Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 16 Jul 1966, p. 5

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Mr and Mrs Austin 01 Gananoquc Mr and Mrs Har ry Peoplm of Cochrane gmhemd recently at the ham the brnmer Alvin Ammu or am ily reunion ML and Mri Herb Kant had some holldayl in Norman 0n larin and Fort William last week Mn and Mrs Higgim of Sudhury called on Mm Jamu Dmmmond Saturday lne communlly extend sym pamy the lamina of Mrs Charles Ellison and Mrs Jam es Watson who passed away during the past week Mr and Mrs Thomasm ml at New Enuuwidx and daughter PA Toronto visited Sunday with Mrs Keogh Ind family Mrs Phlli Millhnry and Mn Ame Sproule eastern Canada viwlui for few days with lhelr sister Mrs Halcn Millburv Mrs Helen mum in ifing her daughter Rosa family in Mango Ipcakcr Miss Margurnl Welmer BA principal cl mm Collcge Toronto was Introduced by me presidtnl Ewnrl College qr lha raining of mission Mid deaconasm and Hum 1n lertsled 1n nlher branch of Christian work in the church In hrr addm on Chrlslilln Vucnlinn Mb Webster paid mnhulc lo he lecnnxe qunrlct and polnltd out Iho need In In rhurtl lar qulncd pgrsonnfl Mark 75th Anniversary Of Tottenham Church WMS Tod Furs Water spent last week with his xisler Mm Anderson rs Charles Oleary Mrs Joseph Km and Mrs Keogh Tullenham Mrs Laura Sugar Nablclnn Mrsr Gertrude Mahar 01 Toronto attended the wedding of their nephew and cousin Paul OLeary in Guelph Saturday last Also aucnding from Tuneu ham were Mr and Mrs Pat Forests Mary and Nancy and Pull Rhodes Mn and Mri Ken Thomsnn nnd son spent the weekanrl in Brggelyrigg Rev Gcmze MIL mlnlslrr of Frunr Church WM pmml lo olrrr conunlulnunns Ilnd lnlm ducui Mn Hm Mum pmh drnl rvl Burris Preslrylrrlll who brought uncumu Mu rorgu Abmlrnly npmml he lhnnkl he xucsl mdtlln Mr Mn llnn on behalf lhe th SOP alon hmuuhl cunnrnmlnliam Weekend guesls with he Fore alells were Mrs Foreslell of Collision nd Miss Norine Mary of Mn due Wmnen of the ladies lawn bowling tournament Wednesdny My Jean Lens Truex skip Nora Nodwell Benton Mn Pattenden and rlnk Allnndale Mu Sinclair and rink TattenA ham Tho rinks competing were mm Onnxeville Allandale 3429 Ian and Tollenham 75TH ANNIVERSARY Kelly Chapman Kleinberg is with her grandparenu Mr and Mrs Wilmer Palmert lYHNOMLuLM mnrrlngo look vlnu Juno 11 In Tuurnhum Unllnl Churrh of Jncqurllne UlnLerr daugh lrr NH IJmcnIllr and us All Jnhn Lnnrallrr TM lmham In rmm DrnnmlnN Inn at Mr lml MrL Ito DIA nnmmru Frnulrk EV Mr Ilnlnm nmrlnml T1 bnvlr nlvru In mmlny by PM ohlul walhtr flolwl Antum lmknl lowly lu hrr mnthrrl lull Irnxlh wwldln nnlvemry of he Womens Missionary Soclely ol Fraser Presbyterian Church Tollenhnyn was celebrated in lho church Monday evening June 27 The pruidenl Mnr George Forbes wzlcomed the guests from local soclellLs who hnd come In Lakepm ln he Icjclchrlalilm of this lmporlant nle Mrs Hell gave bricl history of lhe noclcly from in begin ning In 1891 and named the presidenu 1mm then until the realm time She laid the WMS alwayl bun vital part ha church and chuxrh without WMS 11 disadvnnlaga Lumiel of Junior members church mm nn nnlhcm lhe organ Accompanlmcnl being plgcd by Mn M91110 In Ihe chunk Irhool mm lruhmmll um urvul rum mm lnblo united with blrlh day calm in lhe mm of 75 made by member Mn Mur ray Graham The culling ma take done by Mu Jon Danmm Ind lea wu pound By Mrl Lend smmm JACKIOT $31000 SHARE TNT WEALTH By MR5 WEE Moon NutSunk my Mondny 00 pm Admiulon 50¢ RCAF ASSOC ma l4 HIGH ST BINGO Clunm lawn of whiie sheer over silk and carried bouquet of white baby mums and pink Sweet heari mses The bridesmaid Miss Janice Wan0d were full length 3an of turquoise sheer will while lace top and car ned bouquet of while mum and pink calmuons Jack Vhlllicr attended the bridegroom The ushers were brancl and Roger Denammce Kcnnclh and Dnnnld Lancaswr Mr lnkster Alliston played the wegding muslc The fiéepuon was held in the Unlled Church Sunday Schml 1115 Indie of Elinvale Hams llld Schwl Association honored he Grade graduate WW banquet in St Johns church The zrnduatuare Jennifer Adams Junim Amer Pew Ardwr Dona Baker Bill Boyle Frances Brawn Marian Cour ney Hubert Crane Alan Dryy dale Debbie McKenzie Debbie Elrick Jun Fleming Charm Heacock Earl Galbraith Den anaurnux Dan Mama Judy Reynolds Fairlie Ritchie Karen Smith John Spring Jo anne Thurluw David Tuck Paul Widdurn Mrs George Flaming incom ing president mesidui and pm senwd Mrs Ken Guthrie with past presidmls pin Rev Adams proposed the toast be gnaduales and Faiflie Ritchie replied Grading were hymn from the high school by Mr iinyEiiis primipal and Hugh Ritchie die school board Whitlielrl represenwd the pubiic school board and can gave timely message Ray Spring in troduced the speaker Frank Chic assistant superintendeni of mnicuium or line guidance dqzartmeni MI Clule stressed that it is inwssiode to achieve anything worth while wiuwul responsibility and dedicaflwn in duty Doug Baku Lhankod Mr Cluie fur his mix The cmnind er of Ike evening was spent in dancing Elmvale School BsSbciation Honors Graduates 0i Grades Hamld Marshall son of Mr and Mrs Thomas Marshall Ehmnle recently lnined Inc sin the Owen Street brand TormlnDcminian flank Bur rle Harold plans on studying lar an weanling drum He 13 gradual ol Elmvale District High School and has spcnl his entire Me in the village JOINS STAFF ATTEan WEDDING Mrs Chane Clubine Wood and Beach allcndcd the mar rinu of her grealnlece Miss Shawn dbmn daughter Mr and Mrs Charles Robsnn of LAST TIMES TODAY SHANTY BAY 235 Mill Fnlnhhmnl ON THE SAME SHOW Walt Dlmoy Promnh THEZTEENAGE IN COLOR THEZTEENVAGE IN COLOR STARTS SUNDAY 0X OIFII IIIEN AT IJI FIIOW MANY AT llIlK IF Mle MHHIJW HINTIN NOR Dr Tllflliqfll Lemmon WEE Illlhwly Gulhvla The GreatRaee JoanviiWifiuMnm motor nuvlmu no mu not The hrlda travelled in lwu place pale blue crepe Iluvr less wllh whlle lace top and whlte accesarlu The newlywed will make their llama ln Welland Ont Guest attending were from Bumlo lildegwaty Fenwlck Wellad Niagara Falls Toronlu Bramp ton Cookstnwn and Tattcnham Room The brides molhnr wore floral nhecr with Corsage of while carnaflon and pink sweet heart roses The groom mo ther was dressed in lowered navy blue suit dress and won jarspzle of my ad Testml UM ch Church July Rev Marfln Jenkinsen King City officiated and it was his land marriage memony since coming King City in Laskey circuit when he assumed the charge in 1945 Mrs Cldbine attended the new church King City July and Mr Jenkinson was the premier MRS CAlilPBELL NEWLYWEEDS HONORED The many fiends of Mr and Mrs George Cameron who were mimin recently gather ed at Guthrie Hall July to extend good wishes in tan ilm way file Iron of the hall was prettily decoratedl Moria Camrbell ol Orillla read an ad dress to Gail and George and Mn Haward Campbell and Mrs Robert Carmde presum ed the couple with handsome so of alumlmln cookwmy bridge set consisting of round table and our chain and sev eral indlvidual gills Goerr thankul the friend or their kindness and caudally tar their allmdnnce at such buy um Beircshmem were servcdi lhe annuai Memorial Iervico for Guthrie Cuneiery will be held at pm Sunday July 17 INDUCTION SERVICE Unit mm hm July with good attendance luv Mr Rahmson of Wesunounl Unikd Gvurdl Orillia pruldcd and Rev ML Kaine Daishm delivered the sermon the wnclusion the UCW served Ham mlreshmenu The Mir congrrganons mended warm wekrm Mr md Mrs Km and lamfly Guthrie Memorial Service Sunday An Indficliofi Serviié or new Wane Am held lq fly Between nnla Ind Oflllll Sunday Monday and Tuudoy only Mr and Mrs George Canobcll entertained some 45 relmve at bullet lunchenn lasLSnnday in lwnnr their nlece Miss Judiul Cmnpbdl of Isungon hose marriage to Kenneth Hills of Townla will lake place in Asbury and West United Ohumh at pm on Aug The miscellanemls gins were presented in whining well dec orated in yellow and while which was the colon hum mmxzmom Special guests were he bride be greabuncle and hiswflc MrLand Mrs David Camm abutmean ure ing up and good progress being made in the canslruc lion new bridge over Wil CiriMi Toronlo Craiz Godlrey is visiting hl yzndparcml Mr and Mn Hownrd Godfrey at For Bol be Varniu school grad nation Mrs Shannon re ccim flowers and gin ram Ihe grzdualu 31 MRS PM Frank DWI and any SL Catharina are visiting broflmrinhw and Lishr and Mn Ivan Kell or two ST PAULS mowHlbwmnlmu Ink WMMIMMOII Mlll Nu START OF NEW BRIDGE AT WILLOWCREEK lAST TIMES TODAY IHE TROUBLE WIIH ANGELS Stmlng Hayley Milh Ind RonIInd Rumll mum namwnunmmmxmwmmJIMNUI imth mummmnnn 1mm uuuuuu warm fie By MRS DOUGLAS GIFFEN Miss Beverley MacDonald recuperating from recent pendeuorru 51 Peggy Madam visit pg hand Mn Douglas Gil lei law Greek It Kimmy 11 ll Wanda Valley three miles northeast Barrie The new bridge will help improve ml Mr and Mrs Bert Maw and daufiHors have on trip to In west coast Mr and Mn Harry Giffen mm the weekend with Mrs Ervie Graham Weston Mrs Newman Giflcn was en mum by her Emily at birthday parly the Conser vation Park Sunday aflemaon Roberl Giffen ls acccrnpay ing Mrr and Mrs Elwood Gil cn on trig Mr ufid Mrs Frank Mcslay have lewrned from their hip MPnsm We vidlm were Mr and Mn Gordon Howard and Emily Hamilton with Mr and Mn Eric Ball Miss Lynda Elwin Toronto with Mrnnd Mn Russel Maw ML and Mrs Malcolm Duuga anq Sld Dgux an mvmu mm Gus nougnL mm 10 ALLISTON an Tgronio wllh lame Edcnvale Womens Institute monthly meeting look the tom bus tour June 15 More than women had pleasant trip ta Mlisum The ladies were shown lhrouzh Baxter Labora toric in the om One ol tha main produds manufactun mmmummmmmnmhummuan mum WSAMJAngfimmywmmuum EDENVALE ad is lnlravenmu soluqu many kindl and equipment for administering the same nay also develop and manufacture broad range producu to help tuxlher medicines remark able pmgre Aher deluxe dKnncr serv ed by Allllon 13 p33 mum in five bagment be pubfiu library me group was taken lo the museum in River slde Park or spocia interest was the map cl Sim and part at Dufferin on with all the arms and their mm In 187 was written the Salndashrrilflflorscy potato establishment they saw among cum lhing haw he in slant pomocs and potato dips an Nada 6c flaw at this not entranco mad lnlo Barrie Arno Con slructinn Company at Arthur is cqnyinz not the work Tm zxmmm WANT ADS worm mzm mum on Our 5m In the 1er Room Lounxe Nuw Ippcfllinl the ulnul mind NIGIITLY FROM PM Med Your Frlcnds when th AclIon is QUEENS HOTEL GOGO mi THE SYN DICATES BARRIE TEE mum EXAMINER SATURDAY JULY 1m HyllRS DUCKWORTH Sympathy exlnndcd to Mr and Mrs William Dcarle ln llle mdden passing of tholr only son Chrislnpher who was killed in an accldenl last week lllx lun eral was held lrom Camp Bor denllo Alllslon Cemetery Congralulatians to Gladys Sense Angus and Hank Ram Barrie who were married July in Angus United Church by Rev Thorpe also to Mlsu Ruth HIggluson Angus and Wayne Hurst Allislon who were married July at Christs Church Iyy Mr nndv Mrs Oscar Linton attended lhe EnurgcauMcestcr wedding Cullingwood July Mr and Mrs Ralph Thhmpson and baby Guclph spent the weekend with their parans Mr an MrsRy Slcgpgr ML and firs Roland Ham Inulld Bramptnn visited July highNHminilulklldhllamfldilhflhMhiyfllfi MmfllmkkWWMMkmmfln WWI LASY TIME TODAY PAUL NEWMAN IN HARPER 1n Calm Wu ml WW imam SIMCOE COUNTY NEWS TONIGHT SUN MON MATINEES DAILY ATZ PM DURING SUMm ADDED ANGUS WMGAMIMEHIVANFIRNRG CORHILWILDE mmHelmswumoon musk3113 STARTS SUNDAY AIR CONDITIONED FOR YOUR COMFORT mnum no 1015 nmmnh also wllh Mr and Mrs Ernest Hammond Mr and Mrs Tcd Vasay and family Vasey visited Mr and Mn Thomas Duckworth July Congratulations to Mr and Mrs John McKnight Cenln 5L an the blrlh daughter and to Mr and Ma Grant Dnlry Centre SL on birth Mrs Lillian Falcnncr TmnA lo ls spending few days with ML and Mrs Oscar Llntnn Mi nild Mn Bliss Brillon and Mrs Jenn Elvldge Toronto spent couplem days with Mr and Mrs Eiden Laumer Mr andMrsr Jnseph Dealer dlne returned home In Detroit weckx visit wiUI relaLivcs and Tuesday alter couple of lricnds Mrs Edythe Clark London England visited her brother and slslcrnlaw Mr aflii Mrs Al red Knflghl andher son 1451 Scamoak Vancouver BC flflfliflmE Mllle lm 01 7x IM

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