Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 6 Jul 1966, p. 4

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The prolonged stafpage of shipping hlt Britains vulnerab balance of pay ments heavyblow But the action of Prime hfinlsler Wilson in publicly cherg ing that Communist phessure had pm longed the strike will cause repercus slons to echo through the British Labor mavement or years to come Labor government which draws good deal of its support from trade un ionists is on delicate ground in dealing with such matters as the seamens strike If it appears to lavor the union demands it is condemned as being unfair to indus try If it doesnt it is accused of selling out the unlons In Britain the problem is pariicularly comglicated because of the attempt to esta lish lines as reaso hie Walls Publlshar for settlement of labor disputes The British economy while up arenlly booming and enjoying Iull emp oyment is menaced by chronic trade defiuts and lagging exports Increasing costs men ace exports sLill more Barrie Examiner July 1956 in ex clusive story written by Sam Mackness Examiner sports editor con finnation was given of signing of con tract for 15round bout July 25 at Maple Leaf Stadium for heavyweight champion ship of world between Archie Moore of San Diego Californiaand James Parker of Barrie Mayor Nathan Phillips witnessed signing in his office at To ronto City Hall Title was vacant due to retirement of undefeated champion Rocky Marciano of Brockton Mass Massed band concert at Queens Park Sunday night attracted big crowd Orillia Silver Band Barrie Citizens Band dir acted by Joe McNeillie Stayner Band and Barrie Pipe Band led by Buster Langman rticipated Start was made on arrles new YlthAYWCA when committee of to citizen met at Town Hall and decided to organize George lricke was chairman of steering committee Town council offered fed eral government $15000 for old post of fice Member of Barrie Central Col iegiate Key Club sponsored by Kiwanis who attendetd convention at Dallas Tex as were Jack Carpenter Bruce Danger field Ron Butler Garry Caldwell Ken Beaver lohn Drake Glen Mumberaon Mac Morrison Memorial Cottage at Blue Mountain Camp for crippled chil dren officially dedicated Kiwanis Club of Barrie through sale of peanuts pro vlded $8000 to erect building Dr Allen Gray received broken leg when he fell in boat at his cotia lloney liars bour Mr and Mrs lenry Vander bcek sail Friday from Montreal aboard SS lilusdam to visit relatives in Neth erlands and travel through Europe for three months llap Lowe ol Barrio elected Governor District No Aasoo tatton of Canadian Kinsmen Clubs Annual convention of Lions international held at Miami llarrio delegates were 10 YEARS AGO IN TOWN Seasons Strike Game To End As Commies Were Named Ynnmr Drllvll hum urnN mil muva mm 14 ner ml when mm Eh flarrin iEaeaminpr Pgblishad by Canndlan Ngwapapm Limltod 16 Hayfield Street BArrloLOMano Ishar Wllson DOWN MEMORY LANE FIVE DIE IN MANITOBA CRASH Mnthon Mdfmgln Editor WEDNESDAY JULY 1m Aam um HIM and Im lnluml in nururi rumInn mnva Intvwllnn mum mulllll wlmpol ENVELH 55453 Mr Wilson had uéed considerable re straini in handling the seamens strike Political opponents and even some nor mally neutral say he was too cool But his action in naming names in connec tion with Communist pressure was bold enough it may have been eolndd ence but the end of the strike followed almost irnnieqiaiely It is difficult to understand in todays changing political pattarn why Brihsh Communists should try to injure the nations economy which Is whatMr Wilson charged at lee when gt Iorls are being mad to build better un deistanding 44 AL Perhaps the Communists feel the gov ernment in London has been too friend ly to the US in regard to the Viet Nam war Or it me be that they have just formed the ha of undermining succes sive British governments Whatever the reason it is interesting to note that tar as the public is concerned Commun ist intervention in British labor dispute gives it the kiss of death Osmond Rowe QC and Noel Stephen son Accomganying International Direc tor William arner to Florida were Mn Garner Mr and Mrs Robert Garner and Mrs Stewart Emms Mr and Mrs Harris and Mr and Mrs Cedl Mc Mulkin returned from Vancouver where they attended biennial convention oi Canadian Legion Sons of Mr and Mrs William Warnlca William Street Donald Warnica is teaching for summer at lndian mission school near Moose Factory and John Warnica Varsity first year medical student is working labor atory of hospital there Robert Tar Bush was inimitable emcee or annual June Ball hold by lodies sectionvol Bar rie Golf Club with music by Bill Kos mans trio Mrs Hany Young and Mrs William Dyment were conveners Lunch or Chinese loood was served at midnight by Ken Lem club steward Robert Hardy chosen from 10 applicants as His todlan of liarrlo Armoury Montreal Star The explosion by China of hydmgren bomb is graphic continuation that soph isticated nuclear knowledge no longer is the SSElute resource of Britain France Ho and the United States Edward Teller already has predicted that within the next five to ten years Peking will have rocket to deliver the bombs Thus if containment of atomic weaponry is to be achieved China must be taken aer lously Test bans or control are mean ingless without China an agreement can only be reached through international negotiations Before such negotiations are ramble China must be invited into the mforttnt iomms of the world The first these ia the United Nations Other Editors Views CHINA AWAITS WITHOUT Iln Imglm yup hitlrs Alammnl lawnr mm min Ill Mun ICI Genera Manager By GORDON DDNALDSON KlDoddndldmfliu txryhu Ml einl pullngnuo wor WASHINGTON Specah Senator m1 Dodd with £3302 Zflfnifims Lu mu m1 m1 prom look the wry pawn ol the perfect United sum Senalor 0mm FBI usual and Wu almes premium Dodd 1mm plenty 1W investin timu WASHINGTON CALLING Now he is under unvcsugauml 1nd hl ad on ml or Ml political We bean the nawly loaned some Ethics CaniL lee He 11 the first malur Io be tried by hi peer or um elhbal conduct lines be late ed In 196 The hearing hava Mn that he comnillce Is not as most pew expedcd mm mm to whimash Dodd in he indium of the male AWKWARD FACTS mam have been queshon ed Ind nMvward acts brought oul dlxnlfled Dodd ha been tamed nulnn awkwardly un dec mule In mmhinz inter rogation in the best FBI mln mu charge aim him In that he cmlcd mm mm or Juliu Kieln wired mun mllnr guml now hotshot Chicago rclmlmu nun who lvbh hr uvrrnl wm Gamnnwuelm important 19M Chi mall Dzhme in which hl wn floormnnlser th hlll la fly lo Gomuny alieniny to lnlervlnw fund Sovm up enl About 50m Ymrdcr Ip plum HAND T0 GERMANY Amadan lo runner mmvbm hi who am ledityinx atan Mm Mn ml man wu In nll In find or Klein lo r1 Cumin ludm In eluding VDrjAdcmmh yam cludln Dr Menu flm ood Twldglp yu doing lar Klein Grr In IWINI mm in dlnxer mm cl mudm made durum umlc Invemnuon Mbfinl ll warm Uh hm human Lobbying System On Trial In US Aulhotlxod Imnd clu mnu PM 0mm Drpm Mml WI If Dilly Mud Mummy Hnlllhyl unwed Mbmlnllhn rulu Ihlly by rurlrr unkly um yuvly Null In lnr fly mull mm In yonrly Onlarln Im ur mom thinMu yur MAII mm Onu ym m4 dc MIA MUM mplmn mm yw LIA ml InnMn mm yur mum 13 lnivlflly rmnnln Mn um tul fil Mmlrul III In Wul lrmlor vnrmvor Mbm HM Anlv llll NWan lnlul Alwlnllrm Um nn Minn IHII ml Mum Ruler r4 firrullllml 11w Candim Im In Iltlullnly enllllul mu muMlcnum Mn dlmldm In luuwr named In ll nr he Aurxlnlul Im mun nlm lh Inn 1m mlhlmwl Umeln New THERES NOMNEEFOR AN OSCAR swan FEELING2 sucu EMOTtONI 1th ll sound quit ham Ianscum Mom man won every day But the bulk OHM case mains Dodd ml on 4000 bum and document purloincd mm hLu file And phatde by tour munbm his mu led by 37quer June Boyd Boyd said he tried lo penuldn Dodd rm to so during the Div II 11th Whale Ha mum He underuood it ms had me to go but he laid luv to goaluuu has been may km and pressing me to go llla 14ch mm Klein to Dodd are amass md rude And sound if he wm ordering ralhnr nun rcqueslinx lbs un alor to go Lo Germany and make with BAD TIME chin on hi way to Wuhing Inn to give his side nory lhls wctku He ls no hurnhij Ie mung Irom Gamath 5y my pm he Dodd lnqulry II Awkward mm or ha othtr Janitors mvm he nl 1y tricky topic 01 rcllllnnl with lobbyists and taxisch nun 10mm nuke Mr huie Ices by chimini they un Influan ledxlnuon TILy hm the thelr cllv enls the Impression without 5c lunlly olylna lo Hut My hava mun um and mucou mcn in Mr packets bound Ind 551d lur mdy Jo mar bid um fmh ll quvlma halt cVtul in lo gallon in In hi bhyids an on me my mmpllon MM than on wr nmn null mnd phm Dodd Dmnhl 011mm Ib uvlrm lldumnnk mm In nm In Imum nmw In um m1 luyw mud on 2me roundl dun MAYORS 0F BARRIE Wm Inter In mm mm DIVERTING FUNDS um whigh flumnfifluyfll is accused of di verting about 10000 mud or his campaign ink hi own pock 1nd or Accepting valuable Km and services from swam ment contractors when ncllvln He he was mama to tumu wc Your recent new item It gaming LM whacking DWI in exproprlale the Carley pro perly II the 00¢ Mukmer Stud ghoulq be Iuflident in Womble Carley WO The prime mlnIsQer Ind Mr petty Al the muster mun fluted 0m uemmgly Stud Ihould be lumdent earn11ch wmom wnhln be the mm mm hm at em other 11 us WHY fllhlmnd dun bombing mnnnuunced about Barrie ma ume Mr Polymsky wu an In former widen tho Cami 11mm on his way city and close friend lb kn Western Cuudn lulu cm CmgyAlnd 130 01 his AS My ev Ion Carley he very Ilka ol Iud an um 1cm cm In balm lhal bu new In mum found Barri Ind unit In Illa dyl devel man for 115 yam could only come from cude that is me pmper nmhl AM my In Us clown Gums ol Burk do not uh his mm to one your uad hudluflmu lying mm Do all Ihn you cm to loan the II enllnn who will lbun to lhls ruthless And unwmanlod aunck on buxlneu lhll 1m luxuth an tho 1m 1110 or nvnr mlury All uflunl who rm to mm In mo mu 1th to organ in loud rchcc abut um wand place munlclpl vmdaunm will ht unsweer Ind ny acllnn decided upon 11 be minted Thu um um lurtly Iha numan ol amenhum wuh out compenuUnm mu ImmuneDy illmnda Ia sound LETTERS TO THE EDITOR In lnm no The yum msm um Immm In 1h Iarfluxumnl min mlzkal mum Ind marl pm ERIC KWKENEE umnol MI Toronlm Stuntman Ym truly By BOB BOWMAN One of thollluctlnm In Thunderhlrd pm VldorlI 36 is Mot Slwuh lmllIn unu Called mum mam llnnd ll ones qu Immd most of the world4 Illtfin Il Nam vlflz mum IslInd Ind ending ll Wynn It Imflon mm mm youI lIlzr The nIvinlorI wm Nmmm Won liter whom ha halal Mum Bluff called Ind Cwuln VmI DInIIh dos mint IO Vlkml um wu responsiblu for the trip MabjanVflllltwl career In wulém mun lmnfiinnlv In Vmuyer he declde la try lo nll Immune mld In cum Ind golfing to may hlm The Tilihm wu 1m yam old Ind beencmed from red eedu log lumen Ind Von equipped the cum wilh small chlnel Ind lb Ind lefl Naolkn on July 19m Tool equipment included uxllnl wllh brukenmlmrr pockel wmpm and wnlch or chime meter For pmledlon ullm hostile nallves Ln the South Se mm lhey broom along Irlflz sholxun pblal Ind In old ppgnlm amen chap um had wand whllu Hula IInd lor CANADAS STORY mm 01 the my to Australia any visited Soalh Se Hinds 1mm might hive become prince or ans than In Ind kin lmkted um he mirry hl dnuzhter nnd Luxtan bad to la through caremony helm he could escape Imflm Blind the two men bid to lira their 01d SPle cqmon to maid bei mkad In pgnnibnl my pot van 9mm 01 come my Ind became llred of end chain the long voyage Durinl one stage leelny were to bad betweeh than that It owns and the cum each gum mm became Suva and went an to Sydney Munj by duamship but Von aallad the canoe By mu time ho hill covered 7000 ml mm had to work his way lurk in Cui Idl but Von continued his voyage In the Hfikun and Arrived tandem Wand on Sept 1900 alm unvaulnx for hm yun and three menu Immjrlfifl Cqmvbia alga aim Ind Indiln my esuvals at Banfl and judged the Indian and at an 9115111 Sumpede The um Museum ll mm in iiuiérxil in mm By MICHAEL GILLAN OTTAWA TM Cana dian gavelmm fills week found 115 wedged between than two world glam the United States AM we Soviet Un lonmler the war in Vie Nam External Alllln MJnLuer Maxdn ddended US Intentions Tuesday In haetmlue cam mum with himrankan Soviet minkter Dmitri Polym Iky but 1m he and Prime Minhler Pearson dhnppmved of the teem US decision to bomb oil depots nut Hanoi md ml phonz ln Noah Vie NlnL My evmlnx dinner 1n Ollnwa Mr Polyunsh flm deputy chalrman of an 15511 council of minim polls the Sovlat View that the U3 is he Ingram In Vin Nnm Ind lbfled tha AM ha wig respotulbllily hr endhu Canada Finds Itself Wedgedf Between Two World Giants Thu nmnnh cl the Attack vromvled Mr mm to reply that Canadl the nloult nddlbor the US is In better position In judge flu lbm our dflletenm but IIVIIYI sped lhu nullmul ol ha United States Ind Mn they are trying lo do to pmmMu harnwnlnux rdnUmu 1n the the world Mr Mir an old Mr Polylmky OFFERED FREE TALKE Mr Mudn laid the us bid and qul Vick Nlm pence nexouauom wllhoul mm cmdmnru and that om lnmh med mmkl whim to wud his and an than hour hler um win EinfiKEand Mr Mar Sailedj Canoe Around The World SO INNISFIL WALLWIN ELECTRICAL QnfirmmIM Yours with Aifiemps New Tempette Bedroom Air Conditioner my lfl doubli Ium wtvmm mo m4 com nun fluulllullyIlyled rm mm um nIIn um Mo MI tMmkIll IIM In Two models In choose fimlnd lb price is hit $225M AI Law Fm Milt kit or lam Imam SERVICES LID an re expressing coolnsl about the 15 bunbinu Mr Penman laid 1n the Com mons the us does not mud the bamblnx cl oil mm In stallation any IndieNon cl chum Ln their poliuy cl con fininz bvmblnl lo mllllary un set dimdy auxJIM with Noah v14 Nnma involvement In the South Wa hm 11le that lamp In the air Mk4 mm the North named ukdy be on Imm elananu In minim AMEND WW mg held pal Momma this does n66 MUN Canadian movemmmtg position concurring ma matte Emimuum On Thursday when um by EDP leader 9011 can would Br Prime Mlnlalcr Wilson in dls ndadnz me ovemmenz or die bunflnli Mr Pearson IQ um congeallon Mr Spnker cm only my um uw luv never been mod ed with the bambdnx NonhYIef Nun madam the Mm nl dimhlkm does no uhflon It in mansion For God land ww lhnt ho In only bad sou um whooocm hellml In him nhauid ml nun uhflu Illa Jun nw Mulde manoost mwmdlugw TRY mm WANT ADO PHONE 7184141 BiBLE THOUGHT mm 1le Am IM Mm mum Ihlmhml you whet lhl Mllnl tnmvll you dull in lwdlm nuvlly mm In um no In Iln rr 1m mm molly yml wlm HIST

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