Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 8 Jul 1966, p. 7

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Mfll All XIIIHNH MONTIIIMI VFW110 11 nnmnmml mlmlny um lrnzrr HIM hrlwrvu ml null rm mk my ml lm dmonllmml Mnndny Jul Tim mvlw nmk mu I4 lm ml mm llmlwml IM lyrlvrlm Wln Ilnf VII ml lfiulmflwvlt I11 bb dxilmfllnml lr IMmn lfltl mm Ihnn mmwmnz mind IN anUmn humyf hm an wwn mado lo Ill um 111nm mm It Hm mmllunnnlm wiH bu lunl mlrl Iho police tour In making ra ulwlslmx um tho mman mm1 Hum mm thimnslrmnra who um vcllvlnlonnm haul he km Ilmr wok4 rallies Thu IIrmn mlcdimmlrr rIuXuI mum on pnmnru nml national palm Mr Perm mId he flwufl mmt wrsvm who Join wan nList dormnslmlkmx were look lmz or nlm nmmmily In damn thing and hit pcoph and nymy mm nmJuLv hmmfiraurms mm In sumort lho Qudm um mum 0d Imonrra he drew up LM quesllnnnnixe test theories he held about lhc dmxmtralnm The 134an quasllonnnlre was six pYnmcnkd Ivy mmflm klml dirmxy ny pom MONTREAL CF Answorl On qucslionmire givtn lo 10 persons detainrd by Montreal police Dominion Day prove that an people who parlkimlc in dcrmnslmtioru and Mim dnnl know and dont um about politics Montmla msisLmt polite director R0 Innd Pcmn id Thursday Boys Cnsflrhzkfl Wayne Cunningham Route 205 no San tag Barrie like bpezdnmcier Sal Robert Errssc Iluulu 117 Home Crcsv nnl Alliston Cmun 50 June Plan Ram 16 Angus Slowing Dag mdmd Camp bell out 788 Owen SL Barrie Trance Set Donald 5mm 11mm 162 Mm All miner mule delivery boy and glrh were ellgjhle as they whan coupons wm will new uhsc1ipflon obtained 077an winner wro low ADVANCE IV VACUUMS RVICE nn Bento mm Juno Iuhwriptlm contust has been misled and the big winner was David Huey of Essa Rani The Route 252 currin bay was lucky enough to win Super Cycio racing roadster mm the main draw conducted July 2nd Running the entire month June draw was conductcd oath week or prizes donaled by Barrien Canadian Tire Slum Objecters Have ¥Kp°wledge NI NW Mnlrnllu MIT 72 Ill David Huey Wins Bicycle LUCKY CAILRIER buy vld Huey ol 16 Essa find me out his new bicycle or Iizo with Barrie Examiner ISY UR TVDRIV Juh ull Mount Fun Wlxusum llanmtnn St mimian Tnmnlu Ifllflmmth Klnmrm Tm1lnn Klllrllm Mudmkn North lLIy Sullwry nrllun Mlw reulun mm with porno cloudy pariodl Iodny chance nl shown 1th after noon Samnlny mainly Aunny 101 both L1H wllh MM WiMI NIKON CF Form Wraéuma hllo lllvrr thrmut Wesl em Jnmu Hay Sunny and anur ndny VIIIillth clmsdi neu Ind wann with law MM em About or thundch orl onlghl and Saturday Winds light wday nutmeg Satur Tmmgnmi North Bay Sudbury Sunny wilh not much change In unmmlum day Salurdny sunny wllh law clourr poxlad und hula warmer Wind 1M1 Ioday Saturday Lnk SL ClnLr Lake Erie Magma 111m Huron lake 0n laxin Georgian Bay Hulibunon Windsor lmxlm Iomlo IIumA lIlon Mainly sunny today with sonsonabla mnpcratures Sub urday lunny and liulo winner Windgum Synnpllu Temperature about eigth expected or today with somewhat warmer weather over the weekend Thu Examiner Lhmmomeler rumored an avcmim law 55 degrees while the lcmper nture rose 10 degree to as wed by the mama oftira 550 amz let slight mo in 513 ntum 11y Saturday aflemom The Tom weather office forecasu law tonight of Ga demo with high Saturday Unrated 81 degree Todays wealhzr will coniinue in seasonabh manner with warm but not excessive tamper alum prevailing across the Georgian Bay weather dmrict Light wind Ibo focampan mnpm GP Forecast Route 252 Ihe dany news paper was the big winner on new Iuburipflon comm nu during the mu ol June AREA WEATHER drculallmmnnger Mike gammy DAVE who handle Sunny Conditions Continue Today mm lnkmc dmll um 111nm IN WIN lWW Ind Notm Vklnnmeu Imam me mini din Ila Min Tmll Sir Mm DmlyJulllmm Irr mm and firm warm to enable him In glvn lull Mdrllu mm In mic1n Innhlnz nil lutnnnlhu wNDON CF An numb by Canumul ml ImlLm rmreumaum on tho Intermlioml Xmlml immin nim In hm cued Thun ILIY hy Amurmlim launch Labft xwmumntl nu mlle Rwyk T017 MP Im ludlmnnd Emmy lnM he had won Um mm L10 hon I10 him we no dip an Wu nl mm nnva lriflmhllnhpg Wuhan firm Ir Nam policy TEMPERATURES ranze lmm flu mIdA7m In mid am May as plenum tunny warm weather lnmm Io British Tories Cite ICC Report Hawaii Saul Sip Marin xmmg mm mm Iiva other received prlzea mm wealdy draw All pri mrwere complement at the llncal Canadian Tire Assume Sim 110 Dunlap street Wat In Barrie Examiner Photo Enva MRIEND JOCKHY VANCOUle WC Frank luhmtona jorlwy mm 0th um um um nn rulfliulln Hlqwmlnn Thumlny Iry umbi llm walk lllMllnh or NIH Inmllnrlxlrm Yohndnnm Kuhn d1 hill mm WM nwlny Mm lrnrk nflldnh In vmflqnlul lnfnrmnlion Hwy thl molml mlhr In lhn lay 0min Nu had awry op mmny on hr whim of Ihnt mnt hy neutral powers In ymvrl American mlnn in Consorvnuve prime mlnls tr mm whether VAlson had letn Lha rnwn More he dis minim nrimfin from bond rlu mid 0n the Hana and continue acmss most of Can Ida Even lha Pacific coast plaxurd by cold and ruin lhmunhrrul June will be main Van rmer Inna Football Ltague great has Joined the maching mm Phllndglphja Bulldogs of hi AnIflnental Football Leagum many New in the film LIVED IN TORONTO Halhy name Britain Ilvod or time in Town When he established his suc Anyone whos read the book Hotel knows that the Rod Taylor role that white man There have been no Negro char neters changed to Mnile men from he book and them are On of the mimbal charw tens In the Anhnr Hailey book an which the motion picture 13 based ls Nem said Hill But In he film version hol ehmgtd lo white man played by Rod TaylorI mm only oncein In panthas New appeared on the show 115° 11118181 out Hotel 111m Wmm trrMhua mak VA Warner Brolhem Woke man said Ba pewFEM Thursday of deliberatzly excluding Negroes from significant rolu and john Horhm Hlil said in press conference that the NAM getting up HnIIywood innem gumulwatehdozonupin try lilii died men muted television shawn 1nd Iiims uilendera among them the Andy Grimm Show and uc Andy Grillth 51w Ix letintheSwflnandyecmtm Nam has ovu aweared on the dww Hill said Gamer Pylg Naliunnl Asoclnflon for the Ad vuncemcm Colored People mused Hollywood filmmakers JOINS BULLDOGS MEAan Amam ANGELE you my mu MAN States Hollywood Disregords Negroes Um nil nwhr 50 INNISFIL 5T WALLWIN ELECTRICAL LACK FRENCH YITAWA CF Common debate amendments tn Un lncnme Tnx MI was ndJuunml lhumlay because Frrnrh mp lhu bill were not truly innncn Mlnisler Shan amm xiud to frcndnxmcnklnl MP and moved ha adjournment In ddlilll 1y sunny Somo showers are Ivadirch or arm In Mun oha nnrlhrm Onlarla and Newfoundland Under the new legislation the Men government will pay 25 per cent oi pram paid by tanner in pmvinchl cmp in xmam Mans At present lowa pays 20 per cent of pre mmnu Coverage welded lo maximum ol ml per cent cl MugLem avenge yield on each arm insured przsem cov erase la limited In so per cent Ihe lefislalwn at mnd tyadinx in he Calmm Thum ago will be reamed At least long enough give finrmm me to Indicate their larder woe batman the twolmms of M11 allelr ugahsses WAWA CF Amend mm 10 flhe cderaIprvvindal mp insurance man will maka it more attmiva to fame Raglan Minislu Greene He salt the Pnaude Hannas sta psed 23 mm In US television mmmeh cm Negroes Ilsa are vlrtu Yours with Airtemps New Tempette Bedroom Air Conditioner Smkmmen for he alhet Unis And shows were not available lax cogmenl CBS spokesman said al though Negroes have never been used In nature roies wave had plenty ol Negro ex lru on he mum Show There Just hasnt been slow geared for Negro We certainly wouldnt preclude using Negmes Ln natured rolu if the right nary came along cm as writer especially with several plays on CBCTV Ha nuw 19 In California Crop Insurance Plan Improved my mm Ilml Irulmv 00 le Mm WI flnlulllllllyflylvd um mum nmmll rm mm mm hunkII uqu In $22500 Two models lo choose frommd he price is 511 AI Low Fm mounliux kit for lnshnl Inslaflltin Quality you can afford SERVICES 10 Ilrh 1le dun m4 mm mlunn mum Inn 70 ulxl lhe Id mum mmlnll yum dull In lmlvwm n1 mu pull ln ryth nu bunting vgmlmen track mrkm rkdu inin haw lamina and olhm ha been mm mum misc nl nix 73 can an hour NOIIqXmllnx worktn now average about $120 an 1min Munroe momma dalianx would me the non opcming umploycc an aver nm Increase bl more than mm an hour by IM and ol 1967 Undcr strike may be mflrd scvvn days mm the labor minister receive condliation report uninn spokesman said me he vole rm he cumin Wmlld pmbabky L151 1515 math Jusuéé mimm v31 WV MONTREAL CPIThe len eml conference commute ol the Assoclnlcd Nonmalfng Railway Unions mammal 52000 runway workers belong in to 15 different uniam voted unammsly Nmrsday lo ruled conciliafion board report odnesday by The commune aka unmar 1105 he ykfng rilge vole But said the basis of crop Insurance should be cash in come lrom the crop The lad eml manure should to nmah Egan it dogs he said an this mm Mapping Lnlo areas pmvincial Arnold Peter fNDPTimiskv aming the federal govern mum L1 weeping in Ihe right direction with me proposal to cxend mp insurance legisla unn lo Easlml Canada Bailwaymen Reject Report ng unions no The cost would depend on the area nomad the crop and crop losses Some armor mugh find H1 110 per cent cov erage more 00sz than they yields in large area Fmit trees and annual mm Added lo tha crops am can be insured Mr Greene said he could not My exaofly what we Increase in Wemium mm be under Una lnmsased coverage I47 pg ilill kafd in IniénuKi Mllancod Theatrical Stag En players and the IntelMILD Bmdmhaod Electrical Wm cl adromclose Wonqung rose than prme NAACP In tends to Ho Newman wlth national Labor Rehfiom Bond and the federal Equal Emphy ment Oppwtunluu Comm IIon he added ally zxeluded nld Hill mough Ntilo comumm spend some 3160001300 yen and maka up per cent the Do th Ugmed sum 716M mm mmm ilmmm ms mmuuu Iiimm In Won neuly mum Mun hm plum nn Hitlnu Maul Mulm kulnl yuur umlm In ywd MA lab III In your ham II Inmwln Mrllkhlmn nII Ulnulvl In Imi Ihnp kl ITMID JIZWIMLM IM 1mnl nu hm many Inlamllnl ml rm PM mm in MI mm mm For Imam Wull rllqun mm Hm lmIIlM mm lnyfima vvr ml holdm hnm PMrIrIll Mal lu Ilmplp duilm rrnllul In Blue Mnan Inltm Ur pulme ynu putr mmhlnu ma pur umnl Nth view ul hm nrllny mm mm hlmml ml lm my hm Juanny In mm Mm In mm ln hum mm Um no lrmhllnn vnmlfly lynnnnnml ullh llwll Mom DMHlN IIHH IlMlIUI VHMIHX IMUI rlrluxin Ilw UMHy Ian mm In llm lowly llalnllnm llvnl main llwm uwmly lnmluim mu mum lu clrmnnd UM hm Mr Fuhhlnn mm In Ilulvlunlm mm and IMMHIIA filnllaylll lnlI Anulher FllLll ml III Munro Rum mm In drum of umlu In llu lwulllul mm mil mlh Nmyanlvm wul nbrln mlx or nulm III Ingmva Illlmly lmm lelml up the lowly umh by IrAIi mm llrnlh mm and llndnlaln Tn lml wmr MN ln mmn Hmm all uur lulnlr Mnfl mowuln ml lellnrvy Mun lb hml llnmllalln Tl lAlllllC llllOl ll nlllu SI DISTINUIIVH mnmc lur Irndmu Ilvlnl you MI FIan lurnihmm lulu IULLMM UH FUIKNITUIKH AMT Mk Inn 53L II mr prtlurnm Mulrm muth In NH popular nnlrnnmram or pthan rumh 01 1mm 1vaan nllll me lmnlhur lhnl hr min ymr Iwnlt lmnz um ulmlnn mm lvrnml unmu In nthuh Wham In Fumimu III mm many lnlnrMiul Mwl cliflrrrnl uc mmn Ivkau ll ml Hulhml In mink Munm wHo livinx mm hm mum Mllnrlin nmnl rxprnvs YOU IN do mun umme ml lnuhllly In lulmlmo lml mnvm ulmfld mm WHHIm IAN Fumilnu Mali Thm glorlmu lummer day AM mmlnlul and wn nll making up Inn of Iun Ind MI HUT Ihu Iml um DOES dly mu yult Ikin Them no In wan1pm Inhmnn lo warm Ind rrrnm mmnkxlun in all mum but you ran hrm lha lane Ind mllllllm your akin One way lmllm nr mumr yummy mnmul wnm alnnx Mlh yuur manu lmtll um ll Irmth llmxl dry skin nvurxpnml In Mm Iml wlml And helps you rruln natural ml Mu II 111 Oh but Moro you lame mm lmk ll lha my fun rrdv AM my luo pnlrl uhry momequ ml norm pleter watmhlr IMI one or wmlmz and Mr palr 1AM Inr ml Make ynur family Inolumr hudqumm Um WALKWEI SIOE STORE mum mu mlm nu in on man mm mumw wnnn ImnmoN mu cm mun rummm MAN7m47m ha 1mm mun mu nmy um um um cum mu you own no In ml mm became you waded UM Kurdcn lhcm last week nnd lla an darned lo wear cloned drm limos Well my mm Lu Anyway BUT muka your firu lop the WALKle SHOP STORE 58 Dunlop 51 My wont mind uur nld inns and wnlk out and your way In An nllrnulvt pair imported llalinn wulnls lhbyro not Umn with mull suck mm mm mnkr lhrm very um GOT MAKE Tml DOWN TOWN am he nnly 1m mm vmmu numl wmnu nnu mums UK BE DONE Ill be that run and furniture uphanch could use nhampooinu Too big ioh his llme year Not at all youll lmd Iha Job at donning CNN and upholslery much lasler easier and men economical when you mu professional type equipment from MARTINS RENT ALL CENTRE U7 Dunlap St Now film he Jobl done and your gun have arrived youll no doubt wml In enltrmin on ma paio but mm night mnsquilm make il Ilnmd hummus tall MARTINS RENT AIL mmumm and enquira About Umlr lernllc mnsquila may ll youre in Med wmotlunu youd uldom me why buy it RENT 11 FROM MARTINS COMPANYS COMING AND THFRI MUCH TO BE DONE Ill nm In um SUMMER HAS BEEN THE MOST POPULAR season lor Wedding or quilo law years 50 it would be reasonable In assumn lhal Ihere an many Anniversaries being celebrated just about now and 1m nicer way to spend memorable evening than to dine out It ha RIVER GARDEN RFSIAURANT lbw ll 91le any llle lovaly plduresque nailing can only add to thy ex cellence of Die meal Ind lhe menu in to vaflad youd am In lind Nah tempting dishes only at very expensive big cily lnuranla Exnllc mlomh to big sucmlcnl lnrlnrhouse Heal don lo mm couldnt begin in explain all lluls on lhl menu youll Jim luv to no mu In the beautllul nivcr Garden Restaurant yourself Mr Bub Ayn will see that mul meal will he most filling or any occasion WHAT WOULD YOU DO you were driving merrily along your way your favorite campsile or privale reueal the lake Mum an sudden Bang sprung breaks or fin M0179 lbccausn or mbalancod huh causing stress on tire or the In line bmkfl Well youd probably want to drag your car to ma nearest elm and push ll our BUT far mare prankml solulinn would be to via PHILPMT RICHARDSON SPRING SERVICE 150 Vespra 51 In Barrie helm ynu start ynur trip Have Umsc spring coils and wheel alignment checked and lhnn be usurcd ol SMOOTH SAILING all the Way Wm um um anUW nue lealurl peopls notice but your hairdo and his is the hardest lawn to keep it sleok heallhy looking and nthnaively set Thu sun mm do wonders or the rest of you but your hair doesnt Ian it Just drizs bruks and bleaNIes THEN hat ynu need wonder writing oil lrenlmenl from Rubys Beauly Salon Ruby say If your hairdo isnt becoming lo you you should be coming Ill 124 Map St FadJ Mutupleasmaflewaylndabuslnesaflthismehprsim your ammo wll have ll you are presently liking advanbaxo or the services other by tbs Banla Answering Servlu WI real time saver and alter hour usumnce that wary call and inquiry will be givm pmmpt obllging service and subsequently real Valuabla met to any organization not only fmm the paint vlew of customer raILsiacllon but that day could be hr less hectic ONE call to 7161466 the BAlllUE ANSWERING SERVICE will Issuru ALL of your call being handled ln the ulna Can hing of myth nicch Sun lovely Shes engaged she has her halt done regularly at RUBYS BEAUTY SALON course Yes you can be Kur geously dressed ven wear ynur best smile loohm if your hair doeml come up In ha Key of your up arance ynu might as wall lhmw he whok piuure out the people mice first is your 113 do any his mw my mum and receiving hie and eihcience Iervice You can always depend on his when you drive up to Paula BA Service Stallon 62 lksa Road Barrie Pauls he supply of auto parts Ami eomplee line lap quality tires Werel also mud mechanic on duty every day Pauls Servicu Station gm example of he fine modern services offered by BA mad the high calibre performance they require of their remsmalives Drive up lo PAULS ILA SERVICE STA TION Ind GO with EA nlcd waS nun wulunlwllv mu wulwr it now Gall ALLANDALE LUMBER 7261466 20W 8AM UEUNOHI POW HOLY TOPVALUE BATMAN we hnply cant BEAT the pfloea and speoIaLv at the FOOD MARKET Strawberries while Hwy In qls for $100 or cum nlflqtsJorSus Wlanenlbpkgmcfledmdmul Brand heel GIL ed taunte Juicy Muck Steak 590 M1 War panics reg 59 lb 31 Just lbs for $750 Crucu Oil 02 9904141 £119 Wemeyl jam and mannalades 14 71 reg we now mmd Home Freezer wumtake advulaga 01 wen stealer Lavinia by Quantity buying on Ms Irmer plan Visit the Food him this week Brentwood Rd at Rwy xew yam rhobtustery winds 04 whit are km to an EW lhla isnt going to In louver and mud you may hate lo think about it old Man Winter will mm his mum rm on sdmdule and It just Isnt too early to mks amngemem for than now nlumlnum Karma and man lmm AMANDA LUMBER riendly headquarters far All home MM and rem vallon requlramaus Hava the Allandfle repressAlan on on you NOW my an up to weeks 3111 winan an mm nuda Ind huvo your home warm and Mutable IhLI Winter now Gall ALLANDALE lenm muM wm on first aw vain Hu Matcu unauxm mm mm at Mom and mm hand in hard fawn lnio service Malian

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