Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 14 Jul 1966, p. 6

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IVlth spedaisalad weék from July 21 to 30 why not experiment with new varieties of salads Raw vegetables such as potatoes turnips cafrois asparagus lips young peas and cauliflower ups add zest to salad menu Combined wlth the leafy greens commonly used they will provide your family with valuable source of protelns vitamins and minerals Vegetable salads are just as tasty and nutritious when made with cooked vegetables as they are with raw vegetables For the sake of variety its good ideato combine several cooked vegetables If you hate them for anyhour or more in Frenchdress theyre parficiflarlygood onlamld meatplaleh Achllled salad oimarinaled cookedyegetablea will be welcome change in place of the usualhot vege table at lunch and dinner time Marinated vegetables are also good served on relish tray with pickles and hardcooked eggsr And when weather is hot and humid like it has been the past few weeks the idea of main dlsh wait in in the refrigerator is delight to most cooks FRESH BEAN AND HAM SALAD cups cooked green or yellow beans cut in 1inch piecesll tablespoons chopped green onions cups diced cooked ham about lb 12 cup commercial sour cream tablespoon vinegar teaspoon Worcestershire sauce teaspoon dry mustard teaspoon sugar 14 teaspoon salt dash pepper Mix green beans onlons and ham Chill Com bine sour cream with remaining ingredients Add to bean mixture just before serving Toss lightly and serve in lettuce cups Six servings HOT POTATO SALAD medium potatoes about lbs 13 cup French dressing Vt cup finely chopped onion cup diced celery 14 cup chopped sweet pickle hardcooked chopped eggs teaspoon salt Va teaspoon pepper 1A cup mayonnaise Boll polaloes in skins until lender Peel dice and combine with French dressingl Add remaining ingred lenls and toss lightly until mixed Serve warm Six servings Combine peas boiling walor and teaspoon lull in saucepan cover and bring lo boil Reduce heal and cook gcnlly until just tender fl 1p l2 minutes Drain Immediately add salad oil and loss well Add onion green pcppcr olives sail rapper and lcmnn juice or vinegar and loss again Clill llmrnuzlily sljrrlng genin once or wire Just before xcrvlng alld carmls an loss Spoon lnln lettuce cups and serve with mayonnaise ll desired Six servings Thn nunu wnnnial lmk Irv mummy IIHHNI nl film Ilrlnl In Hun Imudflnl ml mth FIWIISIM ml ran wrinklflllr huh rm Imrart Mum TvIld uhivm cups shelled peas cup boiling water 34 teaspoon salt tablespoons salad oil lablcspoons thinly sliced green onion tablespoons diced green pepper stuffed olives chopped 14 teaspoon salt V1 leaepoon pepper to tablespoons lemon julce or vlnegar 1A cup finely shredded raw carrots llead lettuce GREEN PEA AND CARROT SALAD KITCHEN GOSSIP PLAY IT COOL By EILEEN nprN lhil link Ihmlzh INN mm onyxarc Mm ml mum tilIll In Um Ilhlh rmnlm rnmllnnm ml ml Ma Elwin aw Im availt mum haHK FASHION NO LONGER FROWNS 0N FRECKLEFACED GIRLS as actresses Sahanfha Egan left and Doris Day rigm NEW YORK Amka leshose suminduccd leak on me face over which almost every women more than 12 years old despairsnaw are considered beauty marks to be coveted and admired This spot mport comes ram Paris where accurding to the New York fashion trade pub icafion Womens Wear Daily the women Without mckles are painting lhcm on Spreading like he pox he 5pm lever is expedcd In be come camagiaus 5mm among lashinnronscious Indies else where The LES cosmetics in duslry is ready for it Rev William lcwlnn elmlab ed the marriage of Miss Ruth Fwd lunginsan Senoca Waym Hurst on July Channing and irmsisuble Ihe way Amelia flassin an executive Im Eabergc react fretkles The Arm incnd5 It make than part of ill om doorsy sum look for all Thmaflemoon Hmnnny Inok place ln Chris Anzllcan Church Ivy in bridal milling oi pink and whilo gladioli with bau quels n1 uhllo glnds on he altar The next step allcr pulling on natural colnrod lrukles she says will he malthln chdmg music was provided 7y tho organist Mrs Davis at The hnde is lhc dauzMnr Mr and Mr Frank limin son at Anzus nm bridcgmm is the son of Mm Bugle Pur chase nl Alliston mm ammo girlssuch Repeat WeddingVows At Historic Christ hutch Ivy the church on the arm of her mmr the hrlde WM novmod 1n bmlnl 5min dc Mnncd on princess Hm The lined bodlro rmhmidcrrd wllll nod pearls lrnlurrd mundul notkilns wxlh hark And pd nl Mn laws The mmy galli rmd lull lrnxlh Iklrl Ihe own Mdld in cnfhulml lraln pdnln lth Md 1M brides louMlmd chnw lrnxlh vril nl Mlk 111mm 5M mrriNI rnwmlc bouqud ol pmk mm with cm MDEH ATTENDANT Mn any Klnz cl Wood Ilmk VIM nuuron nl hnnnr er IIIu liuinmn nl Utmm AM Mu Clmnnl Ann lon Elfin mo hvldrxmnldl Tho Ilmdnnm um anml nlikn In And lrnKIh vlrruu penrock MM pmu do will normed with mnuhinz Mm lam luckyn Hwy hm hm drm mm mm vur man do min wilh who and up IN Imuquru ol mu mrlly yin Onivmé nllrmI xlmnnmn Ilnu Illmn IM llglmilinml IIllnll lu Mri iwillcmvuwo udi Tho Implmn Ind lullmml Imk law ummunny All In Ulnfll TIM Mka mmlwr rmlml mm th mu rrnw BWMh mu nru Allllll and mulrhm Wm rrnmml Mu mm plnk mu havo Ion been sportng their specks with pride Now ac cording ID lashlon trade Mom to the calm eta drags For example purple tackle with purple dross OTTAWA CWGroup Capl Ernest Butcher 45 01 Van4 wuvcr has hccn appoinled di radar of service and ucllnre at Canadian forces headquarms Ollnwa he defence dcparlment nnnnuncnd Wednesday Group Cam Bulchcr ho now com mands lhc base at Trenton 0n will succeed Grnup Capt Snider of Preston Even lhnugh he Lilly Dacha Hrm makes product to hide bridge of hrown dan lhlx cumpany too is happy that tackles are taming nuHmm under cover of pa We believe in playing up in dividuality says an assu cinle Terry SBYTHUHY Miss Dachc believes very stmngl in ho beuuleaus nunbowl 11w hrlvlrxrmmn nwlhrr 1w mud lnml In thlh bl Nnk Mlk rune rumplqule uxlh uhiln ml rum nhllr and pink lmu IM lerlHul lhn hlldn rhnw NIH drvu IHMNI In nrnnpv nwl Immn Inm wlh Immun lllnl lcrfunrln NAMED DIRECTOR ATTENTION COTTAGERS Em Raul 1H5 LUCIIE HOUSE PAINT WAY You an Lul Work AM Man Play EXTERIOR OIL DASI OLUCITE EXTERIOR PAINT OFLOOR PORCH ENAMEL MR AND MRS VAXNF HURST an TM CORNISH PAINTS WALLPAPER Every year week in JuLv is set nsidn Nallonal Farm 531er Week This has been lahlishcd Kn molnilion 1h manyhamdsinvolved in mg 3n the éare mm needed to avnid injury and death an he arm publicalinn ireékles mm despian by 51mm IM WW Faun accidents may be caused by machinery or animals Haw evcr in most cases mishaps re sult simply mm human negii genre For this reason safety procautiunsvand regulations are established so that arm work ers mayavuld injury tn them selves and their praperty Farmers He warned that al lowing your childmn to an ova 12 min beconsidc Farmers Mark Safety Week lracmr or other large piece of farm equipment can be dan gerous business In spite ol Mauro in me press showing young thudren driving farm ma chinery lhin prndlse ex lrvmcly dnnzcmun lnllnwlnx 4th III In Nlnunm lnlll ml mini In In Unlml sumn me mph wlll wivla hm Sh llltrr mu mme mm Vnn rmmr Mutual 0m nml Tamnln Gum Mny WW IUKL Im Elfin Mlhlnn Duh lwa nakvlllp MIMI llumlllnn Mrnud mu m4 Arum Lrhnll by AnAnA 7161777 nsmnum ron romannow Mcrcury lnfluenccs especially generous nnw encourage writ ten matters of any klnd are particularly lavnrable lo adverv llsing and promutlon copy writers and to all those en gaged ln literary pursulls Tholein olhtr fields com munlcnzlun alsn star blessed and coveludbuuly math AP Wirepholn FOR THE BIRTHDAY tnmorrow your birthday your horoscope indicales that desplle good financial ptriods slarprnmiscd or he first two weeks in August and during lh mld September mid Novem ber period tucuplionzdly or lultousl and xevcra ulhm which will be listed below it would be extremnly wise or you and nll Cancerians to avoid any kind of speculum durinz the next 12 mnnlhs frhe cau IIoux and comcrvnllva palh will he Ihe best am In 0an In order In Insure stability in man eury attain THE STARS SAY child burn on this day will flmuuh unusually shy and re served make mnny lricnd be cause 01 his rmhearted pen xénallly and dqllghflul some 01 human MIAMIv HI AW Down wivh mpmu halhing nulls lrelandx hikimboosllnx enlry the Miss Unmrw beauy mules mid Ncadny wnh brozue You can cl away wilh mur Jer 1n the Ion of nneplxe balhinl mil Mid Glndys Ann Waller whn hm no pmhlcm wilh 362346 inure You dont evon haw have bosom to wear run um And yvu can Mm up mm in lha lull lull well she OnePiece Suit Hides Faults uld In the Interest him We bluwycd mark mvpond Um girls WEN la have to panda 1n ram 01 ha Judge In bikinis Mi Luxembourg nlnlcly thmHIm Agreed SM nr HM ml the lull MIIL which mm ruin my cannnt be pnddod xlva mnlrslnnh loo mndl lmwny 1er can make homll pear um want in am plm hnhinx mil mid Ht mrold Glzl Antlnmi ml ol me girl anld um prdmnd Ihe Nklnl lm lhc hurh but he lull lull lor um um Some conmled Ihnl Ibo biklnl WM lnlm but they nvrtnl ulna lo rhnnxn lhclr mo dnnt hnvr Inn mm bn biklnl ML Guam Hap barn rm nah Anywly not our cmlnm hark hnmfi Thain Mkfloh vvclmmiamgm you my mnl kl IN In IfiM mm nwL um Iynlluw my plMM mm mIMIMl1IN Ihnlo lnmlno lhe girl anld um Ihe Nklnl lm ha ha lull lull lor Um lo confided lhnl lbe DARRIH 3mm IXAMINEI WAY mu pan and mm line mid dle as unread Are hefty thlghs Inherfled Have the lush Inn designer gone mad Please gun exerche that mlghl What 11 anylhln can he don about lhe mqtled lumpy appearnpce mg 3119 KEEP IN THE TRIM Quaallona about the lhlgha are asked alien in summer particularly this aummer of rklmfy mm and high rise hemlnel Yes designers ap pear to have lost their raason But lets not pm the ram buuan How the akhlllna to cover the knee Wu Inherit Mir body lrnme Ind along with his the limb the lamin tree tendency to Ilender or mucky legs and thlghs Is inhzrludonut mol Ed lumpy appearlnte cln only be caund by poor ckcull llnn and uncles mulcles Ind excess abhy musculatur gen erally the lhlghx cspeclally along the lnner and uuler bar deudre likely lo be ln need at loninl These muscle are Ml usnd ln ordlnlry movamenls such as standing and wélklng USE HllGllS Check on raullna movements In rising mm dualr use the flush muscles Dont asalsl with your arms or bend lnrward hlps railing lcurward as you help younell up Kezp yuur MiddleAge Sag Can Be Corrected WEEKEND By IDA JEAN KAIN GELUSIL TAB Rog 225 149 ASPIRIN 100 Reg 99 59 ENOSRog 129 89 AGAROL Rag 150 98 CALADRYL FOR SUNBURN Rog 115 83 IIRADRYL Rog 125 93 SEA AND SKI Reg L75 129 SEA SKI lncloorOuldoov Rog 185 129 STERISOL Rog 150 39 LISTERINE Reg 98 19 Dr Wow TOOTHBRUSHES RtIg 69 39 KODACOLOR FILMS Rug 155 139 Koduhromo II mm MovIo Rog 525 439 RESDAN Rog 150 99 MULLSOY LIQUID Rog 59 IIn cm 629 BAN DEODORANI Rog 129 89 COLGATE TOOTHPASTE Rog 93 SUCARYL TAIL Rog 80 49 NICE EASY Rog 225 169 SPECTROCIN OINTMENT Rog I50 98 BATHING CAPS 10 par can RAID HOUSE AND GARDEN 109 WILKINSON BLADES 5I Reg 65 49 WE RESERVE THE RIGHY TO LIMIT 0UANTTIES50RRV NO DELIVERY AT THESE PRICES ABOVE PRICES IN EFFECT JULY I4 IS 16 66 DUNLOP ST MucKuys Pharmacy Fashion clearance beauulul style shoes Broken sizes on sale most sizes in group White and Beige SHOES GOLD CROSS WALKWEL SHOES Sm Pmcn 14 hackv alrallhl holn with high musclcs 1n walking make sun 10 polnl your toes nmgm ahead wetgm toward Lha outer border In yourfeat Nun Ihe egmln To sum late circulation get lnlo ncllnn wam an illMont swim the 1ng 1mm Um hips Pnslllnn Lylng on hack on mm mm out on floor at side leg straight up in air at right amflcs with trunk In thl pvslllnn you are rec tn eureka the highs Keep knee xlrllghl Ines pulled toward lump in con mi thu muscles Acclon Swing legs wile apart cnmloruhle than swing lnwlrd crossing one leg over other will wlrle apart agaln and then iwlng in the cross again Eeyn with lo cnunls lncrcasa to or man Ill hm and reelinglat lreeinl Roll on Illa bulw Pnslllon Sit on flour lean sllghlly hack to hrlng weight to hear on bulge emu out at tides To clear the my fur rolling lclinn all along the lhlzhline htnd knee Iharply 58 Dunlop Burl Action Slowy Ind heavily rnll alums one lhighline back across rear Mp3 and nn our to other lhighllne Make this cominuous rolling acliunvm 20 count lag beautilying exercise walk on the beach in shifting sand in your bare an every chancl you get 7181397 7152901

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