Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 9 Jul 1966, p. 5

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ROXY WK ny nuns ROBERT 1mm 1on my Lemon wzlcomcd la membcu ol Zlan Prosbyler inn Wm her Supulnr 51ml residence In Stnyncn The can bur thankoffcring service will have Mrs Dun Huflncgal the armor Evelyn Currie as speak er Mrs Mel Saxo led me acn vice of worshlp assislcd by Mrs Ema BuIe Mrs Mel name presumed the media mlan on Christian Hospital ly Toslcd Fonmh or Happier um um zlvcn by Mm Sage Lunch wnx served by Lemun Ind Mn Cul nm Congratulation to Mlsl Mar larcl McEnrhcm whn was In ccsslul In her mum ycnr Rycrmn and to graduate 01 Lnkcshora Tcachm Cullcfie gllfu Cnlhnrina Sage Ind Ann June vhllarl wllh Mr and Mrs Cnrrulhm was Mr and Mrs Mb English and um lly SundnlnndMr and Mn Howard lesml Hub and Cnml Ind Mrs Viclurin Wilson Kllrhtncr Mr and Mn Wil Ilnm Cnrrulhurs Fnynand sher ry Slrmlnnl and Mr and Mn BarnMuynr of Tomnlo Mrs Noreen Skilmer is poised to aim and fire as she puofisas or the annual 1n ternatlonal rolling pin comes at innisfil P513 mt Saw Mm Sumter ll 0300 The Annual unite and dec oration wax de the my ornmn mu hrld nl lhc mm lrry Juno 18 ll bclnu 100 ymu linte the In 7011 Anna um urchnml Fluvtm vuro pinle an ml Hum mm They um um of Ilidmrd 1M gainful Ind Mr AM Mn Cor KU Dy MRS FRAIJCK ETEIW 7F TENNML AROUND SIMCOE COUNTY MI wrn nlm utvm by nmnnl Infllllllu In lhe mam nry drunvln mrmlml llcv lllchnnl Iemlemn nu Anfl er1II rhmrh WM lhc Iprnhr SUNNIDBLE CBSA firefill Llagrllulr mu hrId Hr new Ynlm MNI Mrl lhmnrr nml Inmlly In Unllrd st Mshhdq mo 325 ms 7x15 925 HIS BIGGEST 1005 gums TagVIM lu MINESING ION 71H STROUD CONTESTHNT Imam InnI mum QQivlnuunu IHIS NEWESTI Church Hall Sunday evening pflnr to their moving to new chime 02¢ Miss larynx Grimm wen our days Hi Conformance Macdonald Hull Guelph last week Gunge Whit of Yellowknife has been vuiung his brotherLn law and sister ML and Mrs Dave Rm Airs1vm1er Downey pauen in Royal Vidal Has plggl amenl institute held Um Jun mecttnz at the home of Mn Hutold Bowen the even tng of June 23 with good attendance Thu ncw president Mu Harry lard was In the chntr Mn Harvey Mcbenn convoner gave Iptendld talk on Salety with People and mrsalvml Roll gill we also answerealbyr isnlcrly hip Ilrnubcrry In ed In St Iflerl Parish Hall Juno 29 Then wan also bountiful homemade bake tabla and novelty tabla several women from Strand ho will compete Women tn the Strum of England Aus tralia and the United sum will also be in the contest We Photo mien MM mi July 17 min dunmien dny Bl Guhle Cemdgy Mn hark Sunkrwrnfmd Lumly Mr um Mu Rabat Arnhem Jr nnd daughter Qtlnvmy wMr Jntmnon we went tho weekend with her launder mar Win mm mutual Mmfirfl ho 10ml led and Dairy club ncmnunlcd other Norm 5mm CM ml In 1m to fine My 11 nu at Mt numaika Mn mfl lw ham an in Juty mung an Mu imm And mn Dm nhl olGonlo WMM Mr Ind Mn Mufirflgnm mwily MATINEES EVERY DAY THROUGH SUMMER AT PM Moll ml In mmtr mm the Mudy hawk WM men lvy Mrn mm ml Mn Mm anlwu Fulun ll lel Ind mo pm MMOUR NANZM Am CONDITIONED TIIYATIUI 1her ill beA munjull Mm mam 5mm Dy CAMERON NOW PLAYING GUTHRIE BMqu EXAMINER SATURDAY JULY 1m ConyalulaUans to Mr and Mrs James Dunnelt nee Kathy Taylor who were married June 25 Prior to their manlnga Mu Danna was showered with many mulflul gm from the ladle the community at Mu Wal lace Barberl home Mu Glen Harris was whom welcome extended to Mr and Mrs Halters and am fly who have mnved into Mr and Mrs McMfllanl huml Congntulatlonx In Fralidx J5 who was the recip lent of citizensz award lrom Innlxm Townsth Schnal Board om mo Will an drildrnn were chosen HI isler Darlene received tha same award in Mrs Shannons grade Vlll class Mr and Mn Robert Green and Ian Vinita Mrs Robert Green Sn Agincauxt Juna 25 he masion being Mn Greens 31 birthday Vtxlum Mr Ind Mrs Mervin Booth and tarmly recently wera Opt and Mrs Lannlng and family who have returned from two yam In France and Ger many with the RCAF Cpl Lan nan nuwposted to St Johns QuebecMrs arming Mrs Boothl sister rs gr um school was held Friday eve ning Jun 25 Precedhg the event we udrtyvlwa pupils were guesu at Anna Booths home when Mrs Mervin Booth provided delicious bullet sup Rev John Fullck Scarbor ough called nn Mr and Mrs Douglas Franck rectnlly FIRST GRADUATES School Board 01 Innisiil Makes Citizenship Awards By ROBBINS Mr and Mn Donald Kerr mended me graduaflon me many lm RNA at OakvilicTra lnlgnr Memnrlal Hosplh Their daughler Marilyn was one Ibo fluctuates Mr and Mn Jerry Middle brook md lamfiy at Toronto spent last wcckcnd the hum lhelr parents Mr Ind Mn Haljry ngiddicbrook Many lrom Everett Ian the hnlldny wtckcnd at thelr cnl Inge on Lake Simon and in the Muskoka Dislrkl home Mr and Mn John 11 win in 1011 tanchcr Min Nellie Donku Cum anlcy who will be married during the tummcr hnlldflyl MI Snndm Duncnn has luk en illon In he Toronk on Bank at Milslun Mn Margaret Jenkins has reiurncd home rum Crccmore after upendan couple oi weeks with her son mold and Mn Jenkins Mm Hamid Jenkins and her daughter Barbara spun weekl vncnllon In Ollnwn Tobacco nmwen In this dln um Ire lhrfllcd with the warm wulhtr Th1 malts tobacco zryyl fiddly riln more Jenkim pn uynl In Toronto hospital is ag nit 1mm NT ALLEN MILLER Mr and Mn Jark Em Mn sd WWW 19mm 3qu Mn Mn Macy lAST MES IODAY VIVA MARIA 645 900 imalhkas mm Mu znvv By MRS PRAH nmmqr NEWS EVERETT UTOPIA 931 H0 LE Isnetfiggw Special awards wars given to men mm and Bruce Pir le Ina hnnnr Mudmh Cluzen xhip awards were presented to Darlene Iralick and Jim Young Rev Allan Haldenby spaka briefly Tha remainder of Ihe evening was spent dancing allowed by lunch The table was centred with beau lnlly decorated cake mad by Mrs William Barnard Graduates are Wayne Barn ard Leslia 5e11 Anne Booth dy Bow 51d Bowman Mn tle Campbell Bob Carlson mar nn Cook Wesley Fellowx Dar lena leick Bill Frechene Marshall and Tom Gibbans Bill Goodvgr We jammy pain the achoal Rankin wn matter ceremonies and introduced Mm Elda Shannon principal and teacher the graduates and Mm quble School Assoclau Rn to the nu dents barper Loulu lullan Mill King Bab Knnwles Linda bennux Cecll Mendel Lynda Melcalfe Bunnle Mills Jlm Owens Bruce Plrle Jim Pope Margo mu Vicky Ran kln Donald field Dabble Webb Lynn Webb Jnnlce Wilson Jim Young Mrs Sfiannon Vbreaenled car uglcagesfinq MrsflRu13hle gavg 1mg called on Mr and Pratt June Mrs Mervin Booth Anne Ind Joan Ire spending 10 day at guide camp at Earl Rowe Park Alllston Mn Booth gulda leader firl Louie Dagcnals Acton Mass USA Mrs Wayne Welding and 30m and Miss Ruth Hick celebrating hair fit weddinz anniversary Woddy mm mourning Lhia mum knyatulaflmu to mm 813 gm bride My July at pmty madder in am Ohm 1w 011mm by mop Um 1n Ulmia mmumity Hall Mr and Mrs Jack Ems at tended the woddinz Jim Dummy 1n Harrie July Mn Welland Cam 9le fling mo Van Wdhnds 0am Bordon and spent my will Mr And Mrs Jack Ellis ML and Mrs Frank Elpldck and Mr and Mrs Radar mm Mlll1isumkfl by mow 1m day or rip lo wcfiun Can ada 1nd the CGW MIT lhis beth this mar and 9min rigidly Wifh and lnmlb Ilium mm ramim n4 SmiMWlltr Pnrk 51qude and BMW mmhm at Mon Park Sun weather and Rudimoquip and Mn my MAIum Wm are on holitsm hm and Mr Md Mrs Gknn Mc Cann And family lawman wen home to mm lhe Helium nnnly rmim in Demon Sm day Grown lllmnmn nrrmd harm vL1 Mr emu lonllrnd ML Dorth Miller and Mn vellum 1n Tmonln 1m day here Mm Ind nn Wimmm With An mec 3L akshrI wukllnz Frldiy TRY EXAMan WANT ADS PHONE 7242 STARTS SUNDAY 645 900 Mr and Mrs Gimmmugy Gm ha wedding ma tanners daudxm Betty Bob plyke In fothflay during dale Mrs Gebige Burton In Ear ne mm undergoing Rimesy Mr Kucylen hasbeen buzzw By MRS BERT MULHOLLAND ma tor two weeks Seam July 13 230 pm cgngrmm Ith meberlcft wflh Mrs iflaziarandlbakeéale um and Mrs Horn of 0th visited their niecs Mn Car son and family and the form erl brother Horn recently Holiday visilnra at Murray Can sonx lnduded Mr and Mrs Baxter and sons of Scarbomngh Mr and Mn Whitfield of Win Mrs Stephens and Mrs Sing er of Oshawa spent week with unit liner Mn OHalloran and family Mix Gm Birdie hurddll was guest there at the mm United Church Women Arranging Bake VSclle Mr andHMVrs Brooks and family of Toronto spent the hol 1de with 155 nysh Mr hndMrirJ OHallnran and amily enjoyed birlhday cekbraflug qt Brechhg JuneAzs Mr and Mrs Ambrnse la tus and sons nf Toronto visited Mr and Mrs Bernard mum and amlly Sunday Jack Moron and two sons of Detroit are holidaying Ger ard Morans Holiday visitors were Basil MacDonald and Miss Deborah Wnison of Toronto Peter Slant Tomhto ha linen with his pannll Mr and Mrs Jamal Slant Sympathy is extended to Al bert Van Casteran and amin who received ward at he xud den pasflng his mother in Holland Mr and Mrs Clare Pochlmnn at Windsor vsfled Mr and Mrs Carson inst Wednesday Mr Incl Mrs Howard Tot onto visimd Carson relatives here last weekcnd Mr and Mrs Henry Kunls Jr and Iandly and Mr and Mrs Clarence Kanls and family Toronto were with Ihcir par mu Im the weekend Eminéic ONeill mm at Ger ONeilll duxing the week Ln IL lion th zoni In New Hark to attend Lion conven 0n Anngmaamw Tam Loudcn Barrie spent the week end with Mrs Paddison Mrs Emma and Paint visited nvur ihovécekémi mu Mr and Mn Oscar Rom LAST TIMES TDMY SHANTY BAY 3323 Bl MRS CARSON Mrs McConnell ol Hamil By MRS PADDYSON JAMES STEWARTJ SHENANDUAH Mr ymIonnmp Miss June Tivendalo and Miss IIIMflWlIUu NEW LOWELL m4 Made MA STARTS SUNDAY CHIICOLOR WWWN SHAKES THE SCREEN IKE CARMEN IHUNUERI nllhwly 11 ll Gulhrlu Mi MAIN Allhur VUNNICUIT GD APTO Hill Mr and Mrs France meta and Bruce of Windsor span the weekend with ha latter par gnts Mrs Garfield G9 Bert Mulholland Webb mhlrned vzflh them arr holidays WDIANS lNNlSlIL In Ihe early dam wilt men in Iha mmshlp there was great number of Indiana of tha Huron tribe in thus vicinity Miss Frames Hewsunvtold me that but vgrandlavher Francis Howsml who was me firsi sch Ller in Me mum in 1320 their parent Mr and Mrs Jim Ham and Mr and Mn Donald mm spent law days wkh Mr and Mn Wm Teny Tompkins rammed bane will than Saylay Exiles Tomuflo visited sm livendaie is in General and Marine Mspxtal mm woodumgrrnet Mix is ln Royal dm altendai the Faddison re union at Suns Point Collin mod Mrs Paddiwn was he aides mwnbcr mm and won Syrnpzflry is extcmlod to Cecil Swan in the suddm paging hi nqflwws David 310mm and John lhuidd as the null an awdent at BMW Congratulation Io Karen and Wendy Bmolu who mdly completed Grade VI lime and Grade 111 piano respeaively By PATRICIA McCRAKCEN Frank has tanned mm Mal Victoria Hmpilzl Mn and Mrs Canning and family have moved weir MW home in Barrie Mr and Mrs Jim Wood and 90 haw moved wo vxslled July wiuidfi ml Mr Akxfigay NEW FLOS By MR5 WANLESS Mr and Mrs um Pink WUW Sharon and Susan Barrie visit ed Sunday with Mr And Mn Fmd Vincy Recent visilms at hams Mn and Mrs Stave Ilawn included Mr And Mn Allan Rawn Mrs Arnold Home and Elaine 11 5mm Mn and Mn Jim Guides Aurora and Mr mu Mrs John Wilson and Star Mm Huron Wanlosl uh allmding Wellington canon University of ml the holidmy wekmd with her par ens Mr and Mn Anns Wm loss Inn and Mn mum sud and Laum cl Eanicoke ml the wukcnd with Mr Gama Atkinson BOX OFFICE OPENS AT RM SHOW STARTS AT DUSK Good hmlly Enlorlllnmonl In Ihc mo modem Drlnln north Tomnlo nelnen nmlo And 0th Box Olflu vpcnl pm SHANTY BAY THE MOST MODERN DRIVEIN NORTH OF TORONTO Show sum ll Dmk on th shore of Lake Simcoc NH end of 13th line had wen as many as 600 Indiana at lime 11 mm cmnpany of while dqifud 32m may landpd at Sandy Cov causing an exodm of Indian Some 61 um mbdim diedand WEN buried them mound alone being placed over Io gram to keep wild minBis out 5099 Indians um on Georgmn and Swaka Islands in Lake Simuce Iamflv named Eégsail nnd anrxhcr named Emmi Ben Esqunb usedto apend Salvaimu Anny meetings in Simd the 50s Indians and squavm mm re qmuy came to the village to WM 13 MM Late Mign Mani would and was copied mm Volume the Weedsmwr History 81 Mb Meal and ama mental and other article made bark dyed Wmflpine Wills leather Fur the amt Pat they were very friendly am reliable SHOWING SATSUNMON now SEE no rmEWEsrwnsgmzl yas wgfllqn Py mg THE SYNDICATES The Queens mm YOUR Him wanna ACHDN Nightly from p111 Ind on our 5110 An excellent ditch 6060 Duds will tell Queen 0960 GM QUEENS HOTEL Wm BUHI LANCASTER LEE RENOK JIMHUTTOH PAMEATIFFIN MWTHE IIALLELUJAH TRAIL DONKLBPLEASENCE BRIAN KEITH GoGo MOM JULY lllh COME EARLY AND PLAY BINGO FOR SOME GREAT PRIZES ho lahulom mundl of back Inning Hy MR5 BOWDEN Mr and Mn Eric Stlcklel froth annsviuw visited Mrs Idgook Satgnjgy VIsllma on Friday and Satur day with Mn and Mn Jud Pulley war Mr andMrs Ar Horton Isllngtan and Mr and Mrs Fred Whterboltnm SPECIALS JACKPOT $30066 Sm Every Monaly 800 pan 14 HIGH 51 Abovo NuSmleo Clunm HOLLOWS RCAF ASSOC WING Adminlcn 50 BINGO

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