1n Ottawa when Slr George Bdch Calder presumed Canada because Prime lfinism Mac donnld was Bl Lam Thlldl said publicly We must all re member In British Column that to Sir George Cartier and M1 mowers In Lower Canada we owe the Um we no naw In 1d WWW Rm Winnnun Evidently Bndsh 001mb has not forgouen Manly in gay cmmen lent Qudbec smmomo saving Quabec 3750000 1n legal fees and brokerage charge it would have paid had It gm Io reg ular some or money mm EVENTS ON JULY 10 lassFirst rail Pacific men WWW at Port Moody masTrial Louis Rid began Regina msFim fmnlly allowmu cheques sent to Canadsan when SAVE Mal British Columbia Hélpédx By Quebec SAVE ecl JOZ RED WHITEfi BEST BUYI Savo 4d EVAPORATED BEST BUYI RINDLISS FEATUREI REG OR CHUBBY KLEENEX By BOB BOWMAN KOOLAID MILK FRUIT DRINK POWDERS 10 49 49c Roll BACON 99¢ Ll 70 490 29c 79°J SAVE 9d

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