Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 12 Jul 1966, p. 3

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ShantyBayRoadLand Is Said Downgraded Immm 01 0mm rm rally um Inlay In Dmlo Tm Am Mm Husk ran In her raw banl rmmi to her brother he wcnl under nabbed him and pulkd him on haunt um cum to rcvlvn him were lrullA Its Mrn Im managed to swim In shore Mu Olga lluska saw boat mntninlnn her brother and MIL Puss camim In he rivcr as the I012de out ol winduw her homo In his villngu 15 milu north at Orillla 65yearold woman on to save her hrnlhcr mm drownan mvcd ulna Monday when Amt real Puss 67 at Toronto dicd in tha Severn River Ald Evemu Emrm told mun dl zoning was nnlmcd by fine Ontario Municipal Board even mush wondl asked for the higher category Mr Greenhalgh aLw asked for tuning immediately north at the Shanty Bay Road home that would prohibit construction rm housing Juml referred the mallet lo mince Jame Grecnhalgh presented petition asking that hand on the north side Shanty Bay Road bemoan Johnson St Ind Carrel Crescent be remned 1mm R2 to RI Mr Greenhalgh told council all lot but one in the area met In sundanh and he single pro party But is loo mall is an one look short of the Wool minimum City cmmcil was laid Ins night that Land in the Sham Bay had area was downgraded in Ihe wiring bylaw because misunderstanding over 10 illes Fails To Save Brothers Life SEVEN1mu¥nag2 cm Battle City Conwt Band presented its second program 01 the year but night PREPARE FOR PONY BM LY IN BARBIE mm ml Hm nmshm klvdmw Im FUD aim lku ml Mm mm luau lho pnwmu The llrsl wcck Johnson Park was ccnlnd around Ilrnlu Barxiea rmrenlion program is underway wllh 3000 young slers taking part In marning livilics at 11 pluygrnunds This year activities the pmk range mm solwa Io singscngs skirth by Nov Doe Valley in Em Township or canoelng amhnry £011 and witmum quna Park upon that orlcnanon 01 or to good 31ml with the arm minn baacha teams ruling up day camp ml the urum lmllon 01 many era and In and wool noddnm Major innovation ix dny cnmv many and Wednesdny of yach week may fa hay ind Md Bruce Owen questioned file wisdom of the move becaus Grave St is to become major artery and serves schools Area involved mm on Glove St East 1mm Lay Io Dudtwonh Bellevue Cram mm Grave to Blue Mum on pan mm Mound lirive In olher businem mind med to comply with reqursl ram Grove St East resident to mmve sidewalks ram 5dr division agrouan mi sub stitule hot lald mall or chipped road smface Innovations Feature Playground Activity Maximin Square More than 150 persons turned to hear maxfines concert mmic and BAND PLAYS AT MEMORIAL SQUARE nu mmmhlirm In Mum mm mm mm mm muva mm Imman mum Mn Cath Clark at Grova Park Ile that by Frhlay rcgixlrn Unn had rJimbed lo 165 no Doc Valley On Friday hoys Mninr barf ml min defeated the Johnson Street Park team In mm mm were hit by Joe Tuscan1 Gary Ray cmll and Lu Mcnrldo Winning pllrhcr wu Wayne lmom Humor Sylvia and DdxhieSuo mmnpmn Much um mpom mm Codringmn Imk everynne was kept busy acuing ncquninlcd with one another 0n Vedncsdny sucueulnl Masquomdo Day was held GROVE PARK Thursday ha in group 01 chilflrcn 1d lhc gay rnp Day Im For he first In at Ihe week youngster wm bury making swords haLs Ind costumcl Public Wonk chairman Fred Smith weed that sidewalk am an asset in some locations and that council adopt now Ming cover the matter He said that sidewalks are avenue installed and usual far school amminch Lu request such action in sdnool areas hm owners would have In my 0051 under the Local Improvemem Ad He said would be mis Iuke La nlieve developers from respomibfllly or installing tide walks maxim from mica 0011 Wade at 730 pm Boardw cm are held every two PM Prim were awardcd or the flu My Naynl vc 11ml Huh II III 11 id mm mm micH Im Lu ml run ptml humn mm mi um mm mm will nunn IntHM many Mm wt drunkfl In lulln um mm Inum in Mid Illtllq wuh dillrlvrn wavinq mlmml mumle mimu Minlll On Monday at filnlmw Mi unmu plum Inch1rd 11rd mm ml Mum nulhlwf 0n lwlay III WINr rhfl drrn um may Ilmvdnl pldum an mm Mulu malt Wfilnmlu hilalrn phlan er mlmnlal maxla nm in mull In Wmnl For lln hnl um m1 mm YIIlk Nu Mlfilrrn wonan nn nrirnlulilvl uMm Ivm luMmll loam In lnmwl ml Mimi Al Ftknmll Inri ln child pictumnuklru cull mnldna In Him qua um my mum Mum out hm youn MNI In Mull plm on mle mm ImUni lirlltmu la mum Yum mu umh ml pmkfimllnl In hr hm FILM IMIK vmimu mm and mum And nmh Ind wpu Mu flwm unheardm hm 1m div mnlM nmmnu MM All Mllvlum am well under way mock Park nccotdlng lo mpcrvisor Joanna 1510mm To ul rozislrnuan park Ia mumnlcd lvy Junior and um In bon bawan warm Monday was Id Div 11 lb park WARREY PMK mm um um 11 Kmrsoy PM man went omnnltlna Ibo youngsch difluml KW 11w vungtr mlhlnn played games modellal plmudm and mud your Ininzb and pm pm flm alder boy parlklzmlod In ntllvn gum 5mm me1 flu flax find lho mm mum And mud Throughout the week at Llonx Im chikIrcn were busy Is Ymmgstcu made lhclr vnmo my pnsnl paper pklum and made Inmy hall mm decorated papa plains 0n Frldzy 11 Doll and Trudx Day wm held Um children than made age ard doll nousrs out ol cal and shoe boxes The ma 2m home were mad by Shaina Wuhan and Cumm Wray Last week was spent arminl baseball teams in Nu Mior boy unior boy and mum Erik dmsbom LIIINS PARK younger children pulicl piled in D011 and Truck Day Frgdgv lnfiflich each dilld nu ddormuirh MW odhnnat 980 am in name and kmmdialdy pum moned pence Constable mu Sehumm Wasaga Beach detainan Ontario Provlndal Police in vquxaled 7A 30623 prmnwnced the bov dead SCARBORO BOY DIES IN COME WASAGA BEACH Spam An 11yearald Scam boy believed to raw died in diabetic coma megday his parentv mum saga Bend Dead L9 My am 901 nor son at Mr and Mrs Senior Garner im ood Height bvyls parents discpver nn phyxmund heme Ina wfl my ILnmom will mo milling of lully bind cm high lighting Idlviuel On Friday the Iluldrnn wore ulmnu nnd the me Ibo mm law may cm In ml mow law flfll Ind boys bauhzll lemm omnnlwd 0n Mndny 1m Imlor boyu run kn IS Brod Park The nnlnr lid mm ddmlni vae Wk lll 1m 541131 will Ian Inlllpop mm namu Toul revolution for tho week wu HHKAR PARK The up wmkral mm Pmk WHERE DO KEY GO TORONTO Profu mrl Hubdflnson and Mchghlln me Univer IiLy or Waterhu will head re ward Loam mu ill study hare uflica maxim in down lown Toronto go during their hum hum It was anan Maggy Results the my will his sea Jcmmine TE momepr fin the mural city nm or the next 10 yam Six munben ol the Battle Mode Mmalt UM will much pate In the expede air mlt meet lo be held Smday hm 91 John about my Pelkie Mike Bell uuia McDowell Dave Crook Bill HaapandMStJdmwillny their model plums aerobatic and mat manoeuvru The club will alsv present We display mining the con flmcflnn made planes Mrs Annie Bury Barrie and the 1m William Berry Ho recva hLI early educa llon It Allislon Mlic and Earth Marathi High 56ml Attending zmduaung me lpony vfgn my two Dunn and Mn Robert Ay clifle Ban1 Dr Berry is men praclimmcr at St Mlchaell Hamill Tornmo William nmy has obtained doctor of medicina demo mm the University Tomb Dr Barry the son EXAMINER CLASSIFIED WHATEVER IT GE FAST RESUIJS WIIH what do you have to sell SSST GRADUATES PHONE 7282414 Ask For An AdVlIor Vln VIM bandRV El Ln eviw Dnlry Mxlchcll mlnl mm mlauvo or 3031 China 01 Oman will he rum monk deuday II mine the hull Mlmlyl Club Mr Mlhmll ml mumvhl muwk um mum Tha Bonn of madam Gov ernam Mcnlay mmde donlnl mum by Barr Mulch10031 at In in ninja infamy papa r71 inguind to 000 wax Mu Scott mpodod that In her kmwicdge no other pusonl in the men xlnhled Lhe object WI spotted 1m mg Mil Jim Scott 73 Alfred SL Mm Emu was 5min on her porch at 945 pm when inc saw flush 113 over her ghoulder 8n Inna and am what lank ed he dqmdml heading can It terrific xpccd 100 91 of the ground 1m objud which measured um not In diving and Chm axed um mo lrzes she 1th gr hm and nix mid It announced that crank Mailing 000 are to be PM to un Owen Sumd Em and Orillla llbmvy board far on suengmenlnx of referent li brary urvke wind MLB Ioleen Hawken Owen Sound Optimist Club Guesi Speaker TEE BARBIE EXAMINER TUESDAY JULY 11 lm Smith Barrie has been elected dhalrman file baud ol ma Geamgian Baal Reglonal library Cooperative mg Constance Hardy librar hm at Barrie We Library ha been mumbled to the cam mlllec of libsmans Also named to me committee are WGyacaCtgyks 012ml BBG Against Barrie Request Ald F2 Roheflx an Frank Hersey and his any de velopment commlnee wa in not reporting on dealings with Sfimcoe County home or he aged authority City and county representa tiva ms in Mamh but no tea purl was handed to council um wan Md Kasey said In we report that county home within city 11qu mlually desirable and aim or power to nega flah or Rani Owndls db devehpment calmitten gained oulhvdw last night to magmata for hand future site county old people home but was accused of keeping council in the dark MM onlle COST ESTIMATES 091de learned last nldhl In would not 3193 or Millie Barrie Woman Sees Fireball nuqmnkmlbo held Barrie Man Named Chairman Regional Library Board Council To Seek Lcmd HomeFOI The Aged mm mm $9000 will be mumcolorod ball of fire MgerA it disgppeaqu Long Ewmx Orangovllle Mnore Orillln Stacey Lions Head and Malor Urquhart Khnbuley 19 regional library mm rammed of the counch Em Grey Wlerln and 51m REGULATE BANNERS The Public Ulflfllu Commis sion has asked city comll to mm human tor uvuhant lnx street barman and b0 uham section Lha bunnm The PM said ln Iellu befara Mm Hunter has been ap palntad head of committee to recommend suitable hand she and site or he div HS coxnnmlee will bflng in eat mates of comlruclmn costund possible methods Mann divided mmx smaller Iibrarim or reference books WufimmW Shetmouing and $12000 at the Victoria Street crossing request mm the clby onpm tecfim signah at the two mw hymns Bond boundfiészmgfi that anchored polls are ne Mall bl lhru MM quill Minn hmdrlolh IMMI In IN II TIIILE mm AND llelmlAflLl IlllflTfl MIR um VALUE UI T0 00 ONLY ONLY Mldo from €an canon lorry In colorful dnllgm an whlto background 30 60 Illglnly wbmndlrd ONLY EACH BEACH TOWELS WALKERS ALL DAY WEDNESDAY BASEMENT SPECIALS SPECIALS HOSIERY DEPT SEAMlESS MESH NYLONS DISHCLOTHS DRESS SHIRTS BAND SHELL Open 00 530 Wndnudny lowly shade In 1105 to 11 SPECIALPURCHASE CamdimMada Conan Packaged pair and npam MENS SHORT SLEEVE SPECIAL FROM OUR by wall known mlnuhc 15 In mumcolon lot 57° will known mmuhduror In mulIloolon 284 100 Md Fred Smith was main ed mm Owiml reunmive on the board of Parks Management Md Smith was authorized to mend mm association convention in Sam Maui ll 12 L3 AWARD TENDER Bab Garnet Commotion was awmded the comma or conslrucUon of unitary trunk sewer extension on St Vincent Street Ampled bld 1m $38728 Hull Mal nun lbaul on llll nl mun Dr mm pound llmlld ull Now Ildnm beam Ilvfllh winI1 hflhflnn In Ihdv dn dllwlllon mu fella qu ms mm Ind rIJN mun TM ll whu Dod Milli PM cu hlv hint nut Doddl Ilium Manly Irllou hlv nlln Inl tIlcd Indium an nul hul uha hh Doddl Ind In II on bul lnl hlhr ml Mm lullwk human manyml in Iu mu City council will lpply to the Omanlo Municipal Board or pemlnlou to spend $1000 for wadlng and levelan IndmulI rm lumber tour Cos to be nduded 1n the 519 price the land and levied over myear petiod YIELD SIGN field sign to be Red ed on Adelaide Strut at Anna when an amending bylaw is prepared and mm to tha mm Mmfldpal Inuit Md Dorian Parker am asked that litmus apstmcttnz motorists Council mod to inform Mur ray Jane and Imam consultants In praviova au gwfizcgl 111511 rengwgl nudy that the Board lIansmn Comrmsslonm has mva eonstmcum level crossing aver ONE tracks Mary 3L it the city decldm one nec esary HELP KIDNEYS PASS lBSA DAY Mayor LE Cooke And up usenlaflvs flu 0an com ngflygq win9 lautrhoflwd 1m who itieixi 011th mn icipal Assoclnlian convention in Hamiilon in Auzust CANT BURN CAM $331 Emikm oiii pr led can within city iimiim Council In night uked or bylaw amendment that would PW hibit the practice yiew the same Intersection APPROVE CROSSlNG INDUSTRIAL PARK OMA CONVENTION PARKS BOARD PER PKG IACH

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