Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 12 Jul 1966, p. 5

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More Water Assured For Cottage Dwellers INNISFIL NOTES 111m will be many more cnmlng Ilka vra dld nld Mr Ilnc Mm poke In pulse cl ncnvhy llnyvlcw Park In 004 lishlnx and boating nl Lake Slmmo and lhe lrltndly almo spherel We Just lovc ll here mld Mrs Llne when Asked what sh lhougm nl llvlnu In On lnslmlslrcu nl shnnly Ilny Mrs Sm lluhmt IM he Innvy lnflux 01 km bl Inn 1an collngm Wa um 11 glad to lhtml lhfl Wnler pimped from the lake will be put lhrwgh an nddillnn al syslmn piping so that turn of valvu will start the auxiliary supply with any amount of mm needed whfle in Inny Iuse week flue sysltm wlll in well waler with the like hood maze toilet ladliLles being added th5 system wlll provlde plenly of water whld ln many collage ls used at genmlhouseholdwrpase without Lrealmnl 11 work ml the new system begin lhls week Attendance at the pawl all past weekend was not as heavy as the peak hot weekend Clam to paid can enlend Sunday OnumilYEs gm ax ry WHI be quirzd to meet present needs The advice was given by Coun clllor George Human mum parks when the main on the present mm caused allure of the system on he busy weekend Julya KNIVES TAKEN Four ionghaired youth got smrdse at the park Lakelroni Smithy lad reported that he saw couple ol the only of our including girl bram ishing big knives Constable Bur can Stewart of the park police circled hm but the group split up two going oaoh wnyl Cob chin one pair he mind one knife but the other had droyped his Another took of around iakohlmi cottage but this was unfortunale or him as the OFF hoathadiustmloihepuhlia dunk One dike saw the lad run and hide somethingY so he came ashom and found tha knife and also the culprit By this time Constable Swwari had located the olhcr knife and phon ed the iowmhip poliw Corporal Crono arrived soon and diet tho nanx um taken look Following an inspection by driller who put in Oh pre umfly gum aid 1199 yvell lhelmnlnlhmay he ed hem smith hack to YMK ville They had dullar be lwmn them or the weekend Two large knives an souvenirs SHANTY BAY sum While his area hu program can Aldcrnbiy in recent yam there 11 um much devalopmcnz Ihend accord to Eric Um who my mum general store and post office at nearby Dro Slnuun rasldcnt of Lhi am or slx manllu Mr Una uld ha and his wlle Thelma wzro pleased lhcy moved here They came mm amlher popular tourist area SL Cnlllnrinu and were allrnclcd by the Inn 1h VMXTI 15M Fllh mil vwnum ha rpm mrul 51qu ml anll Inllmlfil IN phrlnl U100 Irrrmk mm In liunl mar Ctrrk and almllar numb In 1er Huh MM and TMlonhlm min In Trrummh Tmuuhl Illm mmml Mn plural rn NM NM lllnr In Tnnnmnilu ml mm In ll MumMan luwr Mun Mullw erlmk Imi WWI III mm Many drlvn In Shanty nay lhml mm 400 Illihuny anl mm In Man mhnmnnnl nluma Mnn who mm In In linrrln ml and Ihen Imam Mun he UM Mum and old record show Mn mml mu unre hr min Klimt link Mural llnnlu nnd Onllln Slmrlly nIlrr nvanx hrrr Mr Hun luIIrml Illa Inn nI lwn mm In mmmnw Mdtlrnl IIIHI mm mm me In IonI vmum IImnIInl nI IIMrle Postmaster Sees Progress In Oro Hut nm lrrlan In now hr mid slnlluz hm hm urn lrlrvl plum hull lulu Al Huy nw IMk Inn Mr IAno Mn nnrlnul lullllll Iihhrr WIHI 5L nlhnvlnu lramx mm In uvahn int ml lhe Numb luv In Mjlln 12mm Tum lumlnd your um haw luml wm Added In NMIIWIIMII Illv In MM ml 700 la 1M mm film ll Tnunvnnlln TM mo mun Mu Ilmll pIred In 51mm Add Brook Trout To Bear Creek mil um mm wk ln Ibo Ilnnln lUm have sulfide entries to make the finish this cvan well worth seeing It 19 expected Ihe swimmers will arrive at the palxfioon 3ch olLhe Incident No lmaocam mgdqugn wag providekj Innisfil poms rmrl um the weekend was just oxdinary The worst Huey had tn Investigate wag family dislurbams which seldom reach Oh stage of Al resls no living ammodaunn In be township about It 1L1 peak with very few vacant col lagu avnflaflt The climax will be reached on the August holi day weekend SUJW BICYCLES demonstration will be alas ed preceding the 51w cycle tau at me fidd day nnxl Saturday Innistll council will dww the praspecllve compclilors hvw this can be done lhe last to flop be ing llve winner The circular ad vexfising lhls event W5 Care ful Coduane Allan Tmlake Todd Bil Gero Gibbins 8M We Hallle Mn will pm vide the flaming mlung pin dxrowinx will still be one of the most waidaed competitions and Ihe browns will make good showing providing they can lo cate smfiicient bricks ol the prop er size and wright According to Momma mode mm Stroud Oklahoma they have to but 113 eel Iix Mus which was top throw ln elimination there with sound him of 111 feel three Inches both of which topped Innislils best 1L diminalionn me too mfling pin thrower at he US team scored 116 feel our indies win our Carolyn Armstrong threw 118 feet two inchesr and Kathy Fisher made 114 eel two Indies Lets hope mat the continued practice both brick and railing pin conkulanls hm can balm their 5mm iMcr nafiona chzmwlons can be made he contour Saturday alterV noon learns and official in thn biz parade which will form no at Mum 0m Isfnrlunalcly sitnnlcd aInng Laka Slmcoe and people hm have reason to feel my In pair achievgmenu he film nlcrriilg Vlarthe fins cm nga lm Ind the good form Bayvlew Park lent ark with and am IL pllre Summer camp or nmiar lead nru of ma Royal Canmian Mr OudoLs hid npmod hm week with 2m and lumlanm 1m cmkll are Swen lrnininz in pnwre llmm leader nl lhnr mm hnma Iquadmna Amdmxlm drill Ind mom minMd Stnkn wrile and lame manna nre xivm cm plum as wrll mum about lhn 1le lama and mid mumlunm in Canada Auxutl l1 Rmrl Iannl L1 Inn Min imp lho Ivy Ill and In develop lemnwmh Gruwlmn Imder it Tudmy LI nlllm mnmnmlmx us Mr 1164 01 ml 11 lnlnu nwlo Dn runumr llnn 14 ha new railway qu pm on Midway Md and thin Mmm nmrlup uln munllv mmd In pm In mm in low mu BASE IIOIUmN Aru man urr bl Mxvln Ind Swim hm IM MI IHtr yrnr In nu mn murky mam Mm Ilumvllny ha lmn pml la Khlln II lukrn lhrlr NIHm ll anle In KNka lmlrml larrwrll party In Mr Ilumphiry And Ma ml mmhy ml nhlwr my Ira 4le In mu 24 Cadets Get Camp Training DISTRICT BRIEFS MLXHNN It 14 Mhululmu In SimMm Mrmv mm lluvxlllnl Iron lullnu ha val mlmlh wan Ilmm Ivy Mum nanm 11w 31 Hill AM hmr dram mm nlxmlw mlmfll mu IlAlly AIJJWW Annual PUP r4 lh Allltlnn ml Club he man In mumvmlly ulle um IMWN lwlrl ll PI Inn mm mLy aid July II Nil Flomrdny mm July In BASE BORDEU SLIM VHIUAM ADVANCED may 5mm lama 2m IIIMNTAII NINE 107 T0 MULO MINI HOMO is an excel line pavlllnn wonderful the Alanna schnol and follow banrk In the park Veinans will lead cumin the may at he our nahons mumma in we Mmbnal am dea were the formunner the ln nism Township Field Day mumin are lin mglmandlhisprmnlseslube as his an evaxh as he one back in 1888 when the rape brake Big men are nut always the biz mam and much fun will bg enjoypd watching me strug Squam dancing Lhe modern way well round dancing will be part he evening enlenzinment learn of danc uu fmm maloca area and 82 rie will on arsfiéwr lasung From me Lime the parade ax xiva at he park and the ab lidal opening take place not spargngmul will be alIowgd onudxewnedmeumany he events promising full afternoon and evening pleas ure The park is reserved for Innistil people and their guests and it will be an onlwable day if the weather is good The consultative commillee 012 counLy has given Innislix salsa thafl the noditfla guin hea wit pmposcd ans or addilimm In two sdmols when apprval has been received tom the Department Education arm mth will he made Lhe Iawnship muncu Who will he requixed to back the dawn wrcs so that the ratepayers can be assessed The School Board will likcb have final dismssinn on th proposal at in war muting this week 233 BRADFORD ST HBIB are the 3018 corvair is canauas lowest nriced narulon curvair has 1500000 owners Now 11m be the judge Getu Corvnir md Wt itn my cornering itn Inlermlnntion in tough going Weight in concentrated over thv driving vhmlu for honor trnctinn nophinticnlml fully indopomlont mmponsdon liko Corvnirfl givtu lmn control in hurd cmnvr lluch wheel can move up and tlmvn without linhlrhing the other Try it And all the while remember that its aircooled engine DANGERFIELD MOTORS lIMITED THE BARRIEEXMIINER TUESDAY JULY 12 1M COOKSTOWN Stat Twice winners at the Cooksan olddnm ordmstra conteu Rayce Rich and his Country Cousins orchemra win he ap pearénz at flu ilthjlgqnal aim OOLLINGWOOD Registra tiavn for Gallmgwmdu Day Camp hid Is to be held from Aug ml 16 to as will 13k place Sat uxday July it was annoum ed by Dr Donald Paul chair man It will be hall at he xiiand keenficnmpeulimwii anticipated 11 contest drew umsiderahie himest last year citing in Seplunber who Chamber Iii Ootmne rte here Whila it Is recmuon board project the day Cam super vised by he simcoe Comny mmmmily Recreation Service which provides me imlrudnm mi mien Designed for mum mm six years and up fine program indhxdes games handlmm water safety In strucflon tanocing and alhldica 1m Salad for Friday even WT but not as Country Cousins Will Play At Show In COOkstown Plan Day Camp At Collingwood TH leaves this canles1 wide DISTRICT NEWS Bu mm In flnnanm nu lhn CHCJV uplwmk Mch Sunday Chuck yduv local lillng Vnr chamwl and my HOW you I18 IE inane TRY ONE AT YOUR CHEVROlET DEAIERS There was mare than 1500 ahadad flue mm 1392 Sepmm berandiulhupedlherewfllbe least as may attend the com ing contest Stayner couple Mr and Mrs Scholle have been ceiving mesages of good wish es and congratulations on the occasinn cl their 25th wajdinz annkversary on Tuesday July Gookslown Fa MIMI is be held September 16 and 11 as mean adding to inlemL Entryform are avpilnble to those wishing to enter Ihi apen aldvzime Momma mmpofllion In Its five yam compell Lim he mm has never failed to draw well and Interest has mwmwly Et Is 9n upaud Du trend will continue worker the Ford Col passenger ca plant Laid all Wednesday because sum the Whys Cleveland Plans were back work Mun day The slrike has affected more than 30000 Ford MINDY ees at 13 plamLs in the United State and Canada The dale forrlhe contest was MARK ANNIVERSARY WAYNE well known mm wom 0mm cg 7he 5900 Auvhorlmd Corvnlr Dollar In Bunlo lndmtry which would pro vide new sme of prosperity wLuld be great help to An EMS said Mr Page armor Em reeve or our yeau de puly reeva or two and councu or or live years He 55 mind the villages Ed mm fly to Base Bardm In more re ren years here has been con mxscrable ham devdcpmenl and Ihi coqflnmng Our village board of trustees also have been busy wilh kn movements In said Italian in he Jams includes plans for exlendjng sidewalks on King Street and also Simcoe Slrenl He said tender would be cal led soon In this BASE BOWEN HELPS 111i allows Department of lugmay work in resurfacing and wideuiruz No 90 Highway titrth here and Simcoe County bridge project in building side walks onLhe bridge omr he Pins River rcquiroa neither wntor nor nntifreozo hm no mdintor water pump or wntcr lumen and clumpn in replacewhich is one of tho ransom for Corvnirfs low low operating cont lhundocidcIoryournclfMomtlmn16000000mwmnlrcndy huva volml fur Cownir by buying one Youll llnd you name with all of them ILqpvclnlly when you ace the kind of buy you can get on Corvnlr from your Chevrolet dealer right nowl Industry Held eed For Angus Economy like Mr Page hh sislar Mn Edyfie Rndfern 74 spoke In praise of Angus and in future possihfliliu We hoLh like An am very mud and are delight THE NEW RUBBER STAMP THAT NEVER NEEDS AN INK PAD COMMERCIAL PRINTING 16 Bayfllld Sf HANFOKD PAGE 25000 IMPRESSIONS THY PEBMHSTHMP inmmgmxefigevimm of We ma same W4 ridden of Angus most of hm life His Mam spent same time at Aurora reoemly putsaid she we glad to be ed yguh fileplapgrm It When Sh on cmnmenlcd on growth and plans for greatct devclapmml I119 com mmity FORESTRY STATION In addition to hi 11 years on me Essa mm Mr Rage has hem secretary ol the Angus board of mm since 1m Ind he has served on the park bnani and clim uvic mica He mentioned Ihe Depart ment Land and Farah or eslry station Mm ha tell was fine asset in Anal wail 31 the wounding dixlricl and spoke in praise their assis tance in conservation work TRY EXAMINER ANT ADS PHONE 7731414 7261811 7266537

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