Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 20 Jul 1966, p. 12

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There are four ways treat lng dlabztes All mm at the same result Dinlwtcs means that ills body cannot use up the normal ammmt of sugar There lors treatment mists allow ing iha body to get sulficient nu mtlan while still seeing that no excess sugar is allowed to no cumulata in the body and In time cause campficauons These are tha trcalmugts ro coommnmti The diibélic who aim use up an limited mmmt we Dur Dr Molner My brother 51 has diabetu and has lost considerable weight He takes three pflls day but his sugar count is over 250 and the dnclor My If it get over 300 he could Into com The worries hqt he still eat £90 much tn the line sweet Should all IweeLs be eliminated when taking hl pills to gel the sugar count dawmM Yes think ha should llmlv um tween enllrtly nm In act best for anyone with diahelur Same who have mild use can handla Va liulrl rwzet null ll they compensate omen wise in diet but no dlnhetlc rofiu by eaflng sugnr Your rather wllh sugar level above 150 In no mild dia batic LMm anmn Show meld In comm On mm mm Il Im bury still must eat enough foods which will provide other nutri em Meat bread mils and vegetables provide them Yet whether In nmnll degree at large also Includn Ingredients which leI be convertrd Inm su arnncy hey are digested lRuxlu mm um yshow MdIn lth DChlnml Thu twvomunnn mm mm HMM SCH Same cambhnunn of tha tbova three way ogovngg numzms CNCLHM Iwu In The dubellcflml eat food which In the and will Rlve hIm at he need or health yet Hw 4mm Mmdnl tmzun Hum Nlll nuhnllul noun lVrnlm Thu Mm mm mm 14mm In mm 17 IINII Innu lI hu lury IImlo 1mm no mm gum 1M In in Mn Mo wumn mm llmmml ll Nlll XlVlmfly mull NI TN t1 cum1 Ir mm mm Cum IvIm Jo iwli Iinm Hulmrn In mm mm By DR Josarna moan 3411 firm mmuu mumr au absorbs sulficieni nulrilinn without accumulatinl ex cess augnr Diet aloha works best or peopie who are too fat They have been eailng too much They can cut down their iood intake without being harmed They are in lad better Pill 03 and aimilar drugs which help reduca ex cessive mixer 19 mulln which reduces lhe xugar ievel not just by eliminaling it but by pulflng lo useful purpose After all the reason why sugar accumulam Is an inabilin to use It up and this Inabil lly resulu 1mm lack of enuugh Msulin do the lab nmnlmlnn Mm ml IIWFFALO lBARME CBUFFAM FTORONTO llanlLlON Jul In mm Diabetic Profits From Eating Sugar In luml Mm In my THUMDAY TELEVISION PROGRAMS WEDNESDAY JULY 10 EVENING TIIUII MORNING Al lunUlyIunilfl sMm From Um Ln uauemonnm Iunuun lIGlfllnnl hlnnd lTht Vlllnl klpn In is 311 Munmn nnmn Arm HMV VIN ll INl mvém rumq um twa mm um um nqu Kind unm Anni um um Hmmw 14am nmn ¢Andv MIth 44 no Ilrl 1Mlll llnullu llloh rmonu lfllun ml luvI knltl Vn Dyh 14m Vm pm Ahuudllfil muuy MN lhm Vrr 1m nn mm lmumn um nMom landJ lJa Irdy LIMIT um Pall tspnu mm rmnln Mu 1m vahhvfll VIIII INNC III gm Mm mm II II mm mm an 71 um In ay Mn In lOvllllnyvvl flnl rum mm Cm mm II mm 1mm 1m mm mm Hmmm 11mm Vhvw Iw llv Nmum in sugar than can usa up Thus Iwecz stuncake cookies cow mum1 what he has to avoid Diet therefore is the basic at treaunenl for every d1 ue PHIL which rhino en too much ruler accum ulales hr the system the risk In mm It does not necessarlly occur at level am because other actors are involved be sides Your brothers doctor evl denlly has noted those other signs He has warned your brother Pills or even lnsullnl do not mean that the patient can eat all he wants or eat all the sweet he wants He also has to follow his diet rules no he wont get more sugar than the medicine and hl body can handle lha sama liqno not Include gma some uznr or tnmlln which use up tconstructtvfly mm sugar can be eflecttve only when used along with suitable diet The biggest pmbtem in treating dlabete ti convincing attcnu at this fundamental act Du DI Molnar Can you re lreeza bread cakes coaklu elm know you nhnnldnt re lreeza nut and such In to relreeze anythlng but gee reason why paslrlu cannot be relrozen especially ll lhey are properly wrnpped llnce baking slerilizu them and de alroya hurmlul germs If any were pruenL BYLAW SETS GRASS DATES Coundllor Jahn Allen said we council wu getting um specific mMrol at per sons life He relencd 10 clause that uyx gram must be mfionce malty be TORONTO OWDemito objections from nme ooun 2mm suburban EtoMcoko councl pm bylaw Mum day night that all dcnu among other things how Mon they must cut their may Youre getting down pretty when you tell guy Men to cm his was Theres certain Ran lile UM LI human at you ha to accept as inmap an AFTERNOON 14mm mum ITn 1m Trth Tn ml nu 7mm mme rmuu uIwum IVN Mu III mm Nlnl Im ll hum Impn LTanllhl Mal IMom mum rm tn Ina Bhu mn Sunlvm nun tNun lummry IRun nu van ul um M00 any bDmny Km sno nIerv amm 1010 05 lllthllnxu elxo nnl nNewl wnmu Boom no lm um ml EN iKmnn mm 01 5C Ilmr Cumu H0 211 Imam OAr1 nunnu lahnrh In Cnnmtl linmu mm In 00 I4 hull lu urnu mu mm mm yum VIIJan rub om of my bum in unqu hum lllhtllll And IM Run 1L 1mm Hm 1mm nun om IIM leu In Ilun Ian an umln In lhlllln mum Lum um IMI ll llMunlun 17mm NM 11 no In ivila Here Is an unusual hand play ed the Splngnlrl some yam nan Thu bidding was weird for while but South evznlunlly wound up In the reasonable cun tnct three nolmmp BELFAST AP Ram Ian Paisley leader of Northern Ire lands Pmmm ukunists was found guilty may of un twin amhly Ho relused to p09 goodhehaviwr bond and was laced wllh three months impnsonmenl I6 mum Mating the cue igainu Paisley and slx on Madam on charges at taldng pm in an unlawml n9 mbly gave him 24 hours think It aver West led heart and South took the jack with the ace De claner then cashed the ace of spades East discarding club and wnflnued with spade tnk en in dummy with the seven East discarding another club dlamond to the king was loflowed by third round of spades which West took wilh ha king as East discarded still an Paisley old Wm Later the Marxian wwld take ma Inn 14 hours In decido matter lo appeal or In go to Cmmlin Road Jail for lhree The case against Herculcs Mnllml one of the seven delend ants was dimmssed The whet six wen mind guilty of the charge One Mn Wilhe1mm Brown was ml is $15 Paisley and the mnaindzr wgre cam lined no two and 01de whim bond of £80 to be gm be bmrior or two years up maf was being watched an int attempt of the gov ernmanl crark dawn an the CRACK DOWN Protestant Extremist Leader Is Found Guilty In Ireland DAILY CROSSWORD mum Ion We Jul THE OLD HOME TOWN By Stanloj kfiil no can South dealer NorthSauLh vulnerable NORTH 010 Mu um Opening leadtwo beam Mrdfum ll Dunn JIXHHHO mlII culloq men 11 wm well or bndly eunun ll Ponder HJHIOd 1°Cl1h 10 Elaan wly 1L Runlln munk Ilunl and mud um Calumbiun IynL Jim rlur Paella anllltllon 36 mm 81 law 33 thm nrllmn hlll on mun Tmlnnlo ACsts wgm rhlrlcllr CONTRACT BRIDGE Nonh 1g Dblq MM 1m 6mm no flu upond 1mm 13nmm 155mm LMohnm mzdl journey ZGuldnnlm lym Rtllllcn ml Balld 11ouurlum Flux 11errnorlll mum loll Mn By JAY BECKER umcfcluhl Al this pollil West played the king and another heart ha position being woul up ulna East Alfred Shdnwnld Los Angela star nmaw the dan ger and overcama it by permit nng dadam to win the six of ham This highly alert plgy c1 imlnaled he pounmal squam and endplay and South wound up going down one Meatold lirchrand preacher who has charged mm is pm doe In thern Ireland to sell out to the Roman Catholics 6m 0Q us It would seem that South must now go down East Mn the six hearts with the queen and play anolhu heart The de fem would apparently more spade hm hearts and club to ddeat tha contract onerkick However ulls analysis is not quite accurnle West would he dread to discard club on lhe dunk round heart and he could then put in the lead an the fourth round diamond In campel nude return lulu the llne ElaySadlh Fabley who set up his own Ulster Fm Presbyterian Church has flock of only about 3000 hm claims support of 5mm ol Nonhem Irelands 900001 Pmlcsbanls 60mm am out dislmhances ouuidc the Gen eral Asmnbly of me Presby tenan mm in Ireland at Bel June Them was police guard at the autumn the mud building but unlike Monday when large cmwds durme the street nuLsSde all day only paydqu of purple were waiting WOULD LOSE T0 BOBBY DETROIT MDThe Delta News 5w condudcd poll In Michigan which Indicamd Govt Gemz Romney would lose his home stale ll he ran or pmsidunl agains Sen Rob 11 chucdy Ru he wquld carry Mmhugnn agmnsa either President Johnson or VicePru dent Hubert Humphrey the Now said IHdl and Neg NV Evenlnx mu Driad amount 79 fill up 1194mm Hrfllnn rampant 37 Okllhnml Imlhlll vllvrr ll 7th mpan 22 In uu l9 mm mo 41mm in mm In 35 mlhbhlnd Emu FIX an lnllnw Vlkgng explorer nuhher ueu mubl of lull mvk Aaglgud Juno1 WWIIMIIK lwy UR XI VHF3y sax meow nrs nuns THE BARN EXAMINER W3 33 522 mx v63 fimoo En mmnmu mt WALLV IS Mme CETSF can JTS 592 VMZWH nmm hmmzrx 3001 rwuN Eozvmmin Stqumm 13 mm an 09 up mu porn NY In womb TWALMKI Masai mm not 42 28 Inn 222 as 9526 93 WEFE ON CUR CHECKER BREAK

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