Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 29 Jun 1966, p. 1

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0m 01 lama in that ha burned 2000 mm cl luck pine nnd npruoe ln Thadurlry Township 75 mil out Mnlhewn bolnn Md um rnnlml Earl Borden we department land and mm said today Wamwmmum Mlh MmnN MIN mud on 175 VM Nnm lnllry nu InmlnI mIINWM mumr In lllnu hut mm by rum may lnlyunll lixlrnml MW Mil lkvll Mani quirhh My mm rl GITth CI Them Mm ml Immen lnlhml 10 Canada during the 11er mm menu nl INA Um Domlnlun nuruu Su umu nwrlu ladya Tho mnl wru durum ol per cent mm th fil llHurm be nm qunmr 10M mde and nmmizkpm the common drum mmmillu mud In odny Ia upon NA Imam cl ddan dopnmncnl amok 10qu mman TOMMY cm Plan or Imamkilowatt project twink macaw near Aubrny Full on ha Mum River mile nonhww Elliot Lake were announced today by George Gllh nook chllrmnn of Onlnrlo Ibdrv LmaAmmzmstu Mr Martin who earlier paid compliment to Mr Polyausky and the Soviet Union was an gercd by the speech which cm lrulcd sharply with he xeneral IImosphcre at goodwm marklnl thedix1ner Ill lhon Mr Polyansky first dqmty chairman of thy Sovch council minktcrs said in his attack um Canada Ind other natlons nhould hall Us interference in the Southeast Asian country mnsomngmas IN THE NEWS United sfam actionsin vm Nam Report 821 Business Failures GITAWA CF External Af hh Minister Martin and mm Polyansky of lhe Soviet Un lonl hinrurchy clashed at gov ernment dinner Tuesday night when the Soviet nlncinl hunched bum qllacksgailpt Approve Defence Estimates II Vilma Funu Forest Fire Under Control To Build New Hydro Plant Mr rolymky head of an DEFENCE secretary Ruben McNamara me pain lo locate the all mug Martin Soviet Deputy Clash At Govt Dinner grvnllv¢ mquom nl rnll 102m YuiNo PM Hometown Dally Newspaper For name and District LATE NEWS I1 KlfilMAJKFG WN rvmml UNI mu Kloimmu IM Mde nuvlmmkr In mid cl lerl 7mm lernl film yu lmlay 1de Jpn luriu FIIMI ermlv Il hnn an In ullMuvm turn ABM mama Nw Is any other pron needed ma Vlclnamnso an the virums and the Unncd Sula tho ax zrysou he asked fluke duly of III govern menu parliamentarian nd public figure In sea lo that mign lnlcrlucnco in V121 Nam old man woman or child he snid Not single Vietnamese bomb has Allan on us letrilory or or maimed an man delegahm Wuan mull luml and other establishments hue said the us had entemd house that did not belong In it thousands of miles lrom Washinglon and la dceroylns Vlalnamesc lawns and villnxu road nndlrldgcs and Industrial prom pnlsoulng the crops and buming 1mm US ialanes today now an strike In North Vie Nam during dxsuusion of the raldx arga npnr Ilalpgnnnq muck 13y tauq mumu IIIJII MIUMW hm Annkw llrilNI Imrr mum luly Imhmlul mun lnr ll nmuwl Iv lmrw Ninhkr an Wfllm 1m llay hinl flu rnnlral Hm In nwulirm In 01an In wk WM 50an mm Tumlay nmuhmt mmlo nu mmtmn In an wtkm do mnnd 01M harbor nounman Mm Ihwy mm It manhun IHM 1M mm nhnrnnl be an pmw hul SMIIUI KNI Inn 1nan an Tummy hadrr mmkslnn mm In All nmmnrlnlo MUM anninnl MIva 1mm army hy murlx The M1ka by 1M Mam1 mm mm but Friday In pro tm llqmr mm um My mlon mmbm mo when of he In Mimi Imum Anv naclmlcn CLCI wcro urged back an unrk by mrwn 1mm Tuesday nlnh mm manian u1h adorn mallalnr Imus CRIN TORONTO CplA wilch walkout by cargo dwckm and swim uNch ha an up not Tnmnln IIMB last Friday ended thI morning hm ail worker rdumrd will John union Woman tad Ikyn speech shocked the uudmnce 150 mln lslm MP and diploma gath md It Ounwaa Rldcau Club Canada It member ol the International Control Commis sion for Vie Nam along with India and Poland Alfllough Mr Pnlynuaky placed the duly upon all mun Ixia Canadian officials Inlet preusd the speech to be dimcled against Canada whlch bu sen Nth2d diplomat master Ran ning In mum Vietnamese capitalofflanoi mm time to determine whelher negouaumu the Vie Nam war an possi DockWorkers End Walkout At Toronto plebemvei1 infiiportunily Io dcdde their domestic strain by thnuelv be halted and that In Vietnam ese me like any 013m peo at Pentagon news conference In Washington Planes Llsn hil storage facilities In tho Hanoi ml AP Wircphoio Allflllfl WIHIMIKT Hnrnry 3mm WHIIII am he will Immune ml at lmuml nhm Myrna lmllnm In NmUnIMvm III In numm Min ramm run ha Mm um tn mm mum 11w xovernmmt this Frenchrspenklnz Mrlcnn mm Hc Tuesday look Mugo in mum 5mm slndium after troops um reported In have muted Ihlh cammnndcr In chinl and warmed out 01 heir barman ml guard stood by Ioday to protect the Congo Brazzaville government axnimt Nnowui army revolt DRAZZAVILLE Mums nypan solglera ul pm prpsldcn lion In slnke hwe mam was made to restrict and make morn costly the mcmys Milkwon of 9mm Via Mun Am ablative he laid wan to save the lives lbs South Viemamexe Amerkmns gqslyallam and South Koreans mam mm Raid was response to swift and rising North Vidnnmeu build WASHINGIDN AP De fame Seamy Ruben Namara said todny plane hn Hamng ix depth today to make North Vie Naml Mflyaggim the mum mm Emit was ma McNamara said every on was made In maven ham to mvillam and to preva damme fim wmfifimry Indfliml He Md lxmdcast and wie wsui mm mmelm de strike the petroleum Cullinfioldiers Protect Govt In Congo Revolt VHerhomaycd the raid highly MM US Bombs Oil Depots In HanOi amlo 0mm fitnedapWoflnfiduyJfimfir 1m SEAME smK ENDS IN BRITAIN TODAY rm nu Mala flmllon Mm talk In torl hm um Prth NIL In IMmrw m1 Mn Inlh Kmzim lnnk urly mum mt Mm In Him mmml hum nl 11mm MI whl IIENW at 44 four Dmd rm ml an ummuknlul M111 I4 win up Inmm um rummanlcd he mm hum Vngng Ivy Md lmuln Moul xmln WVW MI MN mm uh rth Mumd hr Inlay InI mind at lar IMI hull with KIMDUVI had pod In mu Hum pun Wilma mum Gor mguy 1N IM Ilmluwl lmm blxml it hudnl Mm lan Mn Mdvn IM mmlha Md and other plrk 14m 15 In mime 000 mm Ml his num Tm Mwlnll t1 Tullh Workm of Amerlrn ICU who FM mlml to lwa month 5mm hall 5000 mi The wuddmnwuwmnudm 151 m7 mumqu Um mun Mucum 11 mm wen omvldui Mm My Mum um Wm TUm Pin HAL Wm Fob IJAmINInthulnmdnnirr nunkm limllln the number cl pkkrll In Sudan um hmnvd Mm dgy jry IM 111m am rllh Ontnrio Supmm Court Va 1h lmlrm lmlnn um Ncnty nva trad unionist dely um released mm Jan vending Wm aim urv nl one day Mr talcum lnr mum at mun by My In Moscow For Talks Mr Knowles Id avan the amendman thrown out the party will baula or In In De Gaulle Committee CthMn Dillon planned lo we amende today mem spokesmen said blnmnlly mu under The umwncvment name dur tnumand reading 01 Canada rltsmunco Plnn lawman Mr Knuwlu wtnntpeg Norm Cantu moved Ill amendment to provide mo monthly old age pcmlon The NDP with Cadillac and Social Credit help then blacked Liberal move to have the Home Itt an hour Inter than usual Comma that was looking for ward to mm mm be ginning Thursday night nuw llndl mall lacing New Demo crullc Party mnmm that could carry lhe smlm deep Into July Stanley Knowles ND House leader announced mm nlgM the party plan Inst dlldl balllle In hm Lbs $75 mamth ald Age perulon ln creascd by Ind given In All aged 56 or over with no condl Union Leaders Are Released From Iail Pending Appeal nm imxdlip mm made Che Norm Vinnamese £039 and 01d vlu Cong 51 mm mm mm mm heavy sup I111 In South Vie Nam whid Ma mnvefledtha fighting then War IEIEILBOROUGH OP DP Filibuster Facing Commons we Herman Govern urin lnuv mlmdi Mnnlm mwlo Mr and MM Fm atglrxawd Tilco Plastic was mum on ex parlo immum barmlnz n1 richl in we day mrly In ma diwme um wmml lo ha ranfina of lnhgfllog in lqu Yeti Ln came resolulinn on madkal care plus cleanup of several other bill the govern ment wanted passed More the men maxed pensinn during mend Ieadlng nl the blll with 21 members the party could ngd debate well into next week McNamara uld mm than so per cent North Vie Nuns on storage luififiu wem In the three laxm area hit One American airman an ms was 105 Sn the attack he reputed KNIF ES ROOSTER MAN IS CHARGED Boval used hunting hire to silence the roaster police snid Ho was charged will cruplly Io anlrmls and carrying dangoroul Carllon Down nId pa Lice the birdz crowing kept him and her In the WWW Awake GRMUN Comm IANA zycarold man wag Ar rcslcd Tuesday alter he tracked dawn noisy menu and stabe It to death TWO ESCAPE CARTRAIN MISHHP vu IM by lufllu gum luin um Mllwy 11m mmul Ukrnlnmn nu anfimnllxmul 13m llamd ML Mm mgan nrgnn In he Communlst puny IN by man In be Commuruxt nw mnlulim mid mm Ive had decided to accept the ship wwwrn Mlcsl oflcr being aware ol the great hardship mum to the dfimu ho Unllul Kingflnm Wilsons diam In the Hme ul Comm captured the nlltn Hm bk xlrllmmmry le mics and publ The strike has ch up nearly 000 ship in British port and mm mm have been idle mike had dwnnndm Ammo diale when week Wan 56 hams scnmtn average week contained mm In ad joum unke action or year pending me mart gemn menl mum of inquiry ham work lnxcommom sea donand Minamlrm dispute together with the final all 1h unimspokcsnlm said flickersmnnrlm the union said the executive did no dis gm Wilgona Fhargs in whole has WWWWE ACCEPT FINAL OFFER humawn 40 hours pmmlsed next yearqu Iccepled dang with 43 days annual vacation tom war days Hum the nua men naw receive mu haw bumenm hmmipownm whim of 9Mh9wwmmkw gry dmkafions inlaid Gr iogjlaadquargm The Annual reacflm in ship pine drain one mud said madam for H1 dub pig federation The decision lollawcd by 165 Hun 24 how shame in the ste of Cannons by Prime Minister Wilson vlhal Cnmmu ns wane pmsswlng mm man 90 prolong the dispuu or palifical motives 116 vole hf the union leader ship indium that hard core 11 militants were still holding am or balm terms but had been beaten down by the mod eraw Moment file whim went on strike or when week Seaman Union votui 29 La 16 to call OH he strum alter med ing all morning at their EMMWFV LONDON AP Edwins 4$ day aeamens strike was settled Thq stifike Mug ivsolullog When the end ol the strike Tile excgglive ol flue National Leaders Call Off Walkout Following Communist Charge NM MomThIn IQ ForCopy 38 Pay Inn Man all II lining burflmu but num iu Mayor Cooke has been named In5Ach nl um 616 mrmbcr Onlnrin Amclnunn Mnyou and Mom Mayor Cooke was cloned thll mom lnx in the final day of Lhe Aa socinlianl annual convention Al 51mm He said In flu phone lnlcrvivw nl noun he will nllrmpt Io revitalize Hm num lnllonl lxMinK mnvnlllm nnd crralu new one when Mark wlll form he lmxi of nlrnnnrr mlnnluinn lo provin tial mnhanliu He said My me as Commu nist industrial organizer was to work or labor solidarity and la try Io convince public Ion that Ibo Kovcmnenls p0 cy of trying Io hold bad wage 1n ADMITS MEETING Ramelson admitted in BBC leIcvisixm interview that ho had me win Kenny during the strum but wand no say how often He said he would no pm sum advise the semen on how to wnduct their strike Kcnny 35 of Liverpool and Jim 513101146 of Sough Sham John GolLan Communist party secretary tallcd the prime minv islers charges Rod bailing propaganda ol the most shoddy The only mildly surprising names Wm Hwy two mem her the seamens union exec utive Who Wilson said were no bmmunmts but were influenced by OomnmpisL and dominated HEADS MAYORS preswa operation on the union munve Mglnly Sunny and flannel Low maidA If degrees Kw Tim day Bdeyees For full am iiéryrnlem mm to page 15 are Joe

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