Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 27 Jun 1966, p. 18

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J1 Innislil Fublic Sdmol Enanl has decided to Keep nhreafl with mansions and at the same time bring township wnsolidalzd schools nearer to the mum menls of lhe Provincial depan ment At its meeting this week the board decided by 52 voie mquesl the municipal coun all and he Dwanmanl at Ed ucalion or sixArnnm additinns at lamina and Sunnybrap schools each In conlain general pur pwa room equipped wflh an Smallest expansion lhal could be made wnuld be lwr rooms at each silo This would mquire lhe use smaller units whlch do not meet he requlmnenu ul the Township School Act This could meanth unlm he luwmhigv enlarges cenual schools and culs down the num ber unit nnw used lhere ls likelihood that Counly Ed ucnllonal Board would take over ESTIMATED COST The ullmaled cost two sixmom addition with general pner mom and equlppcd wllh slam 15 79200 for Sunny bme and 611100 lur Wnrnlml Altar graan 1mm provincial wumu have been made and in most allowed or mymr mrry lnz cnsls debentures lunlsli ratepayma wlll be left with an nunl dibtnlum chums 907 Thu average ralnmycr tax bill will be lncrmml by ap xzmxlfmlcly one mill lnclminn ol general pumosc mm bolll schools will pm vialc an auditorium wilh Make that can he usod lnr school mud public pumom and In drval npmbnl school pupil along merits spot lbr them Thornton bays escape tha heat duflng tiles warm day ANGUS HM When on beam hm nrw mm in $411 rmhrr Jnhll McKnMK will huld 10 MW rxccmivp nml nnolhrr nrhve lmn ix phmnNI Mr MCKIIMH Iurcml Ed Sflmlll uh ave pmmulvn lomlmdup durum bmy punt rm INNISFII NOTES Anislinu Mn McKnme will ht vlrnwuulrulu llnrnty Pugh Tom Krlly and my Mmin Snulnry 11m Phllllpl Int luaunrr Inwr haul ml uln en Thu Inlln Imlmlr ernnl In mvrlnr lim Hum Ann NOW SHOWING SHANTY BAY 2333 Lions At Angus Map Activities nox omc arms In Hum snow mum AT AIIHJ IZNIIHTMKMVW DUSK lHl MOIY MODERN DRIVlIN NOR 0F TORONYO lllflnuv lilllhvlv Imnn Hurl um mun law ll Itmn hlml wlm um Iloryh ll hlllluina bu Seeking Additions To Township Schools NIIROLLIMKER By 11 08El1lfllllN WHERE THORNTON BOYS ESCAPE HEAT many Hm beyond the usual classrm curiculum FEWER UNIIS This expansion inken in one bila costs less than small ad dilinns The request in discon iinua use so many units acmu he township coma from the lap and unless Innisiil gels into the position In meet the quiremcnu ol the province my could be faced with calmly board lhnt would be collecting or paymenls on the pmpnrllon the ouualiwd as sessment on which lnnisili this year is charged with an addiliom Wu million dollars over our local assmsmcnl last year The proposed addlfim will no complete our dewlapmenl maulmments The nut addition will have to be Conlral school and be at least equal lo lhe prwmal nvw being planned or the each schools in the nuth Bren Estimach mu the present proposal include lumishings the architects cu and carry ing charge nl debentures Same school buildings will be Mt sumhu but lhey may be made me ol in diflennt ways KlNllERGARTlINS and appears on Ihe proposed was mentioned the meeting andnppear on lhe proposed plans my would add about 523000 to each Mldillnn Kinderzarlcn clawJ are be ing considered by he board and already mmo lime hm bun vplnl looking om nmu Much have added such monu 0m mflixuky sclIILl lo he rami mdnllon and he Imminx young rhlldrcn no long away from home unlm special blues its the end ol Essa sic road 20 by when abut mm on Nouawuagl Rivet lamrr mu McLeod lull lwisL rr Tom Humy and dirmnn Ray llullnck Ilnrsoy HIMNL Chnrlu In Frrd Rn Hu lcr Ilnndy Wand ml Iruhl Com 11mm unwande Lim UN p111 you Joe Dulrr hal bern mnwlnu connrnlulnlmm rhrquc for I200 wan Hue Angus Imnl mun Iuh Mn muoan nvcmly Howard Hulhnnu nl Hnlln chairman of In 11kg Jnmuh Camp lor Hm Iwml lx jyxm fiTbMOHROWg III DESICKS are put on to change classes at noon Mme Ken Baxter voted against the proposed additions as he said he wanted to yve he matter more thnughl It could he that he ls undecided owing the Imposed sugges Iian at LelroyEcl Ewart mak ing away mm lunNiL The ad ditions will not affect um ma and only when the Coma school is expanded will 11 south school he changed mailman Russell Slowarl wal nm In favor of lhe sixroam double expansinn He ell lhal six and Hoom pwposal would be sufficient this year which would dbcreaso total dcbcnlun OPPOSED The Council ls propusing rnlmyers meeting th all at Whitll mallcn of public consid eraum will be dealt with sim ilar to the way they are dis cussed when nomination meet Inx ls held There will be no nomination meeting thl your us there is no cloctinn Data at the pmposnd mccllng ha nnt yet how set but the School Board tald Councillor nhbiru that the board would cooperale and be really to answer qucsuons it such meeting held FIELD DAY Chairmen ol the variom our millus or the township field day got oxclhcr Thursday eve ning and portal pmgreu Every Nmmlllcn prmmlul nn mllmulvd hudzol The mud Nmmilltl sumth that me schnlulc be poslul so that sums mlrmollr he made In nm the events of and but things 01 link RATFJAYEIIS MEETING Tmhm be on hand my Ihal My can In wruntrd 51 he hammand Indy 1n the ninK AM not during Iho perfor mnmv Shawn an John Henry 16 agy ponyefly 13 and Alex fie all oimmton Ex aminer pm vnrirly proflrnm was np prowl It was ell lhnt urry one In luwmhip should be trial In Wlumly to thaw whnl be or dlo could In Iml that program ul local lnlrnt mmlll be he hm loml nl vu ltflnlnmufll Councillor Geoma lIurlon will he lvlmwl In hnnr mm nnyonn wl1ll Inlrnl nm Inlunnltnnnl Ivnrk mi mllrnz pin tonlrsls am he luld Nirly In Hus nllvrnnon Iiminn WNWIII TIIHIIWIJ MD folfilli IIH 0115M illIf 50100 1nniiTmTIiim Minna1mm IVMTH WINK HIIHIV Huylllll 9M1 522 3239525 Pitta$511 1521 iv 131243 Ewi=xiallllllai HIST SllflllflW III III mum BERGER Wm WINK msmm uuuuuuuuuu mm In mm run an llIHE BARR EXAMINER MONDAY JUNE 21 station near here an missed this Om Tawnship rural Immunity which came on the 01d Barrie mad and 4th line Busy place We have am heavy ywcmmd batik said Nor tmn Dwinnell who live on ard line 010 Rand and Simcoe County Road In expialnlng the Establishment be Adult 0C om Centre at the unmet swim has IrmaM many new laces ixRo flue Area During the winter Horseshoe Valley Ski Ml also bring maywnew aces into the e25 EDGARJSIBH Almaty mg alrnganhvisitorgandr other Asked about he reported Ed gar housing Wage len nell said there wns no doubt more homu mid he mud just my iljhgy yen available MrTDwifinen Wag busJod the land when interviewed He has good field corn coming In reply Io queslims he Iald Mdnq planted 00 many pn latocs his season jug enough or his own use but he under smoun Stall Grades six and seven pupils Iron Sun nybrae Public School hare are sull talking aKouI the thrill of recent trip to Midland area when they visllod the Saint Mane among the Huron which is now under rmnslrucuon Same pup mm the sdwol made he lrip joining other mm Orillia and Mid and we were M15 in all McEachem was in charge ol the 5an group first community or Europeans SnimmMarie ll appeared in ms to new period proved mwh interest me students Roconslrucllon of this fine lime mission centre or six 01 NM Americas aim French Jesull party saints nearing fidfifiusnimn BCAF Personnel Missed BY Edgar Mun um palisadcd wall lhe puvilx viuwd building erected by Onlndn craltsmn mmy ol ALMSION Stnlfl Dr Gordon Burgess returned to his office here today nfler re turning home mm chiroprac seminar which he attended at CnIorado Springs mm June to lo member nl the Canadian Ohimpmdic Assudalinn and lhe Onmin Ohimprnclic Assncin lion Dr Bumps ntlmdcd my Imm here lupin mum um druid pain mud chlrmac llc hnrnrry and prevmbvu chir mydlg The lnlltrumlcdnnltwim lhc provmlion nl dixcase by the up pllcminn nl chlrapmcflc mrlh uh and he prmnlnllnn of III antim cumming minnl hy giene 19 mum Framed xpmkrr ht mt inar sponsored by tho llmm Mrmmcllc mlrrcnm wt nr Noun Peanl ll Indmn dance MLumni wuldcnl ol IM Intzrnnllnnnl Illn Comm lnnimle linm In lmd um hm hrwm lnr 0w Inilmnllnllnl um In in be held In Snow nu Um my win llle Sainte Marie Tour Proves Thrill For Stroud Pupils Alliston Doctor At Seminar NOW PLAYiNG DISTRICT NEWS stood more were planted claw Amman way We Wm delay ed by the cold min and de dded lo punt more at other mam he said Many neighbors did likewise so the Ora Poma crop likely ba1esskhan average alumxh me overall Simeon County flung well am 01mm the general hare Mn Madmd who reported helmsing shortaxa mom am said there WM lvm or Ihree new hams going up In 1119 Iron but flu 11 tell new modgm grltlm ymldjpg laulyv gladly Sly was old ol some who wtnmtu mm Barrie and Oriflin who would prder rent her it they gould yblain d1e mm DECORATE GRAVES CREWOEE Annual deco rauon day and memorial ser vlca wlll be held Lavender Cemetery on July at pm Flawm will be placed on grave and tribute pnld to plu Mm and olhera buried there modauum may max lhcxn 01 French dmenl Mm used Frendl building technique be mi cqmuryya All age levels 01 be children and he aduhs on were XnLrigu ed with the arfliclal waterway with three lodzs loading and landing bases and an aqufflucl Huron onywuscs an Alzon quin lecpce and racks for stor ing and drying meat gave an insight into the Indian mode of livimz at the time when the first While mm penrgd Sumo 147000 visitor last year vmittd SahibMarie whidl was mrcamd by the Ontarla Governmcnl Administration is in charge he Huronia Histor ical Development Council slruclion at the new romnnial llbrary on Mlll 51m mms slug acmnllnx In Idxedule WM stand by Move Gordon Walsnn ll WI soon be com pICIM and will he wonderful mat to our municipallly said he mve giving credit to nll rtsmnsiblc 1m new library mil In Innxlon community 11ch nml ho wn glnd have bad pm 1n the project Recw WuLson law he mid mlrd condrudion would um shmfly on new unnamed school He sald contract mu IN This loo mould mean much In Ottoman and Mn neighbom Crocnmre mrrchanu an look lnx lnmnrd and lnurm nude warm lha wenlher Invnrnhlc hwy MirVa he Im pmvrd 1me in Um county will htlp lmrnua no flow 04 ml 0c nady lh tram hm bun hrmior lhnn mun or lhlu mm ol the yrnr and flu mnln lum mrr flaw yd nhrml Library Work Is Advanced fit Creemore cnmmom Stall Cm REMODELLING FARMERS THINKING OF sun with Ike herd and lmd wlll ply lor H10 ollur lmpwvomonm Ilnhum your hord using Mm th Invronsn pm ductlon nml mho Um 5110 value brmliuu Mock You can um wrll pmvod Inlry Mm such Maplc Lu 510ho llomdn le Inuxhlm nwrano more mHk than lholr hmxlmntos One was whl nucflnn recently for $3750 loalnl 1w wirM Am mnllahlo Ilka Elmln KD Spldcl JET lllorohmh Swan his Inn mm mm mm had mm on ml of mm 100 wind ln nnn mnnUL For lnzlod and AL pmVNI mo Innlnml Iur hm lmlldhuz mnlnfl ymn luml lnchnlulau n1 CENTRAL ONTARIO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCTATION Serving hm wound year reeve of thin smrthwcsl Sdmooe County municipality which bor ders Peel and York tounfles Reeve Baxter was chmen arly inlheyuronthemnlymads nonunith and his wort luv been praised by cweagues H1 deputy reeve Francis Kelly lives half mile mm Lorena Ind both spoke in pram at the good mhacm mum and gum crop unlinked in Hie WP Tin Tollenham cmervalinn pond to which Adjala mmribu todwihhdpAdJaalnhsm OOOKSFOWN Staff En tries are being mm the Ontario oldlime orchestra com petition which to be hch her on Friday Sept in advance of the Cookxlnwn Fail Fair Progress In Adjala Is Praised By Reeve We pxpect entry list and Are hopdul lha vfili be mainr event again said Albert Gilmy secretarytreasurer ol the air The qnmpulgon Lraoted hm Lsm last year and It is hoped there will heir1 1935 many swgmér 15 and 17 own an and indicafion are with avatable wcmhcr will be oulsumiinx Mum pmlimim ary inlcrnsl being shown in the sulky horse racing planned gong leature ol Caoksmvm airs WMEanlhne 61am are proced lng 01m 10gth algnual Cooks Rain caused much disappoint mm Iasl year when the lrnl ling races were cancelled due to Hack condition and hi my pear to have inmased lnlcr est fur lhis years mien cé£$dhnrse and magic competition alsn Included in the horse show evnnls JERSEY CLUB SHOW The Simcoe County Jermy Huh Parish show Whith was held in cunjunclion wilh he tnir last year lor the first time will be held ngnin Conkslown Swim Club Show Cluh dalry and bed ultlo club win hnld their arhicvcmtnl days In conjunclion with the The presidan John Shear down and other member 01 he oxeculive have been mm In arrnnzonwnls or next Sep lunhrrs exhibition nnd also have been giving though the ccnlcnnlnl air or noxl yw SAN SEBASTIAN Spaln Am21mm amrmuge bull lighlIr nnnx Way Vnni was gored ln his hm lull hullliw Sunday lml was nwardtd two can Int murnxmu pcdnrm nncr Innx Way Wnnl 11 Oll mum but Now nrkrnis1 wn mum by he bulln Mm In Iho rlzht HIM but ralused OldTime Orchestras To Play At Cookstown mm iho nlirmnry until he ma 1mm Um hm FIGHTS WONG WAY motion cl tourist trade well ad un 61119357 Riai Vfiaxterr md He said than was gull coma in the wwnship and 01h slandom livestock film in clixde some to dillerenl dlk ses or horse and wide sheep and swine classes Asilver walla will be awarded lorllhe when3 thine ire discs HerdnrdsAberdeen Angus and Shonhornx Dairy classes Include com petition or Holsleins Ayrshir es Guernsey and Jersey came me Sirmoe Gnernsey CM wni hold mow the air wt as the Simon County Jersey club whudutfiafbeaeam Mud have already has bpcn shown in lha bake queen comes which was won last year by Dunn Mauon Touca ham Mrs Allen McFadden MS 1sz QUEEN Auammmah IIMIuIM IIIITIDHHI WWInWMMWihiqugnpfigfllngl Al 523 535 tilalt It in ii It FRED MIcLEAN ADUIJ ENTWAINMENT mmmmmmnunwnumm 41me 51mm ME TONGHT TWOAGIDEWMARDWINNIH sum Tomorvnw BOEING BOEING me Lawn Ind Tony Cuvlll Alla OPEMTIONVVFIREMLL WMIHQ SHOWN AT mo RM LL wu nmlullml 4f er tourist admin wm helm davchped along the Nnuawua River Madam Reeve Wed M35 Lean aald he ell he Talenhah pond large miliclal lake would be oonsldemua bear it to tha entire dlshict It has helped our Mmlifin already sald Reeve when stating he had many lnquirl and merchants also all about the considerabla Wat shown rune la mm Hg gm he was pleased with the great Inscmt sham and menllunu am good cooperation hawgen the village and its neighbm CORNER LEVELLEDlv BOND HEAD Stall 061A rio Depmmenl Highwnyl mixer have levelled tho maln High8x11 Ind Budlnnl rad 1mm corner here Ind built MW pica sidewalk making wmhwhfla rnprovn menL cook lasi yearand lhere cc lulu to he been chpfllUfln Er lhls honor agalnl wellan strand end man William Gihbbu won on human al the Jersey Club ihaw last year Mr Gibbins received lmvhlec the pmmer bmdcr and exhibllor wilh Marlo Sanderson at manly Bay ra cclvlng he trwhy or file best shmmanshlpl file mlom of holding pnmb show arlunaled ln Jemy land nfl he ml of Franc where he Jersey breed orlxhl aled The island is slill divided lnln parishes wh cl which holds i1l own Innual than hem the name parish mom Dagngvlew was QM We ewnkltlaawondefiu STARTSTODAY FEATURE AT mo 1000 PLUS mm

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