Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 28 Jun 1966, p. 6

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Gnde eight nudism who to wvod awards In tho essay con text spammed annually by Quota International were gncsLs of honor at dlnner meeting Int evenlng Contest wlnners Mum ngIoATarmlemellh wen mud It the head tabl with contest duhman Mn Fund Manual nnd prcsldent of Lhc Burris Quota Club Mn Eflecn Hanldn Juniu ll student at mu crest School Chen1m Iuendl Johnson Sun School and Kris lens student Oakley Park Schoox becgnd Hum 127 preamp cheque to first pnzo winner at the 13mg Qum Clubs AROUND THE WORLD The mm the may wan Whal Being Good Citizen Essay Contest Winners Honored By Quota Clnb Mm Donna Pudden daughter Mr And Mn IL Don Murat se lemz Wflfim mm Barr Nurth Colleflm nhm group of students from um um ville Prim Edward Island thl summer Tho 1114wa 151 noted by ho Federal Pro vaclal Youlh Travel Pmam The program ll part al Can adal Ccnmalal Celebration and lls alm la la provide madam wllh an opportunity travel ouulda um aatlve provlnu The nudenll will lhcrtlou learn an hand mamth of the geography their country Ila educational and pallllcal lry Illlxllms Ila cultural and Indus um uhlmemenu and lb beauty and mler at Can adian mm pm paflldpauna in me program and tom of mo nudentl wlll be on the move lhb umer The urla Departme of Education M11 oxgunlu 600 undenu into 25 group and they will visit flier prov Barrie North Student Chosen To Represent School On Tour Donna will have he dly on new and mum on Augml Over an demdmll WW1 m1 WM Noble Irish lm mm mm 0mm Tymnno Cmmln in the mum lumdmll md ll man Im on Junu II at um and In pink MRS FRANCIS MclIUGfl in mum will PM Wllfiv WW nrd NM lnmllv who when nl Molhcr baby boy Io lhnr hnuuhnd endlrr in ck lhu rlwn mill looknl um prnxmn lel and um luu fur lho dllhlfln Mwinl lemn hum ulppfl lrrddrn Alm Nelm mmm nuhrvl by 5mm my Mn Inon lumnnn of llmrh mid mrr In livid um mum mm oman um eulul or mm mm Noble Reunion Held At Beeton mn WM min lhl None mnlnn ll llunlrr HumIn lnrm Miauni hinmnl tr Hm run ml Mix11y Jum 11 Ism Hum rim MIMI1 nm mnrlmm fur Ibo mm Am 3an lVy Nu lmnuvflle In Mn wan Tanu anu do ruml in lul Winning lmvmln IN occultn ruli In ma rhlul lmh 1n lxry Mlmilh lenvn In Elmn Hrynm llvluuu Mn MN Ilrywlh Nnrm Hay Ilm ml mm lavlhrn mum In numl In Hun my on luzln nnvman nanls Kmmfinl mm mm ml In In mm Muugan lwcmnw1m numl when mm rhri mm mm mum ml III and ynnmml by mth pm Ium lukrn nl pmlmu unim Ram Whm mhuu flrnro In My mm In mlmdm Mn Clm Mean To Me Quail Clubs around the wufld mnsw the annual contest or grade eight Indentg Judge of the contest wen Min Molly Brown Public Li brary Chfldrenl Divislon Mn ALnldlaw and Gun Mc Pherm manulnx edllor of The Banla Examiner Mr Mc Phonon was among the sum the dinner mecflnl and my enhflan awaydl During the Mm session member wen Murinde cl the Mambaship dd whlch em manher ha been naked to Ink pm In during 1110 51mm wlnnm PM LUCK PARTY AA 2° In vim fa lfly it 930 she was ulecled became nl her ovmu high clan nvcrm mndlnz and lot bdnz Camdian dilun Damn wn than in vice pmldm lbs student Camel ol Nnflh Onlloxlnte the hu been It honor Imdmt 1n She ml Infllpmu Ind 1m hn We hmlln Ind GEdQo ninja FAWN 0mm IANHelm Kellrr wlm ovncmm lhn duh Ma hnmlknp dulml and hllndnml dullulo her llle lo Mle nlhun marknl In mm MnMny quitHy ml hnmny Mmlny nmnll lIrlhdly dlmm pnfly Mlmlni by NIH dltrl Immwllnle lmnlly and nu dumb pllnrm at Amn mm her mm In turn wrll ml xmmflkxl Helen Keller Marks 86 YeaIs On Monday mnnnulnlnry rimml ml lrllm wn roulnd mm lrlmh Ind wrll www Humanism llm MINI Emu nnmll m1 Airmen Imumy rm wmi rmml wu mrpml by Mln Krilrrl or gmdmmwrjy vrly day Mu Winlllltl Gummy munmm MM laws wry II da Mm nu In Tunmlim Mn ml luc umr dual ml lrllrul ll be In In mnMM llnr Ivlmmm mrr Um hum dwnm hrmchl Mr lnlsmmml nlwwn ml Inplmlnn ml Mu In Mqu ulm wr IIqume ummd Ir nunv Mk II mm ply Mal wan lwr Illa Mu undo luv mm ulwu nun pnuiM In hmflrmwl Winn In lhv up 11m mm Mm 111m ml mm mm Him in mum nrymlnm llw lulth ANI ml Mil Miler nlilrl Cummutul WNNA mum In Mlu Mn Eileen Rankin of Malta Ave Bum Quou club will rabbiAt the third anniversary of ill founding ln fiptembfr Muir lefl aecmd place un Enwmlmenl or the evening was pmvlded by loLk Angers Mud AM End Nedsan Bar rle mauled date and hmther wmur mu ulnau Whehnore right who won um prize Examiner Plum Etirzl Bummm and bullied by Mrs Dorothy Gardner ADELAIDE Reuters Any mun only woman judge Jus Ike Roma Fllndeng Mitchqll created legal Mary in tho Sam Australia Supmne Cwn Maudy by lenkndng two men to death at nmder 1c wu um mm in M19 MIL that woman Judas bu dqmsegiepce nnd flan mt time In South Auk tram mat panel which lndwdod women has rammed anybody lat mrder jury of seven men and In women aund Robert James Young and um 0qu man guilty cl murdering Keith Ros Puget 21 near hen In No First Woman To Pronounce Death Sentence EVIDENCE Imy AHHM milefi in mm anybody gum but mm m1 emu and minim recently came up with In oarat on or 311 ha Mum In Harem twin Itgflihn quyam ML 1w nld rumRum In Momma alone are wth some uhm b0 we II $3200000000 mg 9000000000 71313 WNW In In dormmgnlq kg Inilm py mam niimmin A6164 phi locum In relaUvn lo their mic um Renaissance Art Worth Fotune uplquo muemm Mg in 11 mm Imam Hm onqu mlgpmzlr Vin macaw mlnflna Prlmn fixing wu valued II mmom no man of Venus by the um um IM paid In be worth cnmooo Amundulom Mnnmdnnn by lmnnnh dn Vlad wu val ued £000000 why $1120901 INVHAIIONS ANNOUNCEMINIS ACCESbOmS hymn13n lmv In Infi In ynnr rurr um rulmr 1HE BARRIE EXAMINER COMMEMIAI IMNIINU DEPT ll llnllpM ll Illlml l1 iiiMM All to The Chapel of llnnflngtan Cal loge Launnuan University Sud bury was lha selling at the IMO Mia Eryn Muslimv Waem to Dr Davld Albed Hum phreys Capuln Royal Canad Lan Dental Corps Tall standards of yellow mm and NM candles dworated the altar of the chapel or th evening rites canduclcd by Dr ENevberr¥ mdenl of Laureufian Univeralwa Rev Madlfla of the Unified Church Val Caron Ont as aLsted at the dolfla alas cam many Tho bride 15 he daughler oi Mr and Mn Henrik Waern of Val Cnrpn Ont mg bride groom so Mnmand Mm Walter Allrnd Humphrey We Rd We EMPIRE GOWN leen in marrlago lyy her la Lhar the brldu wan full length sum of pun de sol fuhlam ed an Empire lines HR four llcred vell of French llluslon tulle was held In place wllhl wedding mg mom man da sola accenlad with small tulle bows Sha carried semlcnsv ends of whllo canwllans and yollow ram wth Ivy streamers WEDDIND AITENDANXS Mlsa Gmalna Spooner 01 Bruce llllnes was mald hnnor Ml Mnry Nawbery of Sudlmry wn brldeIid Sudbury Wedding Of Local Interest The attendants wore dmlh gawns o1 blua peau do sole WM maqulngpeau dc solo wedding scmlvcucada bounds carried by he attendants Douqu Marren of 01mm formerly Barrie bu man Mud Vnern of Sudbury twin brother of Lhe bride was In usher RECEPTION AT HOME Gum were racerlved at Wnemiea Farm tho ham ha brlden pawn The brides mother than beiga lace ensemble with ma thlng newsman and 00mg of whlba gnrdenln Assisting In roceMnx the bridegromna mother was mm ed costume ol turquoise flk shanlung with mulling petal whlmsy hat coxsage of while garden adorned her silver him mink stole While osmium fashlonad hg YE YOU DRINK 0R BUY MILK THIS MAY BE 0E INTEREST T0 YOU $1M my 13L 1966 he 55534 dnidu Ontario fnrmcu for each 100 pounds of milk mod for moan that the dairy farm will bc receiving about 12 more for oath quart of milk that he aclls 1115 dairy farmer is caught in costprice squem which make it increasingly diniwll or him In my in businzs whilcpmducing milk alcxisling paymcntlcvclx II that is to be an adoqulla frcsh milk supply it is nlmluicly nmary that the dairy farmer romive thi price increase frcsh milk mics will be incrémd by 46 cents Vinunlly anything Hunt the dairy fnrmtr would to opcmlc his farm has then in ptioc fun than the mum for milk It In bow possiblo lo mm mm of mm Leaving on motorcycles or waddhxg flip an 03mm United States the bride and bridegroom wore mmhlux black leather ddingimqlla 0n mum Lha happy couple will aka up residence At Dawn vlew when Dr Emmhmeys will begin pqagflce The bride graduate Hunt baton Cdlen with Bachelor 52 flunflfififizh Im71m nu 1515mm University of 1mm In nu vxsm own Mn Grace Murphy DonId SL ha returned to thadby allowing wash holiday in Clavehnd and 01310 Iw was agoEmma by her sister Mrs Arvllln lem at Barrle CLUB 60 DINNER The annual June dinner meet lngofClImwMMOBllndlmk place last evenlng 1n Allnndnla Orange Hall The dlnner was catered for by the ladle the Orange Lodge Presldant Mrs Lawrcnoe Melson welcomed no member and special meal ln eludan Mn John Wuwn rcp rexenlinz the Battle Ventnro apt my llrgmu9¢ pey DEF JWIICE GALE Five Uplon leadeu received mum at two month In 1311 mm Chlel Justice Gala New other men celved 15 days gald hon Club halide Mrt Mar West Helen cl Remn lcll mm MEI111 Daughter of 10 We Mr and Mn Dan Mayo and Mr and ML Owen St John lep menling the Board of Canadian Naflonnl Insutlme of the Blind Mal John Gmupie Klmtlo Clu lam Inn mm lem Mlnm puke III1M hllml mnth Mu hm mind land Ind 1min Durinz eioction with Pruident Mn Maison and Sec retary Mn Dm Andaman wen reeieded to office Mn Ruby Smith was aimed Inn urer John Corbett will um as president of tin bowling mm with Mn Carbon lecmluy Owen St John Waited bowl ing Irwhies 40 ha loiiowinl Mrs Mac Corbett ildiu hm sinxie Kevin Conneii ml high single Ind menl high av FARM OPERATINII INCREASES HM PAYMENT INCREASES 1255 In no ms I019 In maul 1M Maul Mum My hme lam ran Mm Lum mlmy puke wuprml hummmuml ll mount tau1M hlnmlnla whim uhlw Mndiulnll Mkuflx THE PRICE OF MILK THE ONTARIO MILK MARKETING BOARD SPEAKING OF PEOPLE AB HVIMMMAWIrnfllmhfininfll mhmmkmhrhnfll lamawwlhmlmwu unmannmuwunmmq wxwmi mama Km APiFob mu pruideni Dwight Einnw bower and Mn Eisenhower wiii observe their maiden weddinl nivemry July and 1710 of while cakewith tho MUM Mill intactram their wedding reception in Denver in clrelniiy wasterwed in flu Emma Library hm ll hm Ind Mullly paid lltd place uh And uvaid other 1mm MAW 1h wed am no mm Eisenhowers Near 50th Anniversary 5L SETH of the flifiddii gainnary ohmm at imam she but contalninx rice Ihmwn on tho young cou mgrwedam 21mm iiééeioifidu cm were p31 cl MamieDoudl hope cheat eras Mn Arne Melsm dIu Ida dmblu Don Fm on menl high doublu Menl high triple Gnry Brldmx dles high triple 1m hm erage Mn Mae Calm IN NEW BRUNSWICK Among due mending the 1966 Annunl Sumner maulnz be Canadian Conanmien Amochlflon being held the Algonquin Hotel St Andrews New Bumswidc week Mr and Mrs Alexander and daughter and Mrs Akxan den Sn Ennis wm weekend the his St John swine rerdence of Mr and Mn William Mums Hamilton Prior to returning in the ally he Bmie residents visited other northern points STRAWBERRY mmu is lumber Lime and the Melon mil in load ex cuu for dvurch and min in plan mm around ii 3mm Grace United Chmh Women will entertain mantelr mum in the Muslim Centre Gmu St at Cook supper will bu mad from 630 until pm On Wednesday awning in lnyni Orange Benevolent Am dadon Angus have named ulad plain and turkey JIM highiieiiied by Iiimm mori WEEKEND GU18 Mn Wuhan Emu an Mrs mm mm bad Barrio 003 by incrmod productivity and mam cfl dency However the lrcnd has been mwnrdr gcncml dccrcm in the dnirylnrmcx personal standard olliving Reproduced in an ndvcfliscmml are wmc compar luvu print of commonly Icquimd dniry farm pur chms It in evident from firm figures llrrrl lhc cconnmio prmrum of the dairy farmer are real and opprcsxivc Rduma for labour and invmlmcnt have now become rq inndequnlo llm fnrmm are lowing Ihc dairy industry To mum oominuing lupply ol fmh milk lo con mmcrs now and in the fulmc the price must rixc nm ndmfiscmcnt hm bccn Ipohsoral by Ontario dairy fnrmcra nulunint you with lho economic pm sum lhax necessitate an incrcm in milk prices BARN EXAMINER TUESDAY JUN PLACES nuke and mm duurt sup per time 530 until 730 oclodt in the MBA Hm mam Ramon MJumwylanfilymmhnvAll take place July at 0m Beach Park Activitles will 3001le by picnic 1m Mudd Sutton MM 01 Mr Ind Mn Bruce Sutton GRADUATES 0F TORONTO HOSPITAE For curler dalivery your homo or office call our drwlaflon depl 7264539 HOME DELIVERY Ill Earth Examinrr 1955 In 1965 la Onhrw mun molly mm Mid nth lm W55 mu an Imrm vi plant MARIO WAGE INCREASES BAYFIELD Sf RR mm graduate mm Toronto Eu Gene Hamlin Sdzool Nunlng egg June Graduation exerclse It hmvocnlkm Hall were ok Igwed by recepfion mt Barbm Snuw daughter Mn mauve Sm New well was among the grldnuu cl the School Nurauu Ton oma Ens General Hospital Barbara is grudnm at Bar fla Contra Collegiale She ha accepted position on shaft 17 Toronto East Genet The Bariie Examiner orin 45 weekly nun ALL mail mm IN 11112 EXAMINER

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