Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 9 Jul 1966, p. 4

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The extension 05 aerial attacks to oilinstallatlons in the Hanolflalphong area is physically not much different from any other military action in thls be vildering war But it makes tha whole task of extrication that much more dllli cult since it comes close to centre of densg populatign Walk Publlshnr possibility of addition al foreign involvement notably Red China Politically it will gain the US little Whether it will produce North Vietnamese plea for eace in circum stances acceptable to ashington is as uncertain as have been other expansions of the war One in eresiing eflccl has been the dissodation of the British government from this panicuiar action Hitheno Prime Minister Wilson had been one of President Johnsons most significant sup oners in the US objectives and effort Viet Nam In past the stepping up of the war comes at time when new truce talk prominent in several ms of the world One trouble with the powers Ls that they continue to talk about Barrie Examiner June 28 1051 Dam age estimated at more than $150000 was wrought Sunday by twister only two minutes in duration that swept through Midhurst area leaving three barns wrecked hydro and phone lines down and 100 acres of 25year growth on pro vincial forestry station levelled No in juries reported although the tornado roared across heavilytravelled Highway 27 at exactly pm and ripped through village of lliidhurst po ulation 200 Tree fell on St Pauls Angean Church but did not penetrate roof lt missed Spring vater Park onl by quartermile Hun dreds of picnic ers were still at tables under trees Miss Marion Molly Brown of Poterborough appointed chl drena librarian at Barrie Public Lib rary She is honor graduate of Univer sity of Toronto spent two years in CA Vomenleivision and is former social editor of Peterborough Dally Examiner Brigadier Eric Wilson DSO ED former editor Sta ner Sun and now ad vertisinl director iontreai Dailv Star are pointed to command 20th Canadian Arm oured Brigade Reserve lie was adjut ant of Simeoe Foresters at time of amal fiamation with Grey Regiment in 1035 enlisted for active service in 1940 landed in Normandy on DDay June 1044 and took command of Fort Garry Horse in August that year Centen nial ol Innisiil celebrated at township ark on Lake Simeoc Reeve Clifford ckhart was master of ceremonies for cventa attended by some 15000 people Colorlul parade of floats depicting old tymc scenes horaedrawn carriages clowns ele was led by Banle Cilizens Band and Camp Borden Pipe Band Aliandalo CNll station had platoon of troops and vehicles on hand or unload ing od real live butan from Winnipeg VietvNam Warfare Needs Double Yielding To End awn vu twwmmmrur 9111 hp mm Examiner 277H TR MIDSUMMER NIGHTS NIGHTMARE Published by Canadiuhflowspapm Limited 16 Buyfluid Strut Barrie On DOWN MEMORY LANE MthorIon Managing Editor SATURDAY JULY ma PAGEI peace in Viet Namlwhen they really mean victory Thu one of the rea sons there has beep neitheg esénpeo 1e tiieerafivildered wanton memed ordinary people of that chaotic Ulflerlang are being bxpissed The Vretnamese people the official Chinese press have said they will never stop fighting as long an the forces of aggression remain In South Viet Nam The Vietnamese people have never had much chance to say anything Someone else has always been too busy saying It for them There may be truce in Viet Nam whenever the contending powers are able to bring together Willingness ln negot iations When both sides are really ready to giveandlake discussions which will recognize the realities of Viet Nam north and south and the diverse ele ments therein ll may be possible to have peace Each side as President Ken nedy once said will have to step back from danger They are not ready to do it yel named Peg obtained by Colonel LaPoint as mascot for Royal Canadian Army Service Corps School Borden Since the bison was shipped via CN Ex press agent Seaton Ellis was happy on sale arrival as he feared it might not still be intact the car might be wrecked or the express clerk might have been suffocated Her Vorshi Mia Mar jorie Hamilton moved into at was ori ginally intended to be exclusively the Mayors office in remodelled municipal building but had been taken over by town clerk who was eventually placed in an other room by council edict lob lawa new su ennarket on Baylield St opened with Wib baking man ager of old store on Dunlap St or 23 years as general manager Robert Carman of An won White Pine Bur eau scholarsh in Facility of Forestry University of Toronto John Pul lord formerly oi Barrie ap inted to executive position with Nort em Elec tne Co in Alberta theorist is person who buy book on How to Swim studies it meiuliy then jumps Inio the river to swim across it and dmwns There must be tacit agreement that those who are admitted to studio audi ences agree in applaud all performances however poor they may be human nature continue to operate aflcr the meek inherit the carth as duo now lhoso 1n char of running will soon become dedd ly unmcck It never occurs to the acUslylcd ex perts who are telling us what the world willgm like by the year 2000 that it may no Paragraphically Speaking Another reason the Vielngm Wilson General Manager flnhllm lrru urlunlvrly mllllnl Du me at lrwhlltallm nl MM manna In aprr MIMI In II he Annclaw hon nr nulm uml um Ihu lml um mlvuumy Wm ltrxaawmarzwmm lhu rallrond and Guire hive hnd continuing ML McGuire who has lived 117 Ounberland 51 In AI landnle or 46 phase lam not hh first parthm raflmad job when Barrio wal ardlroarl awn whllu he new rulrnd he mm mm recalling the can He days Born on farm in Vesprn lmmshlp now the site Spring waler Provincial Pixk Mr Mc Guire joined lhe ralhond fireman 191 after law your of parttime work In time day he recalls there me than 12 engine are working out Bank The Allandale payroll naned the own back than he said he only her IndlLsuies were ample breweries the La EARLY DAYS It didnt lake 101 for file railroad business to take hold When Mr McGuire enlisted in the army on his first move was an altempt to gel transferred from his infantry battalion into the airway oper ations division in France Recalls Esprit De Corps Of Workers Orr Railroads There is something In file transportation gums thats hard to explain Mr McGuire says mm Is wrt of 25le de corps nmunn railway warkera that isnt evident in of liekh aocording to Mr Mc Guire JAnd Its least pmly because In men are depends nl Each umJ hesays But by be time was so nomad um war was over and would haw had to sign up for Another our years he recall iné redmid ian um um Canadian Naklopal Rall HARD TO EXPLAIN mry has own job In da but all are so closely linked that if one man lalls dawn the other have to check upAon lIi mas steam men Mr McGuire was my In see the advent of diesels Bull dont suppose men working on the railjmad now Ice that way he Mr McGuire ran diesels him self or while before his re Liramenl in 1956 but was given his lavnrile steam powered en rine In finish up mm FAVORITE ENGINE Im not sure dlal than About particular angina Illa make one favor above olh TORONmIl ch good Idea In have cw inquiries ha present llmeane of ham mm the price spread in Imcul mml prodncul For yuan more has bun mn urn and resentment by both armors Ind cnnxumuu nvzr lhu amount pnld or prndnm at tho hrm Ind the amount thny urn wld lor 1n the norm with low price mcrthandue lho lervko mslin um cm he handllnx mummrtminn and hnr mm of lung 1hr yd me mm the arm lo lhu hume Mlecnn he Hm Mum pm portlpn nl he and ml an Thr spread in mm mm in mammoth um Hum cnuld he And probably in rumble explanatlnn nrucle COST ll SUBUUOUH nut mm food lheru ll nunl man And an mphIon hu lu mound nm hu lnmly Mn Mme morn hunl been my dnu Ivallnhlt The nnlr explnnnnmu liven In tho pulnc luv been lhnl Ihq mlmmdmo mu high QUEENS PARK Uh limit Bumum Farmers Indensed About Price Spread Aulhmlml mmd rim nulL PM We Drvnrt mm mm 1nd or plymml nl puma um Duly finmlnyl m4 slnlulnry Ilnlldnyl mm Snlurnpllnn lnlly hv rnrllrr uukly um ymly 5mm mg In Inr ny mull Hum 11 nyly mum ymx mnlnr UlanHfl yrnr MMI miliv on ym mm lea HIM nunlml mm yam HM nm Inutm mr UHWI £11 lfnlwvllly An Tmmlu cm El Mvmlunl rm 12m Wm nulnr mrmwrl Mumle ll Mwllim me Nauruw manh Aunrlnum nu Cum NH Am Awhl llmrnu nl Irnmllmll By DON HENDEY By DONALD OHEARN era he said But guess its something the same my man prgfsr age mun lo nnnlh Todays engineenha says Are glorified truck drivers ilh the inernal combustion engine it daesnt make much difference whether the Mine has steering gear or mm on rails Mr McGuire was fireman or 19 war helm making his first run IS an mgmcer and began that mrk well before the advcnt of stoke Id War Men In went overseas with the In4 Innlry Battalion Junior lire man earned $223 or loomile runabout days wnrk 111m havent bun acts and gum IA have alrcady pointed aul rezardinl milk The only ulncil body Cnn coming llscll wilh prim sprcadl the Ontlrio Food Council whlch lEll under the minlmr of agricullurt And it nperalu In much in tha dark hat It is prarllcnlly moles Insofar In public Wann uion is ronccrnod mom uxtlul inquiry pm 3th would be inln he unn aoctplnnu dodnrl mm In dII and Pnkbun by the Onlnrin College nl rhynidml And Sur 99s INQUIIIH MIGHT DOCTOR nuph in iLwll it may b1 rrIalhcly mull Ihll has dank nle inlo public hm Ind rellrm nn uhic minim mnllrnl pm mlon xmcmily In lhu home Ilenllh Minlnlrr Dr Dymond RAVI whll Actmed to he rrnsonnhle rxplnnnllon the mulon nl lhc allflr nm htn nmmxlinn muktm Illurknl MI wifll dull nmlynil uhlch murmur on Al In thmlm Wm 11y public ll UISONOMYIA JINH MP van Al III ltrlxnum lun ml lnwnl about wmkm mar hm lmlny and lhrm um mind dud filled pmkd pullrll mmnnl Hume wmkru rlrnml Away drhrla Ind Imsz nul 12 wall In nl uhmn um mHM mum mmuurm Igvliu nld nlhor umlm mnnuwl In nu ml Hwy dM um lnuw Myrnwuny nllwu um mu luaan TM rnvun nnml AMI IM ymll Ilakl MUM Lmymxl lunMI unrln mm mudim Mnnnmnu mllu nmlh Tubn IIZVMP ADJOURN HTVA WII Thu SIMI mliumnwl Thurulny mun IM IIM hul Sunmlr nmmlly mnnmml law In llw mm Imuu nm SmMuu My mum PW nullul ll any llmq II II IVUIFIIN In In In Inlmm IMllanwnl 11w rnll In lllln II Fwnnlo muhl wllu Mluhlny mmninl nu nmnu YrrMnl In MM mu lib firm in ml In rmnplrl mt bvlnn Ile mm CaveIn Traps 65 Japanese Hmevor vagu xnceasai up McGUIRE prgciably liter Ihe war he rt mm in lhe opinion Mr McGuire ranl hava nearly lha rundlhnt steam did an lha rail He predid diesel electric en gines will be replaczd by nuc lear powered steam turbine belnra too many yem ENJDYS LEISURE An industrious gardener or many yem Mr McGuim spends nod part at uvery sum mar day lending the 31rd at his Olmbcrlnnd Strut home Mora recently he has become sludch military history an knemt shared by his nun who nlh the Canadian Army My luriul sodium 1n Ottawa Mr McGuire enjoys retire ment but nilcr travelling for living most of his lile am lenl In slay ham and In his Wife Iour Lhc counlry He married Pat Archibald Kn 1949 native bl Piclou Nova Scum alter the death in m7 his first wile whom he had married in 1919 mm the college myILm NDP ha allngcd be pruclbinx mlnr discrimimuon Tn clur Its name and lo keep up he necuxnry mpch or lhe medical prnlwlnnulready un dor some ulnl became 01 re porth reunion In mnllcal lu lurnncnan Inquiry would Im lo be In ordzr slrongsusmjon must 30111 SAIGON Reulml Soulh Vlet Nnml held Male Ll icnv Nguyen Vlln nllflh lodly mm hm nhuuhl be an in vumn lhe narlh lhlx prom um only way lo end tho Vltl Nam Nil Kmxhnlinn rrrcmmy or nrw Nlicm Gen 17m prnhcd bombing mldx nunlml North Vlrl Nnml vnnl Iucl de Ouf muner ha hem In vndotl by Cnnvnunlnl Nnrlh Iu Nam lmrelnle dcxmlkh lml dunny lMy Nanamrr ml mnnfnrlur In lanu wllhnul ILHHMHnn lhrnunmn Du Mrm Um hunt qmrrrl MII Snvudm Thll Ihnuld Inntho II mum at Irmw inln Mull lnrfilnry ol North VM Nnm ll Dunn In um lo m1 lhh wu mTAWA NT 1110 NW 7mm mun M1uum uh pmuflnm NH munulny an Uu WM ullmam Mnuuwnu haulnn 11 MI Mn limmlh mildly mm mleum Mm mu In Ilnpullmanll m4 Mn duhlid In MAI uvHr In um rmmun ITIIUMIT MIN DEAN VANIYHHHI Vll Im mm momL IMhp lmhohl IM ma mm nulhn MMrrmrI Ma evflqmwnt 1mm um uulu Pr ml mm urldunl mu MUM mm hlmwm Ila Mnnm hmmm mn Imlnl In Mr lmamiwl Ivy rnulllcla Ilanllnl and WIN Mb ml AHM In mm General Wants To Invade North hllruy House Passes Ten Estimates By BOB BOWMAN McCImly made Illa first alrplane fllzht ln the Brlfish Commonwealth It Haddock Nov 5min un Feb 23 1909 Reg lnnld Hunt made the necnnd at Edmonton Album on sat nl the name year was remarkable achievement because Hun deslzned Ind bulk the plane by hlmsell whereu Modurdy wu haulredby group Inputs lnclulinx Alznnder Graham Bell Edimum mlued lnvinz the lirll airmqu fllahr ln Canada only by nlrruw marlin The ler nlrmnll wls llwm officially on June 24 1918 when Cnptnln Brlnn Peek at the Royal Flyan 0mm carried mail bag of mm mm Momrul to Toronw CANADAS STORY secode urine mgm mu on July 1m Hun famoul Marian my flyernmejlne sunsqn named Miler nym Calgary to Edmanlan ms SUan had been mined xiv flying exhibhlon at the Edman Bxhiblllun She appeared at Calgary and hu flight to Edmonton was wldzly advertised People began gatherlnx at Edgnanon Mhmon groumk at noon to wait for her mm but Miss Sflnmn had to maka lomd hndinz In Held Ihoflly mar Ihe took of mm Calgary Mechanics were lent out lo fix the lroublv Ind Misc SUan tank of mm eluding over Calgary about pm Ind landing Edmonton 306 pm Her nvernge med was no miles perhrmr and her prams Wu rzpomd by telegram she flew over Ponoka Wetasldwin Milled Ind Leduc It took two day to make lhn lame trip by amobfle in than days so the twoJxour light Wis marvel Edmanlnn Pamnamr George Armstrong took delivery oi has 259 Man what Miss SUMO landed The first regular nilmail SCerC in Canada began April 1927 to nerve cenml Manitoba mining areas The wnlrad was award ed to Wesmn Canada Alrwayn which flew mg ml rum Lamin Bonnet lo Bissau and Wndwpe and return mum EVENTS JULY lalSOumplnin follawed Father 14 Caron to Georgia BIL ISMGovernor La Barre Ml Quebec nn unsuccest mission against Iroquois HosFiend LeMoyne dIbcrville died in Havana HESBrigngig qungenQ gade ocqlpigd lelllhlnk 0mm HafizFina in east end Manual desirayed 1100 homes OTTAWA Pearwna finna Hanany lovernmnn flmhed wvh ill unavoidable meets in Assisting the mum 13 bar disputes rem6153 ex ouue has Just nwarded pay in cream at up in 17 per ml lo 40000 civil serum and 10000 obhlr mle employees bill In the taxpayers has been as maied at 33700300 mm OTTAWA REPORT Thus he government has pailem of Icquiescinl to de mand iar higher wages rumor than nihzre is in pioust ex presszd Mp9 and manual Aim gearing wage incream lo prndudivuy increases This Is Lhogwérnmcntl emnnmic ad visas have warnzd ii in lhl only basis on Mild lanld an main even ill presenl slippinx icompciiiivny in wnrid in now lhni in government is ling ih bad rxmmle not in his mum advice our ace nmnic 1me Ir to Average weekiy ninxies and wages in he civil service And gnvernmenl Izcncie mm are new wcek This contra with lbs $9193 average in in4 diary cabulaled by the Dominim Bureau 01 Statistics for wage and mind nl ihe Industrial tompolll level Thin ruernl oi the urlim pr lion man he rini urviu we ailruliva nmpioyer Ihan mum indullry medain thn one conxvdm flu gener ous fringe mmu such mid holidays mid nick leave wilhom mimanlimlm penslm mm Imnmcr buml zonemm roflre breaks and work unsure Al Um Imvr thimu Muirh mum no mmsh fly and rnnlrnm ivlliiy wilh lhr nnrcimiinz Ic UVity on produclinn lme WASTE 0F LAIIOR mm my min In hp mu urvim Ara warm the hider Manon In lhe ml nl own mm In In the munmm nl hut work introl and In an avargmemu AdJrNivo la Mrly rlvmm mmnmrnl In an Mm puhur urwe March 31 van MAW In In crow cl H700 om Ihn pre Woman Flyer Carried First West Airmail By PATRICK NICIIMSON Pearson Acquiesces To Wage Demands EXAMINER what do you have to sell WHATEVER IT IS GET FAST RESULTS WITH CLASSIFIEQ SSST PHONE 7282414 Alk Fa An AdVisor Oedinz Mr This Mal lncludu 212650 civil menu Ind 136 25 GROW of Crown can ration and government agen 1an cost over 31000000000 your in wages 51066300000 This mum with civil serv ice stall mm unplayeex in 1031 msling 2570000 ar and with he 125117 CiVII lew am outing mmmo in m7 nut numoomlxu chm serw in expanding cmsidorahly faster than our Population men Inflationary lulu re ma disastmm aur econrmy Lu In fact that so many pomI us umker an withdan from pmbmva work RED TME WORM ERDDES Do we really need so much gmernmmt inkllerenu In our daily Hm flu the Immu my imam an unede Ind mvmwmu red Inna warm mm ureckinx lho ammer by mnwhfiflll by raduclm cl our nation pm dudivky Ind by its burden aer Medzd lo mum TM voradmsly MM rod lmllod clvn lcnkc can be lustulm by name We luv obtained relating lo lha umnxlnn Just one brand the Brflkh civil Iervice Tho voracious MM rod mfg worm whdl Ill Im09 In 1914 the Brilhh naw outed 50 Numb Ind drendnuuzhu If cmlxm 151 dulmma 2m lrlgalu and nllnnmnes 1111 Mnhuy later Ibo Brubh nlvy lmd shan In no bnulrdup drtmlnmxghu only hm cruis deslmyen 175 lrlunm and onnvrnllmnl nuhmndnu phu lhrcc Aircraft carriers ll Ilm had dimmlshcd mm rm mm min In 391 notably Iemr dm Yd nitpit rm mnre hm Mrunl nu ma numb Wm in um um hvy ha rivfl nrvlrn It IM mum MmLMMy had mm more Hum sian mm mm In Mm mun he lrulmt mm lha unush mry May nm Iny Manual enrmy mt Ihn mum vl lmwnucrnllr mm uhlrh IAmlminl ll This 5131 nl 112630 civil nerv

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