Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 14 Jul 1966, p. 10

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11a wrrl ml In Ilml Mm mmly Auumr nlc bin1M Mm mw Illllfll mm In lulu mumnllnn up mlnl sum rnumudlnn MM mmlrnlly NH and qlnluml In lw uny Iu II an mnmhuml Inc lullnwl Flmm lmmty Auuumnl hm hlll Inlnu IIIpull nnl nlo hi ulnyy an Humled Wih lhnusnnds half of My slill In Um liclds and ham nmrly filled farmers are nl Nady Ending lhnl the hot dry wwlmr hns hastened the rim lnx the hull uhcm One mu many fields that hm bind cr and slnnklng was he mclhml cuuld nlrmdy be mm hur wsfinu Hanover combinan nu qulru lhnl grnln he well har dcnul nnd drlul all lho slrnw Mom nny Mlcmpl made to begin hnnnlinu This Inma Umu mcnn lhnl Ihr Hmw wrnktns ilh In hrnvy an nml nlh nur and during ny dry ucnlhcr nmnll Miltu ollrn tirdr mrr 11 um and If his human In he In mmnrm out may llml palch dovm numdrr Mnrllu mlh heavy mm flllln Irma flnumwl Ilelvh nl Mhrnl And lhn Imumla In lull rmp hunml mow cvrry day hr minim Oundll MM lay nnll hnw had In ml nl lhr nrmI lmlh Inulh and nut Wn nnllml mm My llrld nnnh pl uukxlmm uilh Imll lrll JIIII Ihry mum on lhn lmlrr nntl ll wmlrl be pmhltm In pull warm Ilununll Thry All him In 5an nl lhn rnmnra nlul mvrk hmk Mnnl lho Inulh luunllnn hny um um lwlnz Ill nllhnuth mm It In In Imlu nnIl Il hrnvy mm Im hlml Ilu mnurr nu xlrylru In IMI Whrn rman lulu Inlmr mm In In In rnMrm II II ernlrn Mm mrvrm huzn unp my nu will All Ml llnllnl mum mrnl nml now um mum and Mn rlnml In mu Ivrlnm II In llw hum ulml nn vnv hwlnr Mu ml Illvul lam rnrnrr nl ny mnw mm In lmnlu Ihp In nmmlnl n1 lalmr In hayln Um luau mn uh plrnlylnl umm nlmly All mm an Iw Mnuu Aml Ilnml AM pm my mm lulu 1m 1mm 15mm The nth nl lhr mm Imp ran nMImI daily VARIIRNIN Anvst SOON Thu Imy up hem nut nl Ihe Musics In mm mm or many um 11 ml couple xlnyu have lyrrll rlnllnu Iho lnmnMp lu pnl nul 11an rnnlu Reporters were called lnlo Mr Visharts office he con clusion meetian Willi linn aid Bevan of Toronto president oi the Police Associallon On arlo Dennis Lauen the asso ciallonl administrator also of Toronto and Irving Himei counscl or bnih lhe provincial and Pcmbrokn polica associa inns DIDNT AGREE TORONTO CF Attorney General Arthur Wlshar Wed ncsday called conference or Jqu 10 he hopes will lead to solution of the salary dispdle between Pembroke and its po liceman Although he would not be an axbiler in lhe dispute which has had province wide signifi cance he aunrncy general said he may have same sug zcsllons to om He lald press cnnlerence he will preside over the talks which would be at Queens Park INNISFIL NOTES LoonSQUARE mile area surrounding ha north shore of Georgian Bay has been rec ommnded or permanent recreation reserve by the On Wishdrt Cdlls For Solution The Pembrnfi council Iu re Hot Dry Weather Hastens Fall Wheat lounhlb MM hull ml at Inlllh and ML hnyllrlgl mm During our call around he lummhip mu many he huslnu Inlk and as they know us and our nlumn many had lhings In my lhnl lhvy hun cd uuuld be passed an course we do not wnnl ln be accused of carrying lulrs nnd In many cnm um Auguesml Ihnl lhcy Contact Gauntll member Ilrll Alrn heath Mn Fmicr who oxwrnlcs he Vurk 5mm um ury crlllml we cast rhnnulnu lhe xlrccl llnhllng We rnnnol lind out hat the mat ill be she con tenth4L hut hlur lwcn lnld III lens 30 per unll No nnn no lilimml us nr min mm In Mar 1M mhlitinnnl rnsl Thry Jun hm lllem hnngal null ho mun nl lhr mm linhlinz ill have um to pay hvrr mny yum Vlly IIunl lhry rlcan and drum ant lhtdlrfl Illa nknl pninllnfl 1th In lrnnl lhu Mer lishmrnl mm hm ml nlnxnnnl am ullh lrnlhy Inn ll lmknl him prrlrrl rdlnx plnrn Inr Innuunlnu um uni Al mm all In mm nml Jull nn mere uh rnmmrnml Mr Visharl snld the police have too much good sense to like such action Annlhrr cnnwwnnnl mhlnl lhnl IMCI mlnrlllnr TmM mnv NI Sum hm Hm lnr lnnvlnnll In lhr mmh rm Invunhip munn mm lhr munn mm nuner hullntumln Mr ml 17 um uny him In plnu mm In Irrvlro nlallnn mul um Khrn prnnlulnn nnly hnnr lrmn nnynnn In Inmllll Mun Hm In lhfl nwnrr rnmmrnlnt Thry mul nun Um nu plrnty huh lml up ul nn munlrlpll IlHhll mm mrl Hm mmr mvlu llhlluu Mm MINI our rnr MIII Inal yrnr no Mlllrvl mlr FIHIIIIA Mr lhnl Hm hr hnvl nlqn nny There 11 no lalk about cnrnpramise Mr iiimai re piicd lo quesiion The men are mu receiving the agreed to by the commissm There hnve been suggcsflom that If lhe Pembroke conlrncl not honored polio across the province might book of slck in protest They are forbidden lo mike under he Pnlke Act fusul to ratin 1963 contract between the towns police com misslnn and its police force The contract calls inr wages in line with lime oi provincial police men which involved an in crease at that time of $351 or Pembmke police In raise their salary in the same scale in August however OPP ol ficerl were granted increase ranging in 3900 and police at Pembroke laid council they ex pected similar raiser Cannril had apprnved estimates for ma $500 increase but rnuldni an or lire additional 900 uric Department Landi and Forests Th3 plan calls lur preserving lha North chan nel Islands cl Lake Hurnn and we may thousand Islands The COMMERCIAL PRINTING Tho BANNIE EXAMINER Will Be Closed Ior ANNUAL VACATION REOPENS JULY l8 FROM JULY llb DIVISION OF Tha plan iricnds de velopment policy including dcrnoss arms dispersed dm in N0 Tucnly Dnllar Hills Arccnlcd but forlunaloly wo had crcdxl card Int the firm for which he lmmllrs gas We rnquircd about he slgn and he remarked dont wan to gel xlurk nxnin Hi remarks abnul Innislll nl whirh he ls now ra10naycr unrn my new firmed mm or Inllvcml and or xrnvrl In our street Mhilc Mrc in lnnlilil hul lnxcs are risan all he tlmo We mo and Ill be mu he lmAmMpf ho milled YQUIHFUI AMIMSHMWRS Tun nur lnnlslll ynun ncnple halo burn rhnxrn la call And Mal Iml lrll ulhtr Inlk nlmul lhc plnvr Hwy llw llulh llnldcnhy fill lnuln ls wrmllnl lun wrlu Ill llnle Sl Illul Qurbrr vlnillnx Mllh Fttnrh lnmlly and will hran EM lrleml mm lhnl nmil hark ln Ipcml hm wok ll Ilrr Ill lnnllhl lletlnry llulh hm lnllrn lrrmlu lnr llmc mu nnd will be mrnklnz lhnl nnxunsn uhlln In Quelxc nml hll mllnr Ill lprnk Hnnllnh clllrlna lwr uny In nnmrlu 11m mllnnxr lwlyrrn Fund and Huxlhh wupln 11 our lhu lvml lllluun lhnl um lulu plare and will Riva rnrh llvl Ml 0p pnrllmlly In npprtrlnla nmvlhrr way nl Ilunz nml making Tum Ilnnnx ulll Irma hlx hnm Al IMnmhk nn July 15m In no In IlAmlIlnn ulmn 19 MM parly huh Mm ulll g0 ivy min In Smknlmm Hmr lhry win no mint mm luv In Minm 1mm nl Hulknldvtunn Tmn Ml lvl 0an In NM NM llrhml mung 1an rm yr luww lh mm In lnmlly lw ulll Iva lllllnl III hum II day MIII mvrnm Imlul nlulth Mll uh lm an away lunlty III nllunt rlirm My HM and Al In mm His 79 page report advocacs the development of the mm llonal area by private cnlcn prise in conjunction wih vari ous government agencies The rcscrve am will Include part me districts of Alumna Manitoulin Nipissing Parry Sound and Sudhury The proposal calls or provin cial parks to pralcct the North Channel Islands of Lake Huron and the Thirty Thousand Island In Georgian Bay and for ncl work hiking and riding lrails calnacing routes and youth has Ic The prnmm was prepared by Professor Nurman Pearson he University of Waterloo Mu nl InnlM TORONTO CPIA new con cept In recreational planning calls tar lhe preservation of 000 square miles as firm nenl recreation reserve along lhc nurlh shun at Lake Huron and Georgian Bay The plan is nuw under study by the depart Inan of lands and forests ln Genrgian Bay with net work hiking and riding trails canoelng route and youlh hostels 11w larZe area runs along the coast lrom Blind River Parry Sound Ontério Government Proposes Huge Recreational Preserve 233 Bradford St inland as far as Ellint Lake Sudbun and North Bay Mm designale regional cgnlcres plcnic areas marine and Ice realional service centres CP Wirephoto lowpriced uconomicul car domnl have to ho dull And Epic prom ll Sum Eplc wm will or people wilh Ilghl budqol It won built for lvn 00 Epic wul madn for pacplo with hwy schnduh Humor acliviIluI Whamor youm goingi youru on Io onioy youuo youll onioy Ihinul mom In an Epic Eipociully when you mmumbnr how linlo Epic tell you umrmmrmm aw pie makes lei of sense Aloi of fun lot of people happy Gem I01 of car from your Chevroletpic dealer forjusi $179100 Be Wu lo we Bonanza on 10 CBCJV nelwmk each Sunday Check your local Hing lav thaml and mm DANGERFIELD MOTORS LIMITED The pragram In surance against crop losses Frame farmers have built up the fund wilh contributions mm mm gala The um1h report the slanding committee on agricul ture toreslry and rural de velnpmnnl gave strong support In the principle 01 extension or erg ilmxrqncm The commute recommended lhm he act should he exlendlfd In all of Canada to allow greater development of water coflsarvalion pro OTTAWA CWThe Prnkle Farm Assistance Act should he amendpd sn lhal bencliu could be extendcd lo lhe whale coun lry under brnadencd crop in surance program the Cummnnx was 91d In report tabled ngnesdny NEWS BOUNDUP Committee Recommends Broader Crop Insurance AUYNORIIED EPIC DEALER IN DARRIE rcfcrcncc to bomb produc tion brought lnquirlcs from Can ada where Detnncc tar Hclycr and Industry Minislgr Drury both said Canada Is not maklng bambslnrUS Use In Vic Nnm US dcparlinnnt Source than said McNamara had made simple ermr in using me ward bomb And Wednesday another department snurce 1n dicatcd the contract being cam called for rocket compon ents avoid any excesslve huildukral blgnlary The source whlch cammt be named said the production con tract relerred to by McNamara was due to run out soon As part or the overall reduction It would pol be renewed Barrle Thq issue was raised or the second day in the Common Wednesday and Trade Minister Winch said he was assured by officials of lhEthree firms that key had received no bnycoil Cuba insiruclions from their US parents Iirms TRY EXAMINER ANT ADS PHONE 1mm dontséll flour to Cubaas matter operating policy spokmen for three firm said qunesdny They added lhal the dccislan la ignore the Cuban market was made by executives based in Canada not an nrdcrs mm hend offices in the United States 11E BARRIE EXAMINER rmmsnn JULY 14 1950 Hm kmle Ullk ar mm imthbvs Phone 7261 Russia has ordered Canao dlan flour equivalent to 45000 000 bushels wheat Finance Minlsm Sharp said the Americnnmmcd flour milk do not objcd Io cxparlhu la the Soviet Union 1BLidI Sherman PC Winnipcg South old the Cam mons Tuesday night that two thirds of his flour will be db vcrlcd to Cuba by he Russians as wasdone In the push lpi Dcluu 1000 54

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