Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 13 Jul 1966, p. 6

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Nle matron of haunt was Mn Shnrnn McEImy Orumnctw NJL sister the bride Miss Beverley Davis Onllia wax bridesmaid and Mb Marilyn Denney ulster the bride groom was Junior hridmmnld Wearing tradifional gnwn of antique satin and lace he bride was given by marriage by her father The drcss was designed wnh bodice of Glanlilly lace with scalloped neckline and lull lepgh mnlrnuud skin was luvmg hr allure or lunrh rnmunlrrld nne 1m mmhnm mmlnu 5hr gave me In nxmln mnlrt IIan Inked Am hnw nuns nl ymxr hmm Mm Mrnrw hnx hrn 5110th th nnonymmn law In Hm pmnrnrl Innnzmr alum um mm ll tho Hum In my rnmmnllnm uh un IIHHMMIY firm In an nlhll mlr arm wmlNL lnlahd lvlmy 1n hvm PM 1er um n11 has Mn Hwnihl and Ml Man an wml mm Mm cluster flowers with or ganza pelals held the bndes shoulder length veil pf tulle ll usinnl She carried bouquet Whlte camclla glndmli will pink ribbon xlreamers hur Ann Lumm wnrk for lnrxe ornnimlm and all lolc phone can in through ohc swulchbumd mlh the unmian ol lho exmxlivu pnvm mm mm tonne cannot we My hmhand lrlmhorwd me his mnrnlnl and Her onu hc ax bombed and mlhnu from bar ll is lnckl hnhxl In kIenhnne and plrk mm uhrn he knws he in he dnK hmuoMhirh ha rmnmly wm lwamo he dldnl coma Mm an ninhl In my Inmpvr and uwl mun rnllwr Mllv Innmurr Infll MM some lhlnzl hr nhmklnl hnva MM and win mntmlinn ymxd van In numdrr lo hour PIT Mull Marlyn mwnlnn hm ury 5m mm In Him Inna In rm 1tu liuhlm 1v um an mrrlmz pmlmmy unwhmm ninvhlrmr In luhm mal In nmrr In mum pum mum un mm ml Hum 301 um um may alwnl ram 41ner TALK llllll llur Ann Irlnllfllx llrm plraw Wm lul 1m hnrrw lmw Imm rm wmun um In hm mm Mr In wry NHL rlun In lnmfly mi mmh nun nu m1 plum ml um mm lwl WM wu mm In mmml why mu puwu HUME 11m hrfiwnh tn ml um In IullIithd unx hnlul brad My Mnqu lI nw win Mm an Inn my In II auul th mamw Th1 My thhl In mum ml WM ml will mm Mn ulnié Am innimle 1n Mm lhal hm Iv ran Pyranuds of white pom and sham rlccnralzd St Georges Chmch Barrie or the July wedding of Miss Shelagh Ann Collins lo Jamu Alexander Den ney The bride is the daughler of Mn and Mn Edward Thomas Collins of John St Harrie The bridegrouml parents Mr and Mrs David Alexander Denney fluid on 1mm SL ANTIQUE SATIN GOWN mums ATTENDANTS Rev Donald French con ducted the afternoon rim with Lhe organist Mrs Shaw pro viding lh wedding music Antique Satin Bridal Gown At Wedding In St Georges ANN LANDERS Private Conversations 0n Public Telephones MR AND MRS JAMES DENNEY Mr David man of Toronto was groammun Ushers were George Rnwson Vancouver brolherlndnw of the bride groom and Walter Peacock ol Slruud The mceplion oak place nl Um home he bridegmoml parenL Receiving the brides mnthcr chose pale green null 01 ann amntod with him ac mumm and mango white mum Awning the bridaeaoam mother wore blue dress print av r€nm9 mum your tinmu lnlnz to he kind But dnnl think an ml kindncu In give you aha hnpe Il ya have not heard one ward mm your uvlnva in right month gut nu wriln him all In make nrw mud The mauvn of harm Ind the bridesmaid were gowmd alike In mm length dresses ol men embossed peau do soie deunl wxlh headdflsses mucking green tulle and punk They carried cm shaped bou quits al sqfl ygllow carpatioqa The Juniur bridesmaid the flawer girl and the ring bearer wnre muses of yellow penu do sole delum and matching yel low velvuina head bands The junior bridesmaid enr ried cascade 01 yellow carnnA Hons and the lower gin carried nmegay whim carnation 31 35 Mr high True love an owrcnme my obstacle but ram your nccounl lhe 13 he ymmz mun ha lrraled ym would damn that lhu ix Inna luvs NY hm Ann hndrnx Pluto um an nnwrer lo nunmm that houminx Our mm 17 hm we flmflut xhn WM Juxl puth wMzhl N4 knmr me In anmum 11M uMk Ihe 10M In due mi Iw boy lrlwd uni In In mnnirvl lwmuu he may be um jnln In mvlrc mm III km mm muuM pwlunnl I11 lnvnl No Nmr mm GUESTS RECEIVED Dur Nnmn mid uHh mm lwmh uvr nnlldrnllnl In Mn wlm llrnrl ml MIMI Thrul nmh In mun III nur mm my lmr Ymu Irlln In An rxhrmrly cm no mo lnmh In mm bum man Ive MVN hard nmh mum MMN It may he hllh lnlp or you MN nmlllply In mnan Hui mu tmnmnnlw In lhe rvrnml pl you Ihu mnkn nml 4m rt pnu Good lmi and GM Mm ll The brides sister Mix Sam dra Callins was flower girl and Min Karen McEIroy of Naw Brunswick niec of the bride Ltd ring beam ADVANCE VACUUM SERVICE NEW Ill III II Is your IV muvmc YOU cum BRIDES CHOOSE SUMMERWEDDING DATES Jun all the ltyk to am through her Fashion writs nondcnd MI quemon May the Amt can designers grout previewed la collection some of which k0 little to the imagination It med tn be that such lirm friends to the female Iter Is bras girdles dim and bed time tlothta were mid to be mtionnblu MLWarnerl ludcr in the undte world he ietz that the garment Are not only montlmble am In wearable on the outside us well on the lmtde Pretty posiu Massacrth or stripes Man arms every LhinL makan undies let pm tier than Irma bddnn and lot more mmqu Slim ulthcrrd mm guruhue drestcs Pn Jnmlu will noduan lmkcd like cowboy MAIL and would nnl muse stir nt the grocery Itm NIRMMM seemed mm or night dhn Drum uru Ihmum and lhmuuh in annual or IM chic wnmnn lwauso oulcrwnnr tend to be transparent Some the wool yardage Anna ln my ha lnlrhed lnln unl Il Imam mm the NW ml Mu um 1mm umve llnl lho vim mum Alter weddinx trip to North ern Ontario the newlywed wfll make their home It 68 Blake St Barrie Guest amended from points In New Bnmswick and British Columbia St Camarinu Tor nnlo Ornngmlle Richmond Hill Whilby Ind Grand Valley By JEAN SPRAIN WILRON NEW Yonximmm Am Woman maintain an aura mystery boul he uhpnrita Am hrmm mu II 44 deaimev yuu whn nnl HMIM wall can mm mmch Mr IN or Inn uh phom Hm MM tun11y mm ed in floral design oomple menlad wilh white hntflnnd corsage of pink roses The brides travelling cosluma was beige and whlu suit with black nocessorifi hum um iavlniuim Under new Norwegian law bride may keep their maiden name nim marriagehbul lew Item to want In Ilnplnl In Iml mnvlnl lhflul mum youll lmd um um Ncnlne Ill lnmuivuly lmpolllnl he ML And Inlunlinlly Immlh tn mini mum than play mm mm my nunI Mm mukwmuhlmxupnnmml mlnunllllllu lellvlyhulllu ol xlmlnpmnl lull mm mm minIMIMKumlduunumulw pull Indmu IN ulupm nmlmlamlwr um hm ml unuonnyonmulnyllwmun buunm ollmmmnl mmlll MIMI Ollllllfl ll Ill LIINIJMNI when My mm 51mm mamm1 hlmdnl mlh lhe mt dulmul nulllliunll hen flnoul Imam Neillbully nkm luppmm upun llnml lulylillllqvmulul Shaunfluilunuh In My mtr mu firm In lun Iluuw lle Mama uvowlnu Ind on Inllhfl lll pmllnlllnl Wowlnglnoflilmllom hlvylmqumlprmn IMnl by me mm my Mn lmdl hum minicmhm muchMm hub Ian had It nmlnlmm lrnkhlvlyluymly luhyn llnwlh Oahu mm um um Mm Dinanddkimnllitliunfluh nflev that amnionl we dhmlmnmxhunnflmlmn In mum muman mhnllkmnllnlwuntmm munch Preview Of Fall Collections Leaves LittleTo Imagination KEEP MAIDEN NAME Manonuvowlnnndutlnmlhvr InlhlIHJmpmlInlllnlwlluur mmmunm ml my mm ulz nuy lay Aileen or mule Anmm mu in ml tn uh ymn lnm unlm lulrln rml hind lluw1 ll ha puommmomumnmAdvuo uh delwlhllul Imuy nut my Iml ymlw It mule loud nulllllon and uh Nume NMvvuVly lih Ink huh IIMnI lvnn In mm null guy In hlw In Immune mm nmrmwnwmumm Neillburly Ill him MIN Punan hll upun III idu of llnml lulylilllqumtlluhlnlhml simunnnuimmmhmuum In My mtr mu mu um um Jun IluuVI Km wy Ind um ll lnmmrnw nur hivlhdny ymn hmnsmpe indirnw Ihal uhllc you may nnl be mnkinx mum matrrlnl prngrru youd Ilka the rmmrnl ll would no he leuble In It lnwn In war dfnrln since Im mum busts alum nth rm mlimal and mummy Imu an In mwjnl dandy Mmzd mammod mmHn hitnule mlh lhe mm In Id dulmul nulmiunnl bend and fluent Imam F0 TOMMOIXOW flusinm and financial lnler eslx mnllnuc be gnvcmed by IKndxtfnl awn 13 well as all phaseLrl mlnmcnl Jun one atlmnnllian however In transactions nezntlnlinm along my nl 1h ulnttmmlinnrd 1mm he nint Imm hm umkr mm Sim mum mislmrl you mm Yaw hm bu lhmh Info to deal only wllh Lhasa vmnhy FOR TI 111 IDA ankeLs of shasla daisies and candelabra ndvmedst Jams Anglican ChurdI Crown Hill or the marriage Mi num Adelaide Brock cl Toronln and 1hc uromnny at high noon on July was conduclad by Archdeacon LMILbourn Wedding music was pmvided Even Gasum Berth of Christian Dior created me such xlillcr late number allhnugh his all collection consuls laxgcly coverup cranes and wools laihrcd suit with short Jackets and lot Ifblack drum mm horn on Em day ml cxlrwunly vmanle mm nJqu mme nlnnl uum nml hr xlrnullc IlnM Apprqpri alt1y papuganp 1d Noon Ceremony Af Crown Hill THE STARS SAY red Johnnaan oi Brant lurfiauérnnlor Dlnu wool ha windwmnul By ESTHELLITA TOMMOHOW MR AND MRS ALFRED MARTIN consigkring the lair gave the bride in marriage For but whim day she dwso llrecilcnflh pink bro cndc drou wrlh mnldring jack warming band headdrm of similar brocade held the shoulder length veil mile illusian Sue carried prayer bonk adorned with white orchid slcvhanofi and summers lcn Haywood Bran le sislcr ol the briduzmom nt kendod as mahon n1 honor or shut length lwwicm cwmblc of rose colurqd brocade was by lhe organist Mr Harry 511ng or Barrig The hn he dmxghler the law Mr and Mrs Brock ormcrly of Craiamut on The bridegroom is the am file late Mr and Mrs ngjn Emma 150 COLLIER WIKEVETEAKS SIRLOIN TBONE CHUCK ROUND 79c SIEAKS F$°FHsL25 STEAKS BBO SYEAKS DYCKS FOOD MARKET 4mm by hvuo lb Paly mg THE EARRIE EXAMINER WEDNESDAYIUL Ille Simone Cwnfly Quilt Mg and 01 FM will be Md next weak 1mm Jumzl 13 at me Community centre Orlluu wuuuumu van uuum the mm WWW Fairs sponsored by lhe Simeog County Am and Cfalu Manda fion They began $1949 with the muse dvvrasewingvlhc two wdigcnous cram J1me re gm Wilda and mgmaklng For ten war they were eld Annually SIM 19$ kha air has become hlcnnlaleVenI Ind cmlumporsry craflhnve been added to he eldriMLs This year me mu bg fur me lmcly Cbudlimdxrg Park mid me Gummlain mm in memory hgearly days In complemented by wedding rim headdmss cl matching bmcade and tulle Llcsls were recdved Driftwood RMLmant lollowing the my The brides cm in Mm James Sinclai Mimi wearing twopica print ensemble wimhlack ac cessories and amaze orange The bridegrnmns brokhcrin law Hazen Hqu allended as yommnun Jqswh Ellsmere of Crath and Walkin Mar tin of Millon were me ushers Mrs nhm lrlond of Hm bridegroom anislcdnl th maplian She chm pink toned dress menlcd with pink and black accessories and cot tage of 11m carnation Gucsu landed lrdm Millnd Bronte Oakvillc Niagara FnlIJ SI Catharina North Bay Sud btuy Craighursl ananlq Thornlnn Cruwn Hill and ram Calgary Aila RECEPTION For travelling the bride don ned two piece from colored dress with while acussaries and orchid corsage On return mm the wedding trip Narlh Bay and pain cash Ihe newlyweds will rmdy at 150 Nelson qume QUILT FAIR Ldokifiheadé FROM DYCKS THE STORE WITH THE CUSTOMER PROFIT SHARING COUPONSI outstaan Min aqsea the aquauon will utve afternoon 51 Maximum SynmQudm designed by Miss Mary McKay made by 131 Mmmlsin Group Pinoochiodona byfoLs and hits Association files Coquerug designed by Miss Mary McKay and made by Anne BNMU6 gamma Quill de signed by Mrs Ada Btucehr tamemade by Mrs Browne Georgian Bay Mg designcdvawd made by MSSS Martha Junie Om Cm lennial Themeyuifl Ten Dec ade costume damned by nuts THEME memeoUho Fair 51m ounw Celpbraiea Look Look Muegdfl filer and mg final design to Mule iflTe theme ma Fair low arg lEAN MINCED am Lb 59¢ PATTIES FRONTS 0F BEEF SIDES OF BEEF HINDS OF BEEF SPARE RIBS CHICKENS CHICKEN LEéSIBREASTS WINGS BARBECUE SAUCE SEASONINGS PAPER PlAlES BvSERVIETIES LARGE JUICY WIENERSJ $135 lEAN MINCED iii 59c 7515 H0 ES Fasfiloif cidféncebeafififul s1er gages Broken sizgg dnsale mos sizgsihgrouerhile axgd Beige GOLD CROSS WALKWEL SHOES sm mm 514 Mrs Bruce Torrancermafl by MrsiBlacker and Mrs Jam 551 W241 hem of other Ibm bf ine Grave Wu 1m 58 Dunlap Harris Hs1197 21 nyld for In Fair are 10 to v10 pm Thursday July riday JuLv 22 and 1000 pm on Saturday as the many quflLL iugl andzcrglls wh 11 will he shan lorruhibit ale there will befdambmlrakm varier nrri egqh angrnnou and oi Lhe Ontario emu Foundation will nmclally upgn me Ijnlg Thursfiyfiuly 11 um um qmmwu mm in be an lhefie ml also be Craft Shop whee handmado mm maypLpufchased at re able HEADQUARTERS SEED Evenlhlnx For Glrdm BEZZANT NURSERY FLORIST Johnson SL 72 SAFELY REMOVED FREE CONSULTATION For Appointment Cull Ml Sylvia Corhun 1h McLARNEY CENTRE OF ELECTROLYSIS 11ng HAIR Suit Fred Grant Wflsan Bldx BEZZANTS 7280380 56 7285339 46 lb 36 HM

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