Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 8 Jul 1966, p. 2

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Banish newlyacqulred line pahunu mnehlne in living up minus Jim Lowe truffle Ill Kampala today The new stripch was pur chased at can of $2300 and put mm mention um week ago Street remaining to be mark ed an Sunnidale Road Velllng Ian InnIsffl and Simcoe mm Hayfield to Fred Grant Thu old on we had was taking mo long Mr law said Wa minute me new machine has cut down by hall the amount of work There are only three sud1 ma chine in operaum 1n Ontario Mr Low said the m1 crosswalk willmbe Id Imlil KEN and mu km by hand mnchmu We expect the line aiming lo be mmplelnd Sheet Mgtke MOVeS Quickly King Lion appears lo be shun In his min with Mr Hippo the most popular Inhnal on exhlbmvn at the Duluth at Wanga Bench Warm watcher has been bringing out record crowd of visitors pmkulnrly nn weekuuk the sand in his use or Just pace about ml lemly King Lhm II shiny loi lowed wllh do IlLenuou by young vlsflorn few appear samuwhn highland but the mfiorily 5m shout 1n delW 11mm too attract major Idenflm my jump In Ind om ol the mm or put Lhelr avg pang In can Lion And Hippo Get Attention Rt Wasaga Zoo while It mu morn than 30 nnlmah and blrdl the 100 Kill In tho mum ol davelop mm and It hoped It will reach mmnlcllon on Canadas ccnlcnnlnl ycar m1 Thu loglul park mvm 100 me of lhl popular GoonInn lily beach mnrt ma Dr Tim Ndwd WI mind dental moon dial Innlrwood Privm Nominal WW on Jply rm THOMAS ll 5C0 nns InlumM um mndu ll Ehn 9855 oode the Rocklry Yunch Home lnll 1mm wq le P5139 mm Ham wmm m1 ml Mm 11m Grant MIIh Ind Arlinrflm Olav Mn Mum in Bandung prm 11ml Hamu Aim md ElanMe 0mm prim lo llmlnl Al Innis Wm in IL IN tr mm mm 11 0111 ll haul MM Inmnlc IN at Ann ml mmlmr Im kvvwl llvwlrnnrlnn llmh mm uburnvin Mmo Tmnrlllp 1an Gounly on May lulu Am firm mfm ml mm mu ml an Mark lkvll Hm om utm ton llmmnl mnan Tor mm Hun Imdmnneu Mu 1L wml Wlllfln mm nl 0A VIM Mu Arllmr 1m himm mmhhihkm um 11 Town Mrl am my 1mm 3n hulk TDIUIVIU Marina lawn omul Ivy flu rMIrr MN am Llio lupullm WullnM Walt In In hm hmmln mllwrly uan lhmrrr way uHfle klNM lmldl with mum Iluulhrdvrwm In ml MI want In Ilnm hauln nan Nullmrd whuk in hle NWmnl WM In HI nllrrwm flu mnhlly Ill In lnfllmvl mnflnz Are vale Mu OBITUBRY MARINE FORECAST OPERATOR HAROLD SUTTON LEFT AND BOYP LEIGH say 11 nm macfixm holds 11 gallons of paint as compared to live in the old one The next stop or Barrie ls to purdlasa maclune Whidl will allow the slziper and place an com or maxken an the mad he said TORONTO 0P Defence oounsd Im Owksvllk Ont MM VI 402M211 abamon askad Magutmte Hayes 11m or an order di Iocfing poflce Mum medical equipman seized afler Dr Indie Gondms times May Murray ILMIcr odd prelim inary hearing Dr Gmdor has hem unabln lo continue his practice sfme seizure cl lhc cquipmml Valued at about $1 aziAmle Hayes said he could not deal wuul Ihc ddme minim until he hem Ibo rm the evidence in the case The hearing continues Aux I9 DnGomior was flanged Barrie Girl 19 Involved In Case Against Doctor wring the klvtsmgphon nku carriage suffered by 191m ohj Barrie girl in February TM Onlmn mum Conun llrm nu muml pnulurlnl gum unmml nutlmrllullnn fur um Mrmllm um wcullnn ar lbu law will lllnHy huuunl prnlllm 11 lrnmmwnl Mlflmvlnl Ih III rnlnr um um ner mm mwl Mumm and Naminl unmuunn In 41 hmlly unIUL 11m pumam HHiHVI mum Inwnval eamrr ym lion uh unlnv vknxupuwnl ajuy rmnuu lomtll II mliy mum In rllyuwnnl IIIHpNIy nl mnwr mm Minl m1 llruly Iaru Nu to munr uHum lmll Authority Given To Build Barries LowRental Housing TIIO Harri All Cluh Lu dip lnylnl morn him pulnl ll llw Ilnnln Illhlk Ll lnly NI Mu Illmrl hlnuu ol Om Mnunn ml ART CLUB DISPLAY AT BARRIE LIBRARY My IN fill The Battle Uniled Appeal will Announce Its large fur the all campaign Mnndny nlght at magma at Thomas Elwin Last year 10 agencies recciv odfinandal assistance ram he United Appeal The number of agencies lhl year will be an mtxacm Monday night by the bu get and admission cummil lee llargel or the all campaign last year Wm $91300 mum GP 1h Cana dian Labor 1on mused Thursday um royal oommiy sion be appode inveiigato various awedI Canfiian American mm relations sucd roques in macUm ol the MI am mat His stateme uifidzcd some asnwla Trade Mink lcr Winters hundling of eco homilc 101anqu with the Unflnd States United Appeal Will Announce Target For Year CLC Requests Economy Look The labor leader said Mr wlmms mm In the us investment guidelines the i551 in of Canadian Malice min ciplcs good corpora be bavior WM beth and kudo qualc President Olaudn Jodng isv T1 OIIU whim4 III ml mun uhlrh It My nuimifl ur mm hnmlnl unlll lmt woml II it In Immml mlml lm rurwullnn rmk lum lha pnwlyilily at rIulwmu mm In hm nu num Hun In Ilm mu lur nle ml umuvu 2n nun hmnn Iur mlm mun Hm all and errcnnu nu JIM Thu inr nun lhnun wumu flmlly Mum NEW NM NM NIH Alhm MCrnden ha lwn uwwlul nwl lupu nerknl Adlai Twnrlllp nwmmly mm palNI rwlnl lntollnl Hu ummll nwmh munhnrr THE BANHE EXMIJNER FRIDAY JULY 1066 Summer may mean vacallon to most people but for IE Enr rie and dlunlct hlm school students it bad In he elm MIL mt week 01 he mapm Hulllong summer 00 ad today and surprisingly enough Primpal Cock bum says student and lead us enjoy an mm The school was introduced hat year to give stndenu chance to boost mark in on 3ng Avilmlnble LI year an Eng lish and mathematics from grade niqa tnlZ 1a ma 12 Jxmsvxy ind binary and mum mm 185 Students Go Back To School good crop growing mason should encourage hrgm with ahh andflower displays at Sim toe County all uhs which most ly have hem arranged for Sep tember Wnlh the echpflon Drillln which hasnt suitable track sullw horse racing is the lemme of most of Simcoe County larz Mrs um Barrio anniny tab will be held Sept 23 29 50 and Oct Sulky racing livestock show and qxrbmmal ys are among Ea lop numbu Orilfia start 01 lhecomty lain having been awarded the dates nl Seplnmber and and Oros much promoted warlds lair as it has been called for years follows on 5ch and 14 Norman LSloddarl of Shanl Fairs Feature Sulky Racing CITY NEWS Bay rm has reported good progress in arrangements or the Ora Fnlr whlch Is annual held at the lawnsal ngrlcu tural grounds near Mitchell Square Improvemenu lo the township hall should help dram In promo more lxuloor cxhihils Lloyd Flanker ls president of llre Oro Agrlcullural Secler whlch sponsor lhls large rural fair Sulky hvrse racing L9 ringing dayulualuro Dctwcm the Orn and Orillla lair Is the annual lluranla all exhiblllon Bl Caldwalm where an excellent mile truck usually YBIGHT Drapery Cleaning Services GUARANTEED N0 SHRINKAGE l0 lllylllld Classes arent restricted to students from the Bmio dis Md some enrolled from Owen Sound Braflord mm and Grillia The mogum was highly successlyl um year Mr Cock SurprirlxrzlyE the Enroumem SI down lightly Ihis year but only bonus lew er coursu offered no 1965 Immer program wu par ticularly important beuuseol the Mach to haw malhnma denls 111 ll ind Iguana Ilka the no muanse Mum cl Lheir nunmt pupils staff of seven is wiring in the program bring good entry for Iulky races Chester Marlin clerk report plum well ndvnnced or may fair Goakstown had lo canted its racing program inst year club to heavy rain which mada hazard uus track conditions no there is expected to be mm than usual lntemt in this yum5 races there Albert Gilmy secretary reports John Shutdawn presi dent and members of his exec utive hava been most activa with plan to make it an nub standing exhibition The datex 3m Sept 18 and 17 Midland flu air will be held on Sept 15 16 and 17 while Elmvale Ulreeday exhibition at KL Mr ammds Mulch cludks in Memorial Cmmnunily Arena wfll be held 19 2a and 21 These airs too feature good livestock show line horse show and agricuhural dimly in addiUon to mlrhay And other attractions The Benton ah will be held 5ch 17 and 28 just before Bar ries Mr Rel mm In main dayt In addition lo lhe rzxular airs there an numerous Ichnol fair lhroughouk tha county Most ol the 4H clubs hold achievement day in coniuncllnn with lha laIrL Prvguss curran survey on fluoridation was dlscussed Jul nlxht ll meeting of nar rle Publlc Ulllillcs Commlssion Elam smclnrytrm um aald one 01 Lhn problem of Installing fluaddalion lcm would be the need or mul ment It all me well systems nw being usgd In Harie Jehn Mumhy fltncrll mana gnr Ind chlcl Engineer said it Imporlnnl lo ascemin method Ind cast melnx chcmicuh Wu um In camplm flu mrvcy In approximately six month Mn Murphy 13M Duo lha Mg qhéllam mum he lho ms and who wily In Mr Murphy five pumplnx uliam wuuld have In be enuer In maks mm at lhn flunrldnLImI equipment Mr Elwn Fluoridation Costs Studied By Commission TORONTO CWl Illr wlll mnllnue In rivculnla lndny ml Salmdny nrmu mulhrrn Onv lmln no Um no wulhur will rlnlnx munmural likely to continue ITIunnlrnhIrnu ml un GrrM In an drilling rml ml rlnudy Am warm can rllllnnl nrn uptch Sumlly wnh lrolllml lhnmlvrnhnwen Expect Ideal Weekend Weather Woll Dmuud Wlndows no wouan dupovlnl wllh DECORATOR FOLDS ll Dunlap Sh bylaw lo aulhoriza borrow hg of 672 from Central Motlxage and nng Cmpor won will be More any councll Iortwo wading Monday night The sum is required In pay or the citys menLly campch ed secundary sewage treatment puny den um Mary cumol other bylaws berm council wauld authorize entering into Will llsk Council To Borrow $467297 For Sewer Plant Bill Caldwell ldt yester NOW MN 24 HOURS EVERY DAY Have you been playing dollar or two for car wash Or worse than that have you been spending half of your precious Satur day morning washing your own car Thats about as outdated as doing the family wash on washboardl Now with SOFSPRA you can wash your own car in low min utes In your regular street clothes and lor only quarterl In genious new equipment plus chemicals and sol water com bine to make it possible With SOFSPRA properly rinsed cars oirdry lo slreuklem finish wilhout wiping Paper towels are dispensed from vendor lor windows and chrome Coinoperaterl vacuum cleaners are avail able loo to clenn your cars interior as thoroughly as youve nlc wnys wanted il lone Ash tmys tool 80 drive ingive us trywere sure youll get the SOFSPRA corwashing hebill SOFSPRA COIN OPERATED CAR WASH CAR WASH COIN OPERATED DOIT YOURSELF INSTALL noTm cum PRESIDENT BURION AVE ON HWY SOUIH an agruneenl wllh Canndinn Na lional Railways provide lor ad dStionl expendituresmn mad and stuck in tho any and close the pan of Adam and Lving betwcenlhe westerly limit of Oliver and ma part of Adam closed by pmvi bylaw Bmie or the 196667 neasom chm held we lun chnqn geeung at Mksmnr knéfiondernrcrarlncfild quest mm llmld Forster and Company to purchasa gityown Shown Ibuvo ls prop DONALD MchLLEN wuhlnn cuslnmnrt nr Io mlrk Nu opunlnu CAR WASH strawberry lea will be held from 230 to 430 pm Saturday at the home cl Mrs Human Shanty Bay in Ina Ls won rcii byl had Chum ed properly an Essa Road request from Dohson In mane land It the comr Welllngum and Maple Avenua and mm mm the Mic um Mm Camszsion regarding cun lrol flu erection of street bannm v14 Woman of ZIOII finned hunt Gardens Here lmmedlatn past president Bob wmum Mscnu gavel Io Mr Cnid well Examiner mm BIMNTY BAY TEA Essa Road Dolmen In the corner at male

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