Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 9 Jul 1966, p. 6

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LOOKING BACK conllnnon hind Mn Alkm ll Inme of lha Slmm County An and Cum Mmllflon Ind her ullde will he tpedll Marv eat tn lhm pluman In Il lend lhn Quill Ind Rug Fair In Drlllh ml July 21 The Long Thread Enabled Weaving BY Spinning Wheel Mum1 Nou In an all oi mlu at nuclei unfilled WI Blot Mn Gordan Allen Grumman conun net the mm of Texfllu with rglum nub undlnl MONTREAL 1GP Immr nillo ldwllan of collell blh ulnlnl by nunu mlxhl lud mnmrklwmulndlnud lhn many public luypm now lurid lho profaulnn Dr Mun Hlllml nl Edmonton HM Th Dr In nuoclm promor nl lullan Ind comnmu Unlvmlly Allmln drrnlnl mm mm mm manna Ruffian fiquu Allocfillfiy rumba vnmgnu One at Ihl rurer Mn nl lho modflan la ohlnln ur flllmum Inf mllcdlvo lnrpnlr nu Ancnu nn lhu prmlurlnl AN EARLY QUEBEC min lmend um MumIla or mlmlnz Lu and film mmbmmwnm sin umlwnsin usenmunrl murath WIMMMXIWHJ maman1an Nurses Bargaining Rights Could Lose Public Support Tn rim mlh CalumMI la lhn mly mmlm with cmla body In mum lwr ll numq and Ontario ml Mbflln hum ballr hnruln lnr ml mu Krmlpl of mm In Ihm mvlnrm bul luv pm Dr llnrru uhl hu um uppolnlvd lhnl lha moclnllon had not hm mun cnnddrw um In nImllm to mixile hnmlnlnl llflfllfll COMHITTIIIIR mude lalmr manip mml mum mmmlllm Ihkh umut mvmml Um hm pml zrnmmmm and flu nunn All Thu WINK pl lheto mmmluvu mm In work on mlunlnry umsznl Mm 409161 ml curving AnuUwr nllnnnlhn Nu MM nlumtlnnI muhhm the Iornl yrzlrmal nr mmlmlal Inrl In umth mm Il lMl Illallvzun lrrlurm hug wlal lan Hue num 31 NBA WWO minus NMWWM mm lhlrd poulbmly wn 1th llmx Elma Ind plrldlnl be Pullnmcnl Bundlan In 01an In mm your um knnwn In lha public Th num nklnl hllhrr mm htHrr umth comll Ham and lnlllUnn nun nurllnl uclum Iyr Icml Thm hu lo ha ctrllln munxo llmu berm he Uvo hnrwmnl will wk Dr William Inul Thu hmplllll mun Mum themde In lumll Ha plainnl lhnl lhc hnr plIuII hnv lhu pow In tnn dunk Inrrmmll mm mind MIMI In um Hwy oflm dn ml hm hm unit lo tom mur Ilnm mum ll CAROL KKNNEDT Imam Iml Oralnn nmn MIAMI lnrvm hum fur lupin mvlu my km It IIMMII mu lhfl flu MIMI mum Amium hu rummled th plllllnl watl In IHMM to many umm pmhl lndw ll For umnl Mun tlw Ii rlllnp gun Inillll he Mil lmd dlrmnl Wu mum mmva ande rm mmwinl pmnu fivllamln its llmvt 16 Jaw limm 1an mm maluuly In My ml In th mtm um lot mum British Medical Men Request Lowering The Age Marriage Ihe advant cl he induwhal revolution changed winning maufihagecraaloageat WA one However Martina Advames have any added speed ancient prin ciphs main umfimngedl llc nld maLn pmhlnm In Igmxlfln In In lnlervlow lnlloulnz Dr wullnlm Iptoch Evrlyn Hood Vnnruuvnr nld Ihe do not lhlnk Hm voluntary dhmsslnn leun In hnlpllnll nml lhl num levocnted hy ho rr wguhl wmk mp nytr In bar in unless lm In Illlll Mlu llnod dluKlnr of Wm Ml MM will um lluuluul Nurm Auoclullun In Imlhh Culuvnhln In lhnl II dulmad or mulllmlrnlul lndlmrm Mhlrh du nM lnrlmlv hmplul Nu quwlm the num IMan and mnvlurl tour on rnllmlm humalnlnx lo un drnlnrvl lhu prof ml mm mm ill limilnllunt mndntlm nmninn lerL In uwnhly mnllml mm Annman Twwlny an mM Immomo INA ummmwilll rim IMnl mm Mama uvdlnl In Hum um flux by In Mh hay m1 111k In lllwknfly mam ml he Imhtky girl llmuirl In uninvile CHIN mflhmwl CAN ALT MATURE omwl IN mm mm cum unclu ninn vrxnnm in mn nu lrlly In the mi MI mlmwl Vumiw vhynu li mm mm II 01 Ill mflwr 0mm hm IqllIdlkhlll 5162 Irish Fqshjons On The MCNE Runway JIM WM lav yar mm mm 11 mum An 16 pfim TEE DAME EXAMINER SATURDAY JULY ll FOR Ionlouow etary influence will maka Sunday Ina day on the personal Icore Stan vor romance tran And group ncllville generally If wurk is on your ngcndn has slick to routine New ventures at lhls Uma dan mm to Ihaw much pmmlu FOR THE BIRTHDAY pmorrow hlrgnd vnnlaga ail apponunhlu to ndvnnca nawespeclnliy an the job more Even though result may not be Immediate nan promlse gratifying recoxnlunn or pa efforts and opeulngl or furthcr progrm in Septem her early December nut Jun uury March and May Where Hnancu Ire coo cerncd look or Ioma small but pleasing because unexpected gain durlog the In two week In August and truly excellent perhdJnwhhhla harm sols between mld September and mldNov¢mber but do be conservallva especially dur lnz he in two week of Sep tember No speculation lhenl Io Inch the Canczrlon should lake no monetary Lulu or Ian 12 months Another trend on tho fiscal more ll ln cnled during the Hm two week 01 Decembera rprlnx board In further aln next Fchmlry Aprll and June alth nodal Activitie nnd happlncu romance Ihauld enllvrn lhll new your In your lllc wllh Ihl porlodl be tween now and Sept l5 nod bo lwccn Nov 15 and Jon es peclnlly lnlucrllnr Next good month or renumenlnl lnlar eaLl Ilprll my Ind Junl 1067 mild born on thin day ill be inlnllcdmuy lndlmd and ma annllnrlnn but will hnva curb llmnl landcncla wwud oblllnlty mn MONDAY You my lncllno rd ml lerlnl your encrllu on Man dly Irylnx lo curry on dqxen Icllvillel at on llme but you will Iccamplllh nothan by dnlnl nun your promm nn nunlllll only Ind complela one umlcrlnklnu bdom you Ilan nnulhrr POI THY HIRTIHMY ll Monday In ymr llnhxhy ynur lmrnnrnpn ndiulu ml Crnrcrlln ywr ulrnnmh nary nhlllly Min nan Ind your Ihroudnm In recomklnz opportunlllu uhlrh allur would pm up tnuld help lur lhrr umr null cnmldenbly cvrn mom mommy wud my not In Immodlllely lmlhcnmlnu Tnko ndunmu awry dmnco lo lori Ihuul lwlen now Ind In Aunul nlnn rlurlnl Ih mom nl Scnllmbor you Ihwld not only rmIvn rnlflylnl manl llon lur ynur cflarll lull wlll lhm la IN In In lnylhrr llrpl lnwnyd Mrr nrhlevn uninomny ml Dmm lmr nm Jnnnry hmh ml Mir In llnnnrlnl mum on ran lmi mum in mm er Him panmd no 1m minty In um In hdr Only twonlln girl WM yr mly in 11 hr lmy lhn mm no In Hu MI mm mum Inn hm witl flu MIL kh ulna lmvnmmk MW IV ml mm tn nnmgul lo Ivka 119mm Tho ham pdrl 01 mm Man In Mm but mow Im In 41 In 1mm plum PM mar or M1 Th2 MM vmnvmiaum um no In warm Mmflllm by Ih 11er rhnmllnr In muMur ulwtlwr nu II imhl rmmm In nu ma la uh htfill ln Drilahl WHAT THE STARS SAY By mum but cheering gain wllhln the first two weeks of August then or excellent opponunlflel Increase men between Sept 15 and Nov 15 I159 during the In two weeh December next February April and June But do manage conservnllvely No speculation or the next 12 months new year In yam lila should be ouumdlnz In nodal and romanuc arm will but periods or me liaryromlud batman and Sept 15 mi between mid November Ind Dec 31 other good months Nut April May and June Most propanu month or travel will occur In 1961 nolaMy in January May Ind June child ham on Ill day will be cxuamely Ihrawd mm bminau Ind financial upper cunning but being exuemzly conservative may need more dynamic person lush an Arlen or mile to pulh Illm lnlo mm advantage of them WEDDING GUESTS Omddty Mat Iuwdinl he hfinkllwnf weddina fin John Vunmy Cindi wen wedmnd rum1 at lbs ham the bridegrwml para Mr and Mrs Harvey Mink Fem dala Dr may included Mr and Mn maul Lawn ma laur mm mm Jean ub boc M4 Ind Mn Roy Vln Pam and Lon Brndlmi Mr and Mr Walhce mun and Iix dhildxm Hollmd Landing Mr and Mn bury Km Tom Mr and Mn Garza finifll Orillh 111a bride he tanner mimic Ziegler launder Mr And Mn Anton 716116 at CID ndnu oxidle mm with Paul Mink on July 1m IIIRTIIDAY Mli family Ind dunk gallium Al the Nixon when Mr And Mu Wil liam Coward Sr on mm In mark tho mm Mr Cauurd Inlet Ln the due cdohrant and MI um Inval kd la III old Cram homo SOCIAL NOTES km Icmhlm hum mm mmd by nu now mm mxlm rm um mm mu1941 rlrfml CHERUBIC CHARMER Iih Ilanl In firmha THREATEN STRIKE KINGSNN CF MW of Local 9670 Oll Dwmlcn and Monte Woflmn Unhm 010 will strike Tuesday ll their mm dim with Ca nadian 1mm ud here Isnt Killed The union want 56 certs an hour heme in one year Wat company er inchxdcd ficentanhcur increase for Women workers aver two yam 29 cents an hour or men and 35 In Mr ind Mu Dough Hem erlnglon of Fenian Fat have AW 99 WW REE dwlhelr mar Judith Donne mm In Weulfim bridegroomelea the of Mr and Mn Norman Leila of 0m Station Fenlon Falls UIInQed hunt will be the Id for flu Human wed dimonluhvmumapm 1M bfldem In Mum dommgnfienerfl in or skméd Wérkmcm l9 Tnnily United mm flwm was ma scene of pretty wedding When SIMon 3ch Crimp daumter of llr and Mn 11mm Bdrm Tomnto was deed in martian in San lay Gm mild chosen um Mn Oval Sam Polar botmm and the Frederikk Gag1e 1m afternoon canan was conducted by RH mum Warr on June 15 with Mm mack presidim the chant organ Given In marriage by this hidczmoms mp 1mm Cm 60pm the bdde won two in wit petal vink my M49550 with mu Exchange VowsAt Thornton Church 1th Wm ML Kathennl Amald ha maid honor due and mu month mm Hmn Ln blue mm Wm WM hm Wk and comic ol Mam stud now mauled bo Hf OM Mn 1M you cd twim In the pool And um My Nest Inchdad Mr and lira Bill 00 mm Jr and famib and Mr and Mn Tam Onward at am lb 01 mm Mr Md llm Wally Gum Ind family Mu Jackie Graves Md dlildml And Mu Phillip II Barrie tmung ha pay hym ft mm waru Mr Ilridu Mr ui Mn Wm THY EXAMINB WANT AM PHONE 1mm BRIDEELECT Mm find room up In hmmvl In mnlrwtlnl Mum Inlhnm and lo mum the MI Hwan ml dunnlnl mum plrhrl Mlla rmlum or me mum on warm um um Mm ANN LANDERS mu Ann undenx When manlad my husband 15 yam no thought ha wan nodal drinker We were unused or two yurl Ind never once IIW Em dflnk tn exceu during that me Shortly altar our marriage Ieuned my hubnnd had to have Just one drink More Landing medal gathering He also needed Just one drink Mm manna phona cAll In his brother or hit boss Soon It became just two am just three men our when he began lo lose whole weekend knew he WA in deep traublm Evanlunlly lull our home our credit and our 1m boomw inkly nhvionx thnt he did all the drinking and wu hlvin all lhe hnnloven mind over the bun ch um Ind the boull with the palm withdrew irom lire ashamed in ace the neighbors Life With AnAlcoholic Eloquently Described threatened reamed uledI begged him ta flop drinklng He 11 Job in two yelu But hll drlnkinx con finned Alter lama Ierloul qul learrhlnx cum to the can clulan that had become partner In aIchhollsm by caverInl up or hIm and ulfler Inz the consequences his drinking In my xelvaily had negledmi mysell and our our chlldren went back In my church joined reading club became active in community attain concentrated on tho children and told my husband to get help oruin dawn the drainby him Since stopped trying to change him and instead doclded In change myscl have been 100 per cent happicr The chil dren mom Invlng and help Mist Ihercssa Taylor was junior bddesmaid wearing sued long pasta blua 3min dress will Mute memories and imaggd pink gagmlé Muse Susan 03ml Tw lor were flower girls wearing malohlnx White In wxm pink bounds m4 farm1 tiny bou rmk 51mm bat man Jim Rodi noted 95 usher had were reached by Mrs Nylon fiend the bride Ha navy blue crepe dress was accented with uhile accessoriel and corsagu 01 NM carna sided In homing the we wearim rose lace And hen 51mm while mmriu and pk zardgnia maze The ncwky manml mole will make link home In Thornton 611ml MW mm nan cm Blounflbld Pomharade and Tm momma mother mun while Mauric and II nk zardcnia maze The ncwky manin mole will aka link home In Thornton Wests MW mm nan um on Blomfibld Punharm Nu IAI ad Tm ESSA ROAD For BridesToBe Nam Address Telephone For Ire mu cllp Ind mall Io Allandale Drugs BRIDESTOBE FREE GIFTS Box Number The Bard Examiner nu longer cry or the thny lost Im mm mm 05 nl dflllcnlt lo watch my husband walk wrong the door malady from lug but any mlhlnz because know how he must aulfer from eelth Weakness and made uacy pity Mn nowInstead hallIi hlm as cute dd knnw the hell llvlng will an alcnllollc but know too that hall of that hell la lelh lumeled Theta ls help for slur hollsm bu unlesl the drunlp wants to accept ll It in useless lo nng Hm hupe um one day he wlll leek helyrbut unlllthelt he will leek hel but until then Im WW and enloy lughm Pnfi nu In Crlmc Dent Former 91mm Your In one of the most eloquent Ind cmstnwflvelmeu Ive ever rpceiyed on mind Im 91cm Den Ann Lmdem PM minu in can use 18 Whllo Im no Donia Day dont look uka Lassie alum For some mysterloun reason mm nllnad nothing but mauled mcn and 11m Mast the men go out with lhn one who come In the tale to eat Whm man ask it he can take me out alter work main thnllelnnkllheh married The lmwer alwayl no Alter aw dates find out lhat he lied la me The last Inks had our kids Why do keep pick ing lemomAyd Because you gr picking in lumen grove Peachu dant grow there lh lml conlndl are mails through irlends and social political or church groups You may not realize it but youra beinfl picked up girl cm MM phamudd In IVIUHMI hn ml nml hlm mum NI we hour And you ran Aqwl Mm lur all ymr hanllh luvdc pm huIyu mittill Eli3 Bill Elia11 155 EEKI nUuu LEEE DEPENDABLE NZN IVZM ATTHINOON AND EVENING IUNDAY ll ll mam

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