Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 19 Jul 1966, p. 6

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flml Oulllninsz the prusccullonl case In Mngislrale Joseph Add Inn Mr Cormack sald that lwa cars ngo Mrs ManMillnn was ncrvlcwnl nn cns ltlcvisinn Ihow during which she called Wlndfnll henmaxt recent suc cesslul Ilrike Mr Corman said sh mnda um xtnlcmcnl helm nny Wind all drilllnx had boon done mnomo CF George lIIcMillnn president or Wind flll Oils and Mines Lid and his wife Vloln bolh unlcrcd finial of not guilty as their pre mlnary hearing on fraud charges bean Mnnqny Yurly firm ml Mary mm hm Imhm wrlu lmn qu Lulu anvav MM lrwk Hmr Me in wrvlula up They are charged with de lraudlng the public nud fraudu lenlly alfrcling lhe market price Windfall shares hclMcn May and July Both elcclcd lrigl by judge Imd jury Cm Prosoculor Roderick Cormack told he hunan he ncsscs testimony In mllar ha Ihty said at rnyal commission inquiry inn the wise nnd cwllapse of Windfall shares lTflCK HOMIS when rumors began clrruln ling In July that vlndlnll had found copper In Timmins close the Tom Gull Sulphur $2 000000000 discovery Windfall Ihnru rnse lo mo from 50 nnLI and lhcn dlpphl In 1m on hr Toromo Stock Exchange Mr Cormark salt the rumnrs hlch cnuml hr sham In Wt clmllulcd In pnrl by lhn Mlcmllnm fluted whim voyage 15mm ad with space walking and twin MacMillans Enter Not Guilty Pleas He nuld lha MillMlllllnl knew Drawing depicts the oman RIDE lN GONDOLR FLIGHT PLANS FOR GEMINI ll here was nothlng of commer clal value on he Timmlnwrcn prapcrly but gave dfllcrcnl Inf prassians of he acts in cnnvcr sainns wlth news reporter whn mu grtlclp on WindtalL 0n the wlncss stand mas of the day was Thomas Colo secretary at windfall Mr Cole testified lhal at one point during July 1964 he Wrolv his rcsignalinn from Vindlnlln board at dircclnrs bncuuse he started 10 years ago uhcn three nmnlcur musicians on to lage campuscs the San Fran clsco pcnlnsuln Tho mun can be mu mu hcnrd all around The strumming of mllllun mlilnrs mu mom 01k lunrs Mos Mslnrlnm lnlk music cmlll lhn Klngslnn Ttlo wllh hrlnuing lhe nmIcnl mm In lhe lorrtrom lho pop muslc wuth decade Innr ha lrla um selling ll mmy Ian uilh rcluuu nl more than me nnnunlly Emma Mman Mp Illmn val rl Mr lull Huir Ins in lrll riVy 11w zvlu MMM lids ml Ward Ivar uv Wilnimhfl satellite hunk Gemini ll spmnen 10th Ymmgllid can we when chad Collins utter blasldl euvm will be pentor from Cape Kmmedy on Mon Wiropholo Diagraml MOVIE COLUMN Thu Klmuluxu were hm lrnm 11011 AmH Kingston Trio Sing Title Song NMIA T0 VHTTINU IMNKHH Norway ilkuteri Ernwt FR UnllNI Slnlrl llw Wnrkll INllml HIM ynrhlln on IHp Mundny Irr IM INN aw rm yur hy mwulnl M64 Wm hy hm mili mlVF llllll thll In In II IIM Ni Unmnnyn UL rlv Immoral Elnnndwin Ill mum mier hohlnd lly umklux 1m Hum MI va Hr Klngulnll Irln nn Mill rrlm mnrfl lhnn 000000 Inr lhrlr mllllcll run alum Thy Ilsa cum mm of mumnu IHIIIIHVIKI mlnu MA nlghl duh disagreed with ha policy of the company regardbu the release or Womnlion He said he didnt submit it because he was afraid it would create urlhcr rumon Tho collcgln nmrd lhe Klngnlon Trlo 1llnrry Hall lonlel Calypso was hot lhcn and plnyrd lhtIr Hrll prom Ilnnnl hm at San Frundaml Iurplc Onlnn In 1951 Thrlr nc ord Turn Doolay brouth hem Ida nllenllnn and nwnk cnrd North Amtrlrl In vnl legacy of folk mualc Flve yum nun Dlne Guard ddeclul ha wu lnsl reported on Hm hmrh In Aunrnlln John Slownrl him wilh Irnrccly mum bull and 1h Irln hu nllnuod on it money mnklnn bukruxu hml been lnod MM Reynolds bul lhnll lo ho 0prch mu album The nnnal enr Inru muldnl bunr nnl nlmul mnnlhl nl Ibo yrnr now 1w urkl at llnw playing Alldllnfillm mL In um him And Lu Vmu Hmm ulw Shallan punu mm mnr IMMIL Iyllllllll ImIMI and um ml Manny irrull ha nuIr mm mm with nl II Innu um lnl Allmm Mr Cole said the Toronln Slack Exchange lold the com pany July 10 that unless It 112 plch Information In cxplnln he Ilockn fluclunlipns tr ndin would be suspended at the open ing the market July 15 RMle ALUMI Hrynnhln Shane nnrl 5mm mum nny Inn hr Ihrra mnmhn Inr lxmnl mun In nmm lhrlr rnhnwhu ihrn nut witnrmlu Iny up Mnla Iheir Snn Francktu hny home record lho mm long or lhe Dean Mnrlln worn Ttxna mm The film Nlck Rey nnldn billed th rum nl the lllter dld mm rtmlnlsrln about lha cvcnllul decade wan Just l0 yuu ago lhn nub Shnnu and Incl Mcnlo College Inld Nlcku Wu lnndlnz bar In Join whrrn Rob and fooled Hound wilh xulun mm we met Dave Gumd ho wu ll Standard AEAK LEGACY day allemom nmea in boxes em hum aloft when the man yerg will 3e pertqnned AP TRAIL 50 CHEmmi hour discussion belwoen iklau Conan Ltd Ind the Internacbnal Unlon Mine Mill Ind Smelter Wonkm find nppearldr Monday on hlva averted strike by 5000 xoulheanem BC 00mm em planes Jnlnl statement Issued Mm day mm by com ny and um Ion negndators agreumnt inwincipla lor Murrowam has been reached pupa will meet smelter worker explnd June 39 Negotle colluuod shortly um the emirnflm Ind though we union served Mr mm mice on the mnpany Sundly¢aks had already been TORONTO CPD Pharmacy aduntca now will have 1n com pels sixmonth course on more management below the ovuma College 01 Pharmacy wfll grant them management cahega spokman Mnclnnu said in an Interview Mmday dis course 21 up al21 ive yem of planning de signed to counter complaints hat phannacy graduates know only how to dispense drugs Mr Muclnnea said the first group mince win begln next Mny to learn mcmhandizinz techniques displam purchasing and recordkeepiflg Liberal Assoclllm Mr 111 son said Monday nah be wand like see an clocuon this fill but exped one sometime in 1967 Ho the Liberal he an lrcnd in the pmvlnce Insult two recent bydedimu rill Nipissinx and Brncondale both won by lh Liberals He said he has never seen As many people cornan to lhe slew or he legislature in protest 1mm nurses lo larmer ta bllnid pcopla VThc EVIIIEVIIDVHIIY rule $127 will lnrrensa durlnl lhe parlod to ma Bay to aim IV Wadin sewn out the terms anincoa jaunuwzt WM the Thompson Onurlo beeral leader say he will return to eastern Ontario withln two lyear premier of the ME Thompson on slxday tour of 10 custom Ontario ridinus He no urller Man dny in News CNdflIZl and Harrisburg vy of Nd day denied the appeal cdlmr Annrtle huchnnnn or new ml on conltmpl or com chnrxu min Immn mm mm 1m CHSlap Rock Iron Mlnu Ltd and Unlled Steelwork en Ameritn CLO have mum Ill nummnnl coming lhu three yrnr pcrlod lrnm My man Apr 30199 Hourly ruled rkcu ll lha northwestern Omario mlne no 494mm Increase lncludlnx lmpmvomcnu 1n vanoul bene nu Wage incrmm cent an hour lrom May 1960 an addllionnl rent from May 1967 Ind ievcn ml min Max an nuchnnnn 20 n1 Senllle wnl mnvklnl Jun And lined NEWS ROUNDUP Retum As Premier Sign Agreement Denies Appeal Add New Course CORNWALL CF Andrew 112 Martin Exumlurr COMMERCIAL PRINIING 5mg 110919 yuan EUGENE Oro lM Ch lh speech In the Slarmnnl lb BAYFIELD 5T lUTERHEADS OBROCHURES INVOICES ENVELOPES PRIZE LISTS BiLLHEADS BUSINESS CARDS PROGRAMS GUMMED ABELS POSTERS OFFICE STATIONERY TAGS CATALOGUES CHEQUES HAND BILLS DRAW TICKETS WEDDING STATIONERY Strike Averted In Trail BC BLACK AND WHITE AND COLOR mt wha the explnd Juno 0011511051 This xlvu Defence Cmmsal Anhur Johnson until Ann 17 lo file modern II Mill Buchananl cnnv cum to lhl Oregon Supreme Court man said Ihe lcfler from nosde Park where Rink un derwrnt writ of tumor um plants Ind blood transfusion with number of uthnr persons repafied th resqu ol Xrays laboramry mu and physical examination Mm Whlierhend And her dimmer lowlynne 16 Muh hikrd to Mom Saturday In lry CONSTAMINE Mich AP Dodnrs my mm no evi dena of cancer all in Larry Rink 21ycamld bone cancer patient who exchanged tumors with Mr diseased patient in hopes cum His physician Dr Ray Hamilton sald olliclnls ol Roy well Park Memorial Insfilule In Bullsdo reported the absence of any xlgns of cancer In letter torblm But llaughlon who said il the disease had progressrd nor mally Rink would have been dcnd lhnc mnnm ago cnu tinned that you dont call canczr palicnl mrnd unlil they 50 five to 10 yuan wuhoul any evidence STRATFORD CmTh Dn lnrio Humane Society came la lhe rescue Monday cl Jun Vhllohend and her prime zoo in rented laxm housa II no lork om Mar Mm Mu Whitehead nowmpaned by Gordon nrnckcl me soc ely nginnnl inspector went shopping or 00d lar mo flock loca Iced mill The bill was Ekktd up hy the minty Who In nun curred 1n rmva name me animals In Turnnla pol shag 1310 lhern Ia ralse money or lhchudvci and lhe mull nl rrMiln Mrs 29 m4 $300 for relusin to tell Infm Jury he names student she Inlufidewcd or In nude on mum She is managing Editor 011119 Oregon Dally Emerald student newspaper the Unlv=rllly Oregan Judas Leavy also ordered 93 Icullon of Min Huchunanl Ian lance he upended unlll 30 day from the data of his arder denim WAWA CPIAn ublln tlon board has Iwarded some 2000 rivlc employee we in crcases 13 per cent In one yenr contract The corporation of the City Ottawa had fernd the lame Increm aver twg yegr The card finding announced Monday grants member Inc Ollnwn Municipal Employens Union the Increase eflecuve Jan 1966 The dccislan hinrflzu Im going In make It now even il it comes backI Just know it Rink said Monday on learning the mum at MB He said It takes just low tell lie dormant and pop up axnln We cannot say he is curwi Even wilh mumday logs you cant find micro Mnmm hm her 10 and wxu lmnble In continua cnrlng or nnlmnh It estimated the board rul lng will cost the city 81200000 annually Find No Cancer Get Wage Increase Zoo Rescued TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE muu 72641537 While the weatherman pramlr as cooler air Ind thunderstorms we continue Io sweller under he warm moist air which men our area Cooler air is maeclcd tonight and maybe we can an let good nights slecp Thu he thunderstorms lorecasl dont keep us awake Low record ed at the Examiner 05m last mm was warm 68 degrees lha lempcraturo mm was 70 degrees TORONTO CF Official 10mm Isued at 530 nm forecasts issutxi It DISTRICT WEATHER Synapds Cool air Ls moving stealde souhwand was Has Great Lakes and munderslonm nrq otcurrlng in the warm nlr helng pushed out of mm Ontario Slmng winds an bring lng large supply of he cool air suuihward out of Hudson llny and this should result ln longer spell cool tempera My Goad ud Fullr Mull Ovlnlvln Tlllll llllll hurl Anu run II 711 Dnlnlnln Mlnlihl HI Tendeltest Mlnuln WEBBS JEWELLERY CONTINENTAL SPECIALTIES NEVADA W00 Wool Ior III mad In all hurt wulghh llnh Cooler Air Coming Thunderstorms Too MONARCH REFRIGERATION Cwam Kllllmz Home mer Suppl Culllnu Ind erpplnx mnuo Card Rldla and TV Senlu Llcmlrd MMqu HARRY SMIIH Gnmml Slam at 119 DUNLOP EL 7254059 mum Jmuuy mm In no MIZIMI AWM COLOR TV OUR SPECIALTY ADAMSHEATs 6mm llrpalrl Tim mum II len Fl Mary AII an COOKSTOWN MOTORS Nv 011 Int 71MB IllH 72541 lMml PLAY BINGO Lake CI Lake Erie Lake Ontario Niagara Wind sor Hamilton Tmno Sunny with few dnudy periods andk cooler this alternoon Ind ch nuday Wind mm 20 lhl nflemuon II II OL IT II II II 17 HLIIJN LO II II It II Ill 11 IIY 10 II IL II II I0 I7 ll ml Whlle River wub em any Cochrane Claudy with few mnny period and coal today Wednu day mainly my and min nlng and Wind not 20 today begomlnx ugh tonight hrh not In with hm will bu IVIHINI II In bullneu an lhll urliumul BINGO um uhlrh mu mum UT OF CHARGE by Alar plnl II In ultlr pl va0 nun Mm urh Ink hen Ill nutr lhmulhoul hm Im Inmull mm number The llrll penal IBM In mm mm hr rn The Inn HV TELEPHONE II In Ill Regional lorecul valid until Edqfimw°d¢day5 Lake Huron Hallhurlan Gmglan Bay Algmm London M1 My when 19119199 Saul Ste Marie Vlrllble cloudiness and coder today Wednesdly sunny with cw elmde puloda Ind cool Wlndl noflheast 15 In 20 OLtha regl Cloudy wih mm and lhundcrshawtrs be perlnds lhh nfkenmn Wtdney day mainly many turning lar hu th filth INI ll thin Ilium hr In Illl mulled 00 In llv em coma in la be HIINI In mum lhn lellllnllnl uullon IM ruh Ill Numbm rlllrd In file my JACKPOT s3000 AUIOMAIIC IIMNSMISVION SERVICE 14 HOUR TOWING 95200 lulu MUD MIII It PINKNEYS LADIES WEAR Klul SL Coohlon MR5 PINKNEYS LADIES WEEK THIS WEEKS and WIN DOUG BEAN BA SERVch All coder Wind light except zu in thundeuhnwen be coming mmh I5 lo 20 by noon Fanecu lemp Low tonight High Windsor SL Thomas London Kitchener Mnunl Fare Wingham llamlllnn St Cnlharin Toronto Petalborough Kingston Trenlon Klllaloe hlnsknkn North Bay gudhury Eulwn Saul Sle Maria Kapusknsln Whlle River Mnasonce Tlmmlnn In Vupu 1mm Amm mun nunIon and fluhunnl If the Mlflbvl Ind IM lcy lhll an Flll Ill bell lor Tileon 1260 N41 um l1 Ilt llll Push Llh llmm We Till Tulip Marlflu It all lb Flmll hklfl ROY TRACY SALE For Thu Flml run Ind gulp In Town MACSAY BAKERY 0pm 14 gig to Sat Dunlap ll Ann Lu mow Call Today In llama 400 GRILL GROCERY VARIETY HURON MOTORS Inunl Thu JEEP Id le Aulhnvlwd III III Mulr BANBURY FOOD MARKET mi 54 nun mun BARRIE SEA FOOD luluvhnl Fllnr 0mm lo Sun II Tu mm ll PM 113401 Illh lempnnlurn High Wednasdly mm MM In In 72121 7mm Amm It lard

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