Raï¬ ma am PRICES EFFECTIVE JULY 89 WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES Supplled by THE OSHAWA WHOLESALEUMITED supply depot tor progressive independents SAVE 10 16A CANNED SDIT DRINKS 12 SAVE no ALLENS FLAVOURS lRIIIT DRINKS in 39¢ SAVE SUN HYPE CLEAR APPLE JoiEE 4n to SALADA ICED TEA MIX 3111slec SAVE so FREIHE DRINK MIXES 10 49c sunmsr nae on rmr mo ZEN tor lins SiimltiFFs rnozer lR rm savr 10c Nimzs KEEN mountain Drink MIXES Jar 49 SWIFTS PREMIUM SMOKED READY TO EAT PORK SHOULDER EililTS PREMIUM 0n MAPLE LEAF READY TO EAT WHOLE 0n HALF SMOKED HAM 69° IllIANI NEWTADLEHITIZ HINDIJZSR SLICHD SIDE BACON nth 95° IAIILIIHITE HKINII7SI IUIUI Pork SAUSAGE 99° OIMSTFADS COOKED COD FISH CAKES 57c it TUMBLEBS or PRE SAVE 16c KRAFI MIRACLE WHIP 31 53° SAVE lie iGA CREAM STYLE CHDICE CDRH Im59° PARAMOUNT COHOE WHIP CHILL digzsloo SALMON Wage PAHKAY manor PAK cownnsn MARCARIIIE to 59° run OVEN rnrau PEACH PIE 55° DADS OATMEAL CDDHIES Hi 29° aavr 60c aux LAUNDRY DETERGENT ti HEALTH BEAUTY AIDS SAVE 56c SEA SKI 01 SUN LDTIDH DTLE SAVE I6 ZBT BABY PDWDE LEAST 8119 PRODUCE OF USA CANADA No1 GRADE FREESTONE PEACHES 35° LOCAL GROWN PLUS it PITCHEB iiiiliiiiilliiilifliii out Silt CREEII CADDACE 2m 29c NEW CROP NAVEL ORANGES YOUNGS iGA FOODthER SIZE 13 59c MARKET SQUARE IOA wamrm sun illtlLCAlet CHRISTIES IGA rllllltIJNF tin4 Jet at Rm tread and Camp linden ll MIIIIIII ONTARIO lilNiSiIL NOTES WEDNESDAY JULY ma Township Reeves Attend Convention or Reeve Joe Cochran and be my Reeve Eben Sawyer were their chairs at the regular mcrt lng oi Ootnrii on Monday and tabled report of their atten dance at the convontionat Sar nla When they assisted Mayor Les Cooke oi Barrie to attain top honors and be elected as dialrman or the coming year Besides covering the highlights of some at the speedier their report mentioned lengthy dis cualon moved by majority that the Criminal Code be mended to allow lotteries for charity hospitals municipal pro iects and club activities The two oiliciais reported that they took look over the corrnzlex containing not only the oitises at the Ounty ui flgin and the City at Sarnia but also nmt elaborate community centre with golf clubhouse and curling rink lney marvoiied at the com meroial buildings in Santa and were aurer to learn that tax es were very high in spite at this tremendous development DISCUSS SCHOOL ADDITIONS On Wednesday evening follow ing meelJng with the Centen nial Committee apeclal meet ing at Council convened at 1000 when the proposal ed the Public sdhonl Board and their suggcsh ed additions to edtoois canto up tor disctusion The minutIEs rec ord that following report from Councillor Gibbins educational rrpreslrttaitve of the Council The proposal was given general discmsion No decision was re corded In letter read at Mondays regular Coundl meeting the Boards Administrator advised that representatives of their Board would be pleased to come In meeting and give full de tails of their proposals The commont by Reeve Cochrane was that the Mile School Board was reprtscntlng the entire town strip and he Icit that Council should agree with their saggin lions providing they were treat ing all areas on an equal basis Andy Zorawslti came to Court oil with proposal lor build preserve this summers Itosh fruit goodness ior noxtwintor with lotto CUtrtttIIlHnrtmrtimts rmpart mh Cutn boul anti nut rue in on Use our line across tram Handy Hardware to operate taleout service at foods He claimed that loads would not be served on the property but taken out by customers or delivered Ceramii agreed to the proposal providing plans and other re omrements meet the approval oi the building lnspetxor and other officials Mding lnspatvr Grifllih placed More Courwti plan or large development by the Bar rie Tool and Die Company who wish to add to their building to enable them to put all their establisinnent under one loca tion lhe proposal wotdd involve some $25000 and Mr Grltiith was instructed to give the ï¬rm every help in getting their plans underway BURTON ROADS APPROVED letter was received trorn the quarhrnent oi Highways gtp proving the taking over of the roads on the plan on Burton subdivision ilir Burton was dkappdnted that the water course on the same plan was delayed or ratepayers approv al as he had been trying to get the drainage underway Councillor Burtons wile had un dergone an operation at Barrie hospital during the day Ind word was received that It had been otrecesdui Resignation of Ken Johreon Irom the innlstil Planning Board was aoeepttd with regret Mr Johnnon hu served innLrfll very taithiully on the board and his services were auoh that he had been picked us the term at Midland and we be moving there soon Cotmcil instmcted that letter be sent expressing regret at iodng his services At meeting held last when library altalrs wére missed with some months local boards the grow was to that the County system will II Intake over all booklendi services in the coturty Ind tram Ron clients at the ty Library pointed out that nrill rate would be added cover the costs on the Count tohaltarnillonthedlatr whkitramaiain ttl Day July 16th This will not everyone in the town and hope that it brings ma out to our 1bwnshlp Field day Reeve Cochrane stated The pic nlc needs only ï¬na weather make it success as plans er well arranged to give the peopi oi innistil day to rerrrornber WRONG HIGHWAY call came to innlsiil Poiic to assist with road block atop vehicle whidh had bee spotted by the aircraft patrol the block was proposed south of Stroud on Highway 11 Corporal Crone rushed out wi the township police car but saw nothing out at the ordinary it was later discovered that it was himway 21 and Thornton was the village The Provincial Pol Ice did set up medblodr and stopped the wit driver who was being watched from above PM Addresses Science Council UllAWA CPITho fledgling science Council at Canada got olt the ground itsesday with pics by Prime blinbter Pearson to explore not onty the entire Held at science and technology but also the baudaries between science and the humanities imtmtant borderline area be tween scientiï¬c disciplines and between acierice and the human ities may be overlooked in our complex society he told the in Iugural meeting oi the Eman ber advisory mail tool very keenly that the study oi sclenccs relationship to society mm by no means be the sole province ot philosophers and political scientists Mr Pearson opened the coun cils Iini meeting with brie speech outlining some oi Its re sponsibilitics and low spccllie problem which already have been reterred to the new organ tsotion These included determining the proper balance in ding between research and velop merit in gorenartent laborator Ies and In industry and how to adlnrt the balance to bring it to the proper level CHECK METHODS The council also was asked to investigate whether current gov ernment programs at taxvlrtccnt tives and ptmiic Investment are the best means oi stimulating scientlilc activity In Canada or whether more eiloctlve methods are being overlooked The questions need careful and delicate consideration he added and on rder them to you in the full knowledge that the answers will not come quickly or east French Premier Visits England PAltlS flutters French Premier Georges Pompidou who will thit london tor talks with lirillsh Prime Mlnlslcr WII sort this wrek July is boysdroid chonnlr Fremhmnn whom imdoncm never have seen btiore Four years are he was II moat Iutltnown to his own roun tryrncn Ila Ixrsme premier without being either merrth oi parillmcnt or even mixtch uni councillor lie was hnnlur when In April 1901 INllrlqi do IeuIIe sold to him am making you the prime minister Frame rind you have no right to re Imo Irolrsrlonnl politicians nu grnlul him as an amateur iiui he soon was the mt tinruled deimier Irt the National Aasrm hiy lln now la mailer ttIevtalnn personality and tr tinted to tul ittvI tie tiauiie ll yrrsldrni cl rum ITAHT AT TOP Ionrpltlou duos not 4th lite ladders oi lKTMlII always new to alert at tits top it he malts luml Ii It without my vilirls sign rt rlinrl He could md Irvin he was low When he came out lrrtl Mu tloni Ilnm Frances iarmur Fails Nurmalt Daniels his trrrumrs Iiti We have to Ill nu that plan but we do so It urtIntly lrecatu you have time mud risk than the Miter Iitvlmta Inn Mott had no knowledge at ban irtr when be John the lloihkhilrl blink In Inil be In lmtant ItmN Guy HDIIIItIIIIrI lento IIm Iiy tradition Ir male the posi IIM ol tunnarinr dirrrlor in him While IranhIr he enm uiled an anthology pl Frettrh tvrtry ml wrote an Iainluv lion width graded as classic ol scholarship and style lie knows l0000 lines at poetry by heart ilia clever sm1rliy dressed wlio Gouda says We were hnnpket when my husband was lint something In Ilname SHORES CONSTANTLY ion Lion who looks lu dlrioury It the world from un der bushy nrrhrd eyebrows ways has rlrnrclto tinnt ng rum er lip Ila colrrltlncs look oi Iirntly determination with Inltwrotls twinkle In the eye captain duran the Second World War he joined tlo IauIIeI Alflll In It through the Influence rl college trlrtul Ila probably MI more Intimate on the general ihnn any other person it was ihnmitimr niro Imiaicd on devaluation In lie was the trout rntiunry who attained the IMMI at twice talks with the Algorlnns in loot Power Corp Soils McPorc Interests MIXITIUMII UPITIM sInr says itrym Crap at Canada Ltd Monter ham immi menl balding tantrum to lure Iievnti In tum disposed rd It Hummus stake in ltcillyre IUmtplm MIMI lid The Inth In Your Corn nurtured the sloth In 1m with Irwkr otter tor Intel LMOMI Inan their hut Irli tar shat at the tarrei No alaimwnt was avaiinhie tom Im Cortnuirt The Star turr mom Llulni FAICflliIflIle Nickel group flrrmi liar iorrer Crap holding has been sold in rivals trans action and It is tend rm lent trim around mm we in live INI