Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 29 Jun 1966, p. 2

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Every mmmnily Mid have In Interest in ll haspita Ind on way Ihwlng lhis would be In contrlbda linlnclluy to my mplul conurucflon projed Cameron adndnismwr 5mm Royal Vldmil limit nld loday Mr Cameron advocated the onalnldlon cost at hospital or addiuvm would be shared equal ly by mmlclpal pmvincial and Men lovermnenu Mr Cameron wax commenting on story mm Omaw lodny whldl Indicated Um prusure being luran on In havo ted arnl md provincinl zwernmenu mum their grant 1or hosvk ll mnslrudlon lo compensau or him matrudion can mu vmuld be rmonabla mum to the lncreulnz con umclinn mm Ind would be Cumin Hoibrouih In Mllu nudllnr wiul ha Bank ol Nov Scall Ind bank cmphyce or seven yam hu acctNod all to tha lnLflry mldent Barrie for Iho pm year wfll luvs Suit lo bflm le ycm of ninlnz renaminx of um fun 1de ll Vllrrlon Un lily College Ind lhrn yurl ll nnmlnuel College In Toronlu In order In mm linmclul Ir mum umpqu MI hmlly Ind mend unlvrrllly Mr llnl brough wnll Iane lhm mlnl chum rl lhu Unlud much hzrlnnd SL yesmday prescri ed Kudzu plough and accu wrlu lo the dentivn Amv imsz om no retmmendrd by he Emlon enlnl United Church In which Ill wu accepted mom 041mm um lhn prmlna le pl an ukllllmul wn ml for rum mlll Ilmlu Montiy flaky dam ny Tm rm prlu unl min firm donut lry 0th uh mm Mmkdinl Mom lnrmn mIIII pmlucen hnmn MI ms 1w hwlmlwdml ml mlll lo lmlul Mad hum mm 110 dull lnflullnl Mr wlm two rruln qulvl Ind will MI um 30 nnll huwlIhflihl lrw ham TM IMrun lnr Ihp 1mm do ml Mr mlli In Inn1 In In nunulndum r4 nlhvr Mn mahrln or vah Mn Mmlwlwollm 1mm lIqunLL lulu In rm nmmnm my latI mum wlth llllcullvlr nnzmn IIuvIn lmu mmvlll Irmguhmu In lhl munI rim Tflflflm N1 Ile In ma mlmmu um gnmmvwl mouM nui mm larmm 1mm far luau n1 iwrvml In uwnvlm orvn any uvr Whirl Tumx mm mm Dual H1 nrwrn rumM Ilvrnlml HilmVu HOSPITAL ADMINISTRATOR Will Leave Position lit Bank To Accept Call To Ministry Ont Milk Prices To Rise Monday McGuire 117 mm Says Governments Should Share Cohstruction Costs DONATIONS FOR NEW ALCOHOLIC FARM slew in flu right direction he laid Ha poinlod mi that the £115 ol ledenl gum In lenvinx In Increasing nmwm ln be home bxulhg local tawny 000 wing at IWH will boain In file fall according to Mr Cunemn The new wlna win house 102 new beck wychlalrk wing and In mention oi axhun urvlces 0n am may have been complaint Thursday In the Com monl health And wcilue cam miuee by Mnrvln News PC WdllnglonHurnn flu current federal granu nl mankind IN unrealhuc Mr Haw ukod whether tha Members at Pullman have web nrgunlullom the On tma Hospllal AxsociaLlon Io turn Lh host an lulm Mlnip we mimicry Vol finWUniled Chum There hue candidaks lha mmLmy from tho Uniud hurdn In Simcm County and Ill lhreo lrom Ccmul United Chm The mher lun in HM Gllrny and Tom orke Ind mu an new Alumin or he mlnll Iry In cinch tandidak Pyy lhAa ML Holhmum gum upta lur lha trum momlmz wor Ihip mvicc ll Cenlrl United Chum on Sunday 751 mm In nmio he Ind hll wllc Nelsen hm bun vary Idiw ln march work Jahn Wilder who Impled he dcnILmn uld he um ll Mn mdm lcéibrmm hm two childrcn Paul lhm and Jellw om ncwflaiflkmmflnpeflm van West 01 Bands 0am VN ml hr rim nutan mm filmDonald repllrd lo mm mm Mm Rmt IN Wm hi lulnl About whnlhor ha hmhl he lovrmmml Ihnuld my llrmm cm nmprxllnl Mr mllk I¢ nkl mm mumI tool nnnda mmmlm ml Wm nflln may Hw put up ha muml Inrwrpt Numy ilunl II Hunm mum mind In xnnrnmnnl In nun Kmfilm 5mm tr mmn or Inch lhlnu mllk hnmu ml rmllnl ayllmu unl Iv Mp them by dual mhMy IIMTJH 1m rIIy nflnuvlnl awle nwnl wuvuimi to pro rl mlh dullnl Mum nvm my nppmul Ind rail Iomlm lnr runInlflinn Im Imm nmkr Um hoyuan MAI III III Hnnn mrr hanmml Nolan ml llulunIl Maul Iu mumI unlinn lruuk mm mm pulluliun Iunlml tlmd Io hmuhl Klmh Md MI nrn mm Nrulh Trunk mum 1911 1mm LV Ivv 111m mu Wamer mu mom lhcsnvgmgnnl lot in Hilllnl ilthmljk nmull dunmm fat Imflkllll mflk nubilde lndunlml milk cheral gavemmont has considch propodng centaxa construction Inrmula Dr Crawford federal deputy health muster nu home enumeration has been given this The most popular mm had been that led 833 woman uié mam sugary11mm ilhm equally loan asked whether In In mm l1 planned in fine with dslnz construction mils and not why nu Dr Crawlord uld the qua uon was matter of policy Ind one In unldl the health minister would hiya la reply Ha callad that tbs cheanmvin ch tux Ilruclura tommmu was looking into the Mmle ques tion or hmdmst programs CONTINUE GRANTS randy has nine registration When the new devzlopmenl bu been cmlded Capt Wil der laid the arm has capacity or tom 60 mm onnwn ha been under lot 01 prawn lnmue holpilll cnmlruqlon mnu Mr Muc Enchea hid nnnnunced earlier In the year th Ma grunts sehedulod In end in 1965 wauld be conUnutd another two yam unLil Much 1970 Ind there WI of mi ar Inpfeqse Dr Crawlord nld lh laden uovnrnmml moanlm that we bed not very much It amounted la Iboul 11 per rent Ihe can of new bed now But over the yuan rm many Mix hnd bml built undu the Illmuhu the mm Ind he men film panlcipu IIDn was sumvlhlnl or he led ml whinol In dexcrmlne Gives hot dog status Jime Dairy 22 of mp perlnn 5L Inlured In wtekend morrycln narldml ll mm In Mr mndiuon lnthy To mnln Generll llosniul Daley Iuflmd head Muriel when lho mm WM WVEF£°k ha 154 0mth 1mm early My mm mum nimfim nanmi Ilmplud mmwrth tllnlc Mmday morninl unkemm IL Tmmln Gm md lhln Immlnl haw evn that mmllUm wu Im pnmd Eaman on lhl momm nle ma my 21 of 71 V40 lnrlu Ru wu not wimfly 1n Jund Report City Man In Fair Condition Dr Wu litand Pa635k Cu Imly mde dlhum mm up mm In MinII Hn 5m gull mannamu uhm tfiligrflé MFZDIUM nnv East an lot the Menmlv Ramdad will be unablu to purchase $1 LJflm BARRIE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY JUNE ll Bunh MM com time to pay lean pm at heir own way on Ichmlorzanr had bu mm pm whoa hoard agreed lut M1 board heard lulu from Robe Pierce of Edgehfll Drive wasting that out of flu Tha public 36ml board do nidnd lash hint that will need the Blake and property for luture developmm but agreed to meet In the wihh moch flm representatim lo dkcuu King George deol owned by the puth uhool board and leued Ln thl Insulation for the Mentally Remdad at 81 year may magilawn Amdallon Prasldent Maddem 58 letter below Iehool trustees last night that men mmmxlndm nudbd the buried childrens Adm Ind Iskul the board to set mmlnal price at whldl it could be maimed INNISFIL ST SCHOOL BOARD AGREES nhlp posibiHIy Mr Maddem pointed out In his law Uul the an or ad mLuion to the rmrdedt ndmnl Ln In be lawemd mm 10 la elm Illd Net 09 making Needs Property For Expansion Board Decides Wumdenl Angus McKay however iald the entire block mum be noccsxary or public school purposes with new mm mm thu and mun nmexaflm part 0m Town mm WM necessary Bonnie Bulley of Barrie made mm bid to upturn the tide of le Teawage Driver tram1o mm compet ad mm I2 candidate In lho huh the provinwwide n12 drMng mmpoLlflm held durinfl flu weeknnd In Burllngton Miss Buflny aid that Mount me didnt win fin prize Aha had lot fun And all shn gained great deal of LlMn experlence 9w was one only hm girls competing 1n the in III When Min Bulky Arrived In Burlington Friday ha Ind the other Mimi alluded wclmmn puny hick film at the 1065 Gray Cup um um Ihaun Fin mm Um Rm Iro phy and cad award 01 mo wml In lbycarold Ruinie Smil ol umm Mm nlulbucd th drMnx skill lo lrnlninl mum takm Lcamlnxlon High Sdml Tho mm was MnLIy spot mm by the nuqmmn and morto Ind Imfirifil dfl ilmlled And but the hncldnu ol evenl anthem Junlnr mamrm Onm Barrie Driver Praised For Showing In Ontario Finals CITY NEWS WHLLWIN ELECTRICAL Students Should Share Tour Cost Quality you can afford Yours with Airtemps New Tempette Bedroom Air Conditioner II In Mk douhlou hunt Ilndv And IM WI mmuuuyauw vnh rnnlnul emuHI MHIIU withU Ml rhomlrllly llulvvl Ia Two models In choose frown lb mice is Edi 22500 Low AI Fm mini kit for India Initiation SUPPLIES LTD um MM be mderwrMen by Adm mamflu other dams Mild on vldad or madam whose par enu dont want um In take the trips Mr Pierce laid ermendent Am MdKIy mm in bond mammal an Alwm bu made mvida mo ney or uudenu who no unablI afford bun fare Ha nld 1H alwayu dam mm mumm In flu mfldm Students who parents dun AMI ha trim In pllned flinch chum the pm Mr Mclhy laid duds mm to historic mu are In Import ant part of due admuonal pm fiflmfim galaéuammx us Sng the mm in local Idmb mapeunwlemlhumdflu Mr Plum uld In latter he bdlevedmclmnlobod Board dulman Ed Nonnun laid trip would be of more value in mahinl thfldrm may contribute mumtint Barrie Public School Bond in night approvedn 813688 payment mud mum ol the Maple Grove School Addi Lion but only ovu objections WWHGk sun Mrzgsaldnwuchmld be made before had such pay ment be me there lien Against Que mnlractqr He said the board be Mable or neflime mdur lha poflcy 119 baud may la 15 mlrlhrflor or wriuui 7091111064 menk Authmklu civic oflicials police and reprmntaflvu of may mm Sugg Objects To Decision The mum had mm ly won regional lasts In the deciding event for the Ontula wnmplonshlp they were requir edlodobomlnflumlndm ml driving lest SNIPE WEEK The week nl Aum 15 ha bun declared Emit Snip WM lo mark Ihl octuinn ol Dom nEan Snip Sailing dunolun mm Kmth my Miss Bulky made mund able showing Ind wnn pnlw mm um panel of judges Md Included member me 0n Lark mm Police Mm uw cunmutlou the and the thr commnu Mm dad buqucl Ifh mo mpm mm mum youle driv en more My mwlnux Ind commendtd lha Jmlar 0mm hm or Commem or their mkly elfnrtl Inflow of whom 11 Hm am dun min pomlrm mumm you Mud mllu mmlml you doll In bomwm mum Sapv mu uu Inn Iln or of mmth mu you wIn lidll Nenlylwn gnda eight stud ent MBarries Separate Ind Mi School his week wera presented withlean brie cas donned by the Barri Kins men Club The Klnsmen Idopied tho pm 1261 In 1960 with the emperntinn Mic Ind Scparlta Idioal boards 1110 Ichlevunenl Award Ire presenizd In the boy Ind nlrl In grade eighg attaining I115 highest acndcmic stundindi mm tha awnm to provida lilo nudenu with an ex mm Toronto at Clnldlm wumenl 380 yard record 207 in nee here hlesday night Her time was 11 mend lpwer than the maxi she in WINNIPDG CF Prlcu were mum in modzmlely ncuve openlnz lrnda at the Win nlpeu Grain Exchmge wday Flax apean tu 5i lower July WI npcseml lower to V4 hlzher July mu 02L un changed October 93 barley la hlgher July 131 and rye in lowtr July 131 TRY EXAMINER ANT ADS PHONE 7132411 flu Bmh Kinsman 761 war Present Awards To Top Students mngugo cmmm 19n mm CARTER SPARERIBS FARM PRICES MARGARINE WI EN ERS 1LBUNS PEAS RHUBARB RIB STEAKS ROUND STEAKS MEATS ROAST CHARCOAL STEAKS Y0 NAME IT WE HIWE IT wenopen Be Who WI Mu Buys From Dyckn 150 Collier 5L Bmlu FRONTS OF BEEF SIDES OF BEEF HINDS OF BEEF fivciésmomma The Share with Iho Customer Pm Shlring Couponll In incenllve lo nin higher 52 in gcponlwogk and Jame Paulln HWqu Jamie Tample Ind Rldq Leigh lon Johnson Street Joy Lb lnpton Ind John Cumlnxham Kan Edwm Marian and and Ricth Denney Maple Grove Janice Stephan and Bryn Styles Onkley Park Human Cartwright Ind Mich ael undid Pthm Wile Jadda Campbell Ind Brian Spurin Steele Street Hum er Brennannu 1nd Stephan Hun St John Vianney Joseph Vul Gun and Mary Rose mm St eryl Damlnlqua Marla Mini and Jahn Mldml Flaw Igan 51 Manic Giullc mlche Ind Brian Bethlme 8346 trade amt mm wreeavew was QudgiIWn QueryLEVoodzer YOU ARE INVITED lo find your chlldnn bdwnn 0h Igu Ind to GI 107 Flm Chrldlln Rclormui Church St Vincent Panmng Sn Dm July July Mondnyirldny ram 900 amII30 Im For dun phonl 7154035 VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL 10 SHORT RIB MN CNUCK Chok VARIETY COOKED BARBET llu lb pkg llubm lo Ilotk lb Pltkagt 5L5 Bug Chi Mum Lbs NEON GP Marina menu Lsmd 130 mm lo valid mu 11 Thun hh Eupgdorx Winda vari able 10 law becoming 01th sly 10 tonight Pmly clguqy LIie Hum acornn Buy Wigwam vim vamqu mu Mamly din two rid easel we 15qu in week In luva wall W91 Mm was MUSIC ACOOIIDION GUITAR LESSONS lnflmmenll supplied hr Inlomluon ufl M01 CANADIAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC 45 69 lB MARINE FORECAST Dunlap St 135 723$ 99° 36 lb 46 lb 56 lb

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