Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 19 Jul 1966, p. 2

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We trained as squadron tank for the first time and or Lhi reason probaMy got me on lrninmg Lhan usual said Capt Graham Dixon one 27 from Barrie wit mm as militia mu from the kw and Shnme Fmscu who were Cum Pezmwn last week He was mnmfinz nn Ihe Wedis main ing ol the reserva regimnt Mm was at the Canadian Forces sprawling base 100 miles north mu Ottawa IWO MILITIAMEN from the Barrie squadron Gray Ind Simone Folmm lean en Foresters Train As Unit On Tanks For First Time We fielded 16 tanks and wen lbe only muadron to an part In exercises said Captain Dixon explaining Infantry and 611111er mm other reximents 1150 took van The exmnsive amend train ing program ruched ils cliv mu when the mike regiment The Barrie Reacalian Com lniflnl summer park program rolled Inla it Sccond week wkh Iclivich ranging from Hallm ween Dan lo handicrafts Shear PM thlldren were dmdzd lnln Indian tribes with oath tribe arkcling Iu princes Ind chief Coshxmu lomuhawkl Ind lolem poles made an Thundny All Icmcngcr and peanut hunts the day cndtd with the pulsing the pure pipe LIONS PARK Gremlins And Indians Haunt Playgrounds dlc ere made last we at Llon ank lendlnl up Indnn Day Thurldny in mu the but coslume ron um uue Sue Fisher and Tim Hurlubist 0n Thurday erlinllon Pmk held than any hlldrm mm drum ulld nnlmnll flown nd Acrobats Prim were urdrd or host rnslumm In Gyan CHIN And Mark Mo Taddrn III nth lhtme wont wk Jnhnmn Yuk Ymnpttrn spout ISM JOIINEON PARK mix um Thurmny llnllnwren day Mn held rd many ll Gram Inrk lrlm lnr lvul cuslumu um nullian llrlmmh llmwn nml Sheldon MrCnnnrll hIMnn Onkynl pumul hunl prnnnl rrlnys nnrl Innkan My kn Whlla mm Quin lldrrn mu nu mu ryrlr mlm nl Qurml IMk llw nun thllrlnn pnrutlpntrd In hnrkwlnll 1lny IAIKK rm 1r 1m llny nu lhe hlxhfluhl nl Qumrl Yuk lul Moll hlhllm um IMHI urnh nvmrn nhlmm Anll luau In xlrrnrlln Mr IhMl TIIlI uni Ilnr llrl 0w lunlnr Myn Irmn mlan lun Innlmll 1mm in Nlnrulny lrrnk mum mm ml Inn ly mun In lllrrllNl hy MAM nmlh Al Ilymk Imll rlvihlmu tllmwd mm In Nun ml In um ruul on 1er II II Ivvhaml IN ha Inl Hm unnn raw 1le IIINI nn rlly mull nw MW run mrl ullh nmul Irmnlinl lo ml lnk Imm vluvr Jurmnc Mdunl 0n llirlny Ilw Mlvlrrn math hlnu yunlu hum mnznxmu WNW II lllvl llny MM Mnrulny um mm mm MM 1mm MIMI llvm HUNTIHCM luu dqmvlmwnl qumllrnlz lu Mnm Ihnlnnlu In MIMI In nnv dnvrn rmnnl ALml lnrll MI MN HZ Amuuum mmlfu FARM PRICES mm parhcrpated in exercise with other infantry and nrfillnry un iur By ihi firm the militiamen many at them in their laie wens had mastered coanb oi the huge Brion Sherman tanks rigned lo the regiment laying weir dinner served in may Trooper Brian Pet 11 field during tralnlng car an and Bob Timon aim at camp Peuwam Officer at lhe Gray and Sim coe Foresters were proud lb hi3 praise given by top mili tary officials We have accomplished what we came tn amp to do We have operated lull squadwn In the dd said H430 Gra ham England commanding ol liccr in speaking to Ms regi ment He thanked his officers N00 and men or extra effort put behind the training this year He had schial praise tar tmqvm who were attending wmp the first mm Eowen Paul Enullan and Jami Vouse The maln nllracliun It Ker Icy Park was lallawccn day held on Wtdncsdny Graham Brydgcs on he goblin hunt while Pnul Lemma and Sylvia nodgm on host coslumu wank null and lmck day hiphlighltd the wrckn mime at Edge hfll PHIL Thu children bmlgh lhcir dolls or nicks nnd made doll hnusu or garages The Award nr lhe smallest doll on to Susan Van der Veldrn hila Cathy Fergusnn wnn lha Msz doll prim Man lclln Sjirps vmn the prize for flu hcsl doll huuxe while Shawn Fcrzumn was urlgcd to have the hm ruck And the but ur age aly tnmvml Ann wm 11 In hr whom In IM 11 mm ml mu pm My limo Ivr hmlvv Iml uIlavlnlnw polka kl mmhy TM 11 win Ymnl Illrr nMnwr hrnul flu palm NM or lumbar Hwy tumIr Mum quu ml MI vul mm 11 um hum wilh mm Mum Hwy Iv In nm duldnn Inlm pm In an nmuinl ininnlm pa rum MUM III In mums Iowan ml IllmmL ELI HIV lnlilLVfln FUN 0N SHORE IOR DISTRICT CHILDREN le have worked hard 1nd fitted into the regiment beyond an expectatims he said want you to bring mm just as good as you are to camp next year he told the troopers He then thankedIll Mm altmdcd the camp ivr giving up pa Lheir holidays to be part of the Meme tome cl Canada hiyilight for the Grey and Simcoe Forcslers which includ ed Ihe units mm manic Midv land and Owen Sound flight over Um training camp area No RCAF Wer aircraft from the auxiliary squadron at Toronto pravidcd rides for the min regiment For some it was their first mm Bcsxdcs Barrie Midland and Owen Sound same of the mem Ich mme 1mm mmding mummies Thu Codrinzlnn Park acninr boyn sollhall lrnm on we nmcs In Week The Junior yt qun won one and lost an 0n Wrdncsdny field dny was held wkh Strnhnne Pnrk Dlvl Hon leaders Included Janet Mun non Sandy Perriman Mark Win lcrburn Joseph llny Andrew Slewan JtIlSmilh Pal nuchcr Gary Mtlmhur Judy Hudson and Dabble Mogcr Yuunzslcrs lid water pulnt 1m Mummy at Slmbane Park On Tuesday games pinycd ln eluded hnscbnll and rupture 1he flux In he evening Slrnbnne ank and Codrimnn Park wrnt an an awrniuhl hike In my Doe anIvy Bolh parks held lholr ItId day Wednesday mmly mualmn mmmm hm ulnyinu mun on fiv xhnrn In Nuliawnuql ll mu unIvr In In mlud pluu phnno THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR THIS SERVICE VALLEY TAXI DRIVEVOURSELF CAR AND TRUCKS AM Nil nu muva To hit mm In CARRIER MISS YOU 7282433 Will Welcome 16 Students From Quebec The Barrie Kiwanis Club has planned schedule of menu tn emertain vlslung student tom Quebec who will be guest in Barrie are homes on an ex change Male for two weeks be ginhlng Thursdhy Sixteen Bame and district nude will return Thursday wiLh their Frauspeaking coylugnng The Barn sludepu lefl July nor theirflsem $24 Uponamva the ONE Ila llnn Allnndale student wm be gutted by Mayor Conka and Tony Decade presi day at the Kiwanis Mr De carie will greet the students in Freud anrl English On 30 um they wfll be annually welcomed by Mayor Cooke atCily Hal Then they will lenva by bus or nut of Martyrs Shrine at Mldland and an alternounlot swimmmg at Wanna Ania splash party at the home at Hill 11mg 0m um The nuclei Jim mesa tha Barrie Speodboat Ram be heldk July 31 St Vincent Par annual project sponsnrv ed by tho Canndlan Council Chrislinns and Jews to build strungnr unity belween Clnn dn majorculture group and enable smdenb lo gain ledge 01 second mu T9 vlsil lhe area lhls mm In Loulse Duvnl Luca Gln ms Nicola lrunblay Cecilia lremblny Myriam Dulour Dlnne Beaupre Cnralle Bow chard Lise Cole Jocelyne Gngne Claude Breton Rlchard Gaudreaull Nelson Simnrd and Rosalre Poulin lllcClcary L1 chalrman of the exchanza tommluee Olhcl commillce members ln elude Tom Bohicr Hill Lang Jack Butler Bruce Elgelow Hob Hadley Bob Nelson Jack Slum Tony Decali Ind Dale Hodges BARBIE CHILD DROWNS IN P00 New in November The 93000 gqunmlnot building bring con smmud by Mnllonhmmr 00n tmfling 00 MAI of Tomnln will be on SZnuo casl WM Sind Al Hithly ll Anmonh Elam Go Md tl Townlo ll cladrial mn lrdtlnr far Ihc ammo Iahral lny Canada ltd plant Na Onllinl 19 plan in be Galvan Michael Kink Hve son of Mr and Mn Kirk 125 Henry St dmwned Monday in the swimming goal at he Lilac Motel Sta Man ML Kirk an We Canaan General Electric in Barrie arrived the motel wilh hla wile and five may dren Monday aflcmoan Orillia Plant Contract Let Coroner Dr John delto said muggy11L belad 15 13157 somb east at WmniMK 31 IlaMM Nlrnl llhor Hm KIM Mala mum 3am mm Jay OaLhy Minxh 15 7S strabane Ava who will be 51 Cering Grade 10 It Barrie Dil Centennial celebrations will begin In Barrie and mm Can an jun Iva and onehalt marlth mm now and plans In bclnx lnd by just about every local orznnialinn lo mu lha oc caslnn Would Involve More Citizens In Centennial waver most events appear to be Hill In early stage planning and ntlivily Isnt ex pccltd to begin In 2mm nu ma all Tom Km and his cculcnniul commillec have been hard at work hr mernl month uncout nzing both public and private Drgnnhaflons lu lake part In l9€1 uclivillcs other civic leaders share his hnpe lhnl Ihe Kentrel public will be moved to pmch pm In cull Ml VIEWS mme Helm Smilh Ilyl he would like It It l0 5an nl hrlhilivx In whlrh penplu can bccnme pcrsonllly juvfihrfi lnlrlnusm Isnt nllrrld by Kmrrnmenl granlx In htlp bulld rommunlly or dudnp park he uld ha me Ill lhc Iort It mum in uhlch mrryhody can plny mmo ml Inth culled Diamond Juhllw cclchmllnm 191 lhll trnlurcd community parnd re enactment of Indlnn and decorum umu llnrrol 1M7 relchvnuom Ill probnhly lonk diflmnl hut dec mllnm Ind paradn lnln lobe IAPMC ol evrnu CITY NEWS Thnmhrr of nmmcrto pm drnl llm Nephew Inlrl mrm hrrn nre hrlnx enmurund lu drmrnlo mm and ma thum WIIONIO IONPalm Mid Sumhy Iwo ymmu luv Mu lmlNl 50 ml 9M 01 Qudm lw wllh cnnvunlym inkn mm luv Nnmmn Ilmry Tny lor rfllml anlmln Anllkln deraymnm Arrest Youths In Car Theft uld Mr Tnylnr wu lnlrn up Ivls nommml FrL IXny mm II in mlmul MI mum mmnll mm ml lnuml lung um Imrr Nam nl FM nmnhd 3mm Ind ml lwn Mrnml SHOULD HELIOIOH BE TIIllOHI IN THE SCHOOLS SPONSORED AS PUBLIC SERVICE BV TH CANADMN BAHAI COMMUNITY MEMEER OF THE INTER FAITH CONFERENCE WEE JULY 20 815 pm LIBRARY HALL TILE BARR EXAMINER TUESDAY JULY II was Public Mnollng STUDENT AT WORK trio North Collegialg In the full in mending 01 summer working as waives at Stod man store Dunlap SM burl manufacturcrl commute Ilsa expected In underlake coordinated decoration my 39 Preliminary arrangements an already belnz made In hold much enlarged Hurricflnrdcn wuk with wide variety of new ovary day MAYORS IDEAS Pr ale cnlerprisa can play an impnrlanl part In making ccl ehmlinns lucctxs In the npln Ion Mayor Cooke He suggests manulndurcrl muld display developmcms In Umr products or services am the year as mo many wnys lo mark Ihu nccnsiun Former mayor Willard Kin zle human that nnrrie cauld became Cnnadnl mos prumin em rcnlonnlnl cily any but lness ndmry nnd housrhnhl pould be dud lo umleflnka Privaln cmlmninl pmjecu mould be centred around provemrnu lhu cllyn II pmrnnrr ha mid and mud mnxu lmm vrry mail In lama dmcndmg on the mmu nl me mph Involved own Individual pchLl inrzu or lmfllL fiEflVICE LUM lnml IIIlfl Md oklmmo famdly miflm brlmzlnz nu 1pr Ixmrl He IIIRKHU HIM Irrvlca club mllhl he cl ha hull mlllnu by nrournumg lhrir mumhrrl In unka nn muonnl projrcu rru could damn trnlm nlnl pmjrtln Tm my null 1m mm In Aprenrnnm murk Iby nary my pMnlrd hll mm nr played In gaw OSHAWA GP Hun umk slrlkn Ivy 00 mmnhm hml man llnflnl slrclwnrkm ll Allwkn ICU nl Iwllnr Poop IN Dun Iwn bold nruplnncn It lrml mmadlm In My Tim rmlrnrl mnvldn mm In nrnxn in rch Imur mrr hm yrmn cornynumb urI lnro xvlnn nnd In nuna ln Mwa mam 3Week Oshawa Strike Settled is taking livetyw business and commerce course and plan be seam alter gnomlioh bummer forest fire is reponcd burn in inure Goldwater area but department land and or spakesman laid Lha blue in now under control Ninotyeigm fires are reported in Ontario but Ilumgh danger was wandy blah Uris rmm Irxx only one wa burning In tho Lake Sirncoe dinfimr Forest Fire Is Burning At Goldwater dew1mm spokesman paid the Comm ire would be out There an 16 in in In Nonh Bay divxid $7 In lhe Sudhuy dlerid Parry Sound and Need distriul each Panbroke nine Linduy and Gogzma our cad Kemptvllle and $1011 Eur Swaméfmmm and Saul Sin Marie two eldl Keno and Lain 9km one Fire danger ratings are ex lrcme in the Sauk Ste Marie Sudmry Mun Ind all Somhcrn Ontario PORK CHOPS White SUGAR LEAN LOIN DROP IN TO THE BARRIE EXAMINER AND ORDER ANY NUMBER OF PRINTS $125 $150 Irnrlnrlal and Fedml Sam Tax Exm BUEHLERS PHOTOGRAPHS AVAILABLE Wednesday Only REPRINTS 0E EXAMINER SORRY BUT WE CANNOT ACCEVI IBIEIHONE ORDERS THE BARRIE EXAMINER 48 HOUR SERVICE I6 BAYFIELD il OTTAWA CPIMer Blalr whose 1an arm was removed Monday morning after rare allcmpt to renuach It mile remained In sallslaclory can On in Ottawa General Hospil Monday night a79fl Condition Good After Losing Arm Bath ol the fuuryearoid youngster arms were real tachcd last Thursday sharlly alter they were severed when she was caught In haymower on her parents farm near Pa nham Ont 40 miles west here Mrs Blair who visited her daughter Monday night said Myrnawas chperM alter the Emiriulu operauon earlier In the day Shé was smiling and wanted tn come hnmef Doctors any bluod clrculallon nu returned 10 her right arm and the am experiencing scu sauon in the Hmb They say they will know Wednesday whether lha right arm can lge aévéd man no anxmg In hl crushed and tom lower 121 by slylp of muscle tendnn and Mn an lnch wide has been rd lmplnnled and still alive more than lhrea week snag surgery lwo surgeons who requesled their names not be used pet formed the livehour operallan June 25 on Martin Arroyo IL Franklln Hospllal Hls lower lei leg had been crushed 1M day ln an elevator acclde Both major arteries and 01 vein had been revered Brle lowcr leg bonu wera crushed above the ankle Tha dadors guarded prai nisis indium hope for A1 royol evenluu recévery SAN FRANCISCO pr Shawn mm In RALPH GREEN The Wheel Alignmem Md Fume Sumnean bulhnl an beta opened by Harry Mn dock Dl he pul ll yun ll Tmmto an nu been pmmm by Rllph Green Iha hu bun unplayu lar yuq Banal lelnmon In employee 1w run um um he ny mlmd whh the plural miner 11 Shop Nam will remllll urnhum 21 Tmnh 5L urnhula Harry Murdock Ggrage 7182101

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