Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 27 Jun 1966, p. 4

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The workload and cost of massive un banlzation of Canadian living falling on the shoulders of municipal government Delegates to the Canadian Federation of Mayors and Municipalities were told that they either had to meet this challenge or accegtlen altered form of governmental con Pleas Ealready havé mme mmtha Can adian mayors or the senior governments to take over new spheres notably educ Dr Deulsch chairman of the E0 onomtc Council of Canada pointed to the groblems that exist today with munlci miles demanding new tax base to ve them some hope of meeting demands Dr Deutschsald the old village right has evgomted for living today is an In tegrat affair with country town and city interlinked Overlapplng of interesLs must require sharing tax Intake Barrle Examiner June 25 1936 Boy Scout Association formed in Barrie with Simpson president Clarence Simp son vicapresident Blair secretary Executive was composed of Letsha man George Holloway Kenneth MacLennan Rev Ernest Long Jack Walsh George Irlcke Dr George Sey mour Fred Douglas and William Crossland veteran Scouter South Simcoe Womens Institutes held 34th an nual convention with record attendance at Gilford Community Hall Mrs Stewart of Thornton was elected resid ent succeedln Mrs Robert ng of Holly Mrs Ro ert Boyes Lefroy contin ued as secretary Holly Wl presented best report and Bond Head led or attend ance At their summer home lilinets Point Hon Dr Simpson Minister of Ed ucation and Mrs Simpson were greeted by hundreds of friends on silver wedding anniversary Piano students of Walter lliaeNutt choir director for lrinit Ang lican Church gave clever recital Par ish Hall Dr Robert Sprott presid ed at 25th installation of officers Kerr Masonic Lodge Neil MacDonald is new Worshiptul Master succeeding Smith Kain Barrio lodges oi 100F and Beaver Rebekahs paraded to Union Cem etery for Decoration Service led by Citiz ens Band directed by Albert Sugg in command Colonel Garry Lee No Divisional Signals from Camp Bor den rested at Barrie on way to bivouac near Stayner Sheriff Drury ad dressed County Council on necessity of continued reforestation program Er nest Ryan Jr Barrie awarded two medical scholarship at Toronto lion Earl Rowe new leader oi Ontario Con aervatlvo Party feted by DutferlnSimme constituents at Allistons Riverdalo Park Warden John Drinkwaler Reeve of Orlllia Townshipwas host to County councillors and officials at annual outing Sparrow Lake Town Council dedded to end operations garbage incinerator following petition from residents of Brad Walla Publisher 30 YEARS AGO IN TOWN GMIM WI Mu lm IM dmrlu ol Mom um um mum lay Municipal Govt Scene Is Approaching New Sphere mu flame Publlshad by Canadian Newspipm le119d 16 Baytluld Street Barrio Ontario DOWN MEMORY LANE McPherson Managing Editor MONDAY JUNE 15 PAGI4 BERMUDA BEACH mm hum huh In Illmull Th hurl Um nuthtauHr Illml an mm hmoul lar Umr rlnk und ml Dr Deutsch was robably ringing the death knell of mun dpal rantqnom AI ready Premier Robam has made cab enings sounds to municipalities over their failure in composite planing there have also been hints from his whine that reglnal government rather than by separate councils is being scanned So far few grants but no real tax assist ance has been transferred to the muni cipality it seems unlikely that it will aflon Dr Deutsch says 11 the communit ies cannot pry loose more tax fields from senior governments more of the cost vim have to ba taken up by higher lev lord Victoria Innlsfll Boole San ford Vespra streets re obnoxious odour and smoke Grover Bud Kashner was among group of Ontario athletes who left on Cunard liner Ascanla to play for North London in new English base ball lea Bames Devenle Smo ky Smith star southpaw struck out 14 batters gave up only five hiu as locals beat Penetang 52 in openlng game North Stmcoe baseball loop Adam McKenzie and Doug Ramsay were leading hitters for Barrie Dr Black elected resident Barrie Hockey Club In sen or county softball new record was set Archie Marshall Allandalo first base man hlt 23 consecutive foul halls against pitcher Ken Gullfoyla ot Barrie Roxy Aces Then he fanned on 24th pitch Drillia won county ladles gol title beat ing Banlo Roxy Aces pounded three Allandale pitchers for 126 victory at Shear Park Leading batters for Aces were he Saso Stove Hines Bill Hare and Maury Stransman Canada the march toward econ omic and social pmgrm and the ateh work manner by multitude of lverg ent voices must not be allowed to inter vene YOUTH AND AGE Printed Word What is old age This is question that has been answered in many ways and the latest glib reply is that old has nothing to do with chronological age One man may be old at my and another may be young at eight vflve ln Saskat chewan the Youth geney has been concemlng iisell with another question how old is youth lt iimliy came to the decision that it would considerthat youth is the an of year between the ages of ten an tweniyfthlee Where déésrthétrleave tho oung man with an old head on his shou dcrs About all most of us know abmxt space cx lorauon that menwill never run ou space to explore Other Editors Views Wilson General Manager opium um mm l1 Mm th 111mm ANI Maud Ivy olqu mu mlm 0mm tecret twcrday meeting recently convened by tedm governmm wan de scribed in me by participant one of the mast presUgims ever held In ouawa 55 In vited mime included provin cial cabinet mlnlnera Ind up resenled Mex1 drpmment and agmles the Canadian Bar Assnclnum Ina Canadlun Fed anon ol Mayan and humid palklex he Ocnsuners M1061 ion at Canada and other voi unury agenda mendl loun dannl and may cwwSll Pn mnally inviod pamdlpanu ln chided Dr Momm thlman thld coroner of Toronto ruminant lumen and mu Comemuvo MR 111 working paper prcpnr for lhu centur and wa mama Resinelem Not lnr publicaunm anthu public nor pm wt ndmlued Yet that wdl hum min er wither Gerda Hummer cmfld have been Idmfllzd npoclnlor withmx any link to Indian locum or m1 huh lush conlercnu dnlc Mum Ibo learlly al knudluu on our thyl nm re Ilrklod documcnl was Mb lled Amch Vehicle Suler 0116 Hm Dmlt Why then in mud that am eh waning Na comma no uncutcod Al his mum victim myld hm well um MI Accident helmet remitted mr ml at MHMLWJ Why mu Luwl do behind Ioclmd donn nlmdy dohllc govmmu concern win he My Lin Mun mu WlanKlon wn cunenlly ro wlnt In open mme N9 amen N0 gym 11 maniacs 371mg wn 1m Ihll mo In ht uu to prolul mu flu modal dvllcso at mand um um mm his use MP may he MI Ilawud Gnu lay Imllnmcm Inn own MIA OTTAWA REPORT 11w Yunmlnn ll udmlvrly QMIIIKI In uua lur Irwlvllrnllm nl nu um dlmnldm In um vnwr rvwlilul In nr NI Alrlrlnlwl IHu nr MIMI nml Mm In 1an maul INIthle lhlmn Chmullunfiu um mm EIIMI On Jun lmFrmh Iml Inham mu mum mammal Um Nu wildfire XIHIM lmn IMIvlvl In ruin DUNN Iumldd ll 00m 17017 wfl flllnlvmvllb Mum Yuhnl Neflvlmflml WM HII Imll Illwuurrl IMF Mlnlmkn ITO Dlmnl lmlu Mm Ilryle Fumh 111 1M Al Qvlrhrr IllaFaun lam nmyany immlmalnl In rUa Lah Ihmvn ma mum Uh Hurt Damian dy PATRICK NICHOLSON mail nu 0qu firm mom oum Ind plylmmt ol mm In mun liuwlnyl and Slnlulnry llnlldyl urmml Mhmipilnn IMP daily by rmr so molly um ymly 3mm In Inn Hy mnll Illrn ILUU ylwly Onlnrln 10 Ar mqu Hurrde lll ymr Mull nlhllln 0m 710 ur mlnlda MM nrlMh thml gum um an Aqurrjnd Iqu dun Ianmtii Inf Mllru In Unlvmlly TWOMO MD AU ml Kl Munlml rm um ul mm r4 Anrmmr MNMNY ha nnmllnn any Hummu luhIlh AtuIJAHmI lhq ndlnn Im ml Audll Ilumll lflrrullllrm Tackles Massacre By Motor Vehicles ENGLISHMANWASNT HE mmxmm Ier Road Salely was surprlsed that nince lhn federal govern ment called Lhe meellmz the responllblo minlsler lnduslry Minlller Bud Drury alled Attend And why were the seven excellent briefs pwpnmd by ticial ol the Nallannl Research Gun1L not made available to the Mlle hm lhcsu were excellrnt became made my busineu to bootch copies so that can inlorm the excluded has the Axums By an odd coincidence during flu mm name Mr Dnmy was morled an Idling leernl mcollnz In Montreal lhlt ll Mr Pearson Isnt My lining enthusiasm public lup pon than day It became mu bu kennel mu goveran bu been dalnl my WM 19 mqve How we low up We Iamhawy make my ml mum to ill hat void by mm ptblhchlng this welcome mm by the gamma 10 um our hlthmy 0011 Fiat there um um um very ood pm marodlby the Motor Vnhiba Accidpnt fludy Group lheNAHallll Re umh CoundL My wm en illod Iedmlcal Note on or Vehicle Salem N04 11m Syltom No Uganda No Drivcr nkvhollcnlly hr qflged No AjholVgMclofj fly non nnme to am much mu old Mm mm an nmlmm or for mu Mk The prlco 1an MI been Mud an ounce lat morn dun no yum ml II In on the cw mymodlllu 0m hm mi Inrmml In vnloo Yel gold was one In most Immmm Indnu ha devmmum CmMLI nm mu III nnh wu In MINI nlumhll In ma balm ll ml in mm In um mm Amrian promdor found Mi whm the Im dOrelllu Illvcr meets Um Onlnmhm um mm mm mu Thcn may beun mun lmo Cunndx ml rumMIN do mm film Some cl than bum maklnl monqv In m1 when Iho mm tlmo at um r1d mum wm Imml made when the ma Hm lnla um Irnur Tim pmqwdnn 1mm nu Guillornln nil mm ml lenAq new um MM lor vhilorh than Omemm 1mm hul drum um M1 mun oMnln mluy pwh It In 1le Sound ma Imml pmml day Baum um mm flown ml 0ka ml ullora damn Rummy mmpnnlu In Sm Frandm mlml Arm In Vlduln tom to 10 ml Uer nhlpl la hm llmM Mmul mm 0M llvy lint um IMch mlml mm on Jun 71 ml th om pumm MFMIJEM mm It mm mler our lo tho lnnlnlmd Many hnu rial In rm lhn Mull nl imrzla In mum mun Mum and but My nu lmky In pm Imou witty Hwy ma In mnko an mm Mumm In lho lmrr llmr my nl lhrm um mmmwl men Man mrr Um llnnIHr hum punmam do WWII mm rm mm yumm ml lmklnz lor Ink Img lhu vim Ind mo rlvh mm mu mmln buy up lotion at mlan lmlll nulujuLu ml Hwy Ira mn Mml llul ll 1191A WM Ilka mvr lhn mint hwy MM 9va our banner will be urnmm Rom Um um will running Aml Illa Hum mun lhmdl hora Um vivrta NIH liower mmI Mk firm In lhal ll lbrhl wall IM lhnl My ml me am IM at Canada CANADAS STORY Miners Confident US Would Get BC the Molar Vehicle Study Gram will elaborate on men annlhcr day That um day meeting was welcoma start In tho averdue business tackling massacre by motor vehidc It unanL mousiy adoplod hm recom mmiallmu That standank ahauld be enacted providing or mainlenanco and regular In smaller motor vehicles ml mvinrial gavernmmLs he urged Issue rowlatlona that the applicatim for driving li cence irnpllel lha lbcenceea con gent to an analyab hls blood 5in breath il he yzspoggccj being inwalrcd whlk driflnz That national noddth pre venuon mead centre bu es abllshcd The conforms adopted 27 My mum to be com pulsory In vehicles pur chaud by the ledcul govern ment some 1200 end year In the am hopo but mm wlll beJmomouleddn Ill vo hlclu But um uny ho Imocy In Ottawa hm ximlar alks Ira permkled Io hit tha headline nl nwnpaperl WIMom Why 111 Jalm Don 3mm to learn IM the critic autommle dcslcn had any and MW lhn mandadurcr to pliui 13 km terms flu wand give than In ban mo mm was hum over two Yum plu hum Wu Dear Slr The story Hold 01 Negro mlanr whn added newwnrd lo vocabulnry an vn cation remind this his mum tom HI return In pastoral dunes were Hma mkled with sun qua Finally someone shied hlrn what Jlahu qua mum qua bmum he replle waning flan dole whldl appeared In last Mondays Ex aminer drool erI In Ehrmla your reporter um to hnvqcvnflned his Interview to Iaw lufilemm in Elmvalo who my dedlaalad in malnlnlm In in mm qua there lu smndary whoa gdgudon Vim woodworkin an am an Vamer Island went bad wogk bgiay Illérvoflng to mod He should coma not bl Flo and talk with me farmers We am Wed ta cilan whit thefimu Thu article cumin and lul mu mm It lay Tho mu live conmace ram aid that It had explored the WW Mailing Midland Pendan gukhena and Elmvala high whoa district llw Midland Pamhnu Bowman the unbm but mly um Elmvala flaw mafia whims tn FROM pom NM my lunch dkedly from 0101mm comm 66 qu Wu The mom Vancouvn local largest In the coastal te ginn ol the International Wood warkerl cl Amska Cw mod 39 per cent In Ivor Acceptance at ownct lor mum And both the big localrvdpd Hm mm Mr v7 mimicgo backrto Th bade rats unduthc old contract wan $236 An hm More an men have been an mm in brown re gion or more than week in walkout nut authorized by Me IWA excwuvp Mal Vote the 26000 coastal woodmrkcr wont be tabled unfll 909me lhumday IWA dfldnl said Fares mm Relatknl whim bargained or tho ambu companies Ends no wmmml Th ssz can 10cm Including 010 New Wafmlmler local 2500 men begun voting on the Mull Woodworkers Return To Jobs vmoauvm Glf¢dldni CASH FOR VACATION Ind myomuuond nuan II nm your hand JuxQ call Bundlcll you gel hll mu mu You pkkl plck ma plymunu all up And In Beneficial $500M 112 Harrie Exmutnrr COMMERCIAL PRINIING BARflllII BI Old Phom PA 55931 ORILLIAn mm Eu Phonu 526735 on IVINMOI IV APPOINWlem0Nl WI NOUII 16 BAYFIELD ST 0383 039 3302 350m Cox9503 nImOcmm SCHOOL SITUATION PROGRAMS HAND BILLS LFITERHEADS BROCHURES lNVOICES ENVELOPES OPRIZE LISTS BILLHEADS WEDDING STATIONERY LETTERSTO EDITOR BLACK AND WHIIE AND COLOR FINANCE CO OF CANADA oomnfifice was held an April At his mum the present sil uallnn in the Elmvak district wu dlsumgii Th imdyand Pevwnwhrfla Wei emu EImVIIe DEM1 Huwever Bond mommy staged It would not cnmldet unlflnz wlth Elmvala thx meanta chm1 mlunem to aonunueuxg of the EhnvakSchool me Midland mama2 ahene Bum would have no meeflqgolthesnbpardsmdfln GUMMED LABELS BUSINESS CARDS ODRAW TICKETS 7266537

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