Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 19 Jul 1966, p. 5

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lml llulrk lavrr It Inlivl on IMn INN rim lmlrml anliNlFlly um MIME mwwl In Mi uh In wnnh UM lulhar lllvral wlh lush um mlil mm thm Mun mu mm film dunI awn mun ml r4 rlru an alum In my mumth Mm Mth NW If WWI MM thw lnru klmuld In murva lmuwnuy ml Imhul In Ml Mk Mm viminl much lam lnul m1 hau up In VIII mauunnuv up num nr rMh InIn lhirk Huh quwrn urn In mlmn all rum Mu nu ml nu ll may on Inlrriur rad Alum Allrrw pmy nl Inna lnr lhn Hnln 1n ll Iry ivhu vdmwrll war Fly ELEANOR no with vmthlnu who in wmlmbo lmnwur bmdlll mm ll uhnmm play or ultraMun dlnwm and mean Int4 In KIWI ran cnmllllon Hwy wll lul 1mm mhl mm maps helm In lmrn minIL Try lo nllnrnn mini mm mu dmw In Alr Iraq nna day IV we nclr Mn Are you the man urr of lhe worldor Just the airport Your husband In Mac to muma ynu rum he Menu 01 what mlxhl have downlan lnm xrwyiqg infer lald many old baby doesnt Ice nnulhlng Dont ynu MLLand InlanLq belong at home not In public placu wlm million ggrnu Ind hated me in he Hr Lido he room He gave mo lfldnynld bnhy doesnt ma nnylhlnl bu lha pnrcnu wnnlml ln hran hlm lo lhu nlrporl Ian lhcir buslnm no your Ilur Ann Llndmx HI nu ma lirk meivlnx lamn lbw bayl halr nul plume hum Just mm mare as IIHIM dml ll line room He gave mo mlbla bnwllnx out lpcnk Ingroul nl IurnJ Irn made me In ilk loo ld Ilka your View on hkM said Dont you mink little foolish to brim now born baby In an airport Thu wnmnn not red In the ace and nbnulcd That baby seeing Ms mm lo wm Dont you undrnumd Bur Ann Linden My hus band and went in the airport in meet friends arriving Irorn Mexico City While wailing nnliccd young man in uni form his sobbing wile scaled next him She was hnlding tiny ininnl In her arms and thure was also an older woman prcsumahly the midi er mother Thu woman turned to ma nnd Iald Isnt unlqu that oung Iamflle have lo ha roken up lhls way re plied Yes very and Thnn asked Hnw old ha baby She answered he wu born 10 day ago Alternate Wear For Shoe Comfort mu nm Wm recepllon Wu held at the Wenlwarlh Arm Hotel Hamil lon following lha marriage of Miss Margaret Isabel Gilmnur and Willlam Acmley Kenny nl Tarnnlol norm exchanged vows It candlelight ceremony held lhe Anglican Church st ur lsfrninnld Inn hnl Kane Evening Reception Follows Candlelight Bites Hamilton To BISHOP WALTER BAGNALL ME AND MRS WHLIAM ACONLEY KENNY VEN ARCHDEACON G0 LIGHTBOURN ANN LANDERS 10DayOld Baby Sets The Stage ulinz emur mm MM pa wr nr Iran ram lo rnhh drum um may rut urn de ynu mumn mu Hu monk urll Im nrr 1m NMtr dry lrnlwr In lmrm IInNno vr nMr my mum 11 MM Mn AM uh mnmmbh For WM Mp up lrnv null In um um mo mm or will hurl In Hum In dry ml It Um 11 MW unwmq walrrln uu Illa dry mvh In worm ha rMIn IMAM luvh Ihm HI rlnnn Qultkly ullh mm cm mum ml Hm Inlrr nwl Hwn Alhw In dry ll ml Mn nw lmlml In Inthrml nll lmflh Imh nnlv II Ildfi wall canl Um MM Mimim my limo nqwl um um Aflrr NMIII In 4111 Mun In up my my am mlmn Mum ml mnu mum All the rammed Rm Imnq nle Mu film Hm Id mm and bunh ll be Irlent be Inn IN mum rlnzml with mud mm mm IMe and mum l0 mm Hwy duiyml Mnrl nmlfl nl mm mm or ll nw my mungy imalcl grammar ls lrrrlhlv Ilo Mill nrvrr helm nh ha doesnt do some lhinn About IL lro cnmllnl In night Idml mum psy rholnay want cnrfllc In came with me and lnku English but he Mum Im lyoxlnnlnx lu lMImI llh nag Any mlvlce DM bur D01 YM Cut ll oul He doesnt wnnl to Kn In Irhml with you Ha 1m Mull In wilh ymL urn dnllnx really me mnn but tho but lhlnu we do Ir tellrnl rook ml Geomlu have In on II my plncc lll fun in HM our be Have or lame Inc who appreclnlu it And Ggorgju doc Dur Ann Lnndcm Im career girl on the shndy sldo 30 Frankly Im plain looking and ovcmclnhl But do have some sense In my heart And could mnko lhe right man happy Im not lnlkina about marriage Im not one those waan who lhink must be mgrriodror Im dead Iona halr may 1er but mm the kid In men lock liku fugitives rum tho board of heallh wish crew cm mid coma back And lhu Iooner he beller Dur Jusl Wrong You can lell ma deal about guy by looldng It My halr On lhlng you can lell la ll he be lleves map and wnlcr in or the long lookand da man long My wile and have not said much becnuw wa dont want to make it cause cclebre Tha boys grandmother was here ycxlerdny and snld some ang mu boy About his ridiculou mane Our son said styles dome and no and this was the styla right now and you cant really lull anything about guy by looking at his hair Right nr wrung hut Alklnl Wmla bouqucrtwuf whlle niunxg and oanddabm wen placed on ma altar wfillh pennies were 1115ch WI mphfitted Thqmaa Hamilton Basket of Viho bride II the daughter of Canon John Gilmour and Mrs Gllmour Hamilton The bride dmmr mmm lha Mar human Ma mm up In Wlm uni mmWI will lxwlq gull Nfllllnl an IN MM me lmully ml and turquoise IuIL IIaM lulullrl Ilm Ilvmn lnr ho tIclrr mum ml IND In mapla In Intn Tim Inmlun look rmuu In mll rmlumn lhnl rnuld Milly lm lumln ll lmmn nr In hmnl rmnumlrl rlnml ulna nyl Inu lwl mlrL II rlllmll filth unly Ilvlp umurdlul lhn lnp nml Ihlvl 1m lmklrvn mm mm alm llmu lnr llllfhlfll nn MI new mul mmlnr Ule tllninnnlly Ivrrlml mlnl Ilht In kllll lmro Ilnrk hm and nmlrln Inw umml Illh uInlrlrn 71w hwo umkruu nu nlnux mm l0 Ilwrl llhll Iklvll Fuhhmi ur lvhlrr Inmm um Imlmlnl In puunll Hun plum Mumlnln lmluml mol WM 11 Inn 1an find lth mull min Mmulhu Ilmuhlrr lrlmlll Inklng ecnnomlcl Tnnmllnn uhrwll ulll he lum 1m nul loll or Mod roxlumen ll hnme rmnomlnll Ink ler xll lrrllnn lrnm ll lMMon Ihnw pyewnlnl luy Mdnll pnllrmx lho nmullnn llmno litnnnm In Anorlnllnnl convenuun Thnndny TIM Ihuw uprned Mlh Imrnl rmembln mm In lilo Unlhd 5mm lnr Hm hnmn annmIu rnmrnllnn Hun but mm Hm nmmrnu Ihnun hml Ilrrn mmln In Tumuln ham nnmllnn lnhnn For wcddlmz lrlp to Cape Cod Masxmcfll lho bride chose lhneplccc uhllc lull tnmplcmrnml wilh black patent leather ncccmrirs Thu bridegroom those Jnrknt Ins or Ian bhui cnmplcmrnlnl hy hul nl whi lace and braid or car luga was It fits baby orchid Mr ¢md Mu Kcfiny an mik In Mr mm In annnln MI mulching mint men petals held aan veils cl silk Illusion The bridesmaids ur ricd cagcgdcs duty mums To Icccive uucsl at he re ccpllon the molhrr 01 lbs brido wore shnalh nl pale plnk silk hnnlunx with mmchinz new aurlcs pink baby orchid cnr Iago cnmplclcd her ensemble Thu bridékrmms nucndanl was David Robertsv Toronto Tho when were Harry Jnhm wn London and Derek Mag 01 Toronto The bride headdress ml ello cup 01 whlle law and seed pearls held her elbochngflI of silk illusitm Miss Mary mwr oi Hamil tnn was maid honor or her sisicr Miss Myrna Taylor at ilamillon was ihe bridamnld Thu allcndaan gown were in 5hioncd alika of mini green chiflon over iniicla Siyled on Emniro ilncs he dressu lured scooped neckline and short sleeves Mint grccn Ialln Ibinding enhanced lho high waln IHEJ RECEIVE Revr Walter Bagnall Bkh up of Niagara Diocese officiated at the 710 oclock ceremony sisled by Venerable Archdeacon Lightbourn al Earth Mod Fashions HighlightShow For Economists lecn mamage by her la ther Iho bride chase floor length gnwn of while organza over Iaflcm lashioncd with lib ed bodice threequarter lengIh sleeves and bouflant skirt ac ccntunled with Alencon lace and dncd with hands of while saun She timed boilquet of baby whim urchid and stcphancfls BRIDAL ATTENDANTS Mu cFaig Viight of Himiuun was he prganlst grooms parenu are Mr and Mrs Gould Kenny Shanty Bay EVENING RITES NONTFHM Cl Glrll TM MnUm uul Dmmhllr mu um Iuwy 1m pwmn ml Mama llll Mk MBM um In lmmlnn wardron TM 1er luu Mm wally dpquml lot luhmlzm mndllm nhnluln ml dry AN nulrk Inn Ihkh raw In lnll lumnnndv nil In mt md dmm lo cut WEDDING GUESTS Oulolcily wedding gums who auendnd 0v Kenny Gilmour Kennel Dam sun of Mn Wilbur Dohsan or Barrie who is on m1 lbs Rayn Bank of Canada Toronin has been lrnns erred In in Saul Sie Marie Ontario Branch of lhe bank as manager Mr and Mrs Dav is and inmin will be moving the middia Ausust Miss Hardy Drill went cw days wflh her can ln Mrs Frank Chnppel Wil liamSt Other gum at ha Chnppcl residenca included Mr and Mn Dnnglau Crooks and family Orfllia PROMOTE T0 MANAGER TORONTO CWMrs Belly Montgomery 31 mother of twu has beaten out her younger classmates at the Ontario Col lege of Art by winning an In nanl scholarship in interior de in Mrs Montgomery who won the award or high marks in the third year or touryear course said in an interview she decided on the belated career because became bored alter seven years as homamukcrt With the help of house keeper sha manages to attend college during the day getting home in time tn supervise nupv per and give her boyl used Ind plenty oi attention FRO ORILLIA Returns To School Wins Scholarship SPEAKING OF PEOPLE AND PLACES TOTALLY FEMININE mu mm or hm alumna Ilnvl vwl Marvan ninrmrnlul vn I451 In lb lelmlfl pnvlmml nl MA my anllM Tnlully Flmflifll 091 Number MI 11 Inrtnruvm In lrh IUII In II ml IA ulM Hm In M11 Mulv mum fit South their mm and um lllm 83L and Mn Ilowlrd Kelly Carol and Gordie Trenton Ind mu Albert Kelly and Mn Kolky and um GuesLs at be home Mr and Gotde Kelly Aqng St wedding at ybe Angfim lunch Si 1110mm Hamilton were from Harrie Toronln Lemon Duran Mlchlxan Rochcsur New York Windsor Amprlor fuelph Oauinzwood and Chal 3m WINDSOR In Windsor this week an Mn and Mm Alben Stephenson of Napier Si may guest their IonInlnw Ind drum Mr and Mn Man 131 VISIT PARENTS Give lumrner Are Ihe extra lnzredlent of aroma awmnus Tree ripened lnlll Is at It lllvurlul but Nut but to rlpen at room temperature Re lrlzerallon chllll away th lluvor Whan ynu blte lnla luacloua punch ripe plum tangy nectnrlne nr fresh strawberry let the tense of smell add In Lha dellth The taste buds Ire on lha tanner he up FIBER the ldc and at are back But you can scarcely taste wlllwul smelllnz Its synergistic ac llfiln and you need one with he El Thanks to naiural bounty at his season slimming meai need In stem like diet all The vegeuhie Ire at heir Inns lender and iiavnriui best Try baby cannu with hint of mint ura touch oi ginger and no butter needed Any use table when cooked quickly in small amount or waiar im uniun iinvor Why use Luna and cover up its trua goodnessi By IDA JEAN RAIN Flavor is nubile blend of mm and aroma iry an exwi 11an Top ice tea with rash mint rub edge of as with lemon rind you lip Lh iced tea annoy me mm of the mint mingled with oi oi lamon Thu mindsheer delilhi ior no calories Youll not miss lulli KEEP IN THE TRIM Natures BountyOf Vegetables Provides Diet Of Slimming Fare ZUWZ TEE BARRIE EXMUNEE TUESDAY JULY ID 1956 mm mm nu IIy mu ha ulnmly vmulllp mull man in llINIDrAL nmiul Mlimn wnrleI Iu ha thmua lml will have In rnn Ijlnlly mlhr Hhmliv lfllonfd lnmrrll Ml nv mml Ivy ulmmly arnvrmu mu Innunwr mm yur INML wuh Mupth nn mlnl MM could hlvn unusually lunme uvmnnm ally lnlwnn Sam Invl Imern mm Nmmlwr ml Jan Than 1m cwlu Im nlm lm pm villmu lnr mnunw ll I11 nrll AMI May ml Jum nmnwill In my many umpirlvlu lruwl nrvimh tum lnr lwvl IrilIl dulinl UV Imlnnu 1W Iml nu nu Innk lnrwml tn mum Wu1an alum hi Ilm dunnl um Jlrmry May ml Ium Yaw rltvlllc hilllu ml In lhl USA whlrh Muly um Canmllm MIIIL vhare Jub mum Ira mm mum hm mmmnm for rmnznllim Ind mlmnmnenl mwmmm in min Sm vmhcr ufly Datum Ind WINKle Jammy Mnnfi And my nl 1961 Thou In ha en mum and olhrr mlllc will llmuM llo rurmlnmlly er lhrwbhmn Sqflmmrr he umber um Jammy ml June Iumm lhn onllra ar nan pron mum nmrprdnnlm FOR THE lllflTHDAY ll tomwa Is your birthday your harascnpn lndkalu um within Lwn weeks you will mlrr an extclan cycle govcrnlmz ymr llnunrlnl Mlalrr nhldr VIII 1351 unlil Aux 15011 In In lollowal by In vcn butler period elltndlnl ram Sam 15 filmy Nov 15 It will be 1m Maul hawmv that IVIM nu Inoculallon Aurlnx lho In no mk cl September In hd all Cnnurlnnr should es dww wulallm Any kind for tha nm mouth Your monetary grins wlll come 0mm rmrrvnllvc mumm mcnl only Nut good pcrlnds on the Hm mrn Early Der mmlver nut wary AMI Ind Jum By ESTRELLITA FOR WEDNESDAY Another good dly or 0mm Hnnsl and Ilnandnl matter but only mull commv nllvoy Rinks ol any 16nd out Especially Invored nul um deals manhunt with lnflucnlinl pawns concerning Ionlnnge pmkcls lnvcsllnc in nmsqwlntlva properlch Lloyd laymum ol Ccnlralia whcp vismuim lhe éxwprinr Lo leavinf Inr Mall France dieler whu had succeeded 1n losing 40 pounds wrote hive while dieting rediscov ered 1h plenum of satin marInf lust habit any more but an occasion of 1m pomnee and great delight rally enjoy load more than ovu hava In my ndult Illa Do not look upon reducing dist penance or past ovar induizenu Youll never win with that attitudei Thin Jum mer ndvenlure in enjoylng deli cious food withnnt the fattening trimmings Ii yuu will Iavor the flavor slimming are will taste nhsoiutely ambraslal hut to savor flavor when you emphuize aria um inciion your appetite centres Iieri your buin and you feel content wiLhoui nymntinm This in iurn holpa you to diminish your load capacity Try this or ourseli and find it Is not Irue or youihsmare enjoyment you let out will you the more timed you will be on slimming merino Mr disorders be he It the University of Ottawa next February It was an nounccd Monday The cnnfcr ence lo be attended by mental health Bxpells will deal wilh mental health problems and preventative muasurcs Nola Ire Inlended lo cover the chem udnl HI at the city mmm wedding nlvernrlu hrldll Ihnwm bridle parllu coming no will lrlnllen Ind on are all Hem or Inrml lo Kudzu IN alga Your help In rupplylnu lhl nun will be many unprec Illed Pirate phone Th nanle mhcr 7356511 and link In Ellfln Dlxnn or Audrey Conlsen II ha ancnl De paflmrnl THE STARS SAY ADMIRK OW KETHJ 3141 CONFERENCE salt and pepper loblcspoon lemon juice cup mllk tables om butler Spnnklo the noodles ln bollom of greased quart casserolcl Cover with half the oysters sprinkle wilh sall pop or and lemon julco and cover wllh mm noodles lo cal saving some noodles for the lop Mola lcn with Imlk do with butler and sprinkle rcmalnlng noodles on top lake ln 875 deg oven for 30 mlnulcs Solve wllh lemon julcc Four sorvlngs LONDON AF Charles Crccd 54 mm nl nrllnlnl land lnn Inshlnn llrdznvrn lllnl In London lurlmz Um wtekmd ll hm hm lrmnal firm nu ma rclunml 1mm hollllny Ihmad Ha died In any Crtrdl an nl lhe nhlul dun home In Inmlnn and lnundul by mu III autumn at he hcginnlnz ma Imh rm lur can cream of mushroom soup tablespoons sherry pound uncooked shrimp cleaned 1A cup chopped pecans 1A cup chopped onion 1h cup chopped celery cup sliced water chestnuts 1A teaspoon Worcestershire sauce tablespoons melted butter cups chow mein noodles save cup or topplngf Combine all ingredients together Pour into greas ed 241nm casserole Sprinkle V4 cup crushed noodle over top Bake in 350 deg over for 30 minutes ORIENTAL CHICKEN SALAD cups cooked chicken cubed cup canned mandarin oranges cup chopped celery 15 teaspoon ginger teaspoon soya sauce mayonnaise salt and pepper to taste cups chow moln noodles Combine chicken well drained orange slices celem ginger and soya sauce Add enough mayonnaise to mois lcn well Chill thoroughly Serve on bed of crisp noodles servings Leading Designer Dies In London Chow meln nocdlu Whlch form basic component ln Oriental food are my salty and sothln they resemble shoe strlng potatoes nllke the macaronl noodle which consists of semollna flour Ind water the chow meln noodle ls based on water flour salt and fresh eggs Did you know that the ialn oldfashioned maclroni noodle has an exotic cou known as the chow meln noodle Indeed whiieboth am honnfide members 01 the vast noodle family thats as far as the similarity goes The chow meln noodles were orlglnally used in Chlny ese restaurants as complement to Oriental and Poly nesian edaltles Todayw1thlhe advent of precooked frozen hinese dinners they have become must at every home Ohlngse megl But you dont have to save the whole tln exclusively for Chinese dinners Thenoodlea may be used as serole Ingredient to perk up the flavor and add crisp texture to the dish They are particularly dellclous in ms seroles where other ingredlents are bland and unsalted Party casseroles can be lestlvely adorned by topping them with the noodles PREACHERS CASSEROLE 54 pound ground beef lApound ground pork medium onions chopped cups finely chopped celery can cream of mushroom souls can tomato soup cups water teaspoon chill powder cups chow mein noodles save cup for topping salt and pepper to taste Brown meat add onlons and celery and cook until vegetables are transparent Mix ln remaining lngreo lents Pour into greased casserole to wlth crushed noodles saved for topping and bake ln 50 degree oven for 45 minutes servings Here aresome easylomake summer casserole dishes that can be enhanced the addition pf chow melrlV noodles mm Ir null IxAuIN won ul um um cup chow mein noodles coarsely cnlshed Bguncqcan oysters SHRIMP NOODLE CASSEROLE SCALLOPED OYSTERS KITCHEN GOSSIP By EILEEN DIXON Ill homo Ipcdullztd in luo vim min and tiered la mem bm the British nrlslocmry Ill pmlccuwn had mud clnlhu or Emprm Eugenle Fuan Ind Queen Vlrlarln Nu cllmcd they Aha mnde In ecullon nullil or rm Wmld Wu Ipy dnncer mu Hnrl In Munh Ihin year Crud clonal Ml mulura Mulnm And rmtenlrnlxlr on ihoirnnle all lhouck drawn WEBER INVIMHONJ ANNOUNCEMENqu ACCHSOIIIS lllld To map In ll IHE BARRIE FY AMMER mmmnrm mmmu um II In IlIl ll lIIUN 71 FEDDI GQM viufilfiafi All OI

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