Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 29 Jun 1966, p. 3

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Mr Purdan uer In Iha Cnughnnwnn OkI InslorII Chum In Quebec an IndIm re nerve boron movIng lo LInduy In 1m la bcmme 1wan mIn hm In Cambrth St UnIItd ChmII marrlnI lo the armor Iorcu Ihwuan oI Sunburn and he InmIIy In an adoptul Ian XML 19 dJuKIIIuI Jlnlfl Mnry PnlrIcII ml nnnlInr um IIrlnn ml hanlu will nlm In rIrw vl Flirlay lml um mm open Tlurlny lel Insular Flldly Plank 11mm wlll hp nml lluu day 10 ll In pm ml HG pm In pm nuv ml Mm Hm Ind Unlr hm dnHun TM Allan and Mul Inu will mm In 1er naw Mm In Kmle July TanllMa Indmdhm nrvlu will K11 pm nrrl In be lnwnl Ivy mnptlnn In thurm mlluxlun In arm him il Ivy mlnra Hum Ill be cfnurl III day PM In nlrnnm of IN llvmlnian lluyhunday Mr Nrdon mclvcd hls early educnllnn In Toronto and mum xhool or men yum Mora ullandIM Qmm Unlvmfly al Kingdom Ha wnl ordained by Ina Toronto Commence In June 10w 1m la mm July Mn IIMMMY Mmlay MI Innlb nlum um lm vrnnlllml In 11 mm 09m Tlmwlny rum lm fl any or um wwnlsm Jumle puer CBCTV crew mm Toron to visited Barrie yesterday to photograph Shanty Bay Road Slams To Open Thursday Night Ont Mayors Reeves Call For Regional Government System 11 two men who Mr cl man Mn 1er mllrxo wlll wily than rrnwmilvlhh film of um Imnmnxwr cm uunllon and mom4m suruln mm llcv New wlm has been mm In Horton Awnm ahurd Ilmn 1001 will rule In lo mlnlstry ll mum lunch In uumlnllon will the 31mm lulrr llov DonId mejcr Mn Purdon who comes mm Llndsny Ontario in mince Rev Davld Neva Who leave next weak In luka up work In gulkrm Unllrd Church In Scar om Rev Kenneth George Pardon will In Inducted minister BurIon Avenue United Chung 1n woman tonight King Ed ward School Tlle pmvlnce wm also qunslcd to adopt uxnllm and subskly polidca that vmulrl sup port reglanal thrmnenl The xeport sald reglounl guvcrnmcnl cannot annuo to exist In ll prawn mm and Ill meet the mwing need of mmunlllem ll should not be nssumrd hat calmly mammal will an The Ontarln Association of Mayor and mauve Tuesday adopted report ualllng or gional government and asked the prwlnce lo and legislation that would allow munlclpaliflcs to enter lnlo rele nrlmlnls lraflon strong advocate or the new government system Danie Maym Cooke who served as first viteprcsldcnl of the IS mlalloa last year It ls ex pcelcd he will be chosen presl dLnt or the mman year at lhl Mckl convention Will Induct New Minister Burton Avenue United Church 000KB SUPPORTER SHANTY BAY ROAD GARDEN TO BE FEATURED 0N CBCTV Thry will Md um mm ml Inflow my 1M7 llwr nfllrrll IIHIWIF Nnrmnn Hnml vlwmnlxlvul Slide mrrtnry Mk um mrr Eric whim dulrmJ Ill llw M1 0le mmmulrr Md Mn Mmfllznn rlmlrlmu Um Wmml Aunllnry lllkl rIrdnl pm l4ml Um Ilnrdo hrnnrh Hm Nnvy lmme In Canada at recrnl mNUuu Named President Navy League salcf vxrtnallythe contplcl 0mm 1ndqu mum Ha told more than 7w doleA gala attending the assodnllma annual meeting that lhe key to Onllfiol pollullon pmblcm ls lhc conslrucflon ol adequan kcamet ladlillesl In he put 10 years waln xupply and sewage treatment mm valqu at more than nanomooo havu been con very Vsubslnntial memrtxon which will be achieved within the next cw yeam Earlier Premier Hobart old the association that industry In the pmvhlce has recagnizcd it reslponsibilily for pollution cm lro may be we large or loo small or 71th inappropflate gmmllcquybecume Ihcnb mum gardcn home of Mr and Mrs Earl Cox The halfham pm gram will ba shan in the Spock Chop Suny lonf PASTRY SHOP TIIUILVIMY JUNE 10 NATUHIMI JIM sum Unlwl All my man hllullnl llmle lulu MIM Viadule llIIV IL IUIHNIN 37c 60 mllll INEIYMMT MW 11 lm IT MRan mlll luv pmpln ll liar mnln um luth Um mothm rumplnmu nl Inluuncc wllh HI and um Nu um um hld On IlnNe Gale On mm lmkwini IM vmlgnml 511 Inn mu Sovrm Brim wnl man In 1M hlfllwny from un NHL when he was muck by Mr drivm lxy Mn Annouo flml Mlmlmn 5L 0mm nwnfld Sworn Bridge mm WM HIM yulrnlny um lpa Iflqfln walfldjnl wan muck fry nit mi lillhxzny ii at Andlvr DMdI Mayor Powell Pem borough king against lhu amalgamn mld polity should be exprtssod by elected omch only Inna Magma nppmved Kllchmm mollan requuuna lavtmmml Milan um would requln mac and mum In 1L3 report on yearlong Andy the oummlllco raid the merger vuld pmvlde munici pal government wilh united mice allow for tho expandm ol rcscnmh mums and per mil the opening permanent mum to screw pmding provln dal k315th MW rmmld palm my great deal more can be done to consolidate our p0 tidon but can anyone cu my wo hnva lo call In our hlred We to ndnlon thH In elected official to Ippvkxced ol ficlnl on an amulgmlcd ex ecutive upward to be the main barrier to acceptance 01 um The premier said the Onlario Wider Resource OmrmIsslon has Incraawd lurvefllnllto of 11le mm and Mary span more than $110000 000 m1 polluUm control In I110 Ins cw yearn in olher business delegalts voted Agaiml Imnigammiun with the Ontario Municipal Ar mcimlon limpite approval lho mova by wmmiuee appoinlzd to sludy possibilities ol the merger Man On Bike Killed By Car strudcd at an under active dc velnpmem Sn Iha pmvhcef 1c Lilo urday It realms nmn Andmw MIMI EXPERIENCE THAT COUNTSI COMPLEXITY In the Land Sn pm Mr Cox gardener has work Councll on week wetpud lender In vamty of ally no qulnmenu Firth Molorqclu Ltd rooelved the contract to my ply Pnshley Palm Car $00 Abemumbia Electric wlll mpply Ind clean the cllyl 5M fluarmen 13mm 5534 Ind lllrrle Mum Sales LIA wlll provlda lhm 10cc Flueslda thuryl or was TRY EXAMle WANT ADS PHONE 72 Thu association also declded bring In resolution today cm WM mum the require ment um lotteries and ram be associated with bazaar to belegnl Safari delegates old of ruined fwdraking project be muse tof wdlfi undea Ihe pnscn req em insulation approved bikeriden to wear crash hel ed In connection WM the CEO or the pm 11 years Kenorn asking pmvimlal help with wheezing nnd re pouch Plum Involved In con ILuctlon at wwalo planu Por¢ Arthur asking for leg Wlm la perm municipall lles lo romvcr pan the cost of donuxc caused by 33 led no ng or ngan nudy at Elfin mime prim ms sum enn Scotland tfib clans am gatfibfing to toss 1429 cabal tfirow tfié Emma and drfihnk U1 11111 CarilngfilackLabeI ACCEPT TENDERS my ourclatl gets togetfi beytzfla onebeer go ditSmade Canada amougforbeer 151611 out IE9 world The no parking 7mm will be located on the West slde Granvulu between 3mm and Halgale the east thin of Van couver 1mm Kempcnlclt Drive In Blake the east side of wax lam from Burton to Cumber land and vam 430 In pm Ihe south side of Dunlap St gm Frcd Grant Street to with hm motor spam bun Under the sum bylaw park ing motors are to be adorned chMsday aflemmn The yieid signs are to be plat ed bay and Glove Sheen Highvlew and bay award and Highvlew Reid and William 131M and Ba hm ufiwd mm and Brad ford Gum and Blue Mound and Grove andBeleew Ores Willard Klnzle Monday wax elected president Inc Kem pcnlol Klwnnla Huh ll reAanr lundmon meeting ll Cvmrmmfly House ML Klmla mime Ralph Franklin who was transferred lmn Dania mrflwrn ma IMMIch tho Dan Montreal lhe mflmp named at Army Damp Holden at 230 pm Gon ankle Frank Wflldu Barrie Ontario Provincial Police said Mr Mmdxeon died of com poxmd fawned skulL No mama were lald City could this wk gave nppmval bylaw that will ostabllsh five new no pgfldng zones and eight additional Yield sign When Degaxjhml Dad II Joseph Roy Mannin son of 21 McDonald street HI wustandingbnflmskkoime lnlnk and apparently 11 all The vuhlcle driven bylawt Henry mum of 203 Wellington 3L BanIn was unvelllna Ween rm and lo miles per HARM EXAMINER WEDNESDAY JUNE 29 nyearolduBaxde laborer 955mm Em he 13 WEE Coupcil Approves Yield Signs NoParking Zones Barrié Man Dies In Accident Camp Borden PRESIDENT cflnd it all started 11cm in Ontario whllo In ansll both Mr and Mrs Raclna will work on Will lug Ulclr Doctor 04 Philosophy dome lhl will be hell first over ml voyage and they plan la brlnu back many Iouvenln the mast lmvrcnlvb of nhlnh wlll be ul of furnllure or thall llv lnz mam my lnlend ta uni lhelr Darrle hem and wlll sumo thelr present Jobs when they mum They wlll be provided will lumth dwellan but 51111 In land to take many of the be longlnzn Includan Hunter most Imml nppllancc ln hll Nerd Alrlcan country mzy will leave MonAm b1 nlxplnne arrlvlnz in Pull France elm hour Inlet They will then fly from PHI to in twohour trip Most Barrla nsldenla would revel at the mere mm spendlng aaummer on the Mad llerranean Sea But for Mr and Mrs Marcel Raclnz 69 Queen St ll ll morn than Just dream Mr Ind Mn Raclna and thalr two chlldren Domlnlqua ll and Chantal llve wlll leave lnr nls nmkln at tha and July not or Just the Iummer but two years Mr Raclna who hull of he zuldanca depaflment ll Calm Borden DlaLrlct Huh School and Mn Racine super vlaar the Burle Chlldrenl Ald Soclcly accepted enehlnl post the Boole Nadonale dea Service Soclales pal of Can ada external ald prnzram Mr Rnclne will leach zuldanca uhlle Mm Raclne wlll um can work Mr nnclna mmldm Hm Irlp Mn and their two dilldun Chantal Inside Ia and Dear inlque lnslde rim chod tho BARBIE COUPLE MIL AND MRS MARVEL To Spend TWO Years Teaching In Tunisia real chulmze and run 09 portunfly for hlm And his lamlly tee the world Durxng their mmmer holldayn next ye they plan to tour Europe and pans ol MILAN Africa iocation nmisia an the uiobc prior to their departure or the North Alrican country Mr and Mn Racine wili leave at the end oi Jniy iar muis im We plan on making 1190 best Groccry Hamporl Mrs Pall RR Barrie Mrs Urquhart b1 Strabane Barrie Mrs Merl Rawson 100 Burton Ave Mr Pryde RR Barrie Mrs Bed Pringle 30 Wellington Mrs Howay 164 Velllnglon Picnic mecrMrs Molloy 77 Worslcy Pknl KIDMrs Tiemoy 27 Parkdalo ThurmnMr Qulk Angus Pynx COMM MakerMrs Prlnglo 115 Burton Curing CnnS Paquctle 43 Victoria CHM Hurl manager of Buohlorl with 10 ihlnk Oh lflnm of Barrio for Mr lan mponu to our Innlvomry uh Ilsa ollnr ongrllulflloril to the lollowlng who win sueunfll In wlnnlng our drlw prlm Thu draw was mad by Mr Frod Lowrance 69 Mary St BUEHLERS pnssibla lb 11m oil dlsponl Mrs Rnclm Id There only one pea of the trip Mr and Mrs Rnclne In not looking lorwani lo the in ocuIalIons they must tecelvc hu lnrc lhel depmm Isla where they will be lead inz at the Boole Nntionnlo du Service Soclnlu part Cunndas external lid pro gram

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