Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 16 Jul 1966, p. 4

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Walls Publisher Many wellmeanln people conscien tlously believethat press should ex press no convxcllon upon civic pmvin cial or federal gifulrfi C131 Ur Amman nunm They assume that to offer criticism is to become partisan They confuse the meaning of the words Independent and neutral There is very real and vital difference between the two com ments The Hants Journal Nova Scotla To be independent is to reserve the tnalienable right of every citizen to ap prove or disapprove of any public mat ter without thought oilservltude to any pagicuia fly or group hn midi rAlnrnnré in paruuuum ya To be neutral is to ayBld retorencé to magi tnlr any wnmmw To sum up it would he 31 to say that lndependenca was that same Erivllege of the indlvldual to decide for lmself for which party he shall vote or which church he shall attend without prqsguga from party executives or relig Cbmmunity PréSs Duty Is Comment Public Afiairisi dignitaries To be neutral to admit thatone is notprepared to come to decision or make stand on any matter and there fore leave it alone Members of civic bodies sometimes pqlnt out that newspapers have such tremendous influence in the community and that thclr clrculaflon is so wide spread tliat they have an dvanlage over mm Zfi3wvi¥h whomflthey disagree 20 YEARS AGO IN TOWN Barrie Examiner July 11 1048 Town at Barrie was experienung greatest building boom in history Included in permits are 49 houses most in $4000 to $5000 category Largest permit went to Zeilcra forstore addition $115000 Wellington Hotel operated by Jack and George Kennedy had permit for $35000 to repair fire damage Emery Engin eering were building four houses on Dniry Lane Mrs Hughes 22 Clap perton St looked out her window on morning of July and was surprised to see iuily grown deer lying on grass be side Baptist Church startled the deer took oil in direction of Hayfield St leap ing high fences with ease Bronze plaque unveiled at St Marya Church in memory of young men who lost lives in Second World War Seven Koehring Wheelers from Oak Ridge Tennessee home of the atomic bomb aro bein used by construction company jud soul of Barrie to speed up excavation work on new tourlane super highway David Smith director of Community Liio Training institute in Simcoe County leaves to become director of Adult Edu cation ior Province ot Saskatchewan Kenneth Robinson and Mrs Phyllis Moody named instructors for Red Cross swimming and water aiety course in rer mnmmn Darrick Morris lllumfnni Crccmore farmer ira pod big bird with wing spread 01 inches and body 32 inches it was ldcniiiied us lurke vulture by game overseer Gordon Bu es 145 one caught in Slmcoo County was in 1010 near Barrics Little him by William iicwili Edwin chd Vassar iorm er inslnxcior at Danie Flying Club kill ed in crash near Valnw ghi Alla Economic situation in Europe pariiculan 1y Germany is very bad according lo ilev George new meter at St Thomas umh Shanly Bay nrldrmsin Darrin Kiwanis Club at American lioic Capt Lark served as padre past two years with Canadian Army lamous young 31119 flaflitfixwmgy mum fitmrmw lwllnl Illma MInLrl III linMM Inlh ullh IvnM Ilmirv Murl Knyxln It lumlwun hr hlm ul the In Elm unbnluy Ir Mnmyw Published by Canadian Newspapers Lllyiited 16 Hayfield Street Barri Ontario MRS GANDHI HOST T0 KOSYGIN DOWN MEMORY LANE McPhafuon Managing Ediior SATURDAY JULY lassMum is NM IPmflhy mu helm Ihn lwu lmlm nlmm anw mum m4 lhu mm In In MM Indium tum in In sum Unlnn In mannmumraunrarwt true only insofar a1 therlndivlaual re fuse to take advantage of the privilege granted by almost every newspaper of using the columns of me press to ex press his or 11 View mmuph mare im pica an There is owevpr armuch more im pomm angle to this question News papeimen are equipped iogiva moie adequate study to municipal affairs than most individuals At their fingertips they have iniormailon which not so readily available to every citizen Their representatives attend meetings of civic bodies and ihereiorg the oppmunl 4an Domes anu umnmc Aluvu ity of getting better undemflndi municipal aflairs han the average voter mum firm mummy 9mm or even greater Impomnce is the al most universal attitude of the ubllc to expect advice and leadexship mm the press The newspaper is often the 0an mod lum through wthch citizens may keep in touch and abreast of the afiatrs of the community They expect and have the right to expect that their newspaper wtlt keep them advised of what is going on and will also through the information at its disposal endeavor to interpret the news new lhn newspaper vhlch comments on public affairs far from being presump luous is but fulfilling one the mosl important and vital funcflons of the press Barrie concert planist Reginald Godden presented new Canadian comdgositlon Tdstament to Yout on CBC ra from Toronto Monday even Written by Harry Somers it was dedicated to Dudley Red Garrett defenceman of Toronto Maple Leafs and New York Rangers killed in action whlle serving with Royal Canad lan Navy Walter Routlme appoint ed manager Barrie branch Bank of Nova Mm tank uu llmuasm mm Scotia Horace Lapp noted pianist and organist brought his Toronto orches tra to play for dancing on new mono lithtc marbln floor in Barrie Arena Mr Lapp said it was best dance floor he had seen on present crossCanada tour Committee of Stewards Collier Street United Chumh honored Michael Chepesuik at dinner rior to his depar turn for Monoton Rodgers was chairman or event held at Barrie 601 Club FOR TEACHlNG FRENCH Granhy La Voix de lEst Davle Fulton former federal justice mlnlster has put torwanl good sugges tion In his ofilnlon the government should finance establlshment of cul tural and educational centres almed at the teaching or French ln provinces that want them um um We support Mr Fultons views strong ly Certs nly the provinces themselves should realize the importance oi assur ing French schools for FrenehCanadians but since they are slow in doing it or sim ply refuse to act along these lines the Canadian government could with their agreement create such institutions and finance them in that way no province veulri be justified in opposing their es abllshmcnt aullmuumpn iho mmpicllion such project would also mnko easier the solution of problem for minorities which must pay the cost their own schools and besides pay taxes or public schools Other Editors Vigws Wilson General Mnnnger join wllh nvllnIn In ulllnl We Nam INN tnnrrxrnu In um nl lhl pklum hum Tm an Inwmvlrr IM vahrfln Ivy UNI lrvm MM mm Wagvrnadwgggn ii mom m4 WW ylishtd much Em MardMn clerk of Venn 1me or 14 yam and 10mm cmulot or another 14 Is canvlnced thai road cémlg be VespxqC1éIkSeeS Major Axed Progress In Decade county road system very vnhgbie setup in the past Youxhii havn Itowise municipalities whim havent iiIo ax base Io raise mouth for load mkeev roads he said Vupn vawls heiped this year by the county taking over and iooldnx after an maJnA icname ol the mm mm eon ccuion md from Highway no in Minesinl and 3150 to Fies Vesm own line road Thea mom were appreciated said Mr mm he added PAVE MAP By WILLIAMjCv CURRAN Wlfla eels he Sims cu we paid We the county ro syncm and government subsid lc on all our road In the 23 year have been warldng up he municipaflty c0919 lave Imam Vezvra hemm ed mu We had mv up hav receiv do not kmw It was mention ed the 0mm area ell negladbd insofar as county roads Wm comertit um muguymw 311 3a mad lhry are well kept up but we give morelta gufme than we An Mr Richardson Iald he col sldered Simeon County ortunala in its cmcuent highway connec ions We are better dun most comm in this respect hu said nu mm in wizard to county roads he said in wasnt inicnding to be critical since he cit the pre sent commillce hegded by Reeve Frank maxim cl F10 and others weii as tha counly road sin deserved every cred it Vegpra was pleased to have had iwn oi their wads laken over this yen But in my opiniun now that all municipalities have their awn road and piuw equipment yoads cmid be maintaimd more ecanomimliy by local cwmils he said adding lhal this wn provided the subsidy ralion mm lhoprqvirfiai iovemmem was Wammnwmmzm mEhAtamcd WAWAHow tar Ls our Par llnmenl of the bum Johnny Canuck vnxunly nwnre that all at ram mm but hls unlnmulnrlly wllh pnrllamcnl nry processes handicnps hlm when he Me to Anecin M5 cri lcum Thu Canadian deplore the pnrllsnn pollucking aver the Murulnxcr Altair more rcccnlly they rldlwle our ALP who nm to lncn at managing hclr business that lhcy cannot own plan lheir nvm summer holiday lo liar on prearrlnncd dny But Mien lhut lhe real rouble wllh Pnrllnmem ls much deeper lhan nuth Iupcrllclall llcs whlch urn merely lhu gmp lam the dlscnse The Mic lraublr luggcsl is that gov cruman ha town cum in van nnd tomnllwled lehl lhal on man cannot mlke him Icll MI expert in Illa uholc Hence our nrllnmcnl cunslnls lnrznly gmqu ncnnuly lnlvrmtd nmalwn rul hln mm mm hrdlc um In nnA olhrr Ind nhla lo plny lending min on none Our MPI exam pHIy ha old mylnu Jurk nl nll lrndes OTTAWA REPORT The on lhcy have All nlwlouxly grndunml ls cltcllonurlnx hcncs cach end In lnpm hack lnln Um lnmllllr lldd whtn Ih luplc n1 Ichula In heynml hll ken fllnl II My I0 mudl nl lnrllnanI llme Ix lulm up vlth uhrcr nnllfldnn when It IhmIM dnvalrd In in By PATRICK NICHOLSON Average Member Is Shown As Panateur nu Inu uuu do on none Our MP exam lIy ha old Inylnu Jack at lrndes mnslrr nl mum The one lirld In nhlch lhcy nve All nlwlouxly grndunml ls tclloncrrlnx hcnca cach end Input hack lnln Um lnmllllr dd whtn Ih luplc nl Ichula In eynnxl hll ken nIM ll khy I0 Iudl nl lnrllnanI llme In alen up vflh uhrcr nnllfldnn rhcn It IhnuM dowlrd In in an Farm Exmnhm Aulhurknl mull elm mnil Iml 0mm Ilrpnrl mrnl Oilwan ml or payment mun In mh Daily Kunllny nml Slnlulmy llolidlyn Hrrplnl Sulncllnllan ml xlnily lxy nrnrr urrkly nun yquy anln rup In In lly Ham nun yr In un Thu nmnllurhhncu Ihn Iv trngc MP Ihnw up most do plnrnhly In Ihu xpcrlnlim Cum milms Signlllcnnlly Ins Heck oakvnlc In Harry llMlty chairman ol the Incclnl commu Im on xlnuz rm nnrl Mm puhllzly nnnounml My rhunlln lncllun In hl cnmnflllrel ner lnrmnnrr and rnllnl lnr new lunnn nhrn mum walk In lhn lull That tommluru hlu Jmlfllnhly horn rlllflml evrn hy Inmu own mrmlmn lnr ll Ruper llrlnlily TMI lrnm nm III Ihnfl ultllnll luayho no minulu In hear and mumm Ilnn nllnmrn Mm nmo Iprnl mm ulnx Mr or ml luvelral hundred or lullu Io nwfnr Minn ll Ind umnrl In llndnnllun mmpnnllml It Inn 14 mumm mun hum ulll nllrlul nny mm ynrnllnfi min In And mu ml 4me Hum right In nlnu no nmrnl At any mm mm MIIMIINT 01 INHIJHH Thu Vllrtlnnlrs wlll llrnn In Aulhurknl mull elm mnil Iml 0er Ilrpnrl mrnl mle and or payment mun In mh Daily Sunday nml 51nlumy Holidlyl urrplnl Sulncllnllon ml xlnily lxy nrnrr urrkly nun yquy Hlnxlr rup In mail nanln $11M yrnrly Onlmln Ifl yrm mnlnr Ian all In rnr Mull MIAMI Dull rln In rr Muld Mill mum MsIm mm mr HM ml inrrlln yrar Mm 115 Unlvrnlty Mr Tmmlu MU lalh Ml Mr m1 lhn llmaxlin Daily NFQIpAprr IuMNI Aumlnnmu lhu Tym llluul Iuu AM MIlil 11mm firmia TM Canadian Im mlunlvely mulled In lhn for nwhnulku mm dilunkhr In ulll Wu muth In nr Aumlulnl lru nr mum nml ulm hu Inch mum4 thmin by locnl chncu nzvzmmmpq Uhvnhvrulynn nntlve F105 Mr nich nrdson has lived in thls district practically all his life and he has seen mudh hvelmnuu But dont think there ever has been mater moms in this area than during the past cw years hesn nrw ycum In Vespu most of the powth has been in residential am near Barrie Camp Burden Vic inily or around places likv Mid hum Minesing and Antcn Mills Fewer farmers are operating large mm In Vuma in many other districts Asked about lhe populalion change Sims he becama dork Richardson estimated Ves pra had 2500pwplc years ago and tho currem Malian was abogl 3100 Wu awu um But you consider anncxcd areas our populalicn would bs over 5000 ho said In rdercnco in Barrie nnncxatinns Burn the same period ha armed debach on the um 13 sucs of HM day My SIIQULD FECIALIZE Thn mlum our modern Parllamenu can Mhflcfld to he allure of our Indlvldunl MP1 to npoclnllze In and mnslcr chosen fields There mu few MP who have chosen one Impartnnl topic and learned lhoruuzhly an lhnl lhty are recognized nl rxpcxu that licld These rare excwllom In cludo QuclnhsAlt llal he unuu unu lho heal lnlormmj mile government mending 01 ha lax payers money Oxlordl Vnuy Ncsbill who muslcr cl ur clgn anal Orllliln Dr ll Ilynard who lg mums my dam on medical maucrs Osh nwnl Mike Starr uho an ex porl nn lnhour Nova Smllnn Al lan MncEnchcn HM tx amplo of lhe udnplnblmy llrxldnu mind hum lhu rom pllcnlluns lnrmcr rolo n1 minlslcr Inbon he has prul like In hnml lulo glove lnln lhu cqunlly technical lnsk mln blur ol hcnllh and MHan EARL EICIIAIIDSON nlnu mm huh clu lrllI mm In lhr rronllw lnr kw mlnulm lhm on In vlurllnn mm ulmlnx mrk lo Inplc uhfrh hm lmn rh Mudle llitnulrd Itch Ml lillllffl why mafia ll hurllllm hlmhr HI vllnl III Imkl and mu nun lenz mm uwn um uh In xlnmlnnlu nhnlp mm lnl mul lhm Ml lrlmvrnr lnr IMHM Nil firmkin In Nulrln Dr Manny mm Hml mu In miml II Innur Ilfllnfllmll ladlng In lull day ml lmIIhr rummfllr ulnlullll muly llll Ally Inlnrdwl Ihl unmian NHI Iilm AL Irwl any mum Imr Nan mm Hny mum Mum In Ilulcyn nilllllm n1 hll mmnlm Mainly ulid 13 rats lnr local ndmlnlstra tlon ha remind much tho same bl Vespra but assessment Inn Increased wlth nw building 1h money ralsed from In rats or local administration has remained mow the mm In Vesprr but weament has In creaud with new bulldm The my ralsed from In my has more than doubled manly It requires about $930000 to op err the midpllky with its aimlgrrgludgd Wm My Mr RichMSW said he iikrll Vespn and found it rmrnid valiy with many Mikiphiled citiunr who have given much In pubiic servim Ho said he wwid iii give credit to Reeve Waiter Farina and his col leagues Deputy Reeve Wailing ion Dnbson and Grumiiim Leo Cavanwdl Russell Harris and Carl Duran or their Mulder don and My and also refer red to good cooperation from past comciLi municipal oilicial Mr Richardson enjoyed the Work because it gave him an oppor tunity lo mist ratepayers and take an active part in the de vdepniuyt pl lhe ww In Add Ho treasurer Mr Ndlardsnn also secretary of lhe Vespra Plan ning Board and of the cumnib cc of adlusbncm and issuer ol buildInay perm Until it was taken over by county recently he mm was Vewra wellm office Recently Mr Richardson re mived certificate mm Queens Univcuity at Kingston following his alicndance at course for municipal clerks cntiilinx him in uze MCTA arm hi name FAMILY OF SIX Sun ma 12in Mimi Rich ardser who iivnd at Sinyner ailer he retired from farming Mr Richardson and his wife Joyce have three sons and dim daughiers Wayne nichnxdsen his eldest son is student at human University Waterloo and hI aides daughter Helen is wiih the Cannda Li Cempany in Tarnnio Daughters Lynda and Bernice are siudean at Barrie Central Coflcgiai and inns Brian and Gien aliendixinx Ed ward public school in the Al iardaie section of flame Equally hle suggestion wnuid considerably Improya it lher since whit he mks is in dividual expertise could be learned by the whale llnuse cl Commons mm lhe prnpnszfl which 111 endeavor lnll ln rmplcment In me all mlllm In cnmtlh me wlll In no will an out John 631 Nn mnlm who you an or what you are you can com to Christ wilh he lull momma an nudism He canh you Your Heavenly Faum will lorglvo you MIT DATE KlNGSTON CI An Km quest win he hrld WMnrslay inm um dulh mum Kmy Smith known muc wng hamm ha dlnd in KIM um Iming II June 11 um IrLwn olllt sh 5M mfih conrklul murder wn lnund by cum MM In cell ma wrm hm been ml II was ul millul to Kmng mimle In Dmrrlm err My team wnlrncr WM cmnmulml to No mnmmml RMIDILS DUNKIZD TORONTO CPIMme WI Mil lmlrn wm Ihmlwrl In Lako Ontmin ml Tmunln llay Numhy IIHHWMH when rmnll HM mrr Inme lhan Ill ml bow Nn um wM lnluml nr Mir wkl mhlm MI mlranmn wuml mum Ihn dumdnm 51x poll palml Imla ILNmI rum spot In spot pirkluz uv mm and womm All wrnmu Ma Ma HTSKUF Hm INMT MUM 5TH MARIE ml JIM lhnflnm Muh muml by prmlmh nhm bmvhy Allrr mMqu Um mm Kn Nnall nvai Ml lzmlmlm lIlmv IIII BIBLE THOUGHT uranium nu Mn um ml luv lm men ml Mum Nlrwl ln Mum um finini Im Mm lnhl mhzn On Hum ppm In mm ulrrp In lllhlll UN Ir 14 14 VI mu Indml dmilvz nlzal Iry Imlulnsluun mlh lucl IHII HMHHHD IN MUbl MmNW HTII Hum Mamr nnmy mmnw wan mnunl Eqwlny Mlh In Im Irma ul ptan An HN 11w diam tum mnth Mam Ralmlny Dm nhl llrmio llmnfllm mm by wk firde mm Iumw Way wrn 10 nlNHI Tnlmm Itlr 1mm liuuq Wnlmm vanln U4 WORLDNEWS IN BRIEF CANADAS STORY non BOWMAN when the American Revolquan an ended 1783 the com plexlon Canada dlanaed lo nbalnnce beLwecn French Ind English upenkmx popullllon mum Unlted mmlre Kayak isls pomdlnlo Nov mm which then Included New annwick while mnny other bend at Sore Muchlcha Ind St Jean in the prnvlncu Qnabec Mon lodunnta of Ill were those who chose 11 on lha Nlnzln peninsula neltled botween there nun Inva ll mle be 11 that BrlUsh Irrogulrée bungm on the war but Brlllsh Iympalhy for ll swarm was generous Mora than no mllllon was dlmlnled In LoyallsLI to halp them get 51mm ln Cmda On My 1153 Governor ruwxmam rmlvedroyal lawman lo grant Linda lo lh newcomen Every haul of lamlb was enlllled to 100 acres with extra 50 acres lnr avery munbur ol the lamlly Single men go 50 acres mnconmlssloned officer zoo field olficer 1000 captalna 7m and and 0mm 90 gm ml arm Mull vuwa final deal the linking were dlsuibuled by lollules which woukl bemenl today The hyalisu drew ihelr lnta by dip pira Into but 1M tickets had tn be kept cvidenca owner ship becalue legal dominant wen not distributed number yam Some the orulnnl lottery lickel are fllll available II 1mm pekloq mm Wand MA mm nelmxlms By iha end oi was it wu estimated that 30000 loyalists had landed in Nava Stalin Titty increased the population along the Saint John River vniiny mud that New Brumwick was made upmte province lha allowing year VThe Loyalist predicted that Saint John wnuid beans and of the greatest whim of twin surpass ilew am In 111 me Wolmlml wwm my um Things werent hat usy In fact him were 50 bad hr hug thatNovn Scull was called Nova Scarcity WHEN EVENTS 0N JULY 16 m7Lake St John dLscovered by Father d4 chn 1755Generalvnionflton captured For Beausejuur l7596hell mm Wallel guns set Upper ann Quebec on fire lmGovqmr Slmcoe dlvlded Upper Canada Km distrims and kallow naturalized citizens llHVlulfllv um Island He not an there unlil ha allowing year lawNow Wasuninner 80 ncarporaled as cily lessCharlottetown badly damaged by fire CPR financially The mountain la BC xs ea alter him lmSaskabchewan mad or government comm of liquor lowCanada relaxed US Invitation to develop the SL Lawrencu tom the firm Lake to the Atlantic QUEENS PARK TORON It lppCara ha in Lhrze to five years mm pollucal parties In Ontlrlo will have new leader We hppon to be at point when clmmsmlce and condi tion Indicate Icrwmboard change find can be interesting to speculate on Jun whnt mute may produce Loyalists Received Land By Lotteries ulluns are the govern ment wll be the int ln change leaders Ind lll probabla move ls also the slut to anticipate Prsmlfl Robin almosl madly wlll context this animal PC loadershlp AMI ll he doesnt wln ll he will rellro mm pull llcs and head Illa awn 1H llrm mus succzgu mm Hu successor wlll llkcly he Bdrmanon Mlnlsler llill Dnvlr young man who cut hl teeth on wlillm hlr Dnvl would be regarded as runaway in any provincial lcmlership onlest And one he was in he mlm Wnll not up new mnrd lnr lungsvziy ln nflim ln Canada He wmfid almost uflnnlable bibmll Lander Andru Thompson ls going to have In cmnlo miracle in the next rlminn ll he to Mld his lob now he mm to be In rA nl H16 lplnrvmlton branch ol the 0mm Devan nm of FAth Ix hem walner lo the imam Pol try and bowlser Cmmdl menlmz rm whim mm Ihndh In IMflau Mlnlslbr William Davis Mr Willlmm mu wllo m1 wilrr pdnr 1n becomtnl leadm in ms Ila mum English M3 In annUrml Md Trrmtlm MUM Ivy rimHm See New Leaders For All Parties EXAMINER WHATEVER IT IS GET FAST RESULTS WIIH CLASSIFIEQ SSST what do you have to sell PHONE 7282414 Alk For An AdVisor volnz nowheand In nlatl of some contusion hal THOMPSON 10 FALL Elm new pa paucyho will nulnmalitanry have go Mom convenLlon and unless ht mikes mljar galns will be owescd and probably un scaled has point would say norm Nixon will bu his suz cessor the hat Liberal wnvtplinp Mr leon sulfch because then was young hotshut demon in My parly yoquu knownan elcmcnt which ya very prcminfnl very prunumm ll we heroes were Mr Thompson nnd Charlcs quunlo Inn Since the convzntlonhhnw am Mr Nixon has shuwu he prnhnbly the most ablo Ill xound man in ha puny He does Icavu snmnminfl la be desired in om Ind magi mllon but these can alway be luvplied by colleague MICDDNALD THREATENED Tho NDP wank pclha last wax in he wrle to laxme rhnnflu tn lhtir leadership Bul il cnuld bomm Don Marl is 1M nbxhly Bu IN oldhshionrd ln hat he mills Politle mlh um approach Ihnl labor ought gmnlnyrrl on the pick llm in lln possible this change ml came in Mr Mucnnnuld hxm uU nnl he mums emu may change mm mm htx My rnrs War fnmdm hr llmlw HmJl nun 3H unhy munan at warm mm mu mpmn tnulcm Itdhhige 45 mm MN um rtHm mm Imusch Mllnl IM er nvmhcrl he rm KM mumqu nigh ramp in Jury Nnmn of dml mm of Vancouver

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