Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 5 Jul 1966, p. 5

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Alliston Rotary ifAsks Pool Help sluers to Calling wood dunnz he whiten Other wise more were few nights but me station wasnt the busy place It once was In fact is uow closed Sim County Road mm New law in whim Slncn mm lhv pool mu pmfidtd lwlmmmx or hundudl 10 children ma Area In the lm me years 473 daildrrn lccclvld lemmmx Ind lilemv In inslrudlun AM these clnsm up be conunund ALLISNN sum win dow dimlny in tha downlku Bank Mammal hen tell overyone who page in I00 Needed 1h domliom are sought or the Mary wad lng pool lho ncw cement basa or which has but bfln mm plcud Along with olher Improve ment to provide monkr Infe 1y doanlimu ml nanilntiun cleanllnm lhc wr lrr duemlmllf MM and Run mummy circulating Drminz room Wallumnn and shade nhdlm In nwrrclalwl Icnlum Total ml ol the mmunn or pm im yem hnl been moon and In mmnlnn lu HnI Imounl Inodur mm In Inn mm on lhu plml budding mu lorlh IRlliston Chief Tinds Radar Checks Kid NEW MWELL Stafjl his nice quiet place with quite ahildmotorwaflicml dont think it is as liven as cw years no fun Ihere were more minis said Mrs Laura Puddison one of New Welll oldest reddenls lmnn JIM Amlrmm MM htm llo uh lhu mlnr Aymm wnn ful um Ill lhn llmo Inn nu nhn out Ihm Wunr Ilu lam rqu In gunI wrallm lmm lnrll Mu mama molmhu Hr lmvmml llllHr ugulnunn mm mm rmtlmlnl rmqwnllnn In Mminl My IIM ImrruIINI Inuit wk MW mnl um ma paw um Jlr mm mm mulle mlnlllzml In nmnuininfl gm llallrc mwl Now well inln her son Mrs Paddisnn said she could look bad at 55 year of living at Nuw Lowell ma recalled era when lhh place had two hotel grain elevator Hamill ghop llvnry stables and busy railway sullen MORE SERVICES URGED flw only passenger ulna aha howls of my glue saldwcre imam pals mw13geso WMle the Rotary mimmink pool mwrdnle Park was de veloped no your nu um um km or the wmlinx pool Is new prajzd mm hm made In Immth mammal much praise by local rcsldcnu and vbicnn mitten on camervauon author lliu right Arthur EvansY MP New Lowell Woman Recalls Earlier Days AmsmN 1mm 0pm hon rl mm or hocking mm In hm mm mnlrvlnl lwl In mm lrnlllr AK um and Amlemm um mm Mnflu In MM Ayn leric uvulmlu IMhmgh WI have Inn nun mlmn le In It ml you mMnl In malnmn Um Ami Allinlm mm In hour pull ml In Kl lnr lbe mum lmlm Iml Allmm mm Trm II 1va whim ww htlv ul nlnm In lhl hwnlmm WU duhman of me aloe com SIMCOE CENTRE MPP DISCUSSES CONSERVATION up and traliic is tairzytaueavy But Mrs Paddison said sha wufld film to see bus service axis and more trains At any rate she suggesch here used be mare of these satvices old grist mill long since abarr domed the baseball paw is well kept up Dull and Sons garage and several slow and me bank In busy places particularly during lhe men Thur are no hotels loll than having gone some wars ago One was reconvened inlu hmncmad ORNAMENTAL FENCE New Lowell Public deool and Our Lady of Assulruiuu Separ nLe Sdmol had of which serves the nm are modern and mi WEIR Mrs Paddison was asked bout an mammal iron fence type not often neon nww She said he hit hnshnnd Edward Paddison urchnscd the cute The new cement Iininx wax bum la replace muddy bot mm which was considered whmh made whmning mm dilimlu unplcasnn or Simcoe Centre dlscusse conservation policies with Tom Cook larmer wave at Innis centre Ind Rem Tom According the Mary Club he Allblnn pool survu not only Allhum roxhknm and visflan but like nnmr Roman Cook lawn 14mm KANE Ivy EV eml FJrnzmva Manifold Now lon nnhlrmn nnscmonl 11mm lan Burns and Tmmmnm 11m lam mine xmpmve menu or which 310000 is nmd cdlor llnnnqlnx Inn ward an an duty thr an pool hours and the bench arm umnmld filmnm are being Jim91rd hy the MINOR Mary Shiv I0 Box 752 Anmén NirnVal fiullmlhnhi malt lwur llwn In anh Imtilkm 0min dd Guqu BEARFRED BEGGHR IN PARIS ed about the weather Mm Paddlson said she didnt relish the recent warm days but lik ed qu Immature at Collhgwood about so years or man age It had attracted much 3119911911 ghe syid name her age she does con siderabla housemrk and work about he house am mm male in enjoying good healih she remarked New Lowells location in Rood arming ma was retcrred lo and Mrs Paddison menllnned in particular the obncco arms which appear to be nouridfing DECORATION SERVICE CREEMORE Annual deb oration service will be held at Dmvadin Union Canaery mi earning Sunday alumna July been md lo nav In II Wylie and presentation made ul llonsyvmod Urdlcd Md Mr Wyflo confided hh Jnslin of Orillin dexlp 611an of up to 75 per cent are available for appde wale snraxe pmlecls minis Ere imndy CREEMORE Tenders are bclng 50051171 by the Nnunwau School Board lnr udmol lrnmxorlndon bus be deliver ed not later lhnn WM Mound Mercury Iald 7Zp£lss€ngtf school bus nl the cnnvenllmml type desired and lcndm will be nor led unlll pm on Friday Juy OOILINGWOOD fine up to $300 or dimming unapprovui wash inm Culiingwood INT hnve Mn pmvidtd In new bylaw lo conlwl he dixhuru of water and wnuu In be now lyslvm The lawna consulting mxinnn Gone and 5mm Tomnln Improved the hyan he on wan pawn by coundl Mn vi=llnl Nwullrlnk III in ermI mvrlly MM ha Mn MW LEAVES HONEYWOOD HONEYWOOD Faywell ha SCHOOL BUS TENDERS SE IIYKAW DISTRICT BRIEFS Sixmid Saturday 108M brought out more talent Minn Indcipat 2d and Smudflannda will hIVD team but far the trophies both km Ind lnlemnllonah on July 18 It bmdsfil Park The brick Ikvwina osmth to be dumped when Ill the brick on hand broke during the Ibmwing on the hard surface at the park4 in lot It SQroud IGA when the contests were held Tn at with hair Mung pk M112 gave Ilia dfldals lev era sunrise and came throw with up distance 118 feet by Carolyn Axmslrom clowa Mle by 115 feet 10 indm by Noreen Slcilliler 13 team consist cl Carolyn Arm Keuw Ems 11W 1t hoped that name bricks which stacth away mm the homes of some who had than on hand lm practice will bermullwifltaKem nmtogeunaw m1ym In needed by those who will be practising for flu menu Limul team Sdflfler June Sm Bonnie Mbolhnd Nancy Campbell other who look pan and made good thst were Inna Chaim en Leon Skflliter 14min pgmzigell Ida Kaline Loraine at warn VIC Bdlon Dmd Hunter Don Wily Bill Am M4 Glen Hm Dave Bar bar Gary Bajurny in IdemHana cam is made ll Mppllmson Laws Ivan Rabmwn Elli Mmhalland Ron Flaado Pm doe during the next two week may bring on hebest ol these throwers pmidinz bricks can be iocalad good crowd wax dud lilo lasts Saturday mm BUSY WEEKEND wood Minor Rodney Association will hold driv on Auzum and Anaer cu drive will be held by Goungwnod mun nial Carmine on Aug 19 and maer the holiday wcckend In my Polng wgre kw busy up warms til Hm ill ova die Huston Gnmnum nlm Board dunka hayball game will be presented at ha commamky oen ire hero on Thursday July SPRINGVAIE Carrol Ind but crow Increased Ind onlons celery and lettuce dc tmxtd ln the Holland mauh survey hm shown flhouyiinorsedws ancidenu maer 911 holiday wegkend In INNISFIL NOTES It was mimalod there wm nu 1cm cl cnrqu 1n the marsh In comparison to 24m list your um mean has In mused mm mm In 15 Onion thermal mm mm to 1570 up celery mm 179 id 26 ma lettuce Mid ind mY EXAMINFR WANT ADS PHONE 7mm Holland Marsh Carrots Increased lhar hymnng eonlesu Burk throwers marge Wll KI Madam nvm hsr Upr In Vimfllnfl 1m in TAGGIING CAMPAIGNS 9141wa CW5 DONKEY BASEBALL nzmpn ma ly lhg Select Contestants From Throwing Tests By area Somn duturbame caused by too mum celebrating wen responsible or many at the call In the Big Bay Point ma complain of low lying am plane brougm police to the scene find that residuan of um area had engaged plan to may or mmflmes In the of having name peace Ind 113 whgn thiswas damn My park were all filled and hose whn time lo cool of in th meshing lake wnler mm ed really in mm the op portunity They crowded into avey nook and comer and stay ed long aner flu was down Traffic was heavy on all road nnd 9d mag figcolmt or ewe Ioddenu hid Brown um um ontv one mutation has been received for flu consmbh advertised for and hey are in hopesa flat an swam zone Stores and boolhs were well pmmwd over the weekend Biggest trouble was to find place where we could leave car while shopping None of these operalms should complain hack it WW The Hunter many fill Hie Vgervlce LOST HONDA Riding motorwdu is not nlluwed In Innlslil Pnrk Ono pair parked Ibeir find just in side lhe park gm and mulch return the machine was mm lute hour It was dil Soulh sinco lwm located near Canada best vegetama cw lng land has been Included on the itinemy oi vivacious yeamld blonds who will repre Acnl Miss Salagl Qu¢enl Min Verna Liman who has figure whidi mam Ibo health giving qualities of ul adl Mod to visit here on My 10 and she wfll make mo Base Burden he same day Cwllingwood nm or visk July All old will visit 11 Ontario mm In promotional cum far On um lruilsrand vexelablemh Wwficmauptélhtwdl Locally plan are pmudinl or the Bradford Salad Festival and civic reccpfion lur Miss Libmm With Unis towns loch Lion near the rid mardfland vogdabl growing area Brad lml people depend unlarm vros ptnly or cnnsiderahle part their llvdmood and Lhexemn have good mm to help lhlx pug Minn The DCllAl lhoollu rapinln MI amnion MM lnn OnL mid Iller lho much um yurl lcnm the slrnnxm ha bu mu In hl l6 Idm to lnnun lwownk cnmpclh Inn flrllhh Ind Coxmwm umllh mrlumcn Tho tum has hnd lo dun mu mining and pracllco In nkkqur more Um in pro vlmm yearl Mnl Ilnmnxon mm Ibo ulm mepnrnuan xlvu lha Clnmflnm good than lot mun mowing hTAIlT TODAY nuy mm mm In mlm nvrnl lndny ml mm mlr llrfg major Aft Pfjdny DXSUJY England CmCI mdmn mnrksmen who mu cnmpclidon the Bislcy mm lndny finished Iheir llnal wumt 5p mom will good nmul Sun ay The Dnminlon Canadn Amoclalian llmnn team won l5 nnnunl match Against ho Nnflh Landon mm Club or he in time Ilncn law rnnxm 000 Ind 1000 yank lhcy 6010mm Brillln lop rmn club by 106 point mum About Low ClNTIerWllfllul mrknnm My tum Ml nin nrl Iwiinl for link 10 lvnpfilu nwinll ml prim In WUI lmlry nwft 31mm hag Hm lament nur uu mnlngenl whh lha Imud llxm Mamaum DOM lump 11 men lmu mulnr nvmy mm In 01111ku ml Gummy ml 12 Army milIL In HAW Dom hall dlml rrmnmlnllnn In M1Iknim lnr mumnun by In lhnllxrdmwl lncmnrv IIVI Flmurn and Enfilnlmm ICU ll lwulnlnl um IIr rm mlmmn ll wu An nmva lnrulay Th0 lei MUM II v1le Ivy HI Hm Mm Mmen Knllnmn llmll mun4 III baunlnlnl nur al Klnnlnm Ill NM WFWhy AMImm whvn he mu nnwl Ivy Irmlnlul our MI nmvmrr hum ll llvllu In 31 mth rmrfll hm Ll rial IMAM dull Itde Mm Rates Canadians Best Team In Past 16 Years Bradford Plans Reception For Salad Queen July 20 BRADFORD Stat Sahds provide lame pm ORDIJII OIY VITAWA It Anllll IHINK LIGHTNING Kmammuutcm WORLD BRIEFS short time way And lull much max1M is undu my lo be ready to meivo visitors on 1m 1m his panda Mid In emetle to tab the Mpartolanhouttogetlnm the park will start flieproeeed inst llla wahmne by the Rem Ind Genoan1 milmm villi pre cede fihe Brick and Rolling Pin 00 3d baseball and 59 bill will pm mer hung held at various Fine Um pennits scheme in being palpated whldl it hand can be adhmd in to am cam My how when and where Mr meclll event taking plane It in conlmlmd that bubs we dddm will be Available It tho supper hour and that people will stay or the avenlni en tertainman At his film prizes will be presenled and flgeve Oodnme will men bl mph or In 11min Lugnlwar uam made up ol lnnlsiil citizens The marathon swim mm IslAnd L1 Mac to finish It use park about pm evenlnx lemlnnm will be varier mam Ind Councillor George Burton is still mxiws Ia Idd mum to his list for this Have you invited Hand to Join you It the park on NW 16th alter visns tawllnéton Salad Fesival on July 13 Kitchener July lyndAGughgh July 15 Max of vitamins Ind are be coming in easian popular with Canndilns wokesmzn Iaid VMls Librnanrwil come hm After leaving this county she sons Io Own Scum July and men swing back for Col IMngod reception July 22 Tendezmt Mlnulnl KIl KL WEBBS JEWELLERY PM INIIIIII Wmlnflhl ll CONTINENTAL SPECIALTIES NEVADA WOOL Wool Tor all nudl In all colour wllghn Ihrrh Dr IlaIm howlv Mu Vuthn hill lllnll flmcrln Ann MONARCH REFRIGERATION Rldlo Ind TV Srnlrl 015mm Kllllnl Hnmn metr Suppllu Culling and Wrnpplnl Llrmml Midqu DUNLDP mm HIM VAL ulnml Jutllrly mu IA HARRY SMHH Gnnonl Slov OUR SPECIALTY ll 15 ADAMS MEAT 0mm nmllrl Tim with ooum TV mm mm COOKSTOWN MOTORS lnr mm 7mm CREEMORE Stall Work 11 enacted to start hem shortly an the construction at new luurmom union school for Cree moM village and Notlawuaga township on an eightacre site at Colungwond and Aruba Streets Hm cnnlract has been let 1nd necessary approvals melv ed snid Creemolo Reeve Gor don Walson who said he antic ipated cunstrucfion would be starting Almost any time The school will be bum Inauchawaythalkcube enlarged lulu the pnsent time must Creemore and some are alu dorm amend Ihe sevenroom sdml on Catalina Street COUNTY GARAGE Reeve Watson who is mum ber of Simme Oounly road rommiuee Ilso Innounced that the county has acquired Iour 1cm nr new Simcoe Cmmty garage to house road equipment He said 1hl date or construc tion hasnt yet bun decided but he antleipatd this would be be low long PLAY BINEO and WIN THIS WEEKS Another new prolad Mild II nearing complellon nnovm on the 71d TombDamn Ion Bany building or Cream6 centennia Ilbrary The nenwm II 011 l1 10 ll IL IG IL I7 NIKHOI007INILHT llllllll0 NILGMHIIJHJNNH Numbul 11rd In ill Eldl Imk lot vmh um Illl be Iulllbll lhl bullnew on lhln Idurllumrnl BINGO nil which mu bu ohlnlncd FRET OF CHARGE by my pluyln la lhrlr 1an hull nm Mm urh Ink the will nypur lhmuxhoul um Idnr lltmrnll Illnxn be The llnl mnnn ohm In curd mull until no fllnln Edl tar co The llnrrln Elamlner 1W TELEPHONE to bu Illllhll lnr lha uh Ime Euh well ll Ihtn In winner ha mm llll be Inrrrlltd by 00 Yaw muxl luv Ihe urfl romplmly HIer be rllllhlr lo III II IlllIlnflnl qurlllbl lar Ihl uh Ill Will Begin Work Shortly On New Creemore School JACKPOT 52000 PINKNEY5 LADIES WEAR raid ruinmini WI In lllllhul AMI Ale lhll my Illh for Tllvnul HM I1 Kin 5L Cookle Mrronmm nunsmmon smwcr noun mme 4mm lgM Miro Mm hr 11 Plant Yllh llld Mpl ll TIII Try MRS PINKNEYS LADIES WEEK BARRIE SEA FOOD DOUG DEAN DA SERVICE Ill Mm glgn b9xpecteg be 90mph erdfihilwo or three week After that time wark will tart on shelving and then bank will be moved And the plnca lumlshed At flue present am the llhrlry L1 localed upstairs ln the municipal bulldinx news the road on Mlll street The downstairs location will be mom wily Acmsxble to tha public Ind mnko beltu plloe for the library and Reeve Wat I0 The Creelnon reeve upon In praise ol hh naiahbor new Arnold Vudse Nokuwunga and Oh good WANn Ln ire brigade agreement 1m yahoo and char matters We bob by working 1035mm uld have Watson Councillor Harvey PM 130 praised the load my man with neighboring mudd panties and mmbnded local umpupal in 0pm aw ind it nichlau to live In runnrkad WEEDS ARE CUlI BMDNRD Weed on lo cal boulevmk are being cut and raked and this hmm flu appearance meets like the hay mp there In mm weed than usual Hal Lesson TINN anl An Authulnd am And lvrvln mlvu GM To Drm To Delln ll Tully ernfln all lb Flmlly Plk Mo th Lulu 51mm Whlla Huh lb III ll llnkulnu 4mm Tflfln 1m Tires Batteries Lubricafion Bum mum mum mm mom 1mm Vnau at 71 ROV TRACY SALES MACSAY BAKERY hp mm Cu Tom Hum Demonnlnllau Dunlap Ann 400 GRILL GROCERY VARIETY Open 141 Man to an to Sum HURON MOTORS BANBURY FOOD MARKET Hyecllfldnl III Valhwuu neplln lnunll 11M Kllur JEEP Cm Ltd luhfllnl Fllor Ouun PETER KLEIN TEXACO IIUI llama SIM Repairs Oceulm Mu hr 7M1 nmu lpulll

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