Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 8 Jul 1966, p. 1

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fBATTlEfiISOOMING 0N BANK ACT CHANGE New Trade Deal For Caribbeans or France May Ponnihflir Use mm an Nicklaus Builds Bigger Load eruun flIka NIHqu unlimz In my mm mull mm rill2h mm lull dwmdlmlmp mm nim MIN ml nmdm mm mm mm Mm Ml by NM an Mn vvlh WASHINGTON MIYJHM Amny lnr InanAlinnal Mflvvp mm nnmnml May ha nmlmiml WWW Innn In mwl lmllal Nmmw nmnmunn mmm 1m an In mmnl In HM Min mm Illa MIle wal Mhnlvmh AM Intlla VMUHNGTDN MUDINqulk Wm Imhmlnl hilly ranu my nzyrn In rulllnunl nu ul Frrndu ulr uwn Ivy Mllnl mmm pun unm Imk with mnIInry mum 0140 MINI Alanflc Tlmly rmnluzllm Source my he nrw nanw mrnl cnmmlln nnmlu mnvn lh crnl hundml uluhl nrrlrrtnlml levy on qunr ullh Illa pmvlm lhnl It ll nppmml by mhrr fnmmnm wpnllh umplwrn ol my 01 MM 1M InleMlinnal Asxxodnlim Mflrhlnhu AFLClOl or aim in moo membm work in nr mum Northwul Nu Unnnl lrm World mi Unllrd OTTAWA CW Thu Cum mnnwcnllh Cnrlhbmn Canada cunImncn hn wnrkrd out new lrndo den hm lntlurlu lhu ellmlnnllnn nl Cnnmlnl Import duly an lehbmn mum Fnrmul llnnnunrclanl he mw nrrnnficmrnlx Ix rxprdnl lmlny Ill Um tnnlrrmro ernrled hy Cnnmln null 11 nmmnn wrnllh mlhlvrnn rmmlrlu dxinlsl unlon members walklng of Mir job nday in rum against live major US llnu US Resumes Rid To India Am nnsrass Judy Taylor sits oriomly on slack of suitcase at Boslons Logan annorh or expression swns up the cnlimenu of thou MachiniSts WdlkoUt Cripples US Airlines WASIHNGIDN AP Ma Ioznd yrNo The Home Dally Newspa er For Barrie and District LATE NEWS Xanadu hu Also mum to withdraw chum In ho was lrmla nurtcmrnl lhnl prrmillul Irrlflenllnl lnriHs nnly on Cnr Wan 00111 All 1hrme lo Canada larllimn dd unlu hm mm Hm lhigumnt rlmum wu unlulu rr Tuslmm vnhmllnnl by nn min on inrlhlmn flood manu lnduml 1mm lmparlnl mnlerlnl mnr IlIO Inwcrnl Canmllnn rle run my law punan nrrnlly may nllow lnr lha mlurllnn President Johnson owned the Civil Ammuulka Board In work Cnrihhmn counlrlm hm Innx Inuxhl bell drnl In lhc Cn Mdlnn mnrkclplnca or lhclr nugnr nn 1me Ilnplc The five airline normally carry more lhnn 250000 mam zen daily According an air line xurvcv on mm In tho Unlmd Stale and manning the globe Airlines to leave mm Jobs at Mn Inca limp ands nl dau and pawnch ho were grounded In lhl Unled State today walk out by machinist uninn mem bcn has ulecled iva major 112 qulrzxnan sum Hm ml flu lxmtnim wduv mum um Inin lhv maul um um Kmlqnnjf im mlnzpuvau Mn Mm rbw pathm any lhrwmrr nil Emil 1H0 xlindnr tl tnhnnnnm mi Im mimic Aflmra Ixmmmrnl rm wu erymI Inlay 1011 an mull DC Inuit and 1M lmlmnflmn cl nix on N11 vmn mnlnl on Hw mo lmnl Ilw mwnivvnu omru hm MI no mama1 mm mm llvm two mgunlth alC hnlrhr Aflniu hupml llrwwrl llncmn ml IM tirfi WMM Ivd In mmnmuml AlliKNth In mm our Mm hm mnwl In Mr minn mmathu muwnwnl Im ulmrd ln lrhua Hand IIINDMI mm pr dung llu Mm lulllle Wain Irwmnml wk3mg mmlnz in an rm nmy unim lllhy wm AvaHnNn hilWhMrly Int Wu Airlines urvo 231 cum In the Unilzd 5mm and 211 cm abroad Mir H000 em plnym rmeMnl about nor ma he lnlluslryl Inlnl rm plomml In mm mum pawmm mile Hm Ive mu amount or 01 per m1 U5 trunk no opernllonl The Ilrllnu Mid nun II no mhxtllulo urvicol wrro pm vldod Ihe Amkn would 19an US citiu without trunk nlr nervlu Jnhmon also asked Postmas lnr amoral Llwrence OBrltn lo uu emy mean nl movina lhcmaih rapidly as possible all um warher lnvulvnd military nIrlifl mnlmd wouid rcrnl1n an uw job EEIWE Ill CITIES la mimrnile intunvcnhnm la the public and Ink the defence de partmcnl 1o Npofl Immminlcly on any pmbivma Um ans American Airlines Mix lay Iar hoslm wnh Trans World Airlines 15 based In New York Cily AP Whe photo Ilhncunhflhn gm The filon sgid hqwe lhal mnorrm Illm HAGGAN RESIGNS CBC Ousts Leiterm an In vlmmual Mr ww and Inlnlw lnlmn mu mum Fvvwn um um lmzmnl IN WI ml Ime fiiq Havllrr Mr llama lNHflINl cmmd mpnrmur cl WIMI Mhlru ll ha WW mp1 Mint Ila mllfvl mo Innlul Imuww Kim rlwlmnlim Dun In gain mum on rhl Mn numun lll Ilw rml lhu nwl Mr lnlmnnn mul HflVlfl hm Inldml uml ltn ml Ilfl JI Ihl rnw Mr WMUVI Midi ha II In rlvaI In huh 31 in mm ml mm HimIm IIIrI mural HIM lflrr lamb11 hm IN MIrinlml 1011an Mutual amt war mm Mam Ir rammed mulmnl Mr IIl Mr Wnlma lwzl Mm lhyn Nil lmhrrf 11 lb rm mm lknumm MM lw yguml lwmm ho mll ro mnln llu IIU III mm mmluulnl 71M Ynmu 0mm YIIIIHN It Sum nm mum nl vhmnml alum mum ml intuitl Mflmhlmm mvflrr mm Mnfln Ambnmdar Arlhur Goldbcrg mulcer with ano laul 1hr so minimx odny and parlxl lo have Ilscusxcd he bomb In ha niphnnx and anal nil depots which no anlrnn has llplum It was Gnldhcrxl mond visit In lho lnpe In IEHII mnnlhl my n10 hour Dec 29 IUHHK the US puma nlfcn Ilve lhnl tilled In 1an Um Communilll lhn nrxnllnllnz Inhlo 74 be mud and when mimsi His Progressive Conservative government badly bruiszd two week ago In wlnnnz lourlh consecutive Ierm retained northern Churchill cansriruuncy Thursday in dclcrrcd provincial lodlon Voting In the 57th Ind ling sea he decided Finance Minisicr Sharp an he third day of lnlermillcnt de bale Introduced his iong awnilnd Bank lid revisions Thursday on mm vole All opposition parties but Social Credit opposed it Thu leemls ha held on In their place lha ochinl 0p pasillun dtspilo subsianllal NDP gains June 23 wrrc In am In the cold in Ihulsun fluyhor dared Churchill uhcn hair can didnta wn disqualified on nami dny OTTAWA CWThu overn mcnts blueprint to spur com peliuan tn banking and finance which may bring higher bank loan lnleml rates next year appears dosthed or months dormancy and Ihen tough political fight THOAIPSON4 Man CPVC Iory In Illa North has rein forced Premier Duff lloblinn majority In the Manilan logis Inlure Gordon Beard smpuund Thompson buxinessm we ccssfully ed his seal against challenge by W11 llud ml 37 nlrkclmlne mill moch nnlc and union mganlur mmL scntlng In New Democrat Party The bills main mw lemurs Ls the detailed formula by which the present sixpercent ceillng on bunk loan interest rules will Goldberg Talks With Pope Paul m1 mun 1w llilfllw Toban Tories Gain One Seat Barrio Ontario Cumin Filthy July I966 VATICAN CITY MP US Wllh inllvnnu nrrnunlcd for Pass Sharps Proposqls By8659 Commons Vote llnl ho niun mimaldvu ho vanl Hm Inuudhllpuvirm mmva Ilut Iv mm rumulm My rmlum dkMInn 11 nt wkn ml 1va mum mm Mr Itimnun punlnhly Alunum ll ll llw UIWa WM flul mdnl mmde In mnllmml nl llui inw mm Mr lAHmmn Inilul Du unim Imu 1w llLI plmnl Mira July 14 31li NM lIw llunl hid MN Sum an waler mua1 hwhy hr nrxl vvn rmtlillmo ml Ivy uv Vlfl rvmlilhm Id lull IV lmul nu mulin Irv whvl Mr Imme luvor mm In Iln mu will mu mm In want um um In Ilmmml nu Inc Mn Ililnmun had MUde ud dillnml mmlillmu In mmwl In mum Mrmsidmi mlh lmnl Il livnfiu dim Nuns rnmthm mm lull brand his may In and mum 171 NJMiM rl MADE on gall Mn cumin murmur mum mm prevka mm In Mr my HAVE SLIM MMlGlN Though vulivca as tho party in power must appoint Speaker the Churchlll vldory hnisls lheir OVEN house mar gin lo lour the glanding compared with the pruvnou election Dec 1962 With Ihe exception of two VB cnnclu 5cm lhnl had been hcld by lhe NDP It 1962 standing wu unchanged at dis wlullon Mr Beard was lending his NDI loo 1310 17 Wllh Jl nl 42 polls rcporlcd and counting endcd or he nluhl Lengthy commmu hearing are expected at which Ihe Cann dim Bankers Aunciatinn and Aswming Parliament will ad journ shorlly or summer re cm the Bank Act revblon will rcmaln on the shell unlll all when it will come up or second readingappraval ln princlplo and Ihen go to the Commons llqancer commillm ormuln were applied under current scarce credit con ditions the Inurut ceiling would In seven per cent But the present sixpariah ceiling prevails until Dru naw Bank Act passed came Into died early nerd year rain generally are lower will be eliminated PC le NP filial mum1 WmnDl WMlhrr1 CI Nun2 Cullfltdlz II Cuminll TV MinnJ Ann LindenI mun1 Dhlykll Edllorllll The Examiner TODAY 1965 196 T1 In Inthllly ml mum In my ler wmlm Illil In Canah ha MM hall rm Hiniln Mm 1mm dxmrl In ind Mr Inlmlmn nhl ha him In llkn Ml AM um Ni 010ml mlkilu laund Mr Mann MM ln an WH vuw lu luluII In Mrll than MM or My lnl hqwl him In In rmhmu IN like Iflml lecl M1111 Mr llnflfin MM In data nwnl lw rm Mom 1quth Mt rulzmlm lnr Mwml mun ml Inrldrd In muw man nmwmu hy flumrnlinn In um MI Iritnmnn Ila MM In Iw mt Alam mva mm Mr lmur mans MHvlim Ill MHwI IVA uw mum In lm wind on ar Ivy Wramtrnl ml hwmmv unlnr manual IKMMHL wan aim0 ho tun araln wlumul Mllhnnmllm held uni rnnlrrrnrr nu lanwl mu mum ml hm mw mlmvunl lo maul wrk swung In Rum 11m Mr1hll Malimwu with mmmunn mum Innmu Hm all r4 1qu nmlh Ever wander haw many Ila Irnm Eu 11rd nn below AM Aka llIL on Burrnw funds by Issuing de bcnlures but these must be or term least five years and be noncnllabic An upper limlz will be applied lo the amount dcbenlur borrowings but device as whole puts Ihe bank compdillvcly Inm the money market or lunds Conlinuescrvice charges In addfllun to Interest charges on personal loans This has pravtd beneficial in reducing rates on Martial volume consumer crodil laid li nanca department alaiemenL Loan money on property mortgages up in 75 per cent the value of residential proper llu with no inlercstvraie ceil ing but with limit as to the total amounl they may loam Some MP hava urged Ihix as help to hnmcawnm whu want in refinance their National How in Act morigagcs olher bodies will present brick The bill then will go blck tn he Commnn or datailed clause by clause study Fina passage by the Commons and Senate in nu expected much in are Christmas In addition in HM Inrmuln to first raise and thcn eventually to abolish the interestrate ceil ing the bill provides that banks RIFLE MISHAP INIUBES YOUTH Grcrnwood walked qunrllr 171 min below he found aid IGymrcld Anyu youth who walked quarter of mill for hclp alter nccldcnlal ly shouting hlmscll In In Ilnmuch yesterday now In Aallstnclory candixlan at Hoy nl Vicloria llnspilnl Thu youth Km mumm mu Mr and Mrs Orland Greenwood 01 Cindy Luna Angu was injured um lhn gun he was carrying disrharg ed nIlcr he had alumhlrdr Inllcn Inlrl irttnwnod ll nn perkred hunter He has hunlinu near lhe CNN crossing and he Filth Line at Em lawnshin mm mm my 1mm Palucc mm lhebunex from Zlmnbm rifle carrim rthl lhmugh his body Vermin Inked ifsi 7min or medical nllcnunn Ind II or In hospllul In nnrrle HERES ONE SO DOES WATSON twm Mm luv 1m have hm mural up WW may um IIIIEVIMMVKM In main Um Air mm My pm Na 41 ll pawI In at vari mm ml n1 ma nutun mu nunr mayMM In puluwl My mum Ialrl In II luhhy Mr Imam rx plainul he WMMN l0 IIPIIHT hi1 Idrnlilird smrlf Elwyn It Ilngm man 11rd ID walk on he floor lrzblnlure Thurulay lr drlivtr rnuml Irrmicr Julun IldwrlL He was rrmmm by polirc hccu and mmu muner nl Um hnmt Thcn llouse hauler Gnurgc Mcllrnllh nnnmmrod Ind ny schciule would include Ihe Can ndn Assistance Plan slill nl cummiflw Ilnze Alter ddrr mined nppusilion bank to been ln lhe race In cl nwuy 1mm he capital the Commons dual with mbasurcs mnccrninz Bank Ad nmnndmcnlsl he lcdcrnl pmrinclnl crop nssislnncc plan an $82346201 npprnprialinm bill covering lml spendan schedule would include lhe Cnn dcpartzmnu and 1M mlirmr OTTAWA CPIAllhough lhe Commons continued Thursday lo whillle down Um legialulive load holding up summnr re cess MP ace another riple gm lexislulhe schedule lo ay bins Man Attempts To Enter House MPs Facing Heavy Agenda Former political leader Gearge Drew leavu Grace murd mumHill In Toromo last evening following his marriage to the former Mrs George McCulIagh widow of Tornnlo publisher Drew who was leadtr he Pm TORONTO CPLA mm Mm InMIII1mmIAN In IMl DREW TAKES BRIDE No Moro Than 10 Par Copy Pngu IIvI Alumni MM lbw uh Mm ml malva In halve us ll Huh lim nm dinnm um um Mflrhy ldmmln MI Ililmilld I4 Iman num In IN mid manned Ifllkhll qrai lo mrulw Ihd luvr ll Mn Arm4 In Inn MI ymlvtv In lw I1 haw um mmml nnnwm muq mam II Mm ll muth lmm huulur Iln hm nnrl Mlnuwy Umnal All WMva ypowrillm ulalrmenl Mr Rum dinlfilmlnl In pollen mill Hu Judilml lnruury lmuld Im Naminlml IMNYIIMII whrlhu hm hm lwn lrrnlNl pmprrly Ivy hmvllnl Ilnrlnrm Ivy lhl Mclluxmhlnn dim and lh llmnulrnh My MHMIII ll MI IVAMimi II Mid hl IIHINIIIM lvll nnrr ha was mm In II Mid hl Hlfnllln lwnn nnrr ha was mm In Hmlvrr 1M and Maxim MIMI rIrmIml In um luml hy INM mum In hnur nu IMII anlry Imklly My 1her mm Mm hil Ilnn hml hum In mm Imu ml Ilrmy mum mu Irg lllvvuwa rnmmHl ll lIn 1m In mrr luv Mm llr hu pmulrl In rerl Mm uh MIN NW In mnm Mull WM 41erwa in ImnN Now lmh Hr In hm llw qr lo mrulw Ihd In Mr llnutu uh mu INrd rum he huuuilnl nnly Mxrn hLI luwyrrx lhvulrnul Ir nnl MHnn Innlml hmpllnl 0m rlnLI In aid han hrcn do nrrth lnnflnmfly Ill unly I1 hdnm MI 12mm He MM he HLI umnxlully mmmllml or Iva moulln to ha hamlnl mmy about Is milm cm of Torunln And Im Merltu 1hr mailm Inn mm1 for mhcial Inquiry In nu lrtnlmrnl in the 011 Mm llnspllnl ll WhlUry and In llw mum Earlier Prime Minlslcr Pm son lndicalcd ha wanted the medical can ilcm handled be are he lwlldnyl Th3 possibillly lnlc siulng ladny and ma Saturday acsslon have already hem mcnlloncd by aovcrnmcnt nlfxclals Pmlicllons now am that the Common will be all ling ngxt week The biggest hurdle Thursday Nu passage or lhn Bank Ad usnluliun and first rcndinz of he blll hnstd all it MP1 tull llnucd criticism of amendment to rnlse the ccilinx an hankloan internal mics the old In pension an Interim supply bill that boggcd dnwn Iale Thursday night and Inlro ducllon of the resolution prnpov In medical care insurance plan Conan many and warm Law Ionlm so Huh Saturday 82 For mmplele weather sum mary pluu turn In pm seven essive Conservative Party In an Ontario Premier and nppusillon leader In Ihc fed nl ham lost his first We in March 1965 His last pol lical pvsl before retiring Wu Canadian High Commis sioner In Britain See Mary on Nine Wlmpholni

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