Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 14 Jul 1966, p. 5

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Stayner Street To Be Repaved Flt Hem AM Kalb omnch Barrie shvwn lrlgh receiving the clasp In his Canadian Forces Decora lion lrnm Group Capt Odoendcn commander Can ELMVALE 5mm one llme armer and for 26 years school trustee John Robert son clerk masurcr of Flo Township was shed about changes ha has seen in Elm vale and Ho lhrnugh the years For one thing farming has changed great deal sinca farmed nald Mr Rnbertson who said his former arm in F103 now operated by his son Donnld and he has extended operauans considerably with the help of modem mu chlnery Danald Robertson able look alter 300 am He acquired more acreage and nlsn rents BaldMr Robertson or 11 non GOOD MACHMY Flos Clerk Tells About Farm Change As in olher places In Onlnrla lha trend in Fla Town ship is toward the npemlion larger arms by lower lnrmcrl lhrgxgh 01 71119 mum Farming big opcrullon nnwadnys becauso you cant get any place without proper mn éhincry said the elder Mr Robertson Hr an arm Scol land Mr Robertson came to Canada allowing scrvlce In Ihc Black Vnuzh during lhn First World War He farmed Flea or few years and lth he cnmu mad superintendent for the township We had horse an mm mm in ScoLlnnd and nun dld farm work with harm here In Flos he lnld In 1953 he was uppolnicd clerk Ind lrcnsurnr 10 he has WAYNE fawnm lvvml muln mm ll lo be mumd In ha huslncu mllon Mlh lhe neccssary hylnw nulhnrlllnfl ho work havan been apprmtd hy ha lnwn cauncfl The Onlnrln Dcpnrlmcnl Highway will pay he major Iho rnsl ll um uplnln with lhe lownl rulwnxihih Ity lwlnz lhv Humming ul live out mlp down each Ilde 1th mnulxl mnlnlnln tho wldn Ilrrrl In Ihe bulinm ncllnn uhlch hlll nllrn lmn praised by vhuou flvu le lnruw van mm luwndfip 11qu pm mu ml mum tn I4 nwlialulmn wmlly hum roman mm MAN RECEIVES AWARD nxnnnvns RECALL INNISFILS PAST In reference to the changes In civic adminkszrnlion Mr nub crlsnn mentioned or one thing he levy has nearly doubled Flu papuiallon hasnt changed much now havlni 1m armround reuldcnu but civic mvlcu have been greatly 1m proved dial Force Base Centralia The dasp awarded 00 ving personnel or 22 years of dficiuwy long service and good conduct More Ding to Centralia F4 Kelly was held since Before he will clerk he served tar 15 years as put school trustee and years on um llighSchool Board In addition to Improved serv lcc and ham schools Infla uon has affected taxes like cv urylhing else The rise 111 tax miun Flo has been much less than in manyp1acns he pointed out Mr In good coopernllon between Elm vnln and F105 pointing out the fire brigade L1 opnrnlnd Jointly allhunyn ench has its own equip ment The Flo township union and In hall located in Elm vale ncnr the main our corner and is separate from the Elm vale municipal building and Ira which 13 further dawn the street CODPERfiTION IllSEC The ElmvnIHlo Community Centre hm meant much in pm vldins good recreational Incl Ilics and cncoumllng hockny skullnz and DUMP spam It also used for numerous other ur fivillos Including housing uhlblls at full air time The clerk sald ha would mm In cxpms his npprtdnllon In the mfltrcnt cnuncill or lhclr nuurlnclnu Huron Elm also has been dllcusscd with lho wnrk Ilpltd Iarlhg ycnrz Mnynr Elmer nomy and mcmbtrl hln cuundl hnvu horn mmmmdul by huslnow mm and other lnr lhelr can Mcrnhlo rmul mpruvrmcnl null Mcmhm Hm mundl rludn llme William Mum Hell knuwn local mnrchnnl who chairman 51mm Counly Ieumcnl tnmmlllee Ken Kerr IL Imln Km llenlhrrlnalun Dun Mrlnlyte Mllslcr MacDon nlul and mum Knox Wh Tum Lmk um ml lm hrHM ml MIMI IIIHmL 11w myrrhII Hill Mum arm nmk ml mtmin tinned at May Nfld Hg will be stationed at Air Div ision Headquantersv France He marrind to th tanner Edith Cook of Shannonville Ontario consideration and also to rate payers generally Currently he has been engaged helplng get notices reudy for malllng out around August noms cnymym Reeve or Flux Frank Coughlin who resides at Amen Mllls Ls chairman of Slmcpe Cognly road committee an active term Lorne Graham of RR Elmvale depuly wave and enundflou Include Donald MacDonald bl Amen Mills Earl 5mm 01 Phelpslnn RR and Ross Usher of film vs aria7 influenced him to come in Cnnndn imm Scotland Mr Robertson snhi it was dun lo teacher who oiicn spoke oi this country am certainly glad took his advice because couldnt hnve and belier place in live he said stating he has visiied Iraq East india and many olhcr pln the Ianl mar Dininlla McElwnlu is mlive of Flex Their oldest son William is will ha Department or Agrltullure dalry hard in pravcmcn branch in Elmvnle Donald is farming on huslh canccssion and Edward on ma 81h They aim hnvo ihrce dnugh lm Mu John limbo Dow ney Mlncsing Mn John Edith Bell Elmvale and Anna who with Lhn Ontarla uydEo Ifinhme By MM ARMSTRONG An enjnynblo evening was spent at tho dnncc 1n Carley community hnlL Suturdny Miss Cheryl Armslrnnx la hnll dnylnx wilh Mr and Mn WI Hnm Glll nnd lnmily Slouflvlllc mu Douulu Taranlu wn men lellor win Mr and Mn Wallace Dauzlu Mr and Mn nlll Donuty and sum nnrrlv and Mr nml Mn Vldnr Johnslonu Wm rcccnl Isilor Mlm Mr and Mn 0r vlllu ArmAIranK Jnmlo Amuler lmlldny Ina wllh Mr and Mn Jnhn Ann 01 Cnrylon An lmlmllon ll mended In cverynne In Illml lhurrcunlon nl Canny cnmmunlly hall lha Iormnr Culty nth lhll mm In Sumy July 17 1mm Irnlm 1n Haw Invnlvn mm nmnllvilllu lhaa in may dayl mum WI lhnlnl CARLEY Z9311mvale Fair Plans Western Harse Show ELMVAIE 54m wm mm hmlses than ever in the area the anmnl bone mow mu be one 91 he but In the gag hlswry 01 Male gall 511 hast year the western ham show drew so with and if wulhgr coqdiflqgg 0N nbh there should he even more his coming Scpknber 5me Mm racing on me good ha mfie also an annualleutumandnislwp ed hll Dam Bmm Mea lord wfll main entries 00 dam honor won year ago when his mm Amber III an be mils IV owning the half nib fiwiu in BETTER JUNIOR FAIR The junior lair held in com junction with the newer fair and um also has been calm 11 good no nu no should make better um average minimal dim wm SL3 locauun in die mlds good momma am Elmvala Ilsa plumb nami out livestock Show at ib tau Whilu an lair Em dill some wag gway been nave in sunny ments and it is an bed the 1966 ambition will be up to the high mm at put Ray who has rldifl horse Iarm near hm ls dhalmun in dram arrange ment or be weslem my aim whidl will be mum at the mud day an lair cmmnms my danxman has Jami Dyer Flexdlen Andeflm and Ms Rose on Us cozlmifiee making arrangmmeu 0R0 STATION Stall Md ed the cuqtiomny warm early My Orol 3mm Park has good dunes oi Making all mom or visitan thin yen Ileglstraflons Io tar In cadd mbly head the me ya Xod year no It wu 1mm lnqulrim It the stand up arm 7yLloyd Conrad part Warm Days Make Oro Park Busier Wu hadnt added he 61 um but we are said Rani Canrad Mm ashd about visit In mdm rjivdfirrim mun nborj 1900 low year no And ll the warm mule continual hm SI toad dun at this helm cxccodnd The ban on motorwdu uhidl nqulm than be park amide lhfl park had not lcdcd uhmy in cycle worn thlblh lollawlna com plumb about mini Ind noLn WV Stall My lilo And 1m Mn Ivy my much Inld Willmi Show XIhaw local huslnmman who came lhin Hun Twwhlp rural nom vmmlly No your no mm Tomato Mr Sluml AlIo mu no pint or the dild nn Ill mam COMM 18 numth 1W whoa while Mn Ann lrlllu fix will mm mt 11 Am unlrd 1c ranzmuon ml wu Ind Hut nnllva ol Durham Mm in mm In andy yearn ho wu Inad In leru In mailer 01M ml hwl lelu Small Town Liie Pascinates Former Toronto Resident Mi hm hm 1m Mn1 mod sudllnlv Ind ny cm ln lot1x11 nhL In moth In mum HI Wat twrnllo bwlmll chi ml 3er rlldw union of Ivy mu mm new um In bu to Imur Mum MM um than he on AM PM he mm nu lam and to II mug ACTIVI mumn pile uh in Am lmlnmmm Jonrwfl win MI bun 1n wax1 myu my findlumlm nwm ll lmhr plug IM Mull fmnfu nm VIIw in Iron pmly hwy Ill lull yum Pu rmm lnl km rmnl nun Illa puma to IV mm well hunk IITMJJ All CAM lulul gin1A flu or but Mr Jonmfl nld In In wmkal my Wtva IntH urn rmpflm mum luv um BARBIE EXAMINER THURSDAY MY 145196 DIS TRICT NEWS We have to have particu luly mdlal this car said Ruiz Bertram pres em the Pin WW1 Society whldh Ipamors he Elmvnla exhibition Mulch depends on weather tavaruble should have on at our hm Jud W891 lama flied any we dflven Keifl Ind Murray Weeks is chairman ol therhme racing cormnlnee been helplnx out in hem racing promnm at Goldwater Otillh Ind oher places in are mm and mm Wavles have ddva at me mmvale air but demands for Mr serviua on the Maw 92 By MM BOWDEN Mr and Mn Hamlet of no find WW Mil 11h Dunk Mr and Mrs Jnmu Smith and lamfly luv returned ram we holiday Hmmlru Mr and Mn Joseph Vernon visited Mr and Mrs Harry Vernon Wyebridge Sundly sun CHANGES sums Tauuro Tambn the villain at The Seventh Dawn play Jamel Bondl chic Aid In You 911 Liv Twloe the new WI at ML IW also were an uderod saldy hmrd during the day On mums who pay to wud the parks are am well filled lelc la clMlu are wwdednsdufima finnpuvihm Besides the lake uhlldm 1110 mm slides and he madam Wt Them In pod mu or winnu Ind sol wading placed or the MI nur the Wu hnva quite from Barrio mm hem no well other places laid Mr Mad Ibo was pieued at it could mfla averbio Comtan Iii mm dilidrm are ihou who vary much the park ihoy hink i1 is wndedui glue furl so do you change In cm In mm recalling lam Iho url Ford Elm and other model Bl 70 Mr 1mm mam In on in Hm 30 um Ivy had WM Ilamlom Mall um and aha wok In prnlu the ml Ivy dd whim II mnldna cod Ihowlnz In flu Scum 51mm Imam Our yum puma Ilia In Mm lxwfll nlonl Inld In mrm In lhn lunnfln ml min hwan lam IMWKFflmNH £61 Mllm ll lha mind Nmih 8mm ilmlnrk Mun lam lb flayl Winter rm Int ynr Roman McKay Mr Nil Mrl Mud dad ll Manor will leh 5mm Wm HIM zw HI ltuhfldp wm rm hm ll lha Univmfly Guam JIM Mlon Iuflv ln oumm prnlumu for in Nmmn hu amid Dd nm rilhmlfl Will Represent North Simcoe AidH Session 16M mm Md wovlnrhl whzm mtmm and In yaw mrygMMH IN mumtuna ll lluoluh Ill hum the um mm In wln nu mm my lbfln mm rm hamn WailMullhyurun mom neomhln 01an on Allnflm lll Alrklhr CHI MM rum KI dimly MK IIMVH Ollun Mum Mu I0 Almlng flu and MI HOLLOWS linca Bmwn hupeced to be on the mm tale again and other when of the com mittee Include Dr Windxun Evereu Edwards MEWWI Gm ham and the presdgnt Rug Ber 4H SWINE cum he Elmvale 4H Swine Club will hold its uddevementday ln conjuncllon wiLthe alt It la carded or the second day when he Showan livestock wlll be the main atlradlon sulky race will be 1123 feytum lmlhecbslngdmalm min thaw at lhe manually unmuddance Mrs Marlena linney seem my also polmed out the Mar lisheldwiuImeEbn vale Mr HER Tz We re Moving New Office Opens Mom July 18 To 43 Essa Road Our guarantee Barrie DriveACar Sam Phono Number Far Your Convonlonco 7266474 npinlon over proposal that He danle Municipal Telephone sys lem migamate with the Bell Neptune meany there is wrong 3on of opposition to any flange or the wcsenC it was learned rum hquiflcs Howard Roblnsan secretary treasurer of the Medan Tele phnne Many said good many eel that as long as Cold water and Elmvale operate their own systems and the unsung eonchange W11 for free service betweenihese mum and Madame remains film will be apposition such amalgam on Meddntevlhone Operation To Stay Same For Present my mem WANT ADS PHONE 71232414 MMNSTONE 5mg Wh great whiskiu blended into everybofllo The tree udunge also in clude Tay Township md Vic toria mame The litter has jolgled uu Belljemmne mtkEmwnEIheii in am aver will be made Rmfienu Hillsdale mike most cl their outshie calls to Elmvale 7399 here malke animate and it works out well aaId Mr Robinson won MW Wow mrelsatnllolfiwnsbr can mm Madame lo Elmo and 15 cenu on calls on 01min he said IOm undlnn 40 do our best for our whwiben said Mr Ronlmn In dimming lhe Medmte Tehphone system pull are chances made In mesa neighboring pines M9 dome could then consider tho sltuatlnn in the 113M 141 my new summon he suggested

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