Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 9 Jul 1966, p. 12

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min WE GAMBAY MY HI WRONTO CPLNM MW in mites in Ottawa on Cam dinn aid in Caribbean mum will pmduce mere plamudu and not much real huh Dr Cheddi Jagan 48 loader of the Opposition cl Lhe newlymac pendan Glam said Friday Dr Jagan armor prime min Lstcr of the old British Colony nriLish him was making at news cordoncane on his ar rival for threeday Tomnla stay digring hisltwlr 0Cana51a Dr Jagan said the Canadian aid raised 1v 513400000 mm $1000000 year at the mm Inlks isnt with Io bmcfl the pcaplc at any one Caribbean country He said Guyana Is ocmomick aw ned hy midellnlu TORONTO lCF Hamm antGovernor Bar we gave royal assent Friday 101 bill and pmrcgucd he longm sex sicn he Ontarh legislature in the pmvinzcx Esiary Th licutcnantgovermr read ncmlc governmentpm pawl speech outlining hat hndghcenquwrmlslm in he who was bégan Jan zsI Immediately prowling mm cation he legisblum had moved budgd or Kile current airyoar of more lhan $1046 Premier Ruhuls cumm ing on the 1mm of he 3054111 said he acmmuuy didnt care how long we my hqre 30 cm piste me miiwuoi LI hm TM lmshlure had been In mum no day ml mum mnsl In perlod hero Ind been not nnl regular aflcmm sxullnga bul night Iiulngs as 1151 xaro nosskm 96 101 llmkc he 1mm In 15m 11m i1 nuk nl day to wrw up Um logmmml busimss MJLDmIHIIL In rr If 11 MW DmumUc Infly MH Inc maxim Ami Ilrry hn Mn and MI Mlllngl nwre rm Imwldichlllnlnr Mm urn ruin no Ivy 11m vnmmvnl 1an mun mm In In Ivrhnrnuudrr hlh pumflcl mwml IFHL Eu whldl Bonfiol imr makr re mosbauxite and saga rr mmsillnn anm mhl the Mvrflvmcn Mild mnaldcr mu shuns hrcuxlng up home In ink lvm Mia anmnr minr Gny Snulhv will In hml ltdan xnIy lurw mumm mum Iv trnlml lnll il 13mm IK run AJIerwl llr didnl Me Uwlvlm silHnu 1n Juno and July Mr lhlmln MM ho mmlrl ruI June at 11me coal llann 4mm wh kill Imuv min Fflvnmry or Nunh HET RECORD nmm mkhhm 1mm Ly llw lrmnlum lvulm rm INIIIII IIHI In Null 10 Hull vital Inmrmw Art mm In 0mm Merlin Mnch In puranl IVnn In errl Hr Innul ml llu luxwmflm Inm lllliMlill MIHII Two young men lrom Barrie are part ul colorful miluary display his summe by the renowned Fart Henry Guard at Kingsbn Bmdsman KauImann is student at Queens University whlla Gunnisman Huhchings nucnds lhc Ontario We cl Dr 1an Raps OttaWa Talks Queens Pk Ends Longest Session mu OPEN SUNDAY flu BARRIE SEA FOODS TN My II Tum nudhll ll Ill II III PM LOCAL MEN WITH GUARD llnImnt but have the huncng of risky or lowlyem Muskins such as rice growing resident of the werelike dc Gnufle in mm lo film 115 inleflcrcnm In aid the pram govern ment Guyana has made the country salclljle oi the United 5mm American pres sure on Britain brought about he emsUlmionul changes In British Guiana that ousted his government in the 1961 eledion thew BM without sutééu 110an the scope of Lhc 1038 Other priority lcgislallon in cluded the Consumer Prmuan M1 Lnc Securities Ad and the W1 Md Ad 11w mvcmmml first did not lnlnnd procch wim the ronsumor bill to third nadLng Bu opposition dmnnds Lnt it mm mm arm his war and not be delayrd until next your Apparently persuaded the gov ernmcnt to huge H5 mind compami th situation to Canadas wouwnic dqudcme on the United scam In Guy ma Canada ls regarded as 3011 at colony at he United Suits America and at be same lime as little 151i nation ch bill pmndc ecol lngd mind on concoct made with dmrtnealmnm nnd qulm smllngof inkmt In bolh do and mutants amcunm onxmlmg he ImtccUon Ad hilld in both he dflmunx Wm milloc WI lcxfll hub and the cnmmmve Hm hole house mu bflwcrn mm nnd 1an tending leI Canada should be mini force in the Western Hemls mcrmlr at mun Minister Mal ATTEMPTS FAILED Mums by lhe mllinn lo nbow wnge nisignmgnlx by 250 llnlvaly Ammo Art mm major tourist enmwm 0mm the 19m eelMay ohms has daily dls plmys of Mam will still My salute and lite and drum band marches special lea ture curing July and August Each Wedngsqny egaudng TheGuard RdreatcéiFmvomT In lluln Ilinlricl nml hmuxhrmt Cnnnd mnny pmme And flnnn In prnctlcnlly all types of bunlnm Inclmlinfl Agricullum Ionnlmclion Mnnufncturinl lmflminnnl mrviron Touth and Hocrmtlnnnl Huninm Irnnumnntion nml Whnlmllo nml lhlnll Imdnn lmvn nhlniml lmma from tho lndunlrinl Dnvolopuwnt Hunk In noqulm land lmlldlnp and xnnrllhwry to lnrmnm worilng mpllnl In mm 11 mm lumlm and for other puqu lfyml mnnhlur Hm can In of mrvlco you My Invllul lu nmmuu In npmlnllmnl willl the IUD lrpmuMUvo by lobplmninl mm Ont 7201034 nr In advance by writlng lo Mr Linnrl llnntvy ho MMOnlann 0mm of CAN IDB SERVE YOU of the Industrial Development Bank will be at INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT BANK nn lhumlay July lIlh 1000 and on lhe second Thursday nI each succccdlnf month Mr Lionel nnccy nm Cumlncnul nu Barrio Onlarlo lrlcphunc 300114 WASHINGTON CHAn inl tial purchase of abouth F5 Freedom fighter plans for use in Viet Nam has been author lzed by he Unlled Slates de ance departmem informants hag UlIAWA CF mule Running mnnlns the only lacl between all aides in lha V19 Namcvnmcl although no spectacular mull have come mm the Canadian diplomatl two vialla to Hanoi External Allin Minisizr Martin in giving the Coxan lhis assessment of Canadian ioria to bring about peace in the Far Easi said the role oi Mr Kenning was important In situation when breakdown in cmmnunicaliom could be crucial Mr Martin said Canada has been told on we mm au lhnrlty and not only from Moscow that Geneva con ference an an Vlelnnmese can mu wmxld get where now Also significant was that the Qqnmjlan dlplqmat lad not heen quaflonfl hyruny anp Mr Martin said The decision to buy the small groundsupporl fighter known In the ON Kn Canada where Canadalr Montreal is build ing 125 forlhc ECAF means Ural money will have to be swilthcd trom other delence progrnnu No budget nllocallon was made lust winter when Dc lance Secretary Robert Mc Namara said he had no plan to buy the Fé The rising tampa of the Ir war In Viet Nam and rising American 105m brought Ute US decision to use the F5 alr hearing rm Kama Land U5 miazal ls classified 5mm ject to change depending on me pattern or need that develops GHAWA CHThe Intcmo tjmnl 11mm Am Fr Mr wholson tabled file 101mm lolla and the terms Minimum or the strike whim tied up be per cl Mammal Trad varc And Qucboc City or 39 days until in mum In Mr Pearsan office early on the mmunz June 14 The chumel roman open and la Mefdgxess has got aocgpuqi pppbsal mm Prime KIMPearson he nimiolJm Co selllc om standing issues In the Quebec yoqurs muse mm Mug Lguon Labor Mmlsm The uwcmenl has mm into eomrmusy because cl gov crmmt hIlL inlmdm June 29 authorizing oommLsslcn of Inquiry to amino tho remain ing Issue and pmnlllln lu muman bn incor Wm Into the collocflve momma The ILA and Chudo Jodoln when or the Camulian ha Comte my tiny me on posed to cmlsory mumuon and will Im Mm logishflan NEWS ROUNDUP Terms Tabled Buy Aircraft THY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7mm Canadas Ronning Is Lone Peace Cbntact unmh umim dd lhe now Mammal in 1535 1de and mmaihs and in emanation Shaw the Indians mulvntcd hundmd ol acres near the village hum 70 In 30 log home have also been unearthed The mom part of an in vestigation inlo Indian file cast the Ridcau River In Ontario ADMHS KIDNAPPING TORONTO chard David Gmn was sentenced Friday year in jail Iller pludlng guilty to kidnapuing Henk Sjoerdsma 21 an Oak ville auln plan worker Green hitchhiker admllmd Ionan Sloerdsma at knflcpolnt to drive him from Toronln to Bradlmd when his captlvc mapcd spokesman or Mr Wishart said in an interview Friday the aliomeygenmi had hoped in make decision Friday but has postpoan it in study the maker further Pembroke council would not ratify 1965 contract belwccn lha Pcmbmke Police Assacla lion and the lawn police cam mlssion which called or wages up to man annually The old contract which expired year ago pmviicd lur 600 CORNWALL CPIMm of former Indian village some gm persogm payepcen Iguund an ma Llon nbmlt six mllu cast cl here Bu members Illa EM Uon lbdvby 14091 Pond exgast of Rlawa say tho ln diam moved way about the time at the arrival of the white man He cant explain why mOol Pendergast said In an Interview that largo number Indians lived them mm gmpdAllsouAD mfiJcguu TORONTO iCP Allomey General Arthur Wisharl has dc laycd mil nearly nnxz week decision on whelhor to appoint nn arbiLralor in wage dispute between Pembroke police and lhe lawn council Find Village Wishartl Delays Pembroke Case CAREFREE BOATING ECONOMICALLY INSURANCE HM DUNLOP ST my Info Protect ynur lmlln Invnlmant with law ml ECONOMICAL plchn imamnu plln um covm all our nqulpmmt rum lull oolllnIun pcmnd lhbllily um many other hlurdl Ifloll Ind on Ihnn CONYACY YOUR ICONOMICM AOINI IODAY BOATMOTOR AND TRAILER Ileh Ollk VnrvtmmvlelmMMiw1lmIthmvaJovmh Ollm Manlml Monclm mm Mud onu STEVENSON C0 This summer enioy Get allrisk protection in single package CANADIAN All WI WY MONTREAL ON1 ace and of ihrea groum of unions mpresenflng an ld 91700 nunaperniing niiway employ ees decided Friday to tum down conciliation board repelLand to take strike vale across the MTAWA CF The citys Icaal department ma wrth al dogWins magistrate Fri day aver £10 minlmm fine or Inn Volumes doprun 11ng at large Rccd chnlrman ol the negoualing learn or torn 23 000 shapcralt emplayeu said representative of the Iaven an ion In the group voted umnl msly to turn down repprt handed down Wednesday by Justice Oral Munroe Van Magistrate Sherwood new owner of wirdnired dadtshund termed the line loo high and Hdioulwa alter imposing the mime or one day in jail on whale Ottawa boy The Ontario Police Assoclm than xepmenling about 2100 nlllcer acres the province has objected to me delay There have been threat by soma mewbu Io book on sick If the dispute not settled pone are not allowed strike Inga department olllclals said lower Ines ln past had nut bean pald and lame even lulled to appear ln courl Peo ple hadnt Lalmn lower lines so rinusly Dennis Lam admlnlslrmnr lhe OPA ha ald ha assocl alien may Apply for Supreme Court writ setting aside Ihc Pembroke legal action ha np pointmcnl or an Irbnralm blacked Mr Wishm Inld Thude Um an action started In the Ontario Supreme Court by the town may have to be settled before arbhnllon can take place Reject Report Canine Fine 716Il0l Vusthere are Long Distance bargalns And weve Ed to make them avallable attlmes when famliles want them most Thats why we can mesa new low rates Family Calling Time Here are the tlps Tlma Call any tlme on Sundayfrom before breakfast to any lime after supper Orcall any evening after That lsdlal yourself or If you cant do thatyek ask pur Operamr torthe distant sucanagasc Hnw Make your call skaflofitostatlon PURE WHITE GRANULATED POWER GOLD LABEL INSTANT 661 JMI WITH FRI spam BREHITI POM5 LL FLAVOURS Compare the rates how you sava all day Sunday gawk Macawammzammum tipsfor long diérdnce bargain thnfersfi NEWMARKEI 35 VDRONro t5 HAMILTON 73 50 Iu TRENVON In 55 Is MDNVREAL 90 numbn many mun mu nlu no ml mu an all ouum omnn Ina Gulbm surIoN sunnu CALLSmm Ilnl mortafumns um um lav swim um nmlly cm mm 3mm numhen ll we have to find particular person the bargain rates dont apply Where Family Calllng Time rates apply on calls wllhin Ontario and Quebec only Rain On Famlly Calling Tlme rates you can visit for up to 10 minutes for the hrlce of five then every two more mlnutes are charged as Just one NowIsnt this worth knowing Have funcome Sundayget yourself real bargalnl MNER HVAPOKATED um luv 510 mlnum Ila 237 Bell Canada

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