Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 8 Jul 1966, p. 5

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Recreation Committee Planning For Summer In nrdcf that all mm at Ibo lnwmhio Amid In bmufl mm Um rmle WM mm to all Inlrrmlnl Krwns rum nll yam nllhe IWWhiplorullflwlr Mulmlnrnu hdnm he cum millN Sumo Mrwnl Wm mX mm Mn lvkvly lo hum lhe nmla Mr mm Inonhllu In lniwl nml MIAm nu la 50 ml Dunn and Auu Mm nuy he Md Ml omh Mm wd luv um fillmuuly to hing nxmnlkxn pman llw mn mfllcz Fnd 041m nrrl Ilsa finmdwnito wrro mhkvl to no muan lr rm mhrnnll III mvrrunl llnlly Mil Sllmld len Mhmlnn um muleAu hth pawn la hm um 14 lmylnell Ewan in HM Iimm MM II hflplxl dimim In On Immlip vul1 unit an furl to haw maevnmiw nl Illa nfll IIWIIIHI In In Mk1 In rmlnfl flwlll Al MIVIMI In Um rvrmn July WHAT HZWI hrnvy 1me Mmll lmk flaw nmm um lamnu um mu Rflurvlny mun wl Anmdlmlll rmuvrn Ml Iarllnl Imny vulnlmlg It um lar nu phlle In bcrn mrlml MI 11 numm um rum nun hmrmkrr wm libMI and MW IN fly unwind Hr mll uhilhuni nmuvml kl lp muby mm lule ml In mm mm nu mm II VI ynk Hu rlvvmmr hm wry In Essa Council has been pressing or action or some time and at one stage threatened tn issue an injunction against Alllstnn lo slop dumpune at waste meter lals into the river Action was listed to prevgnl poi flle newly at up mnship recreation mmme had anLit innlul that rcpmwnlmirc mm the Imviminl dmmmcnl would be 1L medlnfl in Simul Wed msdny nlm but all waiting mfno limo no one Mad However the mm six bl ll mmirflul members were or hand Irridcd In xamml ll 21¢ch Llnyd Iflh Warm duimun and Mrs Will on secretary Amr 5mm dis nmlon was nnrml that partLimo Mfrth dlrvclnra um avainhlc nrmnurmvm nhmfld be mmlo lo mime mom nml brain wim summer pm gram In the hnmhp wk nio cleik uime thlcslde wn asked by Aublnn Council Tha nnrd proposed In much 1m In letter In the mm which pointed out Ihcre were matters of waste control tn be cnnsidcrcd and the best method of solving the situation to safe guard the rivers and mm nup ply had dispussed ALLISTON sum Apvrav II has been given by Alliston Count for holding joint mecl In at the council chambers here on July with Essa rev rcscnlntivu and me Ontario Wn er Reources Board ll 10 mml hNEM Hm Man II IIINI HM NHIfi MN Ivm NMMI ho In mlrvnml nwl III lair um Uaivml IIIM In wu mam Member of Essa Township Council have given the grten um to the develonnml at thl Alliston Essa To Debate Water Nottawasaga River area near INNISFII NOTES By ESSA TO DEVELOP CENTENNIAL PARK to go We hi my mm lha mu lino and qud not park on mad also um his drive way would no talus vehicle gucsLu when lhry arrived The pmblcm was or lhu mad mutan lo iron out 51 LINE DEWMM Essa Township Council will he rcpresenled at the meeting Reeve George Davis will head lhe Essn delegation which will lnclude Dcpuly Rceve Eugene Smith and Councillor Ken Blan chard nlnnfl with Douglas Beck clt and Louis lrunx People in live long flu nth lmo Mwm he sidmmd Md he luka dont want In Impea sidnwnlk on Um mull 5M0 IN mad The Minoan mnnl In to widrn the driving surfW 50 Hut hlmiltm walk can he mmlo and rammed by whxlr line on ma mum 11110 bl he Mh linn In rmd mm Vlmr lohl Mln 011310 dele Mo not In Council about Ihn walk hal nlmluly In drMnx pner Wu mink lo lhn north fluln ml 11 rhnnne lo WMNI should be mad on Hm mum Mlle ll LIlnml lhnl Hm nuld n04 HM Iho mall ll Inm and Mmld In in vhm ln walk Um cruxnu llw my driving wmm nu pm Imy wrekml hnx Inn Ianm mu whtrlnna mu Hay hm flatnl IMIK AVAILABLE ln infnrm Essa of the meeting He advised that Ms had been done The waters of the Boyne RKIV The walers ul the Bayne Riv er here flow inlo he Nnunwa saga where Essa plans on build ing new centennial park near vy Problems Enact1mm the Nob lnwnsaga River are among lop ncclcd be discusscdh We hnve camplmnu and we asked that Adequate acllon be lnkcn nahguard he wa tcr said nccvn Davis PM Muwr or IM NNMWJMKII Comenalhm Am Ivy centennial park Look lnz aver ha of lha 156 am property are Councillor Morgan Murphy Deputy Reeve Eugene Smlth Reeve George Rme Wmle More Stay nar is duinnan of Simcoe county assessment committee mm 0mm 11 show Mm lln Wxinmo can at oh hinlnu mu promfly umld In 1M in only dmrt lulnnvn Mn Pm swamp In mm bdrm devflm lantmnlnl Hui mlm VJAW ll HM Innlsfil showed slide lndimb Ina how watcmmrso beginnan Illa wmip 001M he flew owl Into nature park He Iald the costs both Capital Md upkmp rould be mid hall lry Hm mvim and he balm divided between us authority and tho mum flw pmjml is on no wcsl side the lawn IJfip and can he reachcd lry goal lmmhip road crrrk whim honing bait in ho hilLI cmM be mndo Into site In devolvan and the mm mm wo the lewatcra the drainage snlrm Dam mm be mnslmdrd ml WI plans mmla Into Mmrc xnuma he 311M needlfi an Ire Mainctl no am um W1 in Hm lmndup pmuf lo mm or name In In mmml my hulItL In Mum In dawwm Ivy hmu Stanley Symonds this coun ly assessor snld them were and court set up so far by he tounly Earlier Mr Mara uld he members would receive mileage and be paid on per diem basis horny which cavern mm Three counly courts 01 re vision are now organized and ready or npernllon it was Icarnnd from the county office at Barrie These cuuru will sit on as sessment uypcals nl ralcpaycr who all in the necessary arm which are usually mailna tn them wit assessment notices Provision has been made or the assessment court lo hear appeal In the ham municipal Jo at he appellanu mum hm hm ml mm Davis Cnuncillor Fred Russ and Innis Truax mad iupcr lnlcndenL It cxpeclcd In became pupular swimming place Examiner Photo Assessment Appeal Courts Now Organized NOW PlAYlNG 645 and 900 tha old lier Nd mm The move toward area elementary school aka this trend step lurfller Reeve Alex MuAuley nld he muldnt give the exact date bui stated the way has been cleared or an early start on eonsin den of thd animal in or i168 he village The necessary 3th oriiy has been received mm Lbe cumulative committee nl flue cvunty alter reviewing ihe requmt mm he Board Pub lic School trustees oi Slmcoe Oounty School Art hasnt been started yell but it will soon said Reeve McAuley when asked ahou the mmlan Reeve MgAuley spoko in prais ol the close oooperaflou with Flos township when lho cann dl is headed by Reeve Frank Ooughhn chairman in Slm me CouMy mad committee lhé Elmvale reeve predicted lhere would be more county elementary school area the experiment hem prove sue ccss Since the school area plan has affected hnprovunenl at he secondary school love ll is ell similar move should help lmprove Wards or elemen tary schools The trend In recent year llaabeen or townships lo build ocnhal schoap €30 replgce rake forrlrocal We Emmi the same or msidmfia and kayaycrs and Aisr reclngde TflflflY THBII Sfll SHANTY BAY 5533 EWVALE Siam new Elmvale Fla are public c1mal will become reality Highly r6 Adm ratepayers will be paying Mme what him mus MIL yuar 01nd mum or the imue is the 47 mil rise in county axes and jump cl 37 mil on farms and 42 mm on com mcxvlal for Allisum H331 School Areal Those living 1n he Orange villu Secondary School section will 95 19 and 11 mill um Colgan Separate Sdmol levy is up mill and the mic Ad Jaln Public School and Allislun Separate Sumcd is down me llon of mill faclur In Lhe lnmm in um munly um um Luth over assessment 0051 Iran January and welfare mm May m1 helped Adjnh Rccve Fgcd Baxter audlconoazue In holding the local tax line Adjala Taxes Up Slightly JAMES STEWAW SHENANIJUAH Start Expected Shortly On New Elmvale School 13mm gum Whik the MON 11 Am mun mun WM KM1M WWIWI IVIHMIIM umrnulm r4 Wlem III In TECHNICOLOR AUNWPEME SNAKES THE SCREEN UKE CANNON THUNDER lllnhny II Gulhrll Wm In My Wmb HIS BIGGESTj HI 600 swlvlnflv la loan 77 HIS NIWISTI MATINEES EVERY DAY THROUGH SUMMER AT PM our progress here wul he Ellqu wilh Interest he pm CANCER CAMPAIGN BEHION Beelon and Di lrlot Branch the Canadian Cancer Sodoly raised $114605 in their annual financial cam palm ll was revealed here by Mrs Holmes chairman in thanking the canvasseu And all who mkibuled CENTENNIAL MEETING DUNEDIN An cpen meal im ur discussion of local olr sexVance Canadas ccnlcnnlnl wlll be held ln Dunedin church human hall on luuday July 11 at pm By MR5 CAMPBELL Mrs ForresQ cl Nara Bay is at her home hare Her dang ler Miss Margaret Forrest TV out spam we weekend with Fuluu II nu we Wm Reeve McAuley believes it will pmva practical and be ex tended lunher dlcled THE 3mm EXAMINER FRIDAY JULY 1966 hll log broken in We place last Wednesday moming mm at work the Township shap 0m Fair grounds Mrn Duncan Damon Mum ed home nun Toronto General Emu last Friday after Harold Caldwell 15 palka Lani Wallhaving had us me Wtson and Slave Tmnlo at George WWI Mr and Mrs Any fin Garvey and Brent ul Slralh clnlr Mam McArflIura Mr and Mrs Robert Andrews Jr anq Why Ann 01 FAMOUN ILAVEM Mll CONDITIONED TIIFATIH For July Augm And he Hrs Sunday at 595mm Ulz serv lcu in Hie local Uniwd Chumh will be 930 Mn Holiday visitors were Mr and Mn Men walmg law wilh Mr and Mrs An drews Mr and Mm 013mm Hal West Orange NY with Mr and Mn James Pearsall Mr Ind Mrs Cecil Raw BOX OFFICE OPENS AT PM SHOW STARTS AT DUSK 51 weexiénd ii mama Delwun harm And omn mm second ary auhoal THE MOST MODERN DRIVEIN NORTH OF TORONTO NOW PLAYING DISTRICT NEWS GUTHBIE Inle DISTRICT BRIEFS area which includas Flm And Tiny is the smallest in Simcuc County but has been successful Illa public Laooperative sdlanl is someLhing dilfcrent but 1150 as fagwaging possibluucs it pointed mi film has been taken under lha Cenunnlnl Rural Improvement program clean up and im prove Ccnlre Sunnidale Cune lery was announced by clerk treasurer The Include me placlng al cement onlan under all stone and Illa replacement and slralmcnlng up of slow to gether wllll general cleanup GIVEN WELCOME BillHON Resident bl lhll village have welcomed Mr and Mrs Leonard Houle and lamily newcomer from Tomnlu who have taken up resldenca on Centre sum Mr Ind Mn Siemen aon have added trailer and camping sine Lo their already allradive avm and home Flue modern washroom showers washers and drycrs will make it an ideal spot or ayholidw AT EISLEY Congmuflaliom lo Anthony H641 hoLasag Cadet CEMETERY IMPROVEMENT SUNNIDALE CORNERSA Arthur Wnied Mr and Mrs Orval Manxme of Dar rie on 011ech visit to 0t talwa last wk Barrie North Collegiate rescns Canada shooling at Bis lay England Fram them he goes to France and Gummy Six weeks lattxr he will come hack to Ottawa and hen la bl home how Mr and MrsiArrdgle Mac Also uvailubln on druughl your avoumo onubhuhmom they always come back to Labans IPA Its such good ole Koop il all to yourselfits such 91 good ole IPA has more loyal friends than any othbr Ontario alo Men who know who good ole should he cant be foolod Labatts IPA with anybody exrer split WTNS FOIL TITLE MOSCOW AP Russia Herman Smhnikov defeahed defending champion Jean STARTING TOMORROW MelvaGcdwyn¥ Iiililifldill man VAN Hfiuuflpguflcg Jones llodd Paris Equip ADULT ENT 1mm 72M Inllwv mum IllflllHIIKII mum Immflfllnm Wlewwml minu fin Um Bulldozm PI And Cofillxulan Suppllu ulnar man In ma til III Iml alhief miles mu BunIron Hwy LTD Ralph Jones Pun The HSlleIuinh mu DW Wich On The Beach NCW 5c nut oomnlm llnu Ford Farm Equipmnnt Inchn balm llc lNllllSlfllflL FHIIM Claude Magmn of France muudny to win um Ion olfthe wrld mung chmplon SALES SERVICE liar Producllun muinz

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