Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 8 Jul 1966, p. 14

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Manulncturer ol measuring tape Ind mlu refill mm In mugng lorgot Acgaungnu flapwill Canadas largest and most suc cessful ngency nursery has llmiied number of positions or young and middle Iged lenile men an area reprueniniive desiring Writd and challeng ing career lending in rapid ad Vancemnni oppurtunilie within its diversiiird division Activiiies Will involve the tale of qualin nmery slack in es iablishod nirai and ruburban areas Advantement if desired in Garden Ccnire Past Managerial Supervision and Fertilizer and insecticide Markeilnu as pro gress warranis Subsianlinl commission rate weekly All replies ill be held in tonlidenoe and mum for iuriher iniormaiion should be dircclod Io MR KILPATRICK Regional Supervisor THE CARADOCV NURSERIES LTD 271 Caradoc St STRATHROY Ont Phone 2452300 Apply in writing givmz education EbenMic personal history and Mary remflrcmenu Position is lailricd with ur AIMInca expenses hospiini And medical plan Appncanu must be bondable lgava my model cgr and free to travel Manulacturero mm air compressor Ind swimmlnl pool Iqulpment inquire expelMead ulu rmuentatlvc IO HELP WANTED prnxrcssive manuladurinx company has an awning for lralnce to learn sales can can The suilnbll applicant must have compldcd Grade 11 dny wok company paid pub ion plan usual benefits Apply in min to DEVILDISS CANADA ANNE EMPLOYMENT WANTED muu 0x131 mam winn mmmor mplmmihn Mnu pmmm pm In um mum4 Annm mum Amy mu am Trn un mum hum IM mm numnl Wm RTFM I¥1u¢ My ln mm NINTH nvlmhle daa NOTICE TO CHEDINRS All mums hmlnx clnhnn Against Ihe Fhlnlo DONALD MnclmNMI Ink ol lhn CH Harrir in tho Amnly SlmA floured Farmer drrcnml ho dial on or About lho Ntn lyelnhlh day of January ILD mm must lorwnnl Inmo lo 1m umlrnimwd brim me am day it July 10 nflvr Md Ilnln he Imell will he lulmmml nmunm he pnniu enllllml lhrnmI nnll he mlmln lumlur Ill be Inhlo In my pennn Mum ulmm lhey null nM mm have notice II LEGAL mmin narrlo 0mm III In day In lunn 0116 HQ gmmml OWE TENDERS F0 SANITARY ANI SIOIIM SlZWFMS nnlrnd Nu 0022 fiflnhul Tnulru In Why pvnviuMl ill mrlml 71 um undflrulmml up In pm Monday IMy mm mm ht umllmflm Ill Intrial Trunk Sammy and 51mm EllMu Nlnu lluulnu Sum bmnuwmflnx I1mvlm My Im Imral IHMIIVIPr Admmlrmml Nan Ilmy 9mm AM FHHIIVIHRN NW II RHINO au lrl HM AMI HIhIlI mm wmnmnm and nmmm may Mininkl My mm mm mum Nurl MUD Mun ANN Jul II In lnr 1le mm nml ulmh um IN nhmInl 1mm or Mr mvlvr nu mmlv am IZTENDERS mmmm my SALES TRAINEE WRITE TO Sales Career IMerru mm Solitlmrl 50ml i1 wmam THE LUFKIN RULE CO OF CANADA LTD BARBIE ONTARIO CARADOC NURSERIES Sales Representativg Jacuzzi Canada Ltd Iwmuc 0mm Cost Accountant JACUZZI CANADA LTD REXDALE ONTARIO an AWENTION MR 303mm koka Lakes Secondary School consisting of Shops and Classrooms Suled lender on stipulated sum basin plnlnly marked Ten den or Additions to the Brae bridie ml Muskoka Lake Se condary School Ind addressed the Bucobridxo Boards Ed gallon wi11 jeceived nndl Bmcmmfiw ONTARIO Tendem for Additions to tha Bracebrldge and Mus es and Il san Aruhilecu Clawerton Sireei Eanle Ontario or by Mr John lave Business Admin lsiralor Board ol Education Bracebridze Ontario Plan and apocliicalinns will be available to General Connadorn an and allcr 300 11mlY Monday July 11 i966 at he aiiicos of lhe Amhilecla on deposit oi certified chequ made payable in Salter and Allison Imam in tha amount oi FIFIY DOLL ARS OWL Plans and speciiicaliona will be an display at lha Tannin Can aimdlon Association Barri Bulldarl Exchangz Orillia Bullden Excxhange and Im don Buildera Exchange Tenders on mechanical and el ecirlcal subcontracts will he de poslied at the Barri Bid De ponliury unul 100 pm EDST Frida July 29 ma 430 pin ansrr TWRSP 05 1966 12 TENDERS favnur the Brambrldxa Board Edu callon In the mount $52500 Li requlrmn ol the Job Dawes or any under no nec essayEly Accepled SALTS My ALLISON TOWNSHIP OF lECUMSITfll BEETON ONT HINDI2115 FOR TRUCK SNOW FIDW AND WING A150 rTON PICKUP Sealod tender plainly mariad mum M111 be rocehrd by the undermined until 11 doc can Vadnbsday July me or flu dciivcry at nulm Ontnrln of ona Hm Krml lmck equipped win 1qu plow and win And ona Hm pickup momma lo mm ihlp spoclfkallon Ind lmdn form MIMI mm bo uwd And may be obtained mm the und enimed 1mm or my lmdar not necunrlly Naomi MLCAGUE flnnd Sxmorlnlrmlonl HARVEY Gummuum Ikemn Onllrin In Im Innlshl Tmmddp hum mllu WM WWW 11 or IM mil nnrfll nl HmmInn Hm1m on urvico mud cm at too IIMmny IGan of arm Mock Implunmln um mmlinl 1min ml min Inmolmlll tHMl Tmm rain No mm hum II lull Amqugm 407ij mi Wednesday July 21 In Iahnr nunMY IM HMKH 5H Mum IIIMNH PM In SM antlva Imnhufl hmm Mums MM ulnu wm Min Imn pm luilvl Mn noxiny Im4 human hrnlumwl ml 1m min Vldnllnn Iltln Hm lamp WI rollINnn Ilum Mn mmul IMI rulimlm kl WML nluln Iml all will In MM by main vilhnul mun IiiAUCTION SALES Audfibfisfim muu mmmm Amman mm or mu um me In Ihl Nil WA IAIIHHSON lvinl Md anmnui IML II mil IVIIUI Haul on Imhwny MLF WIND llmurlwlll lumhhlnzn thwnImp IMI my mum TH ma Mh lwnv Amlmwr WMdI lull llvl August Saturday August am For BOWMAN ALLEN MWHIIM JULY II AT 1230 Ill EIIAIU Architects 29 Clappcnnn sum Barrie Ontario MALE HELP Hilmj 1l1HLlN Anumn 0LWIII Amount MHIWN RAH AUCTION SALE Satuniay July 23 at pm sharp hr MES WILLIAM NEVIIB Lot 13 Concussion Tec Jxmseth Township miles wuth of WW1 AND mile west of mam 21 Sale of head oi bed mule horse PM farm muhlnem mm min main and some hwsdwld ell AUCTION SALE Friday July at 680 pm sharp For JACK MARTIN 0n Highway 17 at I5 Holly School Home Sale oi household lumllure electrical uppllnncu such as automatic efeciric wa ihers and dryers relrlgcralarl ranges elecirlc melt slicer Aluminum Window boyn bicy ales Kanieh mtoillier and many other Hilde loo numer ou la lbi Tormroash No roserve Jmm oouGHLm AudJoneer WATCH for all list July arm sold JERRY OOUGHUN Auctloneer WATCH for full July 30 IiiAUCTION SALES at pm sharp For ALBERT JERRY COOKSIOWN block west nl Rimlway 17 an nghway 99 Sale of housuhold furnishlnxs kflchenwnre automobile and some antiques Ttiléflu cash No reserve Homo By M115v WILMER WILSON Ivy was the sun lwa wed dings Saturday June 25 Mun two Ivan girls Mary Smith and Mary Um Sdurnass were mar riedr Mary Smiths wedding was in Grrlsl drunk and Mary Lou Slum35 1n the Presbmh Ian church Liule Virginia Price had the misforlunu to break bone In her big toe Mrs Pat chewing on broke thumb L0 50 anon cum church June 15 new HEW lon gave an lmpresive sermon George Davis and Cleve Pal lan read the two Bible lessens Rev and Mrs Newton and lamikv lull July for mnnlhl hulldm There will be nn Sun day Schml in mm Church duri mom Juy Paul Bourgeois Otlawa II holidaying wilh grandpar ents Mr and Mn Berk Mb Itan Thnse Mm away visi In June 16 were Mrs Earl trans and Miss Gmcn Dunnfll wilh Iotkloy Manda Mr and Mn Jump and Mr and Mrs Itnnctl with Mn Margaret Phnlr IfrlCrcdH Hay the mic the day All roport undcflul crap and pqofl wealzhcilo pg In any Air and Mrs Cmord Dam anequ he baptism of Diana Bolton daughter of Mr and rs Vic Bolton Strand June Anolhcr mndununn look plan at Ivy School June 29 With six nudoms noinx an In mondary sdwd my art Kcnncm Ing xnrlh min Spoon Ricky llfi smphcn Derry Simon Pallon and mm How prngnm wllh John anmn chairman had several mulcnln lakina an Ilcv Mr Mon gave the Inn and mmle the dipla mam Ken Nammh nve lhc vnlwhtlmy mltlrrsx Mu Jam lrllcnmu pmrnml gramme wilh mm rum by and Dunnlll ne lham collegiate plnl The xrmlunlu dented Min Dunnill with lru hwh wn mvtd by hi him 100 Ihkknl HOLLY Mr and Mrs Carl mini and sun Midland vlsilcd last week wqu naming and Mr and Mm Clevo Pauon GIIADUATION Holly Sunday Sthnnl hud An rnkvynhln plrmu on rlulrrh lnwn menuy All Mind 111 mm and ball mm wrra tnlmul mp HM dde umvlul In llnnll AM Mr and Mn flur Ilnnln In the whim paumu of Judge llnrvic MIL lernI Trd IIIV hm Tnlwlv nmn MIL Orr lhll ljvml vlmnl Krnlly wllll Mr and Mn Mn My Hm llmlmr and Mr ml Mn 1mm mm mmly lfmlNl lhn Hmhnr mmhnn ll rnlhml ML Aml MIL Jul KIWI um and Mlmnrl ul Imhum um hand Hun Wm In Mam Danl lh mww Junn New Want ml Mr Wnrr um mmnlwl mlh mm mm anly mzuntlon ml nu 41m Mr er mmMal In 11 talcIN July RIM Mlle KIMHI will In fimn ll llu nowlylmmnl lmhhmn 11wnlnn llnHy Imp rume anwl day Mm mum July nd maul II wll lw Al II mm mm In mum ImuAay Im In Hunlph Mll mllmnl nlm mvm mmIL llml HI mnjxu fénm No reserve as thy Mr nwl hl III Mhlm and rthnn Vmghlm IIHMI Mr And VI Mr humu on rum IM ml Mu lmln Ami may mnvwl 1n lrnrlnni Wal my mix rmamn mm Ila wm hum In 1mm fly MIL DOW AUCTWSALE Sapqrday Jqu Amman COLWILL Aucllmeer IVY Womens Immule met Mrs Cecil Shenrduwns and pmldenk Mrs Herb Shnllswell npened tho meeting The Iopic was CAnndim Induxtry and Mn Maurice Hayes gave an lnlemslinz pnpnr Owing to lhe absence of Mrs Joe Sunchnn the mom Hume green hmsea Where the plants of cill enxhfln are cultlvnl was read by Mrs Gordon Eldwell Mrs Georg Hacks conduclnd contest The next mecllng wll be It Mm Walter Howe in Soglember Studcnu II Best Mem orial spent an enjoyable day at 0m Beach Park More Marlin Wm Mn Roxie MnNelLl Ind Mab lm Kitchener Mrs 11qu Ind Mia lfimhen Atwood visited Mr and Mrs Madam and Mr and Mrs Howell Ma Ind Mrs Bil Mcbenn Bobby and Billy Toronto re va veiled Mm Jiin Shells had me mumlune to break toe while It Home Lake Cecil 511de patient MW Ysimlflasyifll Mrs and Mn Ar Hobbs and Shirley haw moved mm the village to house at the new Adult Iulnlng Centre where Mr Hobbs LI omplaycd MIDHURST 5mm Depart ment Highways approval is nwnltcd to designate Ihrne well uayelled Vesprn Townshlp rand 411mm szjds These include Findlay Road from County Road 11 to High way as Edzdiili Rand Irnm Barrie city limits in Nu Highway nnd Minuing sidemad and Concession two from the couniy mad at hiincsiug lo Hiifhway 26 Asked about the Vcs ra cum speed limits said Mlzgcsllnn was for 30 miles per hour tuna in mrlain built up areas but 1th had to cnive deparlmcnt approval The designalion wold come first he said Earl Richardson clerk said the appllcaliom had born pre pfrnd allowing council approv new schedule of wages or mad worker include $175 per hour No grader operator 155 or madnnery operator SIMCOE COUNTY NEWS ny MRS MEL HOWELL MIDHUBST with smooth new bottle and celebrated taste thats how gin should be EDGAR white satin Thats how Whno Snlin Snll madno Si Robml Burnous nnnlnnl1770 London Drv formula sull nxaclly as dry and salummoolh today In il own was Allor nll when men lanlo can kcvp 1m lamoua or annotations on holh sirlns of tho oceanwn wouldnt dmnm of changing it Whnl we have done though in change tho Whno SnIIn holllo lls tho hos wnv wn know to salmn mlnhmlml 1le ano II look ann buy Wlulo Snllnl lhuln how II III should bo and ruck driver And 3150 or labor The next regular mealan of the Vespra councll which headed by Reava Waller Forbes will be held on mesdax Auzus since the llst Monday holiday RETAIN KILTS UllAWA CWDefine lllln lsler Hellycrtold the Colman Thursday ll ls hls lnlenllon la retain the kill the dress unl lann for hlzhland nulls flu same time he told Lloyd Crousu PC Quemlmen berg and Rumell MagEwan PCFlam that he has not declch what uniform unl lnnn will be worn by Canadal Integraledumed lomea sum PROPOSAL UIMWA plan hold 11 oenennlal youth parlia ment next year Ls now before Hwy II 96 025x 2465 in £mfimmfl 4sz Thenl no IOIIflI lur Wllk think In ml nlllnlnllam um mm palmm nl uunm nun humanly mlnea employm mm MudIa muchlnlry mmhla mm who humd mm pluu yam TOLTON Equipment COMMONS IN BRIEF The Premium Gin MASSEY FERGUSON 7264485 The county now look me mnlntcnanco 10th ounceulon road mm No no to Mhesinx hlvlng taken over earlier in lh9 yeqr Ml 3lein said He Adticd Irhercuunty 7156 now maintain me FluVespn town llna road the cabinet Shale Secraury La Marsh loll the Carmi nlurh day Mlchul Formull lPC Halifax had asked whether lhl centennial commission was go lnu to proceed wllh the Idea She uld plan is under study the ommlsslm Ind up cab lfiet HENS 0N LITTEII SHURGAIN17ALLMASH LAYER HENS IN CHGES SHURGAINIB ALLMASH CAGE LAYER HATCHINE FLUCKS SHURGAIN 17 ALEMASH HATCHER In 1110 Each of you Ipochliwf WINm mlons formulmd wlIhlncmnd IOVIII oi proioln mlnahla Ind Ivlhmlm Io wmponmo for udund food Intake by pcuIOry during period hlgh llmporalum Kup your 099 produeflon up to prolllablc Involz whh SHURGAIN ho wuhor llylng load program HIGH HEHT LOW HP PETITE Poulry Had COOKSTOWN FEED MILL MAINTAIN STEADY EGG PRODUCTION DURING SUMMER MONTHS WITH SHUR GAIN SPECIAL HOTWEATHER LAYING FEEDS Dlll 55273 THE BARBIE EXAMINER FRIDAY JULY RECOGNIZE ONGANIA day th has recognlled Gen WNDON Amm arms Juan Cnrlm Dnganial new zavcrnant announced 11mm gime in Argenllna THE NEW RUBBER STAMP THAT NEVER NEEDS AN INK PAD COMMERCIALVPRINTING 16 hymn sv Anne 5L Bud 25000 IMPRESSIONS TRY PEBMHSTHMP CUMMINGS FEED MILL BRADFORD FEED MILL Dennis Brlrllord Dill 7151411 Dill 1M5 7164537

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