Cataloguing Books IS Big Library Job One he many Mthe lune M1 at Bank Mk III rnry 11 the ordering and cat lozuinz at book ML Constance Hardy chlel librarian uleds Ill boob 5h nboosu Ihem mm ctlaloguu nnd Mats lend by ulesmen publlshhu ampules Books are ordered on the bash in reviews requests utaloguzs nd replacement needl Before book an received or der 511px are made up mm mm on whldl the nm the author tho llde the book and Lhe Mliflnx company are Ihown new as Mind cbeddmtnmillboaklson harder or lemma requests Thu me from fluid book Showers May Bring Temperature Drop Tmnlum an emech jlo Imp many lumen Val lawlm malted bundmhow jm In tho mm mm mdzy the Towns umber cl flxo Vlbdkfl ml 54 hlr Lulu Elk Lalo mm Nlnuu mlllwm umglm llny mmmum KII My ervlwr InnInn Townln nmuunn Matnly cw mi waml n1 muva num ulrrrhvmnx Inlay rthIy Im mm man Juvlnu lo InwL mum nmlnly runny In mug wvhr Wlmk mu rhvlbrm Gnnrllnn Ilny mrmm Crvrhrlnfl Nnnh In my Mnnly rlwly IN JHrrl nhvmm mm mhy mm ullh in anut and In lul ur yhmru melay IAIN vamnn In lnnmnhnu Wlnvlg mullkul In wrdnly In IO 1s Hmied 1a min ireV celved can vm mm chm we no upedcd lo bmna 4m ln bl bu Burk1 ï¬hwuvenlnq Tmlflll lmflun be Mbh with the men an murky In Hquanan lynmh Malnly c1tu muw ml In numd than ml llumltMnmu lmln pulmth II will lul 1M molt nl lay Cool 11er VIII ma MIIM lhe not nvurvn nluln lmn mm mqu Num ll Milli llllpfl M11 nlnw day ml nilrm mum Inln TOIIONN Cll Fm yd by IM rumr Ilk MIS GLADYS 10m ap pllu Maject umber name at author and due to non AREA WEATHER Most of Canada will have piouant weather today wllh comlwrublc mm in maï¬dr uu out oi Pr lube we 19°54 When 11 book received title the name of the author dale wblication valuc name the mian inn and the date it was received an ail en tered In an aoccslon book month one year Ddays are Ilklbuted to the miblluy that bovkw be 01319 PM Some books are equmpcd with ends but the majority must be catalogued For non Halon that card made up under heading of title name of adh or and abject Had an in dlule the name of the publish vim and date at Mlkutlnn namo at tha author tile the book anber of pages number of Illustrntloru Ind whether the book part at sales me Dewey decimal system today um to nodhwrel flxyruw mum Rum ï¬lo Made Mina Iver Mnlnly cloudy Hm Irw Ihowarl oatr Cloudy with mnny lnlmn jimmlay NM IIth dunao lamqmntur Windl wan near 10 today norllvwmi ll nlprklny mlnn Cluva wm any period Iovlzy ï¬rmch lmrrn lhunlrrdvmu vriwlnl Ihl ertmn or aw nlnu nmrulwy vulnblo thud Mlh low Humu ml lwnlna rod Add wimll hu oomlnx Imfluwmrï¬a gusty lnlt nu mornom Mfl IIOHIWN Unl my Emmet looking or mm In On would mm Illm lmï¬m Twu wmlrl MealMn mmlvlnl have In nrnmu mll limr llrlml mi In Fnl Wnrlrl War vnlup um uml rnr ML Ywmlm mull iv Wmthngtnn Arnvuwl nun Mlmm hr ml Hm NVMFI mr HI 1m NH Ilu 1h mm lywipmlihly lbw mm uqu In whwu ha Ilmv nu nu mm wilan nun he Flvrt th Ilmv llvglnn Wnr Urn VuHanlnu luralnl lhe lrllt lhp anhml WM Hu Mum In lawn ml ml Ml llcllon book which has Just an rived the Barrie Public Library This weralion per lho midwe lo mId70a lhun denlwm expedéd 1n mflum Ontario ahead cl 1h Annoumd Car Drivers Prido Rt Camp Bordon Most nonï¬ction book that Ir rlve mm he flushim corn pany have their nbjed umber ct classification used to the book by sublet umber boo on subject hendlnxx also use the book L1 work Hon the wide Ahelladggd md covered with plague mk Miss Hardy said 111 more than 200 book year In re turned to the mishlnx firm from Malt they were burgh be came they do not contain am clenl Intonation ar lnluu poorly wrluzu or because Hwy may Mllew mum already contalned in other When flu new book ha been catgloguegl dated Raundm mm out In Ilyh villi gl an 0m Mind Mu Elf Hum su um no lhxl dwvcyul Amman who had mod will CM llm Ibrm In the rim Wnr mud lhnl lb ml Hm nl um um milltd WIN dump Mr sun1m had In ulmll Im haunt 54 mm Mlnl Mulully or MI Vlcnn delMmm Wmlry In mat of we at Um BACK ACHE How to rollovo THY EXAMINER WANT AM PHONE 7mm tunhad with an electric nyl us Examiner Pbow Mlvam cooler IJl from the math Figures Indul mdlcted mm Imam rmnu tamperInn m1 mama Ilnï¬mdg M223 In gm my mm The Canadian at Christian and Jews mumted odly hat 16 Bark and district Menu will vb Quebec his math um dmn Quebec Imdenb spend two week in this LOCAL GENERAL WIND DRAW Cornkh Puma and Wallpaper hat the winner grand waning draw was White 111 mm Ave The draw wm mnda by flwwgoad also Burton Ave Mr who won madam mil Honda wire M1th to their home by polkolm night Mluricn Mimi Khm luu st wulklna 11ml U1 nll wly Inch In the city Barrie Plumlnz Board ha been naked 20 establish polity um won guide authorities In minim murmur develop mm mm city ma boardhd Mt In 0va AW of nutter in the hand min com Mom Mayor Cooke nldhler mt m1 are mum Min than helpful in develop 74m lnnovnilm larger puimenh hen wanna If but um to be named for paw that would walla held with mud to New ï¬nancing services And lo clflon Mama needed We dont want to remlet dudqunthnnflxerdnnnel Into he um McL pm Owen suggested vdcper Henry Bernkt am he be porn11M to warm ml denthd from Indumlal in abdmflan not cl Grova Sheet Wm 51 Vincent Ind Duubworm with wooded Mar nub rather than mad Mr Bemw orhdlli plan had called or the buffer stdp but planning baud earlier paint or one room KIWANH MEHNG numb abandon ol the Wet Nam conflict VIM lhu highllm meeunu lhe Kenannch Kiwanis Ck Mom dry Lakeview Dairy The Man over whlch Bob Benlkvy pruldod brought out vnrhm View lndudlnx the curtalnly war between Chlm Ind the Unllcd Siam Pollen lwnd It UM Hop gqn apï¬geg VStLand Student Exchange Trip To Be Held Missing Girls Back At Homes PLANNING BOARD STUDY 1h Barrie dhhkl student legad Liana Hm BREAD EVERY DAY SPECIALS ICE CRIEIanmnl9c 41 MAPLE AVE FRESH DAILYDig On Lou WHITE SLICED $300 PURCHASE Apartment Central Plan Is AdeCatedv Mic My DAY wnm MINIMUM llmh mm mm Cuh Ym lu lOAVES 2401 Bread EAT MARKET GAL ICE CREAM OR leave Thursday or met ex chgnga vlsjta THE SAME EXAMINER WEDNESDAY JULY 1906 no main spammed by the cmmcil in order to build stronger unity between Cam daI major nzhwa mum and tn enable studme ho Ealn limb ml knowkdge of second hWSF Bomd planning reqnlnl the Ohm napalm school In the div wring ï¬le Emmet Rty 6mm board Chalm mm mada the announcement today Schools are St Maryl St Monicas and St John Vinn nay Two poxtable classroom wfl be used In the new taboo year one sh John Vlnnney and the 011w at St Monlcul Lu year one at the pmmbrlwled classrooms was used at St Marys while the other has been F1 ml be lhu sixth year d1 Ifld sludem have had In op poimnijy go maka mg 1311 Thu Harrie hycecs who have cosponsored slmflnr student tx dunzc In the past yesterday had not received ward at th yurs lrlp and had assumed here would bn none nound far Qllubm tamraw will be Robert Alexander cl 288 Goddamn Mark And nwls 22 Mnrshnll 51 Hub ert llcr cl Queen 51 Pall Bu New Lowell Jack MIC Ii 91 Avm Anna Franklin Angus Dunn Graig ol ngnviuw Rd Ruth llnldenby ol Stmud Georzem Aldth of 1M Slml St Mdkmry of 62 Dual St Joannz Martin ml Du uni Lise Coin Iloanlre Pow Carole Mdmrd Myriam Dulour Glenna humbly Ce clllla 1mm Louisa XML Nicole Tmmblly 11an Paumd Jocelyno Gina of bat ll be manned will road Lmaedlntety North at Mwny lbo matter was referred 400 Hi 82 Men Street cmmMtee mm open space to light Indu ï¬eboardwunlsoaskdh trlalnndmldcnï¬alww consider moms nine new Wlmlwnrbc Hams own In students who came lo the BanIo ma toured the Martyn Shrine mdlmd mm lemoon rwxrnmSnK at ng Deadx and amuux at has bake Mm Nintaqï¬ï¬‚s Tavhu Ihe nix Ibis Mu Clmdo linden mdr Arq quirng VNLLwn Sim Monuul ham Baum Midland Ind Ruth Freeman of Bmhdala Separate School Board Plans Improvements During Summer Ls 4m ho Your Choice Of $100 WAVE 69° BARRII Schoo Mr Galkw said there is no shortage teacher or Bar rlnn Separm elementary and hlgh schools imm the St Marys lab library Mr Gatlwy said there would be wading and mailing Mum for lha three schools The 1300le 5L Maryl on Benny Sim will be paved and Melba and tennis iaclll ties are nlso planned pardon oi the yard will be lefl IIn pavad or baseball diamond he paving PM will b9 gin in two mthree weeks with aoddlnz and nsphnlflng exped ed lo be conï¬ded ln approxi malely lwo wacks St hury portion the schoolyard sloping mm Hem2y Street wIll be soddcd lo prevent washoum Sodding and asphaltlng will 15 be gays in SL Monical and Si mi ï¬anï¬ey COIN OPERATED CAR WASH now OPEN 24 HOURS EVERY MY Havo you been paying dollar or iwo for car wash Or worse than that have you baan spending half of your precious Saiur day morning washing your own car Thals about as ouldaicd as doing the family wash on wa5hboardl Now with SOFSPRA you can wash your own car in law min ulas in your regular sircoi clothes and for only quartorl In genious now aqulpmant plus chemicals and soft water com bine to make it poislbla Wlih SOFSPRA properly rinsad cars airdry lo siraakloss finish wllhoul wlplng Paper towels are dlupansad from vandor for windows and chrome Colnoparaiad vacuum claunur ara avail able too to claim your cars Iniarior as thoroughly as youve al ways waniad It dono Ash irays iool So driva ingiya us lrywara sura youll go Iha SOFSPRA carwashlng habiil SOFSPRA COIN OPERATED DOIT YOURSELF CAR WASH BURTON AVE ON HWY ll SOUTH er at His land uh Inna mm lhal muvDepartmm of High way was mingme spacewnhgnuwm In ï¬le lng low price or porflon WWW my has been up mud byrthe Onï¬arlo Munich rd mfll the end of the year while my ammcfl datamum ï¬nal zoning mm member Del 0019 urged action to replace he mm bylaw Many people In Mu annexed man have nimble land but cant develop it under pmenl mgulnflvnsfl he said APPLICATION Madm remnan applicaflnn land die 50th cop nor Duimoml and SL Vln cert fleet was received Prop ottwwnen want the land mang ed from rural residential lo cotnnunlycmunenyial wlhe land 1n thelrea in med ram Vespra mmvflp ngdmen space under flteez iald The board was alsoésked to amend bths to permit chur dw and mm In res denlla three and four caiegar lm Mr Owen said churches were Mt out of the categories an averslgm The boards own pun com miuee has been asked to study new regulations or the she and maintenance of en do sacs Board member Hersey said under the pram niluflon nclghbon expect cad other Io maintain the areas and many them are alluwod to yaw Wed1 beautilul Barrie Shown llon II prop DONALD MCMILLEN wnhlng cutlomorl clr In mark lho opening CAR WASH An nub Thun day wul present display at am water color and drawing at the BanIla Public Library planned by the club Ammlnl In the president Mrs Darolhy lroadwell we have land that In past yumm membefl are scattered durlng the summer md It Just hm not been worth the alle 13 organize summer pm dbwss their work and hear guest speakers will be held every third ruesde he monLh beginnlng In Soptemr Protecting handing program through cardul application In surance technique larn job at the qunllfled insurance special Isls at Sarleanls Art Club Bhariges Library Display INSURANCE AGENCY comm 81 31mm No summer acuï¬ucs are Mrs 1mm nad pub TECHNIQUES ITS EXPERIENCE THAT COUNTS