Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 12 Jul 1966, p. 4

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This day is the 12th of July To members of the Orange Order it signifies victory at the Battle oi the Eoyne in he land That was in 1699 276 years ago Recently Queen Elizabeth visited Bel fast There were two unpleasant inci dents which may or may not have any connection with recent acts of violence in Ulster Religious bigotry has long beset North ern Ireland There have always been Roman Catholics and Protestants in the six counties willing to give way to it Those who have caused most trouble late have been on the Protestant side of the fence Their chlef spokesman is the Reverend Ian Paisley eader of the Free Presbyterian Church He is the clergy man who wearing surplice daubed with slogans harried the Archbishop of ganterbury on the latters visit to the ope Walls Publisher It is easy to understand how such tragic and fruitle55 bitterness between the two religious communities arcse in Ireland The Protestants in Ulster have long feared submergence in predominantly Catholic united Ireland whose church many feel has shown determination to control all aspects of national life The Catholics in Ulster on the other hand have bitterly resented partition of their homeland and gerrymandering which has apparently denied them air repres entation What makes Mr Paisleys activities so regrettable is that they are apgarenily calculated to wreck Prime linister 40 YEARS AGO IN TOWN Barrie Examiner July 13 1926 three selfmnfessod members of local Ku Klu Klan committed for trial at Simcoa County all using In Barrie by Magis trate Compton Jeflsr They were charg ed with ammpfing to blow up SLMarys Church on June 10 One admitted plac ing three sticks of dynamite in basement furnace room on instructions of other Moonshine was found during moonlight raid on 0ro Township arm bush by OPP led by Sgt Richard Cox Barrie detachment One arrest was made and whisky still seized along with 35 gallons of mash and one gallon of finish ed product Town council demanded retraction by Ontario Motor League with reference to radio broadcast from To ronto warning drivers about alleged speed traps in Barrie At Ottawa lilackenlie Kings Liberal government having been defeated in three divisions resigned and tho GovernorGeneral ask ed Conservative leader ltrthur Meighen to take over Congregation of Collier Si United Church held reception to wol romo new minister Rev Jr Black Mrs Mark and family to ilarrie Louis Vair installed Worshipiul Master Kerr Masonic Lodge ilarxie thautau ua held at Grand Opera House tour ter noons and evenings with outstanilin lec tures and musical numbers Col Farmer resigned from liarrie collegiate staii to become science master at North Religious Bigotry Causes More Trouble In Ireland In 11w In Innidmflo um shun hp Mnlmg lnm mama Mmsz Khl nm mmwmw he Earth Examinmf McNIIUGIITON WITH PRIME MINISTER KING Publishad by Canadlah Newspaper Limited 16 Enyfiuld Street Bards OM DOWN MEMORY LANE McPhersonumnaging Editor TUESDAY JULY 1m PAGE¢ tho mflm rumba hm tn mm wm in WI Wm WM NHid mmwv flamka Amv In My 1m by ONeills cautious efforts to get Ulster to leave some of its embittered past behind Already in the Republic oi Ireland men are coming to the fore anxious to tree the land of some of the dead and sterile burde of history In Dublin Captain ONei has his cdunterpaxt in some ways Infriine Minis We stand at the crossroads One way is lhe road to progress which has been opening up before us with all its prime ise of richer and fuller life for our people The other way is return to the pointless violence and civil strile of earlier years We must not let anyone push us down that road So spoke the Prime Minister of Northern Ireland Captain ONeill ln Parliament at Star mont last week nme presed similar sentiments Only by sweeping away all religiousbigolry can Ireland become once again one nation Lemass fire has ex IORY LANE A1126 UOInIl BELGRADE AP Presi dent Hlo appears have amerzed stronger Lhan em lrmn he third major pailwar purse Yugoslavias 22mm nisl party The last more Toronto Collegiate Barrie baseball team lost tor first time in season After poor start Midlands Hot Dog Jen nings settled down on mound and won 65 over Barries Arnold Meredith Archie Burton playing third base was big trouble for Jennings getting four hits in live trips to plate Fish Stur geon led lilidland batters Charlie Pouchers Allundale nnlt has been scorv ing notable wins in district lawn howl ing After bein closed formeral weeks for redecoration Burton Avenue United Church reopened on Sunday with large attendance for both morning and evening Simone County Womens Institutes held annual conventflin using both Barries town hall and library hal tor sessions Earl Rowe MP for DutterinSimcoe was one of main speak ers Barrie Board of Trade held big community gettogether day tor people of town and country with sports events at Queens Park and Fair Grounds band concerts and downtown street dance to music of George Powells Melody llien James Keenan moved music store to location vacated by Goodleiiow next door to Bank at Toronto Dur ing warm weather new Ice cream parlor next to their truit More The Sugar Bowl operated by John Saso and sons Cliarlos Anthony and Joseph hns been doing rushing business Dirk inr rctis Capitol Theatre natured this week two movies illiiton Sills in Puppets and Colleen llioorc ln Ella Cinders Wilson Ganarnl Mnnngar hould not forget the in human affairs Invite violence or big is to Initiate it ag Mm Mm min um mama In lum planl Hulmm In ImAlumna in mi whim kg he age The bigotry against lung and well hidden 5ng gle lur pvvm rcaohcd climax last Friday with me ouslcr ol VicePrmidcnl Alexander Ran knvIc unfil Lhcn tonsidercd Tims pnhtical heir and Sun alav Slcfanovic bag of the se uel police The purge is lxpocled spread nunknvlc and stdunavic had slrang support throughmn the emnme mu socunly np paralm and in the Serbian ranks the immuan Indy No polxtburo munbtu 5an Zulovic and CmaLinn An dre HobranxMare nrrrsnd In lhe first XII 19m nrodud of he hunk between 1110 and Stalin Zulmic ra mmed mhlldy was mslomd to party mamtmrship and held mi nar posts unu he retired Hu hrang commlutd suicide ln inL 51th IN JAIL President Tito Stronger After Communist Purge mnd purze in 1994 re moved Milmnn Djilal mm the tune or advocnunx nboUlInn of Cnmmunlsl partys poliliux mnmnly ml pcmimlon or Um pnrliu lo operalel He IN in hi mnlenmd far dip clminu mu mmu The um purge ml have bun we moi pmnlul III In Tun bewm nmknvnc was In mhul unknch was his 404m nwrmto lm yam anh during lhc war and Mien nd mom hu In no ymu after the ma er with Slnlln pravrndn suunm allowtn 1mm orgnnlllnz mm min In Tllon hdrwndrnl 0mman Midis Dm in rt ren wan drunmm diml am In the hadmdflp Thus Wm mums mvl Mflndlw mug 3N5 unkmun It plihllt Um wu hen no In an Wan Some Back Seat Drivers Are More Aggressive Than Others TM And Imml rlmmla In um way 311 mm mm hm NM Nmumic rvlnrm ml um nanng Mm dnzmnmu uhn mum to lrrmve cmlrnhxrd mm the worm TM mmlinn Ilru urlmlwly mlilll In um mmmmllnn all lull Illlphlvhm In Ipur whim II or yhmcinlul lvm Ir lulu Iml film lnral ms thIhwl lhmvin Rwyma 51hr hm fllmum Anthnrlml mwul claw mu PM OHM Drpnrl mmL Dunn And Mr nnymml mun In Ash Dally fllntlm And filMulnry llnlldnyl mull4 Suhmlpllnu um dMly hv rmlrr moldy mm you Nulln rup IH 11h lly mall IIIrr1 yrarly Onllllfl N0 ynr mnmr llmuwdt yrnr Mu Ivmumm mm mum Darla Ilrllluh Klrllllml mm ran ISA nml mm mr mum Umwnlly Au Tumnln Mo mu All Fl MNHVML R471 12m Il Irndrr um Munlw nl mum mny Nmmm luMlll Annrlnllm Ilw man and mm numul lurlllnliml Ms August wfirunfiinz nu more and more obstacles OPPOSED LIRERTIFJ Relallmu among the leidm delcrinnlcd llankmit Who had mus in all klmnallon which the secret police toiletled ell he was pweml enough to ap mu limemot on mote 1mg fields The com police mflhralrd iLs penpie Into he economic governmcnl oullura and other sphcxts btmme In isolated power Inside and Abave Ihe parly The purge was triggered when it was dLscovutd Ihe lead rslnqldlnk TM ware beunx admmd and lhfirlclrgmqu mes Moisturch said Txla was parliculnrly amazed by the whomping llln had annllwr major ru san lnr lnrclnl lhe mowdlml rcsurgcnte nationalism Mwm we rm wvrld warn Ynxmlnvla wag tunna ntly shaken by fightnu among firm major nnllnmilli Sxrbxl Cnnls and Slnvcnu lhe 7mm accused who my nllmcr mu Sum nl mkmx dmnlnnllnn Dunn the Nazi occupnuon llw Omnllan Usmdvi 141 NM help killed Serbs uhnlcule Til mm the country unlw with M1 all nalionnlly puliun Irovrmenl NAIJnfihlLsm balm In mm In recent yam The mom ally more developed Haven Ind In any rm Inncued Ihry mm unlmt me lhmv lure III rhlnla hclr glory lnla mum on 111 Irnsperlw ha my of based nu pulluunn Ily DONALD OHEAHN mnnm5m U1 mm rtlmdlinx WWW an Wm yum lmm been VMNI by Ilnu July IAHMIII with lmnw Mm anrl Iha gnmmmnl hm AM am Mr IIM knaddnl Dwmll all Al Ihuyl mmuwm ml happrnml uh ETV II Hul Du lm tnan wfll lrnmrMuinn mum 1mm bad Mu lulu Mm Inumll Imam dwwn Mm mm Mmdrul In In lawn ml II um alum 11 1mm WI Irrm cmhl In or mollw MIL QUEENS PARK hr mm hm um mm our plum Iv tor tIuntlaui TV Ml AmiAerr ml ml mnl mm um twan nlvn Iur WIT mmlvm Mm Imr mu mm dHnl 11 MW Imllmlfiflllv mu Ii Plum Dun Muwm QMN mu In N4 pry Iullll 14 Mil IN mth MINIHM Mm Mum MI luau rl Dual Hay MM ll rnmlu ml wk lh IIM nwy can Im nun wt Infll hw 1h lnlunl mm It Irv 1mm ulh mm but WWI lwlv Darth Mm FY Im the mm um um at MI BIBLE THOUGHT Judy Has Done Competent Iob wiry unium mun uu lth mher Croal complained they won mud to summ undudevel oped area The Serbs um plained um Iha 0rqu Ind SINKnos were laking the cream Siam pointed In Rankovic sum and slnfamvic as dermi Had tear that serials new nationalist trouble would be triggered if Ranknviz sueceedrd him Vifll the damn dawn naming Tim wmrenlly am the 5mm Carnmmiu leadcm of all nationafiflu in cluding lhe Serbs HERBS HACKED TITO flankovic pomam pau ucian Ma calm Expedtd acctm his removal quickly and not try lo organize IIU kind mmilion to No lm purge has enhanced 11111 hero image Many Yuxmlnv were unhappy over me pace Wm Mann mm mar mum Blame or deny has rmw fallen on Rankovlc Bamath such Tim speaks but my one nbcya him any more are July to die dmm The purge has cleared ma my hmevu Im Tnnl own brand hbemlismmora rte dam lar the portals and the econ omy mnre pomlml henna bu all wnhin Ibo lmmcwnrk nl one parly Yumlnv Comwvfim mm Glide Henri Gumm nl St Imlhtrt Que Mr mfldmfitlfii aw yon0M child and lwInPmila Dory Mmlmmv vwre flu klirm Wu 01 um mm In in mloul mndtllm AMMMDCHT Que CF Faur purple wru nllnd Md hm injured Sunday In head on rollulon two mm mm his mm mllurnnrmepld Monri happrnml uh ETV In nul nu Iml lnmnrmnt wfll lrnmmtuinn lmllHM mm in by Mu lulu me nvtwnrk In the WWII lvrnvinrlll MNnmom wuH Mm Inmln pntmlm pnqmllmll ML In pun nro yvlm hut bun In up III on mv mwmui limit 70 Ilnlun va ll Uri nu Maul Admin Tm wxli pudmlvly mun nl rm In mm prnmm ONIIIIIL DNT Tm finvw uni um Iv mm III m1 mndram pmhlr HM and MI haw MW rm hul mm WWW mml 1qu Judy You Hi If IW Imu wl lvlo iwr Mal lla In that wryHing may mrnl wr 11w Ilw In hul nm um lwr lw ml Imiw MM mm In mu puimhlv vmnli Mmer nu mHHIII um MI in llul du luml miMm ulu leul lm unmhal my mm Mir hnu any do mywlonl My CRASH KHJA POUR OTTAWAOne at the most controvuum bill passed by the martlived and nations Pnrunmem was Bill 091 This hlll lncreued aach MPI annual ranmrnflan by no per can name yenr ol whldl $6000 is laxm nonnccwnl able expense allownme ll aiso provided handsam rings bene mu sum as increasing 1m max imum panslon to 33000 lrom $3000 year Ind providing win with ang reafrognd OTTAWA REPORT with mg round trip each week when Parlia ment lulmbeween Ottaw Ind Ma constituency Thus an Pullman decled April 1m ll Ilrp me May 16 and July son gave final approvd in this hi mak ing the harem remaon an April The bill ALW provided that cad MP may be absent mm bl work on Parliament Hill for 21 worldnx day and year wiLh oul penaltyr For eadm addlllanal day absence Ia reported by the MP he his mo deducted mm hl remmerallon But gallons to this deducllon are permitted In carver finance due to lllnesl or because ol public or dllulal ml FIVE MP1 DOCED During the fiscal year April 19 lo March 11 1965 Dunn the meal year April 19M March 11 1965 Hum Unmmons gal on 215 days penniued 21 day of absence mmld mm 265 ls working days would provide at an average Allmd nnca ml 239 MP 08d day But usual mvrexion nppomd by the actual count cl unend Inc MW votes lndi mend that at 2mm ami man he average daily mm amewmlu IhanflnMPa figure was Miulaw or 21 but day of am by ad MPrdurinz the year Yet onw liva MP reporled nhaemu exceeding 21 days and um aufierad flue penalty Monday deducflm Colin Cnmeran New Democrat lrbm Nanajmo was docbd $720 David Grouch Liter um yk tom wu docked $600 Jack Hornar Conwvalive from Acadia Alberu was docked 160 All Ham Conservative run Guelph Ind Camn By HOB BOWMAN When lhe USA declared war on mum on June la 1512 ml objective wan to llberale Canadl It looked like In any Ink 1m USlAl hld nix mllion people mumlu mother two mil llon Negro alum Then are mly 500000 peaple ln Cumin Ind more than hill Uum we French Fnrmar pmldzm Jeflemn modified lhal there wwld be no llmlng but only Joyous maxd lo Quebec Ifler which Lhe Mnrlllmu wuld b0 Inken The inmmn began In July 1m when Genml null around the mm film Ind llndnd Baby hm now put nl Wmd tor Ho Issued pompous proclamation laylnz um um IKE offend mice bdwun peace liberty and Iccurily or war II cry and desirndmn mm the inhnhihnls of tho ru urn penplu who had ad from pammllon mer the Amcrican Mmlu lionuy Wur ma dedlullan all nu outly then led hi Iowa up he Thamu Valiry lar nhmt In mm mm Imam alumni ha had 1500 mm We lho nrmm hm Dnlhh mu although he had Lam men MM he Britluh had only rnzuhrl Ind milnin pm Tecumuhl Indium In the munnme Hull mtlvrd dumrhinx new that the mm Ind Mun ud upturn Mldxinlc And then um on mum FM Durham nur micno Ho ham worry thou the mmy luncth Mot mm rur Ind Tmmuh wacd hi uu try undlnl Induns mnw the nm to mimh Amman umly rarrlm By Ann llul hnd ennuzh ml Ind look hJI mm buck la Dawn 11 Ill lhrn lhu 1mm lunc hock got nwny 1mm lhl Nlnlrl udor Ind alnzd river Aul In and Brock mt Hull 1a mrthr More Ibo lndinnl rot om toanL Hun Ind mnn hll mm In Mum wnrl And mildren with Him In lhr lnumphnm mMrh inln Cumin 5006 Im On ludllnl Nun mumlnu Umr wnr mu Moll lmded in llulln hendquulm klmnx lhm nmcm 11m enouzh or lha Amman mmL mm ha mu nu 1nd lunmduod bl lrm Ind lh on Amman mm mm Mm In no Mm nllnr Nurlnl that lth wrmld nnl mm mm dur lnl Mr TN unlllru um um lo Qumc In rLWer CANADAS STORY PATRICK NICHQISDN mum EVENT ON JULY Mimi HIThmml Yuvll NM Junu Rlxlnul dull al Iqu Tnmnlo MIAOrlnltlllnmnn Culhnhr rhlh Sam John killrd pnpl lMlSal lmnld llvr Wuhan AM Nullhud Mle Imllil II luhw Imvlmum nimnhll luhrnwn lmprwmtd IY mailman JuanII lmJanmllm drumm unrul ll lurl llnrlvv vmlla In MP5 Have Generous Travel Allowances The COMMERCIAL PRINTING American Invasion Turned Into Defeat Km Tho BAAAIE EXAMINER Will Be Closed For ANNUAL VACATION REOPENS JULY 18 FROM JULY Mb DIVISION OF Liberal mm 7Torohlo were each docked $1M The only conclmlon that can be drawn rum the figure L9 that he average MP ml only enjoyed thu permilhedund gen ermu 11 days oi absenca mm Pulinmnl Hill but am cred an abnormal mam neu or else was kept very busy elsewhere on public or official busing Th trip whim MPs enjoy hitherand yon member offinlal parliamentary or now ermnem delegallnns would not accmnl or this degree 01 nlr acme lhls hateful rain the humming palm What may reasonably be defined as pub lie or nlfidal buslnw Many ul these absence may have lnmlved conslllnenq appohllmanl or party speak ing engagement Many away ua may queallon Whether thesa ooaasxom are tmly wblic nr official business lustilying goal In In tamaswer um TRAVEL COSTS HIGH lmher lnlercstlnx puran that the average MP alao re celvrd 316849 during that year his expenses ln lravelllng between Ottawa and his cont In his between alituency between Ottawa and his con alituency Ottawa MPa course claimed naming but MP elalmad travelling ex penses in exam at $1000 Then Included pomexvativ gme9 Soda Cradka one Liberal and me New DemocraL The lap expenses were chimed by Gene Rheaume Ihe Norlh west Territoriu $6740 and Jamk Homer ol the Alberta rld Free tran expenses cover ecnnmny air are mu Lhia fix we suggest that Mr Harm made 31 return rim to hi can Iflwetwy at Slfl per time dur ing weelm when Plllib rmnt was in susion if 56110 770000 And it added other can including his travel hlll hid last year Knurled WML Tn gd good legislator mil would be money well spent wtmeprwlnmddhux payers suggests that may not amrdy happy with the 3111 019 WM miy puny doan or the taxpayex Mind the annual hill or 51m ramm quon from 3650911Io 54

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