Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 13 Jul 1966, p. 16

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T0 GOOD HEALTH Deu Dr Molnar may alter having bought my daugh ter shes 13 pair conflict lenses mad an axlicle that says you can go blind mm wearing them is there my truth in his Naw am mm let her wear glamMn JJ By JOSEPH MOLNER MD let her wear themMn JJ Im no sure saw lhu pm the arlicle to which you war but vill mention mémerund aulhvrimfiveonz Contact 1mm have become extremely popular and estimated that 90 per cent are worn because people feel they look better Others such as actors same umletes and 5mm profmional magic have more urgent reasons Contacls are here to stay strongly believe in letting the decision rest with an eye spe cialist who will conslder the zeal need and the Individuala temperamnl some loll can not lolerale them He will also emain proper use and the npcessily or followup absarva Anyone wearing mums should be thoroughly instructed in the right way to 1mm and remove Ihcm proper cleanslng and slorage how long to wear them lime and sign of trouble any develop is essential in my opinion that the wearer be checked every six to 12 months to detect any dried in the commthe covering of the eyeball course any pain or irrilntinn should be reported lo lhc eye specialist at cute 14 WENT BLIND to blindness recent sur vey of report mm 1900 eye specialist on 49000 patients wearing contact disclosed 14 Instances blindnss or loss 01 an eye 11545 were due In in fection which is why pcnodic examination is so necessary initatlon starts And leads to Infection it must be detected and subdued before serious damage Aresulls The ongoing survey also showed that among the 49000 pnticnls some complication zmse but was canceled in 1600 instances which bears out the warning have voiced on Not everybody can wear Contact lenses and same prop rnn wear them only hr lim Hod Mme The lens aller all or eim body In the Some mum lolrrale Ith mndi some enn IMm nnnm Maw swum In Cnnlnxl kn mm mm Il Km Lury xIum 1mm 67h Annru Mm 1511 5mm Hum Thun Irn wnmul riot squxml 709 410 50 57 Yllrlrr wmmu Ipmtl Junml Nun 4qu Thun Im Care Tips For contact Lens In Imm Inn llfl Irn Inln umum MN mm mm IJn ml my in nu Luwm Bumy un mun Shaw Sum ulml tnvmly num LHUFFALO iBAIHIIE lflUHALD STDRONTD lIHAMILTON Yrmhuul MIA Non And Sumn nhu Mn my um 1m um VlvV pm In mm mum Nlll TIIIIKMMY Jl TELEVISION PROGRAMS mllnl nuna lnynlnl hum WEDNESDAY JULY EVENING 700 090 lvllnmlerlrlnkiu 597 mm Untle tDlnny Show llanrymnnnerl 71m mum hhnw mum mm hum Im 11 TlllllMM JlIN It IZHNIV 710 nn l00 Lulu Hun Mm up rmrnu wihu mun 17 un mm Murlll lvnulu up Imrm 1mm mumm wm mm Mam mum hum Mn uni mud Ahummui 1L Ina mam anvnln 1m lhnhl um Ina mun Ann mm In Ilmrdlv um um mml II rum mm lUllNlNh AND AFTERNOON mum hm IMnrl uu may Allrn 1Inn mm Mn lullvll wk nn lulu Ilu qullll hm win yummy lmu um um uumm mu Nu mm mm vynnlu This should not be construed omdemnalion at nomad lnnses hut unly as warning that they must be used wilh adequate precautions proper filling pngpcr care 11er use if your specialist advise other wise Some specialist believe that wearing LhEm for no more Ihan five hours at lima is wise may measure because cerium secretinn can occur un der the lens and he irritating In shod Mrs Jr there was truth In what you read but ynur daughter ls careful and observe proper safeguards she ran wear her conlacts in salety mm Iter mm But Dr Molnar What L5 Mum rib It cause and cumhm Everybody 11 our floaflng ribs two on each side They am the um and nth ribs the lowest mud are filled floating because unlike the rest of ma ribs they are 201 nllachcd Io Lhe breast bone hMhIl HI ml Its norm hence no cause and is needed Due Dr llolnerx ls lt pos sible woman with lihmid tumors several rather small ones to become pregnant have been told that the walls of the uterus must be smooth to make pregnancy possiblescl Sid tumor sometimes do prevent pregnancy But lhcre are thousands habits who are living proof hal llbralds dont prevent all pregnancies By MRS II CRAWFORD SUMMER SERVICES The Uniled Church at 0m Slalion meal with the summer residents of nanlllia park or he open air services held at he park each Sunday at alm during Juw and August In the mm of rain they gather in lhe pavilion Memorial Park On All are welcome to nllcnd these services Congralulalions and Mrs Clilfard Martln nee Dam thy Varlcy on the birth daughmr at Rxan Victoria 1105 pita Barrie Nnrda Me Ellsmere inlant daughter of Mr and Mrs Nick Ellsmcrc was baptized 0m Unilcd Church rcccnlly Mrs Gclinas Kevin and Leanne of 5mm an spending mull 0R0 STATION hm rm 1mm 10m ILJn lTnnllhl Hlnw Munr mm nwmy ma Mum fllunlr Iw mvlllfl Aanl Aummuy II Um ll vnvl Sln 00 II In In nu mm hl Hm Mn HH In Yumvvlrvmpmy HI hr 1m um mm rum mm 1m wth 1m lbw 1mm Jumva Imm ll Im II Mm hum IIM In mam um um Iflanml um mmum 11 mm mi flmhn hm Fr uulmn Mu MD Mm Inmlnr Mir Thy Ind mm Hm 1mm uni rm thn lllul um Im pm um hr mm nut Opening loadéquem ol Maris mm hands depend murdy an haw shimmy or mm mm phsycn perform their and ed mkam and alone does mm been aagni For example Lake th5 hand whom 50th won the heart mad with the ace and played dia mend the queen which held He men cashed the ace ol dia monds and led amlher diamond planing ruuh but Wes mh aft and dum Fm Santas élub law weeks holiday at am home he parean Mr and Mrs Crawfnrd Recent visi tors at Lhe Crauiords were Mr and Mrs Leighton Simon Bel ly and friend Torontn Mr and Mrs Roy Marlin of Ho land and Mr and Mrs How ie of Barrie Conmalulalians are amended Mr and Mrs Bill Line of SL Catharine on lhe bith or daughlcr July first grand child or Mr and Mrs Eric South dealer Eon sidm vulnerable DAILY CBOSSWORD +st he bidding SW W50 has THE OLD HOME TOWN By Stanley Talk Upnsmg 107mm Mat 11Conednralo 12 Spoken Seed covering unuuh 131mm clalh 17 Avcna 18 my 231hcnsml Pall 25 LlncnIn lenr npccmluu 27 lustnunan no Chlcl train in Unintcr mle ZLOriolc or cm JXJVflch Anmr Sang or pram 36 Egyptian go as 31 Cover 38 Hullnln walcxrrunl at Sam nu II Implcmrnl llCnrmunl IZJHym nml mmrmku nowN Mxmucnl mount Afllxu popular modem dime pack Juer IT THAT FELL wuo SAID NED Go aTEAlGHT IFWU GAVE HIM ANOTHER CHANCE WELL MES 10 ll WRIGLEYS SPEARMINT wmauu MIAMIw CHEWING DUM ACROSS Nowtho only way to buy CONTRACT BRIDGE us do oxm Knaz 6Q 5mm can QAQHOA +A6 North but Pu NT Pm mm mm colloq 01mch xnslrument 71lbllcal klng 801 man man mmion 131mm for one 15 Old mm 17 sum 20 Slums 14 Damn Asslduoul LLPuppct 439111de By JAY West rumrned hand me Soulh ruffed Dcclamr now play ed file fourth round of dLimunds rufling law in dunmy alter Wm had discarded heart He then Ind the nine smdu which won Lhe trldi after East and South had 011ch 10 Augmergggde 1m mm mv Earned ace and 5mm luier lost cub to make exacL 1y four South was no doubt lucky in Will both 1M diamond fmm agavmt Hm king mi the spam Hm unjust um Inn but despite the Milan Lhasa bards he cmlld have been beat en wihh bener defense ECKER diamond was led have discarded hm Had he dons this Soul WM have bee unable to make the comma Bantam woud have mflbd in may and returned to hi hand or amber dlImumd lead but West would now mil mm be Ind exit mini either ham er club Having no lmlher entry In indqu wflfld than is player fault was West Instead of rufling with the fad of spades 3am figelhlrd have found it mposslbh mpe ahe lass two mmv tricks and the mavaidahle club Imel would cvanualLv have led to 11mm one Wests wimh he iack of spadu Wu certainly essential In Mead the con mmmatwmuotmm made all the MWeen vudory hid deieat OPPOSES ARBITRATION MONTREAL 10 Claude Jodoin presith oi the Dam dian Imbur Congress said Man day compuisory arbitration labor dispmea is an anudemw cratic way We which shouid be apposed by free trade unim Mr Jodoin laid the conveniion of 11 140000 member Broth crhood at minimum of qu Employees own that aim need to improve job unity 21 Forbld 22 Sur geonn cut 24 out 25 Wins may Inch 28 Bunk hm style 27 Mule sheep Buy wlndows 29 Phone book nbhrevln unn FASI CASH ullrlu FAST Gar mm wanl 7I3 £51m PLAWNG FALSE TD WFLTRATI THE ITALIAN AND VICKY Wm EMBASSIEB IN WASHmmm ACQUIRE WE NAWI CIPHIRQ mam Qty1 Lmouaur 1M JOKE 10 MRSGRUMP WAS PANDV cur PNT mow IT WAS THAT OOOD THE BARNE EllMINER WEDNESDAY JULY IMH mum you LEAVE New MR msu vau umw Vmu on of 3mm nm 4an mun re

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