Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 5 Jul 1966, p. 2

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tennls Ioumamenl will be held Llona Park Clapperlon 51 1mm Friday to Sunday In cluslve Gxnpdlliva enemies Include junior llrls 1a Ind under lln glen Junior bay II and undex slum girl 16 Ind under lnzlzl boy 16 and under nlngkl Iadlu Angles ludlu doublu menl mules and men doliflu Barri maSor road oommlc fim when In re mad rimming centennial park ll mon ready or paving Md Furl Smim duhnun coun dll public works commlkm Flnmce Committee dlnlrmau Robert reported mow In meeting with lrdmedl Salli Ind Aillxon by max table mi at His pom inn and mulunlel bulldm have been reflected and that bul Inu or ha problmu are exped ed In be liken can of mad Itely It wu Hui Hun week In buy 5000 mapmlen or dixu BARRIES PUBLIC WORKS PROGRAM IN FULL SWING Barrie James have hem awmadxd In 00er IIU dcnl cxdmnxe worm with ma Cmadum Ommcfl 11er um md Jan propan will mi bu mrrlrd nul In Mr qu tha year was tnmmmi Will Start Soon OriMaior Paving For Me mn lhn Jnsrm and this cmncfl haw mmd udumm vaiLu Qudxv and Maria Mumu Tennis Tourney At Lions Park Barrie Will Not Participate In StudentExchange Program mt ym mm fiend mullan 5an mm in Me arm or hm wetk3 re hnJnl Vb in link Eng Ipoaluru memam Wm Nedy 1th Ir min mu wit Um um um llulfld Krn MiIa II anendm flit Vénufvirxunrfilt mi oi um POLICE BUILDING TO BUY RULE STUDENT AT WORK Md bald ha W5 PW lng will begin mm the next law week mar gravel Iid over flu last leveral month hu lolllad am My th yur authorized about mm mLIaa paving with Lakeshvm Road the lap of the list Fam unblnl and dim pmch are lo be Wuhan this Amer than in lhu 1m aw yam but mrk has been underway In Hm Sudan sum said uvrk crews are deanan up oéd Jobs posqmed prew 01151 mm mm project new un duway is at HMI Street The 3mm mwr portion Iho prom will be mm Mum comedian are mad at Bradlord bu sanitary mm wt be extended hm The sanluuy Inwer design ul connect at We Road and Wellington wlIh the Gm dles mm mutmdtd earfln hm Ald Smth said 11 Is known yd how far it will be taken Ibis year The mkd will bring existing sewer up lo lize Ind handle my Mum demiopmmt in the unto he guy he mm though 21mins Icwert can handle pnsenl require menu is best In Instill Ihem now along with donn mun to avoid tearing the mad up again In the next law yam Md Smith mid Hi the My My um um uflh lhn runny n1 mum mnlmu The project hid ll purpose Iho xlrcnxjhrnlnx hqnd IInHrrMmUnn Smradmnni lrfimtsblp lnCxrd1 n5 MI Im in iumgunlkm m1 ludlumllun Humanm lhn flunknu mm mm they lwml Um Mmyn Shrine Midland mm nn mammu swlmminx n1 Wm nmch mm rm pwnlc ll as Lake IMM Maur Pnlla ml Mrs Rm lMNfH pmy at llrmkvwz Inn 11m hemh sludmu mnaln nmm IMHM Ink pl um Hum 51m lunan Ln 11an ha ml MIMI Mu vii uh and II tllha moment Md Smflh major ham over Alfiston Am Public Sdmol vMdl also serves Em 195th and TWO loam here unlm meetan called or Thursday 10 Mn can come up with lot muh to um dulerewes The lam school whlch has xlafl Indian hu may ed the maze whm it will non hava Io mm Another add linn or build new achnol mm ls muldmd more our ible but the pmblcm faced whether the whoa be built in mm in Em mm wmcu SHOULD RUED wan harmed from Inquiflu that nearly 25 per cm the student are from Essa And it was wggesmd at the July meaan mum council kn In be decided huher Alliy Om should build lhe ufml or It mslola In mu clemd up MM any comm vem said MAM Jnhn Dab linx unplmlzing dual mum was nnxlous to gel Ilong mm It nvimbming munkipalilles 11 that the prvptr solution tould be wmked mi The mawr asked as many mundl member mu attend Thursdlyn meeting of the Sim County Edumllonnl Wm Onmmfllto md the Allistnn NM Public School Band at IM Amid xhool COST FIGURE BOUGHT Memtma Mon MI paw Ed by flu Mlislm mndl lum orixhu dork bnrna WM In NJ the limo board or gum on 1h cost opu nang Iha mi ddld rm no nurnd tum wilh mm mu qum an asthma ml of new when Workmn these dm In my Install new alarm and minty newer mum on High St muth put of Bar ml publlc work promm The nvw new will match mm EM Slmcog Mum Dman diuumd lha unkm ldmol linunnn Mu ecu Gnome Minnie who ll wnrden cl 51mm Omnly Ind WM Mud mm Alan mm mm Mm eluwnm mm Mn hm to put aim Mm Elem4L Major BattleLooms ngliLLAlliston School shyly Mdnm Mnlnhlu Ml ll Nan Ivuhhll Tnmnlnzy1mnn1n hum lm my Me um Imhfll had only cw pupil llLendlng one union ml and all 11 was taxed wt of pmparflon and nskcd or sdml borders on municipal My my ASSESSMENT PROBLEM In Iridium to the when mul Ler Mayor Daran abo dls cumd MlLsum increase in equalized antenna whlch was suggested had gum up nurly million in ban yam The new leura or 1067 mien was $555149 In murmur wig $5065400 11m crowd fund dny ovenan ll lha lull to no he colored menu of Calllornln Ihlt lud bun lakm by Mr Wylu Howard Crawford wu he winner the door who lovely lelool folding plml II In donltd by Mr And Mu Jo Flnmuno lllvcr collorllon wu lam proceed lor hull he fled have He lague the bash or Arriving at lhgg figum The My Win lo the ISM equaflzed and that mln reason or Conxruulluonl In Mr And Mn Archlc McMhur who ul tbrnud lhclr 5W weddinl In nlvtunry II the home lhelr mm Munls FrldAy emlnl Mn Murmur was Iha Immrr Pearl GrahnmY mm Grnhnm ha lem club 11min July 0m mp orlnl Park It you hnvo not Ill ch your loans cl mm In noon In ynur chlld will not be dluppolnlod United Chunh Wrmm ml ll Hm mum ll HuhInn lur lhrlr Jun mmlnu Mn Mmrl mluclnl lln wnrdxlp with Mn lumll Aulxh In Mn Muchnn Irmuml hlzhllxhl mm ovum medlnfi Ink Al MIMI nanny Mu lumll IrIM he lmhyl Hunnlnl Frllmuhlp mmlnl Emu rm TMm dlmmlm About mullnlluu nl hnvlnl mu ll ma 010 Full Tnlr llll ll Ill IIKIAIKI tn huh It ll uIIIAI lAmin plrnlc Illl In mm July II ma pm Al Mllmnrlll Iui Lunrh ml Illh Mu Ellchm lml Mu rum IlaInn GOLDEN WEDDING 5W1 LAME Syrup ll uvmud to Mr and Mn Gr In lb pmlnx Mr Gmn miner rmlnlly In floyll Vlclvrln Hoa plln Mluu Laura Grnhlm And Mb nnmll of Cnlnry re newt uqunlnllnra hrro on lhu wrrkrnd TIIUMTII WOMEN Oannmdlon In Jun 11 pudlori amt491 lo be comyleted III wuk wlll than cm three week to mmu me mm mm AM Fred Smith dulnmn In public mm mm nld By MM II CRAWFORD PEMUNAI MIDWE Mn Nlrk EIIImIn In hm In pumaI than Joan rnlhnl hrldp mind MAI Ihq lmma Mn Ilmunl uwlorrL Thund evenlnu JIM MW In lu IllMM ml Mlu Juwlmd In muffled um many low Ir mm wmlnd In My rmwnlwl vIJylul ml mmlt Mug Mnelh Mm mu mmli Mn Milton lflhMWI cl Uh AROUND SIMCOE COUNTY ORO STATION The rmyor read over mm Ihe other lures ththm By 52 Increase mm 3qu In $6656914 and Adklan jump nudy 31 la county mains said Mn mm mumrely local and equlllud mammal will be 1h same flma usemrl leng Ibo figure equallzed pow lble until lull oounly mamm mgnt ls winplelgdl County council was old ro cenlly the lull nsw summon over we munly mid take mm mm In four year Wnrdm Mcho laid them had been deva 11 over lha away but 1min the own or hurt phoel which were min mom wlddy Wilm Sunley Bowen and Mn Franc Mormw moved Joan lhlnkcd he ladies wllh lew well chmn worth Lunch was aemd wlm uvcnl India mum Prior Io lhll mhcellmeou Ahawzr wu held In London wllh r1de Ind nllflm at her llnce allendlnl New And nulxflml the hrldembe held Lurwln them In Tor onto when Jun In on the mu Nonh Yuk Publlc School She wu ht mlplml many lowly Ind useful 11 NE INSTmJTE Bond llud Inullm mel In 0n leury room lb Hall June 10 with In lumdnnca 15 menhm and vhnm Mu Imamn ymidlnx Mr Green elmled Carolyn Hmnlh xldohrbu with zlfl mm Inslllnln In Ipprcclulnn her work Carolyn mm or lho Nudmulr IIIKory Mu Phll Hm awamenlod Clmlyn wlm ram 0w Wadmm comm Mu Stylu wn pro Mnlni vdfll In mm In In mum Mr hrr mm Mm tnlonnll commluu polntrd Ind Juno hu been gulnl or and mud lo ct brute In In Hum belnt nu lrlp th peak ll pm ol Burlel look into tho mm 111 mw mm will prevent nood nonunion at Swan Fnk on Dunlap Wul through which the me will run Exlmlnur Photo Mn Knmhnw And Mn Willlnm Sumorlnnd om mluu Mn Roll Elllol and Mn mom nmwn were In bun at UM woxum lhI IMMM whim In Imddml lnnnllm Mn EIIIM gun In on My and munlod lilm HIM Thu mayme the mmmhul vlrlm lllm mlcndkl and uv muny mm In IMnk 1qu ml EIIM Ind Mn vall MM lllh lht lllm Mn Hot rnnrturud mmImnm ML mm In HM Ivy Mn Omn Mn Hymn And Mn filnrldlri sum whldl lnnnllm Mn In on My film IN 111 he llllhlwhul BOND HEAD ll 1m unlu in min pl phon THIRI NO CHARGE FOR THIS SERVICE VALLEY TAXI DIIVENOURIELF CAM AND TRUCKS an mu II Mlmvd To Im llnnu CARRIER MISS YOU 7282433 City police In look or mated Bum zlrh repomd mining mm their home Mon dl Merriam MLuIng Linda Hopton l4 mum nl Mr and Mn Jnhn Hopton no Puget St and Maur ecn Martel dnuzhm of Mr Ind Mrs Mbm Richardson Pentium 3t The Hopan girl when par enll 1m uw her pm Monday has brown hair brown eyes and was wearing pllld blouse and short blue jeans Ponce said the girls may be 1013mm Last seen by Mr parenls 1230 In Use Illernoon Maureen Muriel has brown hnlr blue eyes In was Wear boyl brawn shirt and blue Jeans Th girls were slill mlxslng nl noon todzy the moqu that ha mail be rcptmuted at cm school board meeting in he Multan mute Mayor Darllnl firm was WWW mound be Nomad on the badcgmmi the school main The annual Pinazrava field day wu held June 17 lhc uhnol Vlnnm um Seldom Shirch Saundarl and Ndmrd mmu lntcrmuilntm Pnlxy Tracy m1 Tinmy llolbmok Junlou Arm Haltth and Erlc Couture Prlmary hum Veuutn and Mlchnel Fnrzv fly MM COLE The final muting of mu son or Gan 01b was held Wednudny evening he ham or the lanch Mrs wscn Smith The boys enjoyed treasure hunt and other met him And awards were pmcnled to boys th lhn mm wlnu Tho unquql inazravaflgld Puplll lrom Gum lo Grad Indus enjoyed lrlp Monday to CKVIL TV hen hack in llmlc llrehall and pan llrn Ilullun hence In Gum nk lnr lunch and cm lo he or lemnlng ln lho men noonl Sovenl mother wen Alon lo help Mn llcllby Mu Johnon remalrml the Idml wllh Grade Ind whn had pmvlwly enloynl An onlan In local llrm Two Barrie Girls Reported Missing ll HELEN GILLIYA EXPHDHIIATION chomlnl mum in ha Bud nu Lorna ODall an MI the Dal ol IM ml Forer flu lnllw Blghly pmvmm in IN ma hm IN purduml luy Um Dal lo be med In dumb Wu 0n pmlnclnl puk Al Wm Bench Mnny mm mum In ull Iry pmwly nvrmrl In lhn Nulrh NH of hi anl 0mm 1n alum mnt In mnny In Ind lhnl cm mmnd urn lwhlml In From1n mm mm Al lnr uwmlnllnn nn Irpuny In WASAGH BEACH GRENFEL 111E BARBIE EXAMINER TUESDAY JULY An lldyeIrnld 0m sullen boy Leo Hum Hand cuts to Ihe not And chest Monday when ho 1011 of the mat ol truck In0mllwuhlp Provincial police nld tho boy bounced all the lrud when it bk burn an flu Mb concu ulon He wu Idmltled vaoyal Ylptorll Hospihl mused Mei him the was may 29 WW3 1n mother misham mm Jmph Pawell Al 01 1491 Wil Avenum Toronto auflmd llchl cut In dnzleclr ml dm on Highway 17 north near There Ire allll opanflngs It the Barrie YMYWCA Day Cum There are mum camps for boys and girl yam ax Snow Vaney first perlnd beglnluly and will In until July 15 while the second will last 1mm July ll to July 29 Each cm mm dir ector manic or ad elm campers one warmth proKram every wo wmka 1nd daily program includinl him sinmnzs VDUEWBU crllu lame and nature lorer Falls OH Truck Om Boy Injured Tenants ol the rooming house including an 15yearold woman fled Into the mm with only me belonging they cwld wry They were ukanla lvnllon 1mm UP three lm in Monday night raced through mornan house Ind he shells of seven dawnlwm tenement homes can flute an Aprl Ira mmmhm total 71 firemen and 17 vehicles were culled lo the 0am thehm mdnd Umate damage wm no hu mcdlalcly available Openings fit Barrie Camp For Boys And Girls Under 14 Wasaga Beam has been upm printed There has been OM ex prmprllunn In No qu1 Towndxip Ind lhal report the departman Wu by muml ngrmnl And ll IM request the owner Mn Olive 1mm EMERGENCY VEHICLE ml find In her husblnd Fred neldy um wnsclnul on tha noon caflrd or halo Ibo callad the r1211 perm an only umber that cm to her mind rm llul Blll Prinfle who hu Ion been volunlm immm It Winn Butt um had Ihu uncraemy uhlcle presenled to the vllllga by Wang Oakvluw on Club onLY hut week II the Dale rmdme on LIle 5L In mum at mlnntu Wim Flr mm Kermn they loan hld Fred an the mum Ind Mo holplm Wllhln law hwn Fud hnd hlld nmzmm Immhx rammed No In It on Im mad la flowery And nme ho hum whhln low dl Blaze Destroys Toronto Houses CITYNEWS ROYAL RESERVE WWW mugs ll Nuns 10011 Illhow 014M ruyl In II SIMCOE SIDE Golf Club 1h Midhurst CPR gnulnl Police said Pow car Ila road and mud 10 Ind hm mu nmlunx In that am dam10 mm belat vael has been dated with ageless dxlvlng Damage was gunned It $500 when hausu mile mgmalmd The car driven Allin John Hmon Birth wu not mugged Transpmtnum by bus Pm vided by the with bul luvlng Johnson SL school ll lm Ooddnzlm School It v15 Limp anle Grove Sdsool 93 Am elves Klnc Edwml School am Prlnce of WI Sclmol 910 and In 920 mm lha bum will stop It Ihn mm on the way home ox wpt on swim dayl when ch 13 will be um Swim dun Monday Ind Wednesday or blu us pm In pm flu and Nesdny Ind Madly or um snipe llma lefim hran thelr own undl Ind muk provided On spec in day then Mm vdLl be guest pmdmr ll am and pm latvim gnmanunl Baptist mm Jury uviin mm in my oi absence mm me am Inland Em Mand mu summed with the Oversea Misshn Fdlnvap Baptist Church Guest Preacher Thetraller om by Mr1 W115 Jud LUMBURR 91W For lrlondly compo an urvlco Ind qUIl Hy brand mm prod um all In naw Bormm 10 OFF ON CASH AND CARRY

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