Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 9 Jul 1966, p. 3

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Loch Ness Monster Observed Again M3413 mm mm huran undo um DWH GLASGOW WINThe cklevo dmraclcr mo Indl Nu mr made um mm unmarsz Thundny lo Indy our mumaw 5mm momrlnx home Fan Wxflixn nm Invornm MI Kmhltm MmKInnan rmur mu mtmwr wnh the WWW flyml Mr Faye HM 37 Mum unva mumn wheva my Hancock wax born al tin Ontario in 1906 re cc primary and secondary cdvwlion in Kenora He started with Scatiabank in Kenora subsequently serving in bran dms nl 1Ahrbridgo and Pic hlrc nullc Alla 5m 0in and Prince Albert Sask am back In 0mm manager and opened branch far In bank In Port Hope and several years lalcr came In Barrie Mrs Hancock in the ormer Eslhtr Gpnncson of Slur Cfly Hurry lLmcoc cry in In communky work here Joined he Klwnms dub In 1931 was dIroclar Levoml years and hmdcl varim mm Ky over muddy wads mvcrin Up 40 miles between Tisdalc ml Codcue when he as Ju It hum nznmllum lhe Healy Holel In Swilt 0n rent was thus scene of retire ment dinner June 13 attended by 30 local staff mcmbers their mvu and husbands Mas terolceruxmnies Teny Aiken related that transportation mu only one of the hazard en countered by young men on the of the bank in the early d3 of Mr Hanmcks canon When statloncd in Alberta he once look whole day and night to manacuvrg bars and bug Mr and Mrs Hancodc are taking up residence In Kcnara Omann Their son Could graduate of Barri Disma Cen tral Collegiate is in lelevlslm prodndion 0mm Saskatchewan seven years ago Harry Hancock was honored recently on his urement after 44 years service Hangar Banis branch of The Bank of Nova Scofia from m9 mm nu winter Swin PLAYGROUND Inpervisur Cathy Clark looks over ha work Clarence Wray FORMEBLY 0F BARBIE 1mm maul Honor Banker On Retirement STUDENT AT WORK nut in rather hurry and mm the map the mar Munhcu Nu may mnbul IM moka jru and mllib IM nail Furl William Mmr um was driving the said Llwy Mm 141 the the and conservation He MI Ima surer or Barrie brand the Canadian National Institute or the Blind dlroctm and treasur zr of the Gumbel of Com mme adive in the mark of firm Anmlmn awnII mam 1m Masonic Lodge He was an ardcnt nmporler of Barrie Fly en Hockey Hub and enjode sung were pinmxl on harmed couple prcccding the dlnner and scrapbook conlnlm nu notivillc cl Um local stall during Mr llnntookn manage ment was pmsmlcd He also received lumullcr lrnvelllnx bug and birthday Nuke of lawn guests were nrw enl 1mm Vinnlptx Regina and North llafllclori MMQVIho maria hauly no rank mm the more We Ind an miMNnflnl WW ho ud Hr IM NM 04th la mun uu nmw mun aleam Mias Dmlup and warm Wuhan prize wlnnm 1n ml contest at Mac Morrison Park Friday 5m eyrsageg HARRY HANCOCK large uhilo swash and than lhroo dark humm but we could not use any head Anal mi of lho party F011 William Baker Roy said he lodl wag dud calm In the zmmlnz hm flue wave cnuwl by he moan WWW Had yen up to 50 mm mm turn Kn purdu dalm la my lho mnnmr mm linl ho lmdiinu In the DRE IS any mutant hnmllzm firmly mum thaw uunl In the 1111 um Gm 516 lnu Amnl mmb he mm lmnlrimllm or we loo HIV dmmn at ulidv In luhseqrenlryears addxllonll pmpcrly was acqircd Inclnd lmllhe Sig Marlo locaHon he nnmvmary be sele hrnlcd July 31 wilh 5mm massu Tho nngmal fission now ll helm rcswrod by tho 0nlrln xyvammenl In In Mstantnl sue In 40 years the Wine ha developed contra his lorlc Interest and rcllgimu de vollon cammumnrnumz 1h Ju ui missionaries who wrkcd out Su Maxie man the flumnl the Inhpcplury Mnmarrin mm Tmmlo rumlm Hula The Ming was blessed June 25 1926 by Cardinal OConnull Boston The next day ha shrine wu Iannnlly opened by the late Archbishop Neil Mc Nu Toronto Tfia opgnmg was aucnded by 13000 MGM Who travelled by boat rail horse and buggy and cw molar vahidu In an July mu MmLAND Ont CHMBP lyra Shine this year marks Lhe 40111 annlwrsnry the building and opening ol church wixh series pilgrimage and mgmanlcs mama Dean 19 MA Centre 8L Angm Mm died in cal4min accident Wednesday at Incl crossing on Highway 90 e151 miles Wei of Barrie was not hitchhiker as previ mmmy mm morning me Viau Motors when he wrked or the summer with Stuart 17 70 Margaret 81 Stringer driver 01 11 car was rclcnsed Irom Royal Vi loria Hospital Wedneshy am noon after being read or multiple bruises Shrine Marks Anniversary Accident Victim Not Hitchhiker Close to 3012 Bari gimmi SWGSONGS an pug stars an mun my morning unvin or young stuamkinxpmlnthenar hour Mnodnlion In Ipendlnl mnny utldmy Mun lo demommln Ihu mmciann mm gm 1mm nn Nonv lnl 0M Iudl dmlamlrfllou mu liven um wmk Al 1me Wm ol ennui Harbour lxy OpL Clout Mon lhan 20 hurlmr mkan ln ulendnm um uivon lndivldml lnntmc llan In use aquixmml Tm Jnhmnn uld poll In making every flan Io lnnidu police om Ill mm in being made In nmunlnt lawn LN mdcnu wilh he use mwscimor equhmcm In Law Ives mm druwnlnx heart It um and elodnc mock mwralx than unlu huo been plnnd It malmln you or war mun of Ken penlell nay Inko film or mo In mm mmmdu Im Mlhetflulmnm LI lam Thu polk doan mar vrllmn 50h Wading In lemon of mo Crmnt Her kd lnr 71hr bfimm mugs Led by pipe and dnm hands 5000 mum 0M0 Orange mcn mamhui through the mm Sullmrne Cumin to day In honor King Williams victory at the Battle of the Dam morn man 730 your age Balm leaving or the NI brafion numbers various difidct lodges pathser ma ccnataph modal Square guru hmor mum ol the first ind sociahd Worid Wm 1m union was cotde by 114 RLmeng 5L Geome had and had mil iced hair 11ch me Hoe 515 If hose who wprg Id be flwyénfid supenvsm how ever do more than keep an eye on the youngsters Barries Hmenoer mncr recreation silt has the blggesi myugung 19h 11 tom Enrolment 1n the summer pro gram Is nudging be 3000 mark with registrations gm comma in Five day week the young sters am to city playgrounds 10 fiend the maxlung This years activities at th park range from linxsongx to loflbal runwang should be we Aid 1561 A50 vacationlng Mu dams are learning swim In Instruction 0n Resuscitator Given By Police Innisfil Orangemen Honor World War Dead Enrolment Nears 3000 In Recreation Program min Maid immut men who Swim by numbers of the MINI flnn mvoufi MinnHal at mly ha IIIva III Inn tank NH Illll II Iha th HI kaflnl nub Ily IM dill purlII mu tho um Th NmrM bunly llnlfll my IIIII In prank hr In wupr cl Invuflnl 1M nubl mu II umv hln Ihdhvr Ila pmvlllnnl nth MI myllvl with nhm mi Mm Th Mmtll lho Birth hnu palM N9 Illth rman llll who all build Irmmmovl llm Illhln lhl ily ol lllnla Ihlll llulnllll ldvqllla AM Inlubll hul t4 III MK II II dlvlllnl lnnuhuul In II II mlnlmum kmpcnlnn ll ll um Ylbmlufl 1H HM ulull mm Ink Inn And Inc mu Jun Im PUBLIC NOTICE MIONAN My Uni Huslnm began qulw Myly ll lhu Inrmm maria Mulumu SI lhln mamlnu wILh mil run mm in tho pod at 30 or II bu Ind Ian 15c bn luklm Duo load lonl lettuce 10¢ men mlnnx and nulth bun 25c held mum mlle me Celtry 15c crumb 20¢ each mum fie bu coding onion mm bu lmulou th am truly See 11m Inc News In fific Ior mrn hm Good harm lmklnl In duM Iluln mulm vnrhly mklu bfnn murflm nwh mm lvmlu lea Mm hmd mill Nu xlm loam manIn t5¢ hex dumber flu Lama mum of Ilowm mm many people pos 11h In un of the equip mcM Dodge members from Dania and 4154ch mulled by bus to Shelburne to hear guest speak mm the Grand Lodge nl pnmrlo West and he Grand 1111on liimsh WmLh were Laid at the loot nl flu Cennuph by Mm Elsie Hurst or Loyal True nlue lodges Mm mm or the Golden 5hr Lodge Loyal Orange node Association Axum Morrow 14ml Orangu Lodge Aumdale Cllfl Mk hm Lam Orange lodge Cum Tgudu rod rqme Bide Ilavcnrlmge BEE Major innbvillan in this years program day camp far city youer Tuesday and Wednesday of each week up to boys and girls will be Men by bus to Hoe Doe Valley in EkLTownA ship or calming Irdxery Hall and Winning Day mperl bdween mm and will be able to make weekly trim In Hoe Don Valley mm now unm Aug 11 ALso In the plan or this film classes nominated ead afternoon at Johnson Beach and we YMCA mg Jon mph dwiw ma ac um wwhi 5v us Mud all Db war and sacrifice Business Active Ht Farm Market rie recreauon departments Playground program Thu boys and Kirk spend mondngs at the playmmd and many an swimming Ic tiviliu for we seen summar an undw me direction of Llndn Winter and Janet McKenzie who have stuff to heap tab on the 3000 boy and Kirk Lenders spend the morning umplrlna ball games intruding in arts and gran nr leading singsnngs then move one of the citys pool or Johnson Bead furfllgrnnon swimning clam Availablo min Hal 1mm serrlnImI luson for classifications from beginner to senior and classes leadlnz to the Rays LU Saving bronze Im dalllon met no vvemighl camps for the old yaunggters mm In Johnson Beach the 01 two p061 far lwhmxlng 1930 aminar Photos JACOBS and SONS LIMITED NEW VINYL SIDINE you wanl 1m ullmalo on flu cos mldlng yauvlum mm Momma VIM IWHE mall coupon loday Well mango an appointment lmmodlalely at your can venlanco And youll not In mm Carving Knllo or an AMNMNOCHHK Dim tookwmwtlmNocoalmnbflgnlon Chipprwl Va Firoplool Va Denlproof Vu Bliampmt Va Rulluml Yn Rommel VII vaulnlcmm wilhudmanv VB Nam need vwndml Hm and Mpflnlml Val WITH ANY SIDING ON EARTH Emblhhod I927 Exclunlvo Dhlylbulon For Walk Norlhom Onlulo NORTH PARK DRIVE TORONTO ONTARIO OR CALL COllEC TORONTO 6331232 FREE ihamflirst fire am broke out at um Paper fibre Ltd The 99¢ch was timed l1 529 111 In Dominlnn Burlap 00 the third at 535 am In the Krevzr Paper Stock 00 and the fourth and filth 804 am at the James Gillandm Working piant Phloem and Alex McAquy said ha hnd no doubt at all Ufa lodlny film were deliber TORONN CPD Polka blamed an mqu or five fire In mm film plank In dial In Vdawnlwm Tannin km WWW on level Member of Aquadrnn 1mm Midland and squadmn fromWon Smmd wulmo IL Hulls be In phase war Purpoxc ecamp bring mm lo my standard com Hidenw met Forum divided Ming mops camp on durm the week They have been training In various bank lonnaflms om mufimww and crew communism Officer going to fitawm will be Camah Graham Dixon gmym game Va We Warmnl oa icer Boydon Payker Sgt Ralph Carson 53 Brian Hudson Sgt Howard McQueen Sgt Gwrles MuNnb sgz spa Nikiczulauendm aim Me mm MAIL COUPON T0 TEE BARRIE EXAMINEII SATURDAY JULY 1m Squadron Grey and sumac For esterl llavu left for summer camp at Ganndlan Forces Base Pgawwwn for on week For Fires Blame Arson Foresters At Petawawa For Théir Annual Training CITY NEWS See for yolimfl how his mum dlswmy maku all I7th udlngn old4a1hloned NM Iolki WM Ming Not launchOh goo dour Waugh Keep yovr how no Ioohlng smile mlhor mum Now any mod to palmlust wash ll um your and hon Unlike metal skiing wont dunk down Mod groundingmom In lamnwimmdloovWAommoomrobhm today on the woddl most dunhk hastlook Ina aiding we ntk about Monmnm summon INSURANCE AGENCY LTD 21 COLLIER 51 BARRB Youll ind U19 people at San jeanll Insurance Agency good people to know They hww their human and their bull nesa uccurlly your LLCbIbnim England conmandlng officer the real ment said the camgwauldi Canada 1919 week at can Also zalogelher of the ngimem travel hundreds of mi avery year to parade at one Lhrea armoufles Filmer Me hi fidfianh Peters 33 Bream ITS EXPERIENCE THAT COUNTS SECURITY

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