Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 5 Jul 1966, p. 7

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331 p1 CTT¢2ETtf7T renew xu Pearson PesSiifliStic For VietNamPeace UIIAWA CmPrime Mink ter Pearson said Monday it is irn ble to be optimistic at emomcnt abouttltsm ventog of peace conference on Viet Nam its made the comment In the Commons in cowering Con servative leader Dielenbaloer win asked whether there is any Indication from North Viet Nam to lead the prime ministerto believe there is hope for peace conference Mr Peasaon also said Carra dian policy is rmchaaged from May speech he delivered In that he said the first conA lice ereta to peace Is canoe Iira asmaeppmiudo to nooondrtiou negotiations Negotiation would be iolr lowed by phased withdrawal of hostile forces Including North Vleinanresa troops Irorn the battleground In South Viot Nam NDP leader Douglas naked whether Canada worrld normally notify the IlS gavem ment It disapproved oi the ex tension U5 bombing to the North Vietnamese cities at Ha noi and Haiphong Petrolia Mob Youths Fined MilNM CPINine Petrth Ohifyouhs were lined $50 each Monday on charw ofunlawful saaerrbly following an Incident early Sunday when mob we persons cornered the towns threemen police force In Its nf lha youdrs were protesting the arrest of Edward McNabb also oi Petroils lie was lined tits and tests Monday when he pleaded natty to can in didnrbance lhe nine ottm lined were Ronald Meicali 17 Gary Bred Idrk Dennis Richardson ll Goo Glitlurhrck 15 Geo Wage nor 19 rank Van Delft hurry Mm tit and Terry Moore 20 Sunnybrcok Ends Military Service NMNIU OBIA hospitalivrhidl 749 have been lor gen Irnowrr to thousands Canadian war veterans is to be dis charged from active military service to become part of the ecsdunlc immunity Premier Min lioharie PW miter bill in the legislature Monday that will make Sunrm brook Hospital Ontarios lira unveraity teaching Marital An Wain the agrcomen lederai and provincial govern mentr transfers for St the lands build and squipmcrn of the homlta to the board of govtr nor the University or Tor onto Sunnybrook will Im become ja waivershy teaching hospital capable roviding clinical trenching rcsoamhlacilitles that will ultimately result in the graduation of an additional 75 doctors annually in Ontario It willreprescntamore than Want lrxacase in the num ber of graduates now provided each year by the universities of Ontario 10 BUILD NEW WING Under the agreement the hos itnl operated by trrutceei will guild new wing or at least no patients requiring chronic or tic ciliary care This accommodation will be Elmorin lor veterans and will paid for by the federal gov otnmcnt the premier said 1he total effect as far as hospital sccormwdation it con cerned is that some 700 to 000 additional active treatment bcda will be made available at Srmnybmok lionpital Veterans will have priority use of beds order guarantee sled tn the agreement The hoevitsl has 1501 beds ol Ind treatment 509 duvnic and the rest for arthritic psychi atric and other specialty needs No Intentions For Raising Driving llge WRONIO CPITire gorern mt dosnt intend to raise to ill from in the age at which pu aons may be Iicemd to drive in Ontario Transport Minister lrwin Hay kett reruch this in the legis lature Monday In reply to question them Game Be tb Wot Mn lien had asked If change is contemplated in view oi New York State Increasing to la Irom re the age at which persons are eligible for drivers licences lilr llasirele snid persons still may be tensed at the age of id in New York If thoy have their parmts mt DOESNI KEEP UP GP Water safety isnt keerdnl with highway salety but it ahould be says Ontarios supervising winner the Mlhxlfim are too engrossed with motto ve hicle addcnts and appear to have forgotten the water aci derm Dr II Ofllflml said in an interview Summary For Broadcast Paper UIIIIWA tCII Illgir llghts of the government shite per on hmndcming tabled today In the Corrrrmns Iloard oi Ilrnodrast Gover Mrs to be Mronxlhfnfvl with Increased authority ovrv the CM and private Ironical ins Fowler firmmltlen rem nrrndstions tor rrrsllon at an regulatory sgmcy rev Itded TIM luiitlme membership In he biannual to five imm thrnr willr up In seven part time nmmbent MI have lull sulhfklty lo Irus Iirmrrn wilhnul rrf errnrv to norm but syprsls mu he mltlrr to rlblrrrl CilC leadership in ire Mv nrgnnlzni All rr illllllM hMrIlnl the board at rlirec trus with rhicl mill ofIiror rmmildn to the board Ior all operations cm while flltfls regu Islory mm In all mum slirrtlns genesI Irroadravlv lot Fivwier rummiltu myrrh rnrnrlailmr that iii In nanrwi by sinlutmy tlvr year grants antentail Artunl ermunt in be eulmrlilwl lo lnrllnnrrnt lain Ihlr yrar rum in ur brouirasilng simisnlr an Individual nun rm armnnt rm Inlnlsrtlrru esrh alnllnrr smi Iml mMmlo minim Illiil aquifer in lirwslllatw si report on filmrlrrinll mun rmrvrrsiritr or worn mulfmn rl nsvvmarin tlmr Ivy snutiw irvrrnmrnl plans lrsldllnn Mill alum It unveiling lorrisrr Mini bureauL In larilIllee oinmlllailnn til lavI siloliar by mulllpls nwnrshlp or nunrue of amine gngnnhlrsiiy In manner not In the puhlla In knit Oovefment to give him priority to extension of radio and trievialon services to all Canadians to the Cnnndian of licinl language they normally ms notes to financial lirrr itationr Ionth to emsidor full national network uner In both offlrlal iansusgre with detailed study In be under taken immediately Pending enadment ol new legislation government pm pnmi in wider secondm linn mm on mamb lim of IIIIG with In rat crynilon for use of the am At rhanneis at Victoria finr hntnm erhury and in the flnint lolmvlrrvdorklon am rrueqmtm ol the one to remain In Ottawa with mini mum stall with Mllol pm ramming Ihlitnt to null production mum lnlfudrlrliurr nf rnlnr trie viatnn girm lame priority than othrv Irrurmvemonia In Imwirnstrnl service Iswlrv verommmdalims arervtrd an Ilmllltll and inrpnrrmrnl nl lairIrra timsl Irrvlrl whlrh will Integrated II the Ilil bul will mute and midinu e4 InnI allalrl denrims lmrlrnrniiy alrlnrrrrn lair Vision systnns to In brought rrmlor regulation mul nvntml ll live Illltl svsi talent as rurrrpunmla the national lwerulrsstlng sworn Mill underlain lsr rnl laMraIIon with the IIlf My wtlrn run into all msl iv hearing your Institute In lrr holds Irllli lo Ire ermwvwenil to lnlilrl milieu of lIIPnllM regulations or lsilurl in rnrmlly with romltlimur oi Ir litem intimiing fines rt Il rerte nqu Mr Pearson said Canada is trying to bring about negotia tion and he did not think It desirable to comment on the policies of either aide Wa have already Indicated our regret at the bombing ss tension and preler to leave it at that for the moment Mr Pearson said Mr Didenbaker prelsced his gluesbiiomaghuzixtlh Inth View sad the borrlhiug amnion has In ueesad the possibility of world war He termed it frightening aituatiorr its also asked Whether Carr ads has used Its moral Influ ence to restrain the us in Its borrfning policy Mr Pearson said Canadas re net at the saturated has been made clear to the us re courtly as has weekend and no government has tried harder than Canada to end the Viet Nam hostilities Canada will continue to press for negoti ated setilement Set Policy For Birth Control ROME thentesslhe recre tnry general at Pope Pauls birth control commission said Monday night Roman Catholic married comics aoIruld act with sense of responsibility in pro ducing children Rev Henri de Riodmattcn In terviewed on Italian television was speaking rabiidy tor the first time since the cmnrnlsdon finished its study of possible charge in the churchs teach iruz against contraception The ohurdr admits birth control lor the good reason that to bring children Into the world Is moral act and to do moral aa mom in be raspmi hie Ior what one does PM de Riedmatten said Birth control dour mt rncao once and for all we will have so many olriidrcn It does not war there is an idoolrnmbor lot family it first means cou tIfllxtfcqlmalcod with tireddrliuefi on sense of seamnaibility Report Refers To Seven Days OTTAWA CPI lntcmai communications within the CBC have to be improved and quickly the government says The white paper on broadcast ing tabled in the humans lion day said recent difllculties between one management and production stall fnrcefuily un derline the necwlty for signifi csnt imrsovermrs In krterrral Wartime The government therefore expects that action to effect the mummy Winning drama will be given him Firstly by the corgxerstionf As one way to Mien the 0M organization the while pa per said those in charge of pro gramming should be closer to actual produrtion facilities CBC headquarters should re nnin Ottawa it said but rs national and ancillary activi tics and particularly the rm irol of programming should be rcrnovrd to the main prahrctlon centres In these Carina mainly Mont ml and Toronto sultabls sd lustmcnta to consolidation plans should be made as matter of HWY nnrnvr IIODY MONIIIH ll Police are searching for hitImirun driver who Iinrck and billed Daniel Geiinns of Yamadrl rhr Sunday on socoraiary Infirmary near hb horns miles northth of Montreal Mirr he had struck the rhlirl the driver lot out of hiir station wagon nml thmvl lhe body Into ditch while the childs Ilyrnrdd lrtoilror wnirhai BARRII nIlrmlwtbu Damienalt minuteurns MIMI mirthslou WMh Barrie Examiner reassem July miner in to name range Rain can mer tor of sun Is rnedbted for most parts of Canada today with miditer noon turperatmes gentth 13 Caribbean Meet Canadians YIIAWA OP Cooler encetahle diplmnaey begins haze Wednesday to forge Image link between Canada and Its Commonwealth brethren In the Caribbean Manetrarer Canadian dele gation led by Prime Minister Pearson will meet with the chic ministers of 13 CarMean coun trloe tor three days at largely private discussions Officials have made clear its the fir step for Canada in de veloping special relation with these tmderdereloped com tries Three of the art Independ ent The others are gradually smacking of the restnations ot eolrmial stator British Influence thcrdore is declining The Canadian weapons to till the gap are target trade and As mitt the 1925 trade agreancnt between Canada and these countries will come under review This in turn could lead to later rmrogrfiafim the old dalcd agreement LISTEN TO rr arrow DECATUR Ga APlA 19 yearold youth serving an eigirtdnonth tail sentence alter he rdrsed to lot hair cut Billy Lee Anderson Jr was sentenced sftrr iudgo Oscar Mitchell gave him choice of getting his shoulderlength hair cut or going to jail Anderson said he had to have long hair because he played in band Is marrow the warming trend in northwestern Ontario butotberareasefthepro shine the Toronto weather office forecasts on today oi 15 degrees Wirephoto Find Cause Of Mercer IORONN CPIA woman disturbed and unhappy about personal matters who slashed her right wrist was the catalyst for disturbance Satanday night at the Mercer reforma tory or Iasnalea Belem Institutions Minister Allan Grossnan in report to the legislature Monday on Ihe intervening disturbance said he will consider taking stath IaKaI action agairm the partbri pants as is warranted $1 disturbance beganleafter W80 aooornmoda in the same areas as the disnnbed wonum rdusod to go to their rooms at the it past lockrna allowed during the holiday weekend when their corridor door was opened they Med past two staff minors and pro cceded to break windows and draira on the second and third lloor hallway areas well as In the Protestant chapel which sdloins Ihcir corridor SPOTS OF BLOOD What was damned as wall townll blood consisted of spots blood which had dripped from the slashed wrists of two ofthegrrisinvaflmupartaol the room The woman around whom the difficulty arose has bear under the care of sythintrist He did not Identin er She was taken to lysspltal Fri day night alter cutting her Riot WI and they had difficulty in managing her there to the extent that number of hoe pltal rtafl had to restrain her and the doctor in drarge evan tually requeded police assist ance On Saturday the woman re lured treatment and was re turned ln Mercer but In the aft emoon was again taken to host pits became of he mnllnu oils maplalnu On her return to tilt Institu tion she was very angry be cause the had not been given morphine and she claimed rhs was being dLsuhninated against and was being denied medica tion and treatment because of her history of drug addiction EYE OOUNI 100 NB OF godmo at the Ontart Volu inary College In Guelph said Wednesday veterinarians and lemon should pay more atten tion to eye comiitiom of arri maia Dr Lennox was speaking at the annual meeting of Merriam VW ens CUTE NURSE XINGSION Ont OP Queens University announced Wednesday itr course leading to nursing degree will be re ductd to four from five years starting In 1969 ma BARll EXAMINER TUESDAY ram warrior Cooling Trend Finally Here Jtellel is In eight for Central Ontario residents and holiday makers as the intense heat wave appears to have broken re low pressure area centred in northwestern Ontario will mead down Into Georgian Bay later to day and bring tooling showers Temperatures are forecast slightly Iowsrthan normal Ior lrriy Flor Georgian Bay vari able cloudiness will prevail lat er today followed by scattered thundersbowers The low recorded at The Bar rie Examiner otflce last nidrt was degreles while tingsm pens ure no reg ed so damn WRONIO Forecast issued by the weather offiu at 530 use Impala low pressure centre is spreading showers Into northwestern Ontario fiwwcrs or tirrmdaralwwers are sweded to spread across most other sec tions of Omario later today and Wednesday Little change in icrrrperatrues ls forecast through Wednesday with most areas experiencing angrily below normal tempera tums for early July cloudiness today Cloudy with Lake St Clair Lake Erie Laloe Huron Georgian Br Windsor tundra VIM low eiser periods and mattered danderaim tonight and tanperahnea lNlagars Loire Ontario Hail iiinu Sunny and cool today hr buaoorr roam llnrorm Hm creasing cloud this Cloudy with for clear periods and scattered drunderehowers Wednesday Little change in ionosrattue Winds um Ottawa region Sunny today Wednesday tardy with arm periods and alittie warmer Elli winds Forecast Temperatures bow overnight high Wednesday Kapuskaring White River $388$$$$2$883838€8$ aaaaaaagnasaaaaataam Quebec Chiefs Will Bar SEPTILES Que CPLJean Ste Marie president of the As soelation of Quebec Police and Fire duets said Monday the as aocistlona executive dcplores the fact that recent decision by it may have been norm Wadi Mr Ste Marie said Saturday reporters would be barred lrorn the mm ts aunral meet ing to ensure that newspapers do not speak badly of us In Monday statement the association head said some handrails bolicve that seems to our meeting at Septlies is re luscd In practice wr have de cided to establish press nifice Miilr lllfl Izmsmming to all media corrmiote seams of the events Press We are aware of the Inn parlance of spoken and written Information for an organization such as ours We recognise that the public has the right to be informed and well informed As proof of our good laith advise that we have written Into the program of the present congress the aubiect of public mam ulfldr we judge to be lndlspoxunble Mr Ste Marie said that at the meding whldt began Monday sol ems finnedu We wil be allowed to attend 19 our straw sesalona We believe that this serves as final clarification of the situation and Ihat our meeting now can proceed under the best auspicu Pearson Shoes are celebrating their fabulous All Spring and Summer Shoes on Sale IN PREPARATION FOR THE NEW FALL LINES We have not variety ol stylre mm which to rhoosr In hlsrh bone and ten All Illn svllisblt but not in every mlenr and heel Regular to now ITiIllllll SillllilllS 599 Cool mmlertahls popular Isn dais Tan and rimm Ihile lhry lssl Ilrgular to Li UK New l499 urusmrundmonrurr HITS WW lp IotthlInle slyllnll Regular and patent leather in many styles Ind minors IIrIanlnl while Mark mi pink plus pale blue belle Iirguisr IMO NOW turnout and urssrs hmplb mm wire to mm bmn netshell luthm siwlu lice and are our snoan 799 lists an ll bi hr both leather and pig lralhw in white Marl Ines Isan AMI 1m lirgulsr in an 539 one r5 498 Dunlep St West

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