Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 5 Jul 1966, p. 4

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IO KIWnIls Publlaher Gaflrage dlsposal has come along way in recent years Tomato ls encouraging the use of plastic bags at home rather than conventions can Now Barrie ally council has ordered tha pur chase of $42000 burner which will handle garbage with very liltle smoke and abandonment of the sanitary landfill Canadas armed ones will get big pa Increases this fall some posmbly aqua mg the 30 recently galned by Seaway workers The big upward shift Finandal Post reports isnt going to be pupular with the antiInflationary tomes in the Department 01 Finance and the Bank of Canada but Defence Minister Paul Hel lyer and his plannels have been convlne ed for some time that there is no altern ative It 51111 hoped that by using the Accomflng to Aid Lea Jollilfe vice chalrman of the ublic works commit tee the burner save the city money eventually When the burner has been paid for garbage disposal costs will be reduced from the pmsent $84000 year The jail sentence mend out to 25 demonstraton in 400man Ontario pic ket line at Peterborough were greeted with an expected barrage of insults and vituperafion mm some ranking union leaders who should know better Ontario Su reme Comz Chief Justice Gale in decision pointed nut that the mass pickeUng was organized 1n premeditated and welladverfised defiance of court lnjunctlon pmhlbiun mass demonstrato ions at me struck ant The respond WAR DAYS 25 YEARS AGO Barrie Seeking Economy In Disposal Of Garbage Barrie Examiner July 1941 Party of U3 newspaper editors on goodwill tour of Ontario visited Barrle and Camp garden had1ungh RCQF Offltfsls Mess Barrio Active Service Club now Community House formally open ed by MajorGeneral Snnsom D50 Oiiicer Commanding First Canadian Ar moured Division mining or overseas at Camp Borden Building was donated by Iandseair Club at Toronto It wns for mer private residence county childrens shelter and prior to war business mi loge Only 10 of Simme County coun dilors voted against $15003rnnt to Grey and Simcoo Foresters rey County Council had already givon same amount unanimously Slmme Council how everjmmhasul $25000 Victory Bonds chairman of the ublic works cdmmit the burner will be watched with interest tee the burner save the city money it is held to minimum and dispersed eventually When the burner has been within 200 feet as Aid Joilifie hqpee paid for garbage disposal costs will be then there will be no reason to doubt reduced from the present $84000 year the action by council Pay For The Armed Forces Vlcto Donn oversubscribed one thlnl in Smcoo County llarrlon $400 000 18 over uom Mayor ll Ro benson sent gnu scroll on behalf Town Council and llarrlu elllzcns to on Vlnslnn Chumhlll pledgan sup rt Wreckage 01 training aircraft mm Borden remvercd from Nouawns aga Bay three mlles of mouth or river but no trace 01 bodies two Auslrallnn tralnees Tamblyn opened drug store Defending The Rule Of Law London Frcn Prom problem as old ncwspapcrs nnd nmv lndnra hrmlllnra was rlcscrlb ml Ivy tllnnn mm In spomh St Paul where the winnm of humor mum wore lmlng honoml II was the Minute hclwctn nnllnnnl sucurlly and the publlcn right in know The mannnlmz ulllnr the New York Times prmcnlul hm xprdmllar lush rallnm lmw thls dilemma was Incml by M5 owln nu 1p Holh mucomml the Nunalnn mlmllo INIHIHIP wlwm llm pvrmnnl mum lnnldrnt Krn nmly Thu llmm hold up nvwn Hm Russian humup until he gnvcnunrnl had moved In cuunler ll I1nrl 19 not nuns lhal Ilm J11 Ihlnx Ilflll lmn done He mlmlla Ital ll llm New York Times and olhnr 13pm lml done llwlr Jnh krcplnu ho public inlnrnml more xllllzmlly ho llay Ilgu Incident mlghl nuvor Imo nmlrmL So Ilrllcalu the halnnrn And lnflnmllal in the llmm lhnl hr may In nghl llul In Ihu nlluvr lndnnm lhn nrflnn lho pantr may have helped prnvrm ninjn Man than century mo lhu limo nf lhn rimmn War limo was bum exclmnuu holwrnn he HrHIsh 1an mlnlslor and John Thaan Imam ml llnr at tho Tlmm lmdrm 11ml Dar lvy mum lhat newppapm Hwy deal mm nlblla mm phnull alumv lhn US rolnllnnx wlhlCulm UM wan the Bay llm lnrldcnl whore tho payer lnncd down dlspnlch which lwrlgml Invann pl1m In glllcr cnncvrnctl PRESS FACES DILEMMA Publlahad by Oanmjllun Newspapers Limited 195 Buyflgki Street BhirleLOrrtgar OTHER EDITORS VIEWS DOWN MEMORY LANE McPherson Mnnéglng Edltor TUESDAY JULY use PM1EI 10512000 band now used for the dump be available for other pur poses Such saving in wet cannot be lg nored even It means reduction of man er at the garbage site Councils job to provide services at the lowest possible cost and decision to lnsfltute major change In garbage disposal L1 011ng of 0210ng policy most modern management techniques to increase productivity total military man power can be further reduced keeping the overall total wage bill at more or less the present share 01 the defence bud get Men and women of all three services elieve they are missing out on the na tional prosperity Too many of them are making active plans to get out and de fencetgeilcy makers can no longer over look fact enu obviously sought to publicize their contempt for the courts alder It In cumbent upon the court to publicize its legiflmgtg unwary The pfiquiple lthat at Five Polnts ln Barrio with 13 Cook manager Ray lelngston asslstant Barrles first cabaggtbstyll danczdhgg It armoury nsor rmour rps WA to r35 funds for war work Bob Powells omheslra Played and guest sol olst was Canadas amcd radio harltone Vlshart Cam bell of CFRB graduate of Barrlo Colleg to Feature was lntroduo tlon catchy marching song com sed by Colonel Gory Lee At colorful Ovendcn College Speech Day Barrie glrl Patrlcla McBrlde won award for cneral intelligence and Ray mond Cup or senlor tennis Hawke stone chosen site for large new camp Girl Guides Greater Toronto Prlme Mlnlster Klng escorted up long nlslo of House Commons first woman Llheral ever elected to Ottawa She was Mrs Cora Cassolman MP Edmonton Bast nntlve ol Barrio Pte llerhert Dyment of 2nd Battalion Grey and 51m coo Foresters called up by RCMP dlsdpllnarlan Tho Bantu boy former llghthcavy amateur boxing champion Canada Prior to war he fought profess tonally as jCnl lloonpy and was crols or cfiam lon ol Noflfiem England Her blo nllgul bounblo loklc£p finger in U99 Mrs Murray mu elected prosid ant Rebekah Assemny of Ontario same romansihlllly statesmen Db Inna dlmgrcul and in famous flmca loader dnnltxl um lhn rm should be bound lho mmo llm mint Ind ro nponrdbllllcu n5 gnvcmmenu nml MM its duty was to ohlaln tho 01er and 1mm comm lnlelllgonce the events lho limo and Inxlnnlly by lladoslnu mm to make them tho common pm pcrty the nation rule of law should be upheld pretch labor as well as management In thls Base both the letter and the spirit of the law were deliberately and ruthlessly bro ken The mun would have been evading L9 duty It allowed such flagrant con lem to escape appropriate and obvioug pnmfihment Umlouhmlly more nrn nccnnlnna when publlmtion nr prcmnluro publch llnn vvm nulhonllc new can nln mnntcr lo the 11th good But rmlll nllon of this nhuuld nul prevent mum and the other IIINHII nmv opmflng in the PM of mmmunlmlmu mm renwmhodng Ihnl Her prime LI In lump ha 111th lnlnrmmL mcionn of war Iml prnrn nrn Ihn mm dramatic Illudmllom at 1th hul the dllcmmn is nml vvrry llnm news papcr mm cmmvll nmllnu nr mun 11m thlnglml Im In hh INadv llm in an prnluuml Iy mme nbmll lhvir wnlrr sup In llu nu INMIG perhale Ihoy be Tull mnromul nbmn Itll alr ml pl In no ltmgor nllngdhor unlanl mum hat fifluru chlos may now alr mnlknflm nml oxyzonnllrm planls 1n Iy analogous to Ihr pmonl mom wlllan flllrntlml Ilul nownfo Ilnmnal lynmm INInps Ihme Ml on he mmluilu In wry fresh nlr down mm In mouan lilijemuntrqf mafg that pgngesj from WilionGahhrnl Mnnhzer IMPORT FRESH AIR szmwwmuw $111 awqu Among um components of drug prices the mo obvlmu met or crltklsm L1 tummy the Moral sale In of 11 per cent In hid in in commit too In week the Canadian Medical Msodnflzm flafly SW1 is indeed tax on tidmess We can find no rallonnlo 01 1h tn Even Flume Minbtcr sharp ahvioutky eel guilly or thus ulna Iiclmcu or In apeech March 29 he made 1h prnmke Il Chl com mittee rocwmmerd that drug hould be examm tom sale part cl Wremn xiv and mums program to raduca the prices drugs then the government would be pre pared 1n maran nth nc flan by mean ol special 3m uto covering all the measure rcqulred lonlla affect to nudI bum all through June spe dfl Wt ximime the Hausa ol Carmen Inder the chalnmnshlp Dr Harry Hamy his begun its CW drug cosh and vrioel progrnm Tani was In um wally long Ind devious variant me more 51min Italenwt 1M he government wmd re pell ha lax and it has under Itandnbly caused 71nd 5pm lmlon on Pnrllmnl lull ADDS cnnjra mn nu meanwhile that Mural nnIu lax cl 11 per can In 1¢v led he covernmtm the ma Actuml luvcl Ind 11 um bum lnln lhe prlco flux mm in tho chain dlstnm lam 11w aim la dim ho ulull levvl In date bun lhe mlva WM damned by Mlnhm Benton when dmmmem called the In MI Miami to mm to that Ill and only In add bewm LI and mm per cent to lhn nth prke ol mum on drug Both the CIA nd the Hmnmmnlul Manlc lulm Auoclnllnn 7an have laid lha mnmklco um IONA minded Iv OTTAWA REPORT nmullan Im ll utllulnly mlllll In lb un luv lnIlIMrlllM III nun IIMIUIN In um qaxwr unth In II Alsvrllhd Ill Ir ulln INI Aim Ilva lurzl ml mMIhul lhrrpm mW an UlMWHtuL often Inna an Burrlr Bumllm Study Commences On Drug Prices lullqu 3mm rlm maIL lml Oflirc Downl mtnl Klan ml or payxnrnl 1mm in club Dilly fiumlnyl and filnlulury Hnlldnyl erwlul Sulmnvunn rum dull vy rnnlrr dx wily yearly Slnnln my lrl Inc mull Ilnrria mm yMJy mm yuv mum lhruwdl II year Mull mlIMn mm lln ynr Inlnhla nauln nmidu mumInna IIM you HA nml Ivrrinn mm yrar mum Unmtu Mu Turmln am Im ml 51 Mnnlml 471 1700 Wu Imlf vllnrmnrr Mmle nl lh wnnvllan Imny warr rumm nu Aumlallrm NH IIMI anrl AM Ilmnu llmllnllnm the govemml ln flier our pm cenfd Iliarprlca 11119 gvgraxo praglggon But 11 L1 nalve or ML Ben son or anyone else to pram Elm the died at thls tax mo relall level be same profits ylald at the manulutuxerl level For that In lle every other mnem the manu lulurcn Ielllnx price mma pyranfldcd by he dWl butln markw about 20 yer cm and tha retalllng muhw about we per cent than marlwpl Include ho mama and he will of hue two em The averagl price scripIon in Sapient 19H broken dawn by the CAM wan $147 vrka wu denim or the commlilee lhh way WM Indians ol com rounded unlin nmcnm THE LIGHT TOUCH ullh ll IIIMII tall Junl ml in mm lhu JnPII IIXIL Wu It It ran uuwmly My 11ml Im flu llm lmr mm mm dm lb In In om Hun liml II mWunrmwuu mu han NH um Mm llfrvllnn ll InvoLn Imlll lluflnr II Ind WW II Mm be Inn mun Iv maled Ir mnptnr um By Al BOYLE NEW YORK ANNun columnist mlm never lnw Ilho dldn oven in mall To mmain normal yuumY one of the best mini can dv ll marry 10mm normal 11mlcmllobelho menu of mm tub of wdladjmlod Mimis TM Iludy mud may Ill hnd mlan MM five Few 1mm pldlooqahm luv cotm mm mom musihlo puan tmlo man um the mat Nun haw lldl New Bnldld Fulfil Avoid lrl mull Ihldn nmermlhohlmd 3w Itommfi dllfiulu you lie dawn And we wllh rnnl mum Km um mm mm by 1mm around umly you move Ga wry Man an Hm viva 4lfll mm an In no dcty 11m IOdII runhln unt Aint will AWIII NMIM In Him iml VININIMMI on 1m uumnl Rum rm lnulnx mum WV annlm Mu nwmy WI ll um canl Far mt pl1ly iiont Iook Mi My 1an mm ruin in in n1 IMIN Mum Ind Erth llunlruzwuy MIG Ir 11 mil rdvulum Emma Mwmnm mi dorm Jumfl Jnyrl an In in mm In will IM My MIMm nthr le NIL Manulaclurua price $130 Federal Isles tax Total Distribution markup 19 BIBLE THOUGHT Finds HodgePodge 0f Infomation flun pinion TAX PYRAMIDED 1N3 breakdown the retail price or the averaza prekin HM CILBILY Shaw how he 11 per tgqtledcrall lulu tax Price pharmacy L73 Pharmacy markup 174 Price anem $147 we For these two link In the marketing chain In their markup on the price Mulch they pay regardless of whether that price wholly represented by ntrdlnmise or paruy by merchandise nnd partly by ur The duct 0w tax in here an slightly over 11 pm cenl nr 35 cents nl that Average rc lnfl prim 111th ha yield to the governmrnl was only cents explain Mr Sharpl complkatcd mneman me government remove the sales In It wants to ho sun that the full benefit is mud on to the dck thrnugh he mnnvnl not only 01 the but also oi Ihe pyramldlnz Know your lulue In malicval day uhen brand chunk urn dipped 111 ha brulh men ner the lrml was cnllul mp Todny we call mm uiltlllcr or not vm uu up It up lpamihllfly In Um Tiko dlwula and In other dispnm urly Ind wilder mllmu it were my mm um and at luxl dam to tech Imnm Bu mm lhere hu hm MOBY DOLL RIDES AGAIN who drove the um nummohfle in Mu In new Canada Callbed kl Him The Cradle Cnnledmtlon claim that the first mm mu on Cmuflnn road was mad by Fulher Belem puLdl priest Who Prince Edward Island ma It wan alngla belted mum waxon On July the antiottetown Examiner reported that the nitmobile wu displayed at termrty at Rustion During the liternponhwa put in moan and with wander and delight was observed steaming may or hail miie an the mad and badr again It Int speed No further technical detnik were given The new paper reparter probably regurde it passing resin This is not eurprilinz when ranemhered that Dr moms pioneer liminne mm at Haddock N5 in 1909 rated oniy email parl uwh on the inin Due of lame newspaper There we blazer dun the first mnemobile on July 16 1366 in Cinriottemn ire brake nut in An old buildingvon the out corner oi King and Pawml streets and destroyed nearly four bioqu the city reunited in the pumhm ol hono drlwnjterm engine or the tire depmmem CANADAS STORY Faber Bdmurt Mm owned the first MarneDU wu amt mnarkflfle his fancy vehIcIe More golng 47 Prince War Illmd he 21nd Men parish print at Red River In Mankoba mm balmzed baby who chrlstened Mal RieL Oum Evenh On July ix l7l7Cud money was wiMIvn It hall has value l119Rxdyard mmm wq nadg govgrflor MPlcenfll Newfound 13nd and confianderiudneiu Nova Staon HuiMlde Muted Brldsh Imdet Abemonlbil Ind Home Lake George mlzAmerlcan Gmng Hull arrived at Delrnil to nude Canada lullAmerican mu won victory Chippewn Nissan peninsuh lamGene mlliun ardsr caused Hm 1n Dower Canada InlsYmmgm Sleuqu begun five year Anflc expgditian for Camadlm lwemnenh InaMiner Ind noel worker want on win It Sydney Ns at In lavaflaming mmllue appoknud by the federal Kw emmen bushlned Du nrikm demand lnsSukauhewan iovammm Appoan royal cumfisslon in Invesths riot that 1nd taken place July InsaSlephen knead Mmdal Harm opened II Orillla Onlagiu The dancing Io Jail of the domomlrglop ln tho flu Plastics Ltd dispute llu it use under attuned labor Agd nobody known what arm or ex plasion it may set up By DONALD OEEARN TORONTOll look mouth more may be hlg bang cam Imz up in labor And could be had one up one calm which particularly givu cause at can curn mls that labor loada ship Apparently in fire in its an and in mood lnr mk Icssnoss There already been reck lessnm auxwin 1n lhe rank 31nd file of labor now or me Im It bu been fuming on lho yrlckd line and making nan all In rcjmion ll leader Ihxp by turnlnidwwn neiulhlcd mm mm gnawingqu cumin rwdllon QUEENS PARK E1 them dready have been 11m coum um Indoran mu wu lending ward am im spamihfli ll lhl nudenow Idflpltd by anor lcudcrflip then we cmfld be or ml min CBULD MEAN TROUBLE lnr Ihn YAnmInr Mu hn Vwmw wxliv lm um 114 mm SaysPEiI Priest Owned First Auto Labor Leadership Has Fire In Eye By BOB BOWMAN mm 191 nr development 11 mm Thu thnl Inbor kaden hid spokesman for labor in housa here have been flirting with domagozuery Mos particularly they hava been making personl attacks Auurmv Gmcul Arthur An cr president of thy Ontario Federation thor and Lhe rmflng labor leidu 11H ha province has been moaned n5 amusing Mr Wishan con xlucunz wnddta against labor CALLED VENDEIIAV NDP leader Donald Ma Donald hzu mused in the charmerand leadcm ovum an cchalnz ho umllom that Mr Wisharl LI conducting campaign vindictivcncss These charge an to ridicu lous they would be laughable II hey we danzmm Anyone Mm knmu ML fish In know ha no man In vermll my pmonnl or rm tonal prejudice hnva an nnumcn with hla adminiau nan dim 715w Ho duhch to his mm as the 0mm the men Ipomflflo or cnlorcuncni of IM lllw 1101 Um Ml only nut lha gcncr puth dorm knnw thlx And ll hbar rnder rhlp in marl In dam oguery yau cant my what mi my ranonnl lnflurngc pm 1mm FIMMHM In Vamuur llmmll NH Inwml mm nr ml Idan Witt

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