Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 29 Jun 1966, p. 5

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lrau were Cyril Jnckwn Mn Shelp and Mrs Maurice Miller of Minesina an Mn 821 mm Dania The mulu of the 21 compe Ullom follow Ch pike Mo on mam JIu Coun Slcwurl Amen 01 or an lbilor In he mam hunted Mm Mngulre and Mrs Ernest ngakley Minexxn ngd MAYNER Slam Presi dent ho Ontarin Horlicul lunl Association Dr Ray Ivcs om1e Stayner mayor Is firm believer In the impomnce nl cultivating hobby He him Iel most convincing ex ample Emory OWMIOTLE RAID drlvn la obtain mull In nnnnrn mm comrlu floor or Cue rmm Arena LI Ixan 1qu up he In lho hnnu lulllrlanl can be rnlml or the wnrk Io um helm the nut hockey umm Th mlvnnlnxrn numnnl nln hm maln Ilml 3mm Ihldl my cnnmlu Ilmr WI mnka ll mm or 1anan and hockey and will make lmltmr dlndnL lennll And Imdmlnlnn Wm NDHRWIIIKI Township talks aver mutual problem neighboring Simuldale Mn Reeve Arnold Vandse lam with Lloyd Prldhnm reeverol ship Examiner photo Step Up Drive For Rink Floor At Creemore Dr Ivu reporLu ma his ln am In horflcullure can be traced back In the use fiva yam hm ha dlsplayed this attraction by pulling Ive of hi nn rurllnl rlnk munn hm Ill uwn Allllldll II Amun lhlmz MM may ho romldvml In Du lulura lur hoary 11 main mum fnr Hm ran ruln llrmr In In Inan Hula purl of Ihn mm mm mMul xlurinq Ihv Iummr MIDHURSI WiLh nigh lirsu Iwo second and Ihrcn thlrds Mrs Colin Stewart Anlen Mills was the lending ex hihilnr at the Hch Vespra Hon ucullurnl Soclcly his Show it was shovm by ruulLs nn nounccd Bgllerdny so Mldhursl Oakley Minqu nnd Mm Lynn may Mm Ma Mn flex Muon c1 513M cl spike whlta mum HamMm om lumen MM uni MIL Colln Slowurt Mn flex Mason Clul make ynJow Iris Mn neg an Mn Eli Oakley Mlnealnt Mrs Colln Stawlrl Counclllor Irer lrlnmw wallinn loul unrnwnnn rhnlrmnn nl Ihu lumlrnhlnu mmnllln whldl IIM hrludu would Wullvrmk HM Gur Inn anmm MUN llnnflrn Wmlnm mun IHKI Elulc Ind Gem Ehrplwnl Takes Top Prize At Flower Show DISTRICT BRIEFS FORMER STAYNER MAYOR MIIOOI lll ADMIN IHIAIIFOIIU rumw 75mm In mm umrlvml Iy qu mm murmur mun muJNummn umle Hummul 0an nml In Tlun NH lmlzru um lw mummy IN mum Irm KAIMm July Mululav Ihls Jul pawl ll Cunmwml FIOwer SOciety Head Recommends Hobbies REEVES TALK OVER MUTUAL PROBLEMS MldhunL grandmoLhers prizi geraniums She prevented just mlrlbulion Dr Ives rclntcstandA hlg lglap in flowers fiddled lram that time onward ARDENT NATURAUSI As an ardent naturalist Dr lms today wldely known and respected and lllls led to hl election recently as head of lhe provincial fluwor organimunn an honor which his many friends Clan spike Mauve Iris Mrs Slownn Mn xuire Mlncsing Mrs nomp Clnl 541 mike 0nklcy Mn son Burr Mrs Chas 61 splkc Cyr11 Jackson Slewurt Class 11 mlke dark bluc Iris 4m Maurice Miller MinaA sing Cynl Jackson mm spike Mb Iris Mn Slcwurt Mrs Nu Mrs Oakley cim mi pike ml Mrn Mnurice Miller Cum spxkc oolomd 1m Mu Maurice Miller Mn Rum IL Mum uni Mama mummvmt Mn Stewart Mn mksnhnflilmscn Mnnuirt kg 11 Nisan llmllualiun NnmuL Mm Slrwnrl Mn Don Shclp Minosink Mrs Oakley lnn llHhmblzflim vnnarnwnk Irix ulna rand IrvMr Shula Mm MI Oaklo Miller cum l$leLfimusmu water In cmnpoxlllon Mn M13 5mm Mm 31 lIlnlwnnim mi urn nrnnmwnlMm Slum Mm men luu IIIIch ml African Vlnlru tingle Mrs Mn nulm nm and wmn mum vol nl Mrlrnn Vlnlcll lllnulllal Mn IL Mu lumnen Min Mnflulrr IMrmnmmM Im aimMm Nu Mumy um Mrl Slwlp Mn IL Mn 19 flux 41er MI ln mow Mrl 5mm Clm lzlwjyo gnynl1gr IIIIUIIIHHWW rrrrrrrrrrrr nnnnnn ices GUARANTEED NO SHRINKAGE lhyflcld pmk Lru Mm Alvin Thomp SlewarL light blue Irl Minesi Mn 330 The Iormcr Stayner maynr specializes in the study wild flower and birds he in also 51mm coliecm of now imm plan gladlolus grower well knuwn fig udga apd exhib and be hasiuu con centrating an the cultivnuon of it md may skilled photographer Dr Ives has had hb wrk exhlbltod the Nnuogni Gallery 91mm aubn Canada Hm became teacher and at tar three year of teaching he went to Toronto Medical School World war Duo lnlmuptrxl his studies he served with Toronto Artillery Battery Re Iurnlna tn hl classes later ha gradualcd ln 1933 spent your practlslng ln Bmle then mblLshcd hL awn pracflca ln Smymr In 1921 ha was mrnod In the amorIEfiIel Harlin and they have ma non Dr Ives of Slayner and daughmr Mn Kenneth Edward of 001 nu Buy MAN YEAH 0mm jman 1519 min Ive had the dlsllncuon hav ing auxbed ward of Coillnx wood General and Marina pllgl Anamnd Kr hL1 honor Beside been mayor Dr hm hm surmd an pdzfix and cullcxlme school boards Slayner Library Board and Col lingwnud llnspln Board one llmc he was an livn curler hut he Iound nec msnry In give it up 0mm wise he hm mnda raw mm Alon to ho calendar Chalrman of 5mm Counly rtcrcnUan Deputy Rem Jvhn Pnlcrmn Orillln Township rrporlul anh lmucst In the luadcrahhu lrnlnlna cnum now In pmurm n1 lhu Sprlnwaer Park In nlidhum Ind also It PnlrwuIr Them MM 01 plw ground and dny camp pumm ml mm 10 more Um Inst yrnr IMday clunp program ll be taminx morn popular 00 11h In lnrmuo run eight la 11 Swimming clnu reamrllm Indiqu mm Aha Iro grow lmz In papulnrlly Mined Mldhum lnnn an nddlllonnl amp rmurnllnn lemminl In Mmdlon lnr younznlcrl th Wynvnln brim mwhk Am uni new mm nw whim mm wu hall dlnlm llnrrln um Ind WMIXI Training Good At Springwater IO Dunlap 0R0 siAIION Sufi call was made to church peopie Io mobiiize themselves to the service God and achievement at peace and unwinding by Rev Koran Gnusis at Old Knox Presbymian much hem Stlndly afternoon Some zoo amended the service turbid marked the annual decor ation My at Oroa 1159enraid Knox Cande whm many pioneer ol the area an buried dual not attempt to hell you the story of the pioneers Ml know Hm better than do said Mr Guerzis retir Id Winn Churd minis ter who lives near Angus and cutmnfly is mine as amply mianm or Godwin and Cen tral Om PreWyterinn dudes Mr Guam did say however the example and courage shown by the pioneers were greatly needed in an era of loosening monk lower standards it in tegrity and indiKereuoe Rev Sione of Essen Presbyterian Gluteh rend inc Scriptures and Mn Robert Campbell ihrie was organist Wigs Inna snia mm hm EXAMINER wannasmv mm ma Ill Navewnfimom Decoration Day Servicé Rt Oro Draws Over 200 Persons about rho me we bbcl SupeIXWF Suerth Mean good 010 1g AL WHY om Inunyl GUARAN OUR OWN SUPERMGM BRAND GRADE OVEN READY VAC PAD TURKEYS DISTRICT NEWS SCOTTIES has mm TOILET TISSUE woa4w39 WNW OOLDUHID CANNED KAM SAIL DETERGENT CAUHNHII POWDIHED iNfiANTCOrrEE W429 LUNCHION KAT Mr InAND rnirnlcam Beef Does AaP Sell CLUSED FRIDAY OPEN MONDAY Wsuluivqwflou Macawmum meWMIm Brand Beef Mg he the who 115 upmch MP buy ody led hand Bod ml mam our Mqh SopcrRth Quoury npodlicoiions Some bod named Red hand an Isuu good much to be mad Supo¢ngh9 You loo wen my fussy about he me vs bbcl Supevkwlnf July 4H1 for your Ihopplng Convonlonco AfiP Food Soar wlll b0 All joined In aaylng praych Ind in palm reading wth MI Guerzi and Mrs Sumo leading fiber was 3150 special mule by me We choir whldl wan mud appreciated Flawen were placed on grave at theecmclery on the historic chde grounds new churw plaque was much admired The murdi and theKingdnm or God was the topic of Mr Guergis Sermon Whldl allow ed the dedication Reeve Geomo MacKay On Who Is member of lho dmmh board draw allenllon to the plaque whldl was Just recently erected and also rdemd to other Movements Wesley Bl chairman of the board Forester 5m Mary and otheta also Jolned in welccmlm vlsitms laxmar 0m reevn and ex waxden of Slmcoe County Smith Campbell ol Barrie was among the visitors to hls tanner home munlclpality Immndiatdy after Lb ser vice Reeve MacKny got ready to praoeed tn Sarah when he is attending the Ontario Mayan and Reeves omvenlkm opening Quality rm Mu IAVI Io nu mamum In Prbt IAVI 3Mm95c lmdnbo Honk AYWI MUCH Tom and um trade has been imeaxincvln recent years said Reeve Gordon Wilson himsell businessman in the ylumbhzg and hudwm business He gave 1mm mud lame share of the credit Gamma SIAM With the holiday season nearly here Cmmon merchnnu Ire ready for what 13 upeded lo be busy summer tourist trade Orcemorc business mum L1 lmprnvcd and survoy Indicat ad mm were busy flood limtlng lyslem has been and commended Monday and conunan May uni Wednesdgy The annual datum will be held on Wednesday Mayor has Cooke of Barrie who vice pmlduut fin ascdathn is one of are dvlc lenders being considered or the next presh denqy beflgva he very good dance said Rum Muc Kay 01 tin Barrie mayor 111a decoratkm service hen was flavored by ideal weather wiih brilliant sunshine and warmth considering that dem ratinn dny sarvices also were huid at Barrie Uninn Cemetery and Oriiiia ngeterylat he Creemqre Is Ready For Busier Séason Strawberries hem was considered good We try not to conflch tn dam because we who attend these other wvficu alsa would like to 0mm hem said glee MauKay 119 IAVI 1D LOW PRICE FRESH DAILY loul CENTRE CUTS 0t STEAKS GUARANTEE SHANK PORTION mwovm gym510 mama FRESH KILLED II COMB Ems FULL CUT HALF mus NO CENT JO HEW SHANK HALF 559 BUTI HALF 569 WHOLE HAMS CHERRY PIE um VMMIIL flch VIHIYI BREAD 3m=65= MM PARK The Creemorq Arena which has lacfllflu for mung hock cy and curllnu and sown ll hoped will have ccnmt floor 01 badrnlnfon and tennis and send baseball we Ihp mat wen Equally pm Reeve Wafion We have Had many compil manu about Creemm and this Eaturally yieml us uld dlzilmc Melville iilarfvoyiai tinaw Alex Manna and Nplsnn Oorbw LED wen plea give us an Musclion when Cum mnkaJ pro 11th ioildehQ VILLAGE APPRECMTED Councillor Petllgmw well knawn local garage operator said he didnt knuw IX my bet ter place 00 live than Cr more nullve cl New Bnmswlck he came 10 ml vlllnga In 1941 bavn no rem Mamet movlna herel ls wonderlul PM WM Reginald Westbrook local newspaper yublkher am told of his appreclntlon or mama and his civic pfldl in in ac campllshmenu As mwspapmnan dlizcn and sportsman Mr Westbrook has made most worthy can tribufion toward making Cree man an interesting and pm grgssivn Iplaga go livg ressivn Inc to live 0mm he mm on he to 1043 AVERAGE WEIGHT Wynnawbodrlyuumm wfllyovapflWl Bland MmIolulb nr lain mmwry Mama TOMATOES W39 ammo mmmm SUCIRS Nu GRADE hi6 2m85¢ WIT PORTION his ch MVI It KhmmlollHoIAVI iuudniniu 01an or new cannula floor or the mnl and he aim has been keen booster larvalinns civic mova menu Mr Westbrook mavad to manure from Coilinzwood II yam 810 when he ilnt took iho paper over when he asked question about Cream he mm with an enthuxinm which ieavea no doubt About his xgmdne interest other menchm quaiioned gave variety n4 mm or Creemores shave average busi ness for plane at ill popula tion listed In 931 Some men tioned the excopHimnlly limb Liva stores when the men on mu courtesy and buxinex friendliness and It otherl cradlud the unrestricted plidnl time ilmila People appreclaba comm to place to shop where than an no parking meters said on merchant who Ive emphuls to point Ilsa menflaned by others HAY CROP GOOD BOND HEAD sum Num ernn mum in IN area luv been busy the pan law days with Hitting the hay crop and similar operations wlu bo cm xied out shortly In the north end the county Around hen the hay crop was good Farmer said it was 11m better than average Farmer north In eragv map expected Gulnnlul Hulk luhnlfi All Ilka TN uh 589

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