Sign properly will airly deal with Mr Carley whose unfliy ha mmuled boalhnuse 1n the ma 401 well over century In Igpreued ear Ilia the 132an would be taken without com pensalkzn WZMWEESWN jm maxInn operator In con wsmt PM 1° Promise Carlev Fair Deal exproprlatlng land or he ex tenslon Mulcasler Street Last um wall that gst Dania Who mm the Me evapor be produrer hu been rmlvznu 15 mo Mumh 1m will he mndo up by um um It thelonï¬Ã© Miamiér sum To MicroFilm Old Newspaper Emphasis was given that the main uricvancc of dairy farmer In been in price at procu ainx milk Dalian Jonmy weil Iran Muionia Ayrshire cliila man has cqnlended lha price or Ind milk timid be lhu lame or fluid milk Mr Jcnwy laid hrrnm ncuird more inst rciurn in hm up with rising min up ernlion mini rimml by numerous oihrr slmcoo Cauriy dairy Armor and oihe ESays Farmers Will Benefit From Increase In Milk Prices More now pay ng 3523 per 100 pounds or all iluid milk and on order the Ontario Miik Mar keiing Board they are required to pay $575 aim July Th1 increase is being passed along in to VOTE T0 EXPBOPBIATE IL was pointed out that con sumer who buy ln lwoquarl contamera will get milk at 29 cent per quart and or three qum Jugs old slam the prloe works out at 23 mm per quart Thu in less than the 1962 yrlct of an MI flu all mm morn my qoflï¬cfl yobgdln gory Whhe the public payl morn or most the dalxy lumm bend and the Kama rendlnn mm farmer who havc been concerned wllh rhlnx mu was um um wu nnly alr MAIN GRIEVANCE unvqu mm at Twin 11m nlu pmmlly In mn xlrm T1 VII Eulmwr Ihldl uuvhuml Um A0va In mm Thy wufllnlll Um mly dNMINI IIMM Hunk Iml Nimrod 700111 vrlor In Hm In Emmin 4am Ilan by In er Kim to A1 Emnlnn In mwa hit me um 7m The In in sales con tain by the Barrie City Can cer Bpni WA held ks ulth ror manulna milk m1 or mnklna Mdqu mllk pmqud Micrommm MM The Nuuum Advm wnl ur rlnl on lernnrlnl MINI Ivy NII hde lan Md 11m Mme vun mintan In m7 MK II minim mum 11v Ihlnll MAW lhe Wlwu he Inn mvly My will In plum In llnunrl ralrinoll nl llmll IMF rury nmlnlh lrr ummm In rml urn 11 may nlmuly Ivan In mvlu mum Hm NIIM ht lh 7w hm mllrdlm pl lmh IM will mu hr no Mum fllmu Alum NEW mum mu Inflfllnï¬ luml ILa1qu nun hm mm mumI mm BARBIE LIBRARY CITY CONCERT BAND PRESENTS PROGRAMHT MEMORIAL SQUARE an land he believe rightfully hrs only mm um The city however requires shoreline propeny or road planned to ring Kempeniell Buy In the future Mr Cniey said last week he does not object to pmlng win an land as long as he naive lair compensation Aid GI 11mm chalrman cmmcfl ï¬nance commlllea putting man am Dominion zovemmeut midy lhe 1m cheque or Md an in going out 0mm WM mm high er cost or arm mohlnery Ind In in wages or arm help amen luv been calling or Lair deal for same time sud things as the much ed about tractor demnnsanuns were to call attention to Ihu plight the Inner In ha present new al Mariam Salli Tho Hand presented vulei pro gram including mlrches con 00400 refuse buer will ruplm 11mm amaze dump beam the 09d eh mm Clty cwncll volod to and 2000 an burmrlnbenelmlldupw scnl Ianlllry landllll project was 01 the lcrndale road Jolllfle vkechnln man Iho pm worn tom mum old mundl clly thug will be burned In device each mm ruhrlna bulk of he Muss by no pg gnl He uld mmku mm um Har burner he nnw In Prlncc Elwnrd Inland dlvpcmd wllhIn mitocL Md 3011111 um delivery expcgln wlhln lfgru lnnnlmk mrbnncxhflsnl mil vim he lrdllczl lrmn he mum rxAldmnnn Imrlr Wilw 1mm II II City Email wlnlm lo mulnu hrn 01 vln Ihn hm Mord liwlal Imam lndvultd db mulln 54ml mm hnil ml handling cl Mn pmkdm ml moon lur Haul Film Email KIM Smith ddnlhl mm min Mllm in tho mm Hp xlnnnl lllnary plum or 0mm City To Spend $42000 On Big Garbage Burner Puddch the 1mm MILK Mr mm ï¬lm 110mm pom ul mvuu mummies mainly mnlnl mm mva lwulnx Inf Um hhmy InMl mm It innnu rmmanM rpm Limnlm mlnnu IIme mm mm wm IM fhninllfll ml 01 hiHnnn MUM ll UM IX lnx May in mm mrmxm lurk mu rank 5w IIIIHI l1 dul dnm For ï¬ve lmnuu ll our um year lml rlmlekm mm mum In 11570 In mm mull VI 1W5 HNI nth In MW IHIIII IM lhl Inilvllnz mum rm vmnl hm pm In IJIIImNO PLAN However he laid there Ls no pm that Carley has legal mm on tho 19nd Ali JACK Gama suggested that council shauld take Snto conzkluallon the length of ï¬rm the land has been ocupledby the family even not lazily men Ald hobeï¬i said com not trying to um mythlng from mu The courts 11 the matter goes bat mnwfll dell mm with Prodnccra mlalltm Gordon Atkinson said he tnvored action through Lhe Onlario Milk Mark was pond in sqafing his as ngnUanlwnsr I1ng no PM ham been mu nulk prim um 1km ho ml in main tuwn processlng milk was pointed am they must dc duct trucking cosh mm the $325 p197 an nubï¬dy price nowpzlld mdtmflk Dnlrymen have pointed out oMInary llllll cert mualc and selections ram music productions The cnn carts held every second week $34000 your to $11000 hen the burner In paid or and land mom used or he dump wlil Influxth or other om The dcvict wlll rule the Med or bulldozer now used ha hmdllll me Md Jclmo told cotmclL 110an In mid forme no mmka prohlm Wim mrclly 11nd or human think awry ball vplucd mo Ind rnrburclor wmIJI pmmrty of mum Ilodgu wrrn Ilulen In In mu lnrhltnh lnthu gnu wte Mr llodm lnld palm Hm nomdlmu during an lul men any nu ml houw II we Kem ycnlell Drive WM brMun lnm Smcn WM while wuodm hunt with ï¬ll Inflom lmnwm ll tho mr and two pnddlu cuburdm wn mien mm am of flu ldcr of raw Mr mm tnm the rent at swim in dual lypc rmmmï¬r wu lnkm Inm In Hultt llnldvnmln He nld mollkarmgr Mm Boat Is Stolen From Barrie Man lanLJuwncmiuhhl haw advpoi humn Atvnqwrwl murh Imllluln hn luuml unlt HI MIN lulnllnm uh puppy ixLi inhnqmiuhln Invl Immlnn In mlnuln Am bullnl flu lnluml Mml human lull vmmhmmuhlhnlhl plun wm mummu um why Mmny mnlha TM nmvuplhhtd nh nu Mil Ivllwllnn ummm Ihleh ulr Mp1 ml In In utlmulnn noun nu In on m1 mlly nuuln lllldfllllil Mumme plm Nun mwnm II nfluwl In nint rMul ml vpmlluly mm nuLI lvrmlniltm Ii AnkhIll IlludfllI nonlqvmnu but mlMu Healing Sulnslnncc Shrinks Piles Announce an BHYFRONT PROPERTY Aid RoberLs laid later VIII be up to council to declde Ihe that the city has moral obli gation apart from 15le consid muons aided meoverallrsfluhllon He aald the city only mm to gain title to 010 land or Mum development Mr Carley will recelve uvery consideration he uld WI lignoi commanon slapped tramp that over lha past 10 years milk price Increase has been less dun 10 per mm dcsplle be general Ilse costs Some foods have umuuovcrsooercenlmd nlcwasnwdruaoperwzl flying polmld 9131 In mime itself the increase In milk to the public slnca No vmnhcr 1962 has been per cent In quart size and Just alresscd it was Actually less purchased In hreequm con mncn mm alom WY+Â¥W= can two grc 11911 53 year St munklpnllly in the country will have to obtain bumm he said WMukkn man amidal wlflully milding to proper ly em and mu hr dog llncd 50 pk 31650 nun tom Midland Magistrate erl yuhfnlny Mnllcy was shamed Iry tho Slum Counly Human Roddy hmuzh Iho Midlnnd 0n lulo Pmlnclnl lollco dcmh an Maximum ï¬lm MINA was told Ihnl lho dog had dulmyvd by Dr Sally Imenp rl Icnnlana TRY EXAMle WANT Am PHONE 12 MN Neglected Dog Man Is Fined IIOIIIUNIIY PO AMHITIOUS ALIIWI AND IMAGINAIIVE MAN WHO VISHFS TO MAKE ADVANCEMENT IN FASTGROWING DAILY NEWSPAPER ln SHOULD HAVE ACCOUNTING EX 71 WORKING ON RPXXXFNIZHI YNIINH DEGREE lIJZASI MAKE APPLICATION IIY 11711111 ilV lNfl AH DEIAIIA T0 0FFICE MANAGERACCOUNTANT THE BARBIE EXAMINER THE DARRIE EXAMINER GENERAL MANAGER Required by cold lulu mmom Emil for over blazing dam Ban1e Ald PM Same asked or the move last night but withdrew sownd Man that would have culled or pmsiblo removal by September oi II cavemanth dzna with depreciated value of under $300 Md 1125 Jnllllle oblawd to Rama older signs on grounds that it would discrimin ate against mall bushessme Two Barrie boys ed and eight were subject lzhour pollco march yesterday after they wen reporled mm by thlr mother Mrs Arthur Kalle of 15 Bnyfldd Street Floyd Mallet Ind his younger bmflnr George lei harm mm nerdy but dyi no mention they quer Home pm Two Missing Boys Return To Home Barrie Arm commlsslon was larved wiUI Ill injuncllon last year In flop work on In nulo mane Icemaking machine was iemadrlm 915114 Md In In war In questlmi mm Md Bruce Own said the commis xlan had spent $3000 on lhe machlnu Ihcn Ibo work had to be flopped because um minu laclum was blunting on patent rim Ali Roberu luld later the money will be moveml with the next low weeks LOCAL GENERAL Council 1m mk authorch mm mother machinu for Work Stopped 0n IceMaker TOUR MIDIIUHST Darrle Klmnlm Iceman led by lhelr luau last night toured Mklmru Fons Stalin allowing dinner served by the Unlled Glurch Womrn of Mid hum Tho bur unwed by Mlllon mrlnlrndent John ml penny CORRECTION Mn Jun mm cl Durham nwnrdcd lllvrr mth by lho 0n rlu llorlicullural Soclely at lhe locldyl Inma mnvcmlwn ln Ottawa In Week The nward of mar wnl pxmnlul to Mn Gable or her yam ol urvlre In the Duluth nmllwlural Assocl ï¬lm Wu caller nvpmlni mat in received Illm medal ï¬WlM MEET metIna will he MM nl Um Dmla MvaCA Al 730 pm la mm nnnl Irrmzenwnu or the llmla Gunter of Gamma Ind mlm MM In be held July so In mnjundlnn wllh flu Hurlo swam llexnlll special may dlMer to hcuwr Mv Malcolm Sum mers Mrs Summers and their two children Mark and Kirk was held in the hall of West minster Presbyterian Church on Sunday More than no person enjoy ed pot luck supper prepar ed and served by the women of the congregallon Mike Wkldrlnxton pmldenl the Barri branch Im sociated Canadian hamlets presents lha keys of 1966 Durlna tho evening gin wen prewmd b0 the family ln rem ognlllan of outstandm nerv ice to WW and the Family Dinner Held To Honor Westminster Churchw Minister COPPERTONE SUNTAN LOTION AOL 115 Vllno V0 BOBBI HAIR SPRAY CLAIROL LIP COLOR Vlluu CLAIROL NAIL COLOR DOUBLE FROSTED Ell Llfle INK SEA AND SKI INDOOR0UTDOOR LOTION WILKINSON BLADES Bupn and 730 Dunlap Yam hmflyl mm In our Concern RECEIVES KEYS T0 CAR WON IN DRAW VACATION SPECIALS THE FIRST NEW BEAUTY IDEA SINCE HAIR COLOR FREE FILM OFFER Blnk Ind While 120 620 I27 I26 Kodncolar 120 620 127 126 13520 oxpowro Ekmhvomo I20 620 Ind 27 HAIR SPRAY IVI your nu Roll of Film my Tnmblyn Drug 5w Ind Cairo Codmehcd FREE DELIVERY TO 00 WITH YOUR HAIR COLOR mmmmmm menu Ald Sociéty Eadie ed his llnn church wvice Sun 651 mam Muslang to Frank Twini whu wan the car In In Mfr Cu Draw held Barrie Amwury Mr Taylor sold the cut to He wm continue In make his home in Barrie and will support the communlty projects with wkgch he vresenlly lnvglqu Presentations were made by nma Putt or Rh 000 Ann mummnd or the Explorers Ban Jvnkq hr 19 59° 5501 John ilclébci Vshdla FREE ROLL 0F KODAK FILM no um 31 Mr Sunmilks We yin yo TH OFFER APPLIES TO 47 39 49 WITH YOUR PRINTS 135 125 CLAIROL BLUSH 175 CLAIROL COMPACT MAKEUP 115 CLAIROL MOISTURE MAKEUP 175 CLAIROL FACE POWDER 100 ENO MAC LEANS TOOTHPASTE LI VIII TONI Idl VI FRUIT SALT HOME PERMANENT BRYLCREEM HAIR DRESSING IM VIII DESERT FLOWER SPARKLINO MIST COLOGNE III Rd 12 Jane andVBllVlAMacAPhgsog 10 Senlur ng Mr MacPher sun fur the Womans Group and David hIcClymont Slnry and 13 Jewell or the comma flan Miss Llnda Stwhenmn Barbe ginl win will be endlng lhu Onlarlo College of mucalion 1min iIcKay noon Amman lprnnlnM ma Rayal mm mm Bu on my Jam mo Mam 21 um 90 Penn sum Emu beloved mama of Am mm mm mm much Mm ma mm ion yur lovlnl bmflm Juan uLMflI 0sz o3 ï¬ning in 7mm 01mm new Conmm wwneiuniuï¬u hum BM 5W 13 Ml walrmaqum Ibe evening Ill DEATHS 7260206 97 83° 03 43