Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 19 Jul 1966, p. 4

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Should members of parliament be re uired to punch time clocks to record eir attendance at sessions or he House of Commons It may be ihaivMPs are being unfairlycritidzed in this re gard Perhaps they have committee meetings and other obligations at home that are not generally apparent However many recent commean would seen to suggest there is room for Improvement 1n the way many MP5 are performing It is generally accepted that Cana dians are getting minimum of return or the $18000p1us they are paying the underworked membas of parliament comments The Samia Observer Ottawas Parliament Hill appears to beclargely peopled with that easygoing Tuesday to Ihumday club members tending to their own business and rub ber stamps who show up only when their votes are required One of the stock phrases 1mm the members who protest the lwdest Is the time they spend in committeework and in the interest of their constituents There ls more baloney than fact to this assertion IV Walls Publisher When members talk about the time spent looking after their consfilflents one is entitled to midgeon of doubt Our two party system is one in which the party ranks well ahead of the country Condiments being looked after by our Members of Parhament are invariably good Grits Tories or whatever pafly hap pens to be in power The Toronlb Telegram notes that at tendance In the House of Commons or lack of it has long been source May Have To Make MPS Punch Time ClocksIn Out mmpnrlson lhrso lwn photo rnrhl raph tnIly Illuslrnlcl llm polcnllal grown at wlfirh In Ivnllalvln In downlnwn flame lho five Inlnlt Um pwpmlm In lhln MIA um wumvml draw INC hannu would lw mdlly apparent in Ms oral point In the main slumping tnnlre nl Um dly It THIS IS THE FIVE POINTS AND WHAT COULD BE DONE WITH IT ht vIéarrip Published by Canadlah Newspapers lelted 16 Hayfield Street Barrie Ontario McPherson Managing Editor mun JULY 19 LPAGIH The ubllc finds 1t difficult to under stand out $1800Myear MP5 ab sent themselves so often when import ant business of the country is before Parliament the writer continues of Irritation for Canadians Withvvgood reason No one suggests that presence in the chamber is the sole measure of an MPs worth But Canadian are bound to suspect that chronic absence may be In dlcallve of general lack of concern or thgwjob an is galg t9 dg It was believed that after members had given themselves an $8000 pay boostin July 1983 the sltuation would improve If anything it has become VOISE The Sanate holds daily loll call but the Commons operates on the honor system MP5 simply state before drawing their pay how many days they have missed They araepemitteda total of abgent gays one their pay is de Of the $10000 they receive $6000 ls taxfree ducted at thé rate of $120 in over that number WfNothlng rever came of the rollcall suggesfipn The problem of absenteeism ls serious and unfortunate Members ought to get here are Paid to be here and they should be here In mm of the malady of absentee ism that has again gripped Parliament the Government should resurrect the rollcall idea and ask the Commom to adsth It 2s Stanley Knowles the New Dem oqatic my polqtg out Wilson Ganerfl Manager In nllc mum Io tnvlllnn rmnplrlrly new mn co In ho appearance of our downluwn mlaln 2mm Icavu murl In lm loaml 1th an MMI llycallnn for he pm mm hamlm lum mrrcn bulldlng am he puhl wummnm whlrh aw nu badly mlulrcd or Illa many vlsllors In his city rather grim dayh ln politics PEl Quebec and Manfloba have all provided dramch up lets Naw when pmvlnclal pre mier look In the mlrm 1n the mmlngmkaptmi be smiling Rani he may be wondering if the had lacing him may be getingArcady 93 1311 as John mm is concerned here In Ontario uglne he wandermg 1ng with ma ml And if he Isnt he should be 11 of course has to be very definitely personal opinim mumps AHEAD But equally damer wuld nay um Mr waam as were me premier of the other pm jnces could be on the verge of trouble me man lmfirmlm that my govemynent is not tn lune Whelhcr he or of course is nebflmu question on which there cant possibly be pasle cundusims One has in work largely on pcrsnnal im pgslom ha it ls patiently plodding along lacing probiems and meetingthem to sum degree But there nolh In bald about It or at least in IL image which ymbablyrfias good gov ernment far its day But this is diferent day QUEENS PARK Eu my impressim are that there probably is trouble ahead lvrom pfcnyier wubme um Him are days of great dramatic change And you do not see reflection this in EWWWW It gives the lmprcsslon he same dopmdnble hm calm 1m gavemmcnt we had in the His undnr Leslie Frost Then 111 an Impression that Ls not on firm course CLUMSY T00 11 DONALD OHEARN NEONTOTnese have been Sées Trouble Ahead For The Premier under gbod comm with Wm hand on the rudder Th was the mishandling ol the Police Act lwo yefim no This was only an extreme ex ample or clumslnesx MM has beg rather prevalent here 13 the inlegraflon of pensions wllh his the govemmcnt got on to an awkward Man and ended up hy having in reverse itself Thom an other impressions which could be presentedl They add up his 11 the gown mum doesnt wake upit could be in Izauble We have the dupinLm and lack an ordination bwmen degarlmmtst Tim has finally become puglic awe Eend diphmal duester Ming to Hana to lntcmede on behall Responding to suggestion mm Opposiuml Leader chfen baker Mr Pearson said there seemed to be lime possibility of hasillve resultaol any kind Mr Pearson said In stale ment the government would not hesitate Io ask Mr Running la go again il the sfluaunn seemed to warrant another lort on our part In help bring abou An end to the liming In Vivi Nam arr lo prevent such almcitics as he munier pd sonm war LETHBRIDGE Alla CF Prime Minlsler Ramon Indi calcd Monday the Canadian gove ant doe no plan lo Americén primnera war them Mr Running already has made two mm In Hanoi In scaxvh solution to 1h Vie Nam conflid Indicate No Plans For Ronning Visit To Viet Nam Mlh pllnly mum Ion IorFraM and Iron To In vmrllral run he nrgunl ml the Ily wnum sul rr lhr Inn lam Ihc hulllllngl wrve mm lml tln lnll mkmrnl lhv mirr Mmk MI $07000 nml Ilw prnpmy mul lunhww lax mva annually In lhu Vicnlily ol $10000 50me mall mm andth vLsit la Some peopie can be identified by the ect lhat the In out spoken and 1mm zoo en Ail of In could use little inch in the art ol Just being Hiram lone ol the voice has lot lo do with the way matter is taken URGES CRACKDOWN HAMILTON UP Alder man Stanley Dudzic chelrmnn of the city heciih hoard Mon day proposed provimedwide crackdown on noisy motor cycles Speaking to the Hamil ton ironic committee he pro posed provincial action to make sure all motorcycle Are equipped with mismiflirg mum Ha Trivial For By PATRICK NICHOLSON OTTAWA Our House Canmom he been arguing about Seven Deyl when it could more promony have been de bating 1000 Years Panth the iliviaiity the topic justified the scent ottondence in he Chamberone is than the re quired quorum 0670101 fact4M that does not excuu the zisubsmteei or their Ail ure to examine Ihe rent issues oi the day URGES CRACKDOWN HAMILTON UP Alder man Staniry Durizic chalrrnnn oi the city huiih hoard Mon day proposed provmdwido crackdown on noisy motor cycles Speaking to thq Hamil inn traiiic mmmittee he pro posed provincial action to make sure all motorcycle Are equipped with mismifling avioos and said the noise in getting to he one of this citys biggest problem on lnlwnturfieth wnlh bnl mvlmn word allr up Inger Pramh 151 01hr Barri Examum BIBLE THOUGHT OTTAWA REPORT Aulhorlzed as second class mail Post Office Depart ment Ottawa and for payment postage in Cash Daliy Sunday and Statuiory Holidays excepted Subscription rm daily by carxicr 45c weekly $2440 yearly Single cop ies loci By mail Banin $2340 yearly Onurin 310 year motor Lhrowoli $15 year Mlii outside om rim $l yeu Maid CI mania Bnush possessions $1800 year USA and szmo Offices 415 University AV¢ Toronto 640 Calh cm 45L Montreal 5M 1200 West Fender 5L Vuncouyer Member of Lhe Canadian Daily Newspaper Publish ers Association the Can adian Press and Audi Bureau of Circulatinm The Canadian Press is exclusiVeiy mulled lo the use or republication of all ngw dispatches in this paper credited to it This Auoclaied Fm or Reuters and also the local new published lherain um Prim amongst Muse Immen Uomd issues Lbeliave is Um ml at Canada We want in build at marrow for in children and indeed or the next 1000 years In this space reccnfly re penned in his own wards spooch made by our prim milk Islet Lester Penman ouilining Hie iniamalionnl usoclgllpn upon the wlll the natlms concerned to admlm and un lon am wallknown Ila huge home market strlppcd Interv nal tatll and quotas Outfit tlal or the ultimate bendlla todaya lnduslrlal mats produc Uon It to ordinaled defence alructure would create ruler pmmtlon agalnst attack at lower cm than naw available The resultant prosperity would be on scale never hltherto ex perienced In my cum Why then lam of the Atlantic alliance made no pro gncs towarda thla dream wofld mvlsazed by Mr Pearam and long advocated by many think lanlic man which we should create and recognize 1113 speech was deiin 15 year ago me zubsequent scum has exagpy 15m What Mn Penrsm blue printedln hl wa an wrld In borrow his awn words He dld ml spell wt lhe details but he intended United States pf the Allanllqln toljm eitfier Wain Mo Wesiem with In pay or major Iamllfllnu of lhls naturn th newspa vcr hope that the Urban Renewal 51me which II In launrhul hnnly In llama will run lelr lhv lmrlmlily mch prnjcrl uhlrh In slrnko muhl hnpllnc uur dmmluwn alra muller ably Seven Days Debate Trivial For Hbuse himiu dependm will the nation Thy slmplé but Incisive lad mm nut Allnntlc allies do mx wish move lurward any of federal pnlhical re IILIEII Wifih Ihe United Slates even as an thedhc The more simple and more decisive fact Ihal so Maxims are our Ewan allies to merge Into unlm that impa llenl at Norm American delays hey have now or fight years been moving steadfly and inex ornany toward United Slates oWulern We are being lea behind Like enriches our MP5V Who aware of this and shouid gun n1 x5 ol uuAuanuc afi lied mum Dun reamn that he Estab lishment in Washington the bureaucracy ol the Unihzd 5mm stodgfly opposed la the idea But the only rcasan they can Wu in explanauon is Ihls Ind quote civil servant in the US Mala departmenlt lhnse nations the 51x mum bm oi the Eumpean Economic Camnmlly are duncnstraung haw rlghl Mike Pearson wasn 1th are streaking ahead so wonderfully so much better than they even dared to hope that In their first live year they raised their collective tn dmtriallpmductivlty by 41 per cenL In sorry contrast Can ndas output per tmploycd per son In that same period was paltry 14 pea cent year Thoso Europeans today confidently anudp that within ti urging actlon bury their heads we profitch sand by debat lng Seven Days Inswad they mould be dchafing and blue pflnflnl bow Canada 0411 ad Vance Sn Ieveloprrntmv WI uon prosperity and peace our Lhenex 1000 years For 5130111 per MP year we are getting nuny Madaship 111a patent babderdash nI emahle uttered by an alleg edlyl responsible and aware of ficia my all him mad ivillfiavi Iurpassed our Canadian sland Arid llvjng

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