Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 12 Jul 1966, p. 1

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SAIGON AP US nym tanglnd with two MG 21 mi eluded barrage of missiles om erlh VIM Nnm dudnz bombmg raid on mlmlz radar and fuel Inna the us com mlnd Imported odny In day Mom nix llvlly Monday one mkslle Illa ms dcslmyed And two oil In Iullauom and radar Illa bvmbcd smtmmn wld larder plant pounccd on lama 200 harp and junk and leA rvpomd dcsmrylng or durum 59 mm 11 U5 command announced lhn lou al InFWS Thunch hlef to CommunLn groundlmv Monday The pilot baich out but mid not be menu can of heavy Inll aircer Ire Ha listed misdnz Amiemm snkt US hemdqulrlcn nlw nn nuunm that mvy Cm ndzr went down 40 mum north mi of Haiphong today ml mu ha WM 1mm no own whether he plane cmle hccmm mhnnlrnl lnllum lIr wnl I501 dawn Ipokmnnn HRL VETERAN Prunes Com mluva Prank Walter Saaw um congratulate hL1 youth In mm in flu Pflm Ed wud Island IegLflalun By virtue of ms in the dr American Fivers Elude Missiles PERSONALITIES IN THE NEWS TM lulxurm tl llmre 51 In lhl him IAhnrll Illnwl lozldalan yulmhy mm Um huhn rl mm In In Mml Hiding lln lnwmahv lth ul mlnmuflvn Wnflu Hm MW Illh Dunk Minimum um olulul In IM IIVRM MI tum Slum dug In bad mm I148 Wm ll Wm 10 Wlh plane l02ndYurNo 161 The Hometown Dally Newspaper Fa Banle and Distrlct RUG mmnr Ground action In Soulh Vie Nam confirmed In lulL US millme spokmmnn described the nilunllon as very quiet ln Ibo Ian perm reported lost In the air war angina Nam V19 Ijmn South Vietnamese army hcnd quarters 10de Lhat Iwcq in tho cmimns of Saigon by mos Monday kllled nt Ions 4o Vic Cong Another 40 lo 50 bodies may ham bran carrlnd TORONTO CP Dough Ailrmmn he withdrew from lclcvls on promam Sun dw nlgm doallnl with the con lrovmy over lhl our Hm 9mm Dnfl bovmuo be believed lhcm um 305me of rhmzu In dupulo um re united In hll dlsmlml mm the CBC hut wetk Mr ltllrrmilll lnrnwr pm rim IM MNLe nfllglllt wouan minds 11m umvmrcnl In lblcgmm La CJOIITV In lmm lerred election fur the two mcmber riding of Kings Liberal administration takes over under the leadersth Wearold Alex Campbell Ml Mn becomes Sarahs youngmt prmlor The bar Leiterman Sees Settlement Hope Nu Indira GavHuh lusl Indy rm mlnhlmr nl mm India mm In In ml In wil WV nrtm Omit Ill run our Mu mud palm new all flay In 0th Istva 111M1th mm ul wwm flu hu mama live dm um Illh lulu flan lendorglnanjuml In lulu 9n Vfiuiflvfl Nun INDIM MNle 112 imamammw Canada Rejects Soviet Proposal away by um Mmallng VIM Con forms wokumn uld The manhunt during nc lion took place in lwnmplnnds within five mllel Iho on In and WM nlmod at 1mm WWIw Attack on Sath Vlel Naml major 0U depot GENEVA Swhmnnd Roul trICanodl relecled may Soviet prwuxnl or an lnlcrnn Umml cmltrtm lo mm mm vmlm bamim in ma ul Whnl II wanled toncmlc mumm lha could be verlflcd not men verbal umlcrlnklnxl Gm of th Admin ficgnllnlar lnld mo 17 nuHon Gama dlmmamcnl mglmnco Inde Inlandml Unml Nnuml Gemml Amun bly molullnn mm com lmnco lo Ilm IUdI mnvm Hm or Mam CF Wirepmo held mam majority alter emerging all even 1545 with the P0 alter the May 30 general elation he King wt wu held aver due to he denlh of Libcfal candidate 1M mnnl WI Nam r11 MI cunrnnlwi Imifirm Imp In Allmllnhl lqunry hy mm nlrunll hu Inmnfixl mm In an lhh mnl mm Um Unllal filnln minimumL mddiu Up Hummus 11m Md wt mum lrnlnzrm uhl um olr Milka nll tlmmzv 159 gm Ila Owl fluid Ind Cayman Infllllm Nllh Bum rmlltdr that Canuda ROHFJII MrNMMM POWER IN WASHINGNN AP Aser Ian US Labor Secretary James qumlds described an Waging today an outlook for alumni ol the strike ngaLnsl five major US airlines Reynolds veteran negoun hr in man And shipping strikes Dam in advance oi the sdxeduled midmomlm resump tIon oi nagounllmu between repusentnflves the aLrlInes the striking Machlnlsu on GRENADA Miss AP Twentylive Negmes were old Monday may would have to ban munbcnhlp card swim In nflyawml pool but but raciallynixed party went swimming In the citys maln mm traction Grenad BIfiloénnrlo Canning Joflqyluly 12 1966 eras been my we pro are The positlons ya the P361 manager Park Johnson told the New that he poo My theKiwanis Club mt1h mm unlm youva nwtnbershlp card you cant mm In he Md The Nanm left quietly um ukyuAhow tyjet unit IMWALPINDI MP 4m lden Mahmud Ayub Khan human who maid pro Iddng only mlanw In month announced today he drawing hIs wcslcm orienlcd finance nunlsiu 11w hfld mammal mid Finnna MInhur Mohmnmcd Exam will be reflnqubhlna Id clpogl Aug my 501 Outlook Discouraging For Airline Strike End he World um Idvx GILNSBY incl1n Ml mA Brlllhh lrnwlrr Ihdl vanlthrd lur 29 hour mum to port tmlny 1L1 Mm lor partly wrecked mu In Incident near thu wm Gmmm mu Captain Emu Dumm of 0m Imon tnwlrr minkn mm In Mm men lbnnnl mflml olhtn Id qumlm durln lho vrmll va IKD In workmd He la In apprvndml Hm Gnmm rnnul nv mu Wmummmm Inwcml no rmnll mwnl Inward mm mu uwnm Mississippi Pool Is Desegregated filoNanIU II Muml lnvhl VII4an ll Um umbre lwml mixMum nl NnUmll Thule lrnlmw NHL mhl Mm llny mmmm lo pram llwurnl lvnllmvl or Ad pm Mm Il Inna will be ngv Iry Illa N111 umm mm nnnurdlcal uwkryun in on nun umhp ummN Hum lrimq mum lanhI nu Mum wUl urn In WAIHMIM DI vuvh tar umpriq lmnl mind lulu that VM Nun rim lmhknl Ynhmm Mllnllln Mm adv Turiwyn oalvm mail 11¢ he Mllmal nfiklnh Imam lads Pakistans Khan Drops Minister LVMMHFI Al inflame Illumale III monkl India uwflod Twin drum was wme Vanishing Boat Returns To Port Aboinio 66 min when Prepare For Hospital Strike fluslmlias Holt To Visit US Quake Kills 12 Turks LATE NEWS may mm mm nwrvndml nv mm In and All erm lhnmxh parties are very fixed the mm The dispute mm in IL filth day has halted 60 per cent ol the ah lmnsporlatlon 1n the USand costing the alrline Industry and labor about 53 000000 day But hue Ihe strike goes on mnalnmk alrflnes bus lines and railway are reporting booming busixms Al Canada added II 11m to 1b gdwdqllg Mgany AIIofiier eight mm were to beadded today cavaflcd in the laku which was developed wlul odda1 funds caretaker said lho reservoir had pom dmcypgated Pus Idem VElsLnhawera administra Hm The clvl rlzhu chvldcx came day after hlghwny pn 1rolmen used billy clubs and gun bulk to dkpem about 300 Ne groes whfle dqmllm mum loo jecrlng V5 Cnly dude Luued flute men In mmnse lo 51 demands by Negroes saying demandl Khran and IMImHAUon are not proper Appropriate or ceplabla mum at vaplkh in lnylhlng Any and all such glctla will be Ignored tween Momphh Tenn and Jackson bowed lo uummm do mand by Namac during the Imu MenHm lfiulssippl march Inst month Several mun ww regis trar nun nppotnlcd Ind r2315 uan wml IMO the oounlryudo lo lxn up Negroes km the courlhnm open at night and desogr fled the bulldlngl mt room curves have and ram uurnnu cum service madam and mick In the last week without Mum le cutter fled in Grlmlhy with ha mmlnder of the crow he laid Cook 6mm Iqvpcr b7 uldx ll mu Imflylnm 0mm arm about Iho Im dm Idler ran mu wMXI II no in Ibo leh 50 The trawler ml an flxnnl laying th MILan dawn mlr India IrrMI and won all ma lll HELD DY HERMAN Flvo mm Irlnx Md Ivy Wm Gmmn pollm MI qu tn Mn um um lhl llglluhlp Traffic was repofled steady by officials at Montreal inleh nannal sirport men an are eight mam muons £55m wage being flu prlnuipnl problemand an lycal imaging391m Malniy Machlmm lAFLrCIO is asking to be allowed to share in ha prospeer that has Allen lo the airlines who lg yea or Mn Klrilemalional file airlines have increased their Wage at cents An Own from Ihe original 30 com presidential menu board um looked Into the gauge rocamnenzedna nu ma union has stood on It original WINES or Meantantiwar ln 0n Capital Hill Senator Frank Lausdw Dem Ohio Introduced misiauon that would cumin flmmmber pmidentini mission to inv vesixzaie lure transportation industry contract deadlocks making binding filament rec mnmendatimu Tho muck lines are mum anhmal Nanhwut World and United nwy mood 115 ml to bum Mn with ha unlon Mel MUM Lbs v9 re we NEW YORK AP Unllul sum twist centres have by gun he the pinch of flu Ilrlke against in major qu llnu sumy lndicmd today Mind difficult to get Apaco MIONH ONTMTAM In 00 Onllrlo Pony Chi lull mm In My Tourist Centres Feel The Pinch Pmmmd The Examiner TODAY ll HOLD PONY RALLY IN BARBIE WW CF The mm rural King in voting le week later than Prince Edward lslandm 1n mm ndlngs ended seven year at Progresive Conservative ud mlnklmuon Mmday night and swept leural Alex Camp hell Mo pauvr as Canada youngest premier Th5 dafemd balloting in he lwo mamber constituency brought about by Ike death of Md candidate May mapped twpany stalemnle and lnppled the xuvemmnt of Prequ Waller 1L Shaw 7B fidnalbnl oldest provincial My tendon one of disap pointment Mr Shaw aald um liberals Daniel Mac Danald Ind Brucp 15 Stewart to met In 1069 an age when most people commie the em cl rammed bmken even whhflqyam rival in he MW whflo oLhcri 1ka ho trains and or can Some even him on gun the nonslmck alr Hnes Some lauflsu lined up at Man lax gvgllnblal In Now York cnncellnllon shws or mtrwntlmu of he cllyl 00000 hotel mm have morn than doubled Ilnce lho ulrlhla strike began 1m Fri day hotel mclullm ported The Now York convention and Vhllm Bum pul ha nuns In In city as 11015 It $500000 dly because ol the strike Ila its yum Non Ilmdx Pan AmcriuAI fllthu to IM mil Imd ha Far East wm Ir Wfltd lold out Many wuldbo HawII laur uu ancgflcd 1hglrfllrlpa San Fmde holcl Ipokm mcn uld Hwy had upth lmgo Influx at vlsflorl lhla ka but far the m1 part they Lvrnlr arrived Mr 013m Ram menu lo uhodules Mummy and Im muram mm wm to now May Puksmnh In My VII 111 kn at 0nd VIIIq Im um Nun mm The findings lwn partial the only one PremierShaw Overthrown After Deierred Election No Moro Than We Per Copy 11 Pagu 1066 lm no and humid Thmdersmm Low tank 70 lilxh WM dams damn For WM flawé ummary Ee pizotwu contgsllnz he fieslog young mi hi lémf daadlbck and capstquegllx dimgzd Alhgpofln She Mers ln Kink 15L the um minifins sllluency responded giving Mr MacDonald Liberal coun pilinr candidate mvote ma oriiy nver Cmsurvallve Peter MacAmay Ind MrSewm 158 margin over Omsenw live Keith MacKenzie in the race orlhe assemblymanl seat Mr MacKemla was the sec nnd public work and highways rnlnisler suffer ddcal wilhin slx weelu He was Appointed to the cabinet shortly am the de eat at Philip Mm in Qlueem 1nd in the my 30 elec 11m We infilorfi ausmoxa mm 113 rdsud mn lwa or reply When would Mr In Mr Campbell mm In dhcun takeaver plan Well think wu an tho um week am you Alex asked me mad premier Md Mr Caxgzbefl mime way41¢ 5m On in on had am over oned whh um mulu in First Kings Iodly he sold On ihe other hand IormJng ovum men Irrmmdous re momma In lelevllion Interview flu Liberal leader said thus an not than hm km gov mew $M£ blank lit to cum Lw demon for the math or MW now Mahala the Sumems Court wu excl¢ed mm nbéul gay boat or Ive yam Mr Shaw mid ho wnuld be In avidch In be next msst ha lcgmnlum n3 opposfllnn chdor and would imp an cya the new mania Mm he hinted ll Ivcnhlll Mlle Id Ilka puller amend my yard Id llko In 121 homo man my flowm but lake an ldlvo inkml In publlc Prcmcr Iloblc and Now Brume had bccn thu ymmml premier In Canndlnn 111mm Inldnx ofllu July 11 um Mlle um lhan our manlhl bdou hh 5m blrthday on 0d 11 ME Emmt Mlnnlnl Album tnok cfllrn Juno 1941 Nut 1mm Mm Ml Kalil birthday The enfranchlscd mdents of hm Aer mun it In mééda mméuuni rmqu began Mg ml Blurrin mm mm Mr mm Minn 1m 1th Wilhln Lhreo mob was the

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