Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 28 Jun 1966, p. 11

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Has No Knowledge Of Political Activity MTMVA remAbout mo AmliNH ML Mn Jvmlro llrlul flvllnvllh lvwnul Mnmlny nlghl Charlodnn Lalo near thll rom munlly mllm nunhwm ol llnrhvllhx rr lerrl lumle In Full Hwnl Mnmlay um Iv mum lnrrlm Twin MlnMrr lulo Ihw lllmn umrnw luv IN m1 mum whv Ilm UHle MIMI IMIMKO III MIN III Innadlln nwlfl Mr 311m mid hm mum lbw an umm Mal lur lhnl muum In mm um um mumdun Mnul the In hubhunt Hm IIIh mu Iv nflnr oxlall uhlln Onl aria pmhutu of many qwdnllml ml mm In lrllrrnnu vmhlcunn lwnuw vlwy mnhln In pnlltk My 1lwy nmhln nl plo thrill hail1 hmufln many mm Hon dnllnfl vmrlh land mmhwlu each much ol whlrh Mlld provlnml in 0n lnrlo Mr filmm nnH will nmny Imparln nrrMnu dmhu nmhmlan MAIL Mu MI mm her mm II mmmcr tol lair ENEWS ROUNDUP NHONTO CD Food lm pom during the domutlc pm ducUon Atnwn am havan ImmJul cum on Ontario nxrl culurn and he lmlrrnl lovrm mml sfnfld ddwmmo in rxltnl my Agriculmn Mlnll er Slmul He In the loghlnlum Mnmlny Onlmln MIan mull mm In an unprolcdnl mar hl nud conlrml wllh Ihal nlnounh In mm lnflnncu la xmpIn 10mm cm Leslie rFros urmer Consenau pr miflr or Onlarlo canltd an my pollucal wivity whlIe he has been director of Canada il not within he knvwledge Lugs comps Ecomrmuns Monday quuuon nby Real Caouelte mum viewer He asked whether Mr frost made any political spoochc or conducted any mm activity by omdak director of Crawn agency He also asked whether Air Can ada had policy cancernlng po lflga acljvit by official residents of an Ollawn suburb an yum mm mm mp ply ecame Starling slum ciréuiteg power yxtfl bud 311 caused all trouble In $ubmban Glenwood apparently straddled two hm wire on transformer causing short circuit and burning out lhe pumps We urge all canister to show muncsy to armors in their tractor demonstranons on Ontario highway by observan all traffic law and safely me sulement Hid no way Insuggest slamde truck flame but rather to show re spect at um armers demon stralians and In Insure the saIniy larmm trmk driven and the travelling public Russian Salon James Byrne IiKoolenny Em parliamentary sacrelary Irlme Minister Pearson ta bled reply prepared by the management of the Ctrwu owned air line HAMILNN CmRay Tag garl preslden ol the Hamilton local the Inlemnllmul Broth erhood Teamsteu and has urged Ontarlo 20000 tum slen tn shwl courtesy to arm er prolesllnx mllk prlce wllh lrgglorpnrndes Woman Drowns Mr nggart said in Hale Monday while is not within the knawiedge or the wmpmry miller Mr Frost carried on my political activity members of the board direc tors except im ihe company president an not oilicm oi iho cmnpany Food Imports Urges Courtesy OIMWA WUMk Mink Short Water Mll YTMWA TITm Onlnrlo numrwy rmnln 0th mad Hrl Nnmlny In MA 44 ml mm an rhnruu lop Hun 10 erany L1 lmull nuuul Hm nm nm In Ihl HC Mk LRle ml via ham mm mm undwr way In Ht ml and In 110nman HM 1111in ll Inan mo man mm mm Iwnllnl mnnlwr mm MMMIInn palm In hm mmbrr Ixnndulllu mum lnr mm MNth llllml ml mluf lur IMI 3w me lmml mlnm lmm ml 1M cmwlully Hm wu an Ivy Sunky Knnfilnlld 1H erlmflrl flmlur mum m1 Early In lllhl IN IN or why In Plfllllfin mum Inln IMI mm nl mud ml mvnl lmw Ivy lnml nrlwmll WMWA 01 TM CDC ml Iomo Unlml sum com munlrnllw mmpnnlu IN nudyln he oumlllty mini MIN In arm relny Irlr mum lvrolrmm mm one 1van 1h mmlry mm mm Hmrlnry Judy Lnflnnh Kohl Ilw lnmnnm Mummy In mm cpl mun Mk IfaMIUJI ad Mlchatl flophen McKinley non of Mr and Mn Murray McKinley was pronounccd dead shortly Inner he wn ndmfllm lo hmpllnl In Ah cmmnunily so miles out 01mm IROQUOIS Onu CWEd vmd Mnkohn Couxlcr Ion at Mr and Mn Mun Coul lcr Mountain Ont wu killed Monqu nlxht INK hLl mom ryclu mashed Ulronxh cum mucllan barkdc Ind plunged 1m dllch MIN Ink Iho youll wu mlnu M1 brother who wu xlrlvlnz Mr when he mlmd Mom And hit me bankndr Thcy mid ha lny In dHrh lnr m0 lhnn In hnur bcumo hll brnlhcr thinkan lhl youlh Md Inkm mm ml went home wax mmdsindiyby two In mm 11m body ol Heinz Gru ber 19 Hymflgon com HAWICESDURY Ont GP Al5monthold baby wu awful to death near his hum Plnntngcnel OnL Mondny night when truck in mm lather mu riding backod over hlm Km was been mud 19 than 15 mt rpm when be 11 Into the mailer twin kysm Ann had the hospital stall wor fled because than was not pro grauinz as quickly As her Mr lfl slimy Am Eu she has 1m cangfit up mile iwghwen oi ME SUDURY OP 11 body smney geek mun SludySatellites wringan hivqlTM W46 New Trial Bid IlanCanadhn trade me It ml at the USSRa laxsewn WW Mam Mama Cyclist Killed Baby Crushed Recover Body union Porter is flifi muh umu hum Ill Mano cumin In th hmn nl Bundl mn than dlmn 0mm Incl It In ml lhm anudu no Mm Imus wu lml Im un Ind pranhlul qulcby no ll luck clly Athgsdllu Infill hem let In pIMn nImu unknown nndlls Ibrnum help ku and min In Nnvrnber CASTRO flllOWfl UP HAVANA IAIJIdrno mm lar Fidrl 2mm wtnt out In Inunm Monday In reel omnn nlhldu mumlnu lmm ha 1m lul Amtrlcm And Curilmn Gum In Imlo Nm Com mum lender uld Nu publlc awnmm 01 IN Culun lmdrr wm rrwrlnl lnr lo any prior In Monday Ivy luvnu din ln Mills of Incruwd prom llarl mzlugue and flu Man Alexiofhllmnarbwulr med to in pics helm dcllv WWI VIM Axith mu minL Do Pox uld Mirndfly The pom uld they re celved an anunymmu talnphona cull about 10 day ago Thu caller unld lh nlnlm by In ugh near nmluh In porlm pm on dim mil Ind mound fllursday he uld mNDON Out Ex ternal Allah Minlfler Martin uld MandAy night am PM dent da Gnullal VIM to the So viet Unlmu oflm ma hopes of better undermnding And rela tion which may help mmdlc tsmwfizvm He said Alma the French maiden mm pm lound and mum mneem or mtarluon cl Europa without barrier to normal rontacu Ind exchanges Mr filaan participated UnltodNaflonl laminar the ynlvemly Wmcrn Onlqu mums MP Ibo Bd zinn capltn nml lamcul lmknmk the we hrmu la luo ol poy unlgn qmn The men were Quilted tin lourth trial nnd the dednlan wu upheld earlier thin month by the Ontario Court Appeal The Crownl case we built upon evidence Angle He tes Ufled that he and his lamlly was hemmed with amm lmttm uniun he paid $1111 or 100000 sham of Gmdn SH ver Mlne Md Io anarelll and the Volpes lower court decmonl Hndlng Puqunle Natural of Bullnla MI and Paul Albert and Eu gum Volpe of Taromu not guilty anempflnl or conspir ing In um 7500 bun Too 00 dock brokzr Ricbani An ge fine men in went on lrhl 1960 ha declared when jurar mdlclled he tiltl with miersundufimugh Englls my to not in dedsbn In the mud irlnlilhe Vikkiinn was IE5 declared mum1 when ll reported All tempt to hflbc Landmark Found Visit Offers Hope Slmcoo Hearing Conlm um ul Ipml ano Probhml th Your Honing or Your Pmon Honing Ald hm bun nluhlluhod Illrl II II Flinn mm mm WHY 71M TOMATOES WI M1110 CHUCK STEAKS 59 CLUB STEAKS 69 PIZZA PIES 59c USA NO BlACK PEANUT BUTTER PICNIC Shouldef CLUB HOUSE MOUNTAIN VIEW GOLDEN VALLEY SLICED BACON CARNATION COFFEE USA SUNKIST SIZE 163 USA NO JUMBO SIZE 27 CANTELOUPES 34° Oranges 2299 SMOKED BUEHLERS lEAN sucsn 5m OWL PHONE 1mm 16 DUNLOP 51 EAST OPEN ML DAY MON was Win SAT mm mum mm 1802 TINS 49° Sun 20a r53 ILB JAR PKG MARGARINE POTATO CHIPS 101 JAR SWIFTS UNION HOSTE SS 5m 10 CADBURYS CHOCOLATE BARS SLICED U5A WHITE SEEDLESS Cooked HAM BUMP or BOUND STEAK SUGAR COOKIES CHOICE SKINLESS BONELESS HOLLANDIA 1601 JAR IO 69 GBIIPEFRUIT LBS FOR 00 LEMONS USA SUNKISI SIZE 39° 239 CATElll CLUB HOUSE SPANISH NOODLES OLIVES 1201 PKG lOl JAR PKGS FDR FOR 35 00

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